On the meeting of the President of Turkmenistan with the management of the Bouygues company
On the meeting of the President of Turkmenistan with the management of the Bouygues company
Published 26.09.2024

On September 26, 2024, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with the management of the Bouygues company - Deputy General Director of the Bouygues company Edward Bouygues, member of the Board of Directors of the company William Bouygues and the head of the Bouygues Batiman International company Pierre-Eric Saint-André.

Representatives of the famous French company expressed gratitude for the time devoted to the meeting and congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence, addressing the best wishes to all the Turkmen people.

Warmly welcoming the guests, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov thanked for the warm congratulations and good wishes.

– For many years, the company «Bouygues» has been a reliable partner, the projects of which meet international quality standards, – the head of state emphasized, expressing confidence that the current visit will be an important contribution to the expansion of bilateral cooperation and the definition of specific areas for the development of the activities of «Bouygues» in Turkmenistan.

Having highly appreciated the contribution of the company «Bouygues», which has been operating in Turkmenistan for the past three decades, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction that a lot of work has been done during this period.

At the meeting, it was noted that the company successfully fulfills its obligations, and the jointly implemented projects contribute to the development of the economy of Turkmenistan and the strengthening of its construction and industrial potential, demonstrating a wide range of architectural projects and examples of urban design.

– Turkmenistan is always open to cooperation and is ready to build partnerships with companies with solid experience, which certainly includes «Bouygues», – President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of further development of cooperation, built on the basis of mutual interests.

Having thanked for the high level of trust and support, the guests emphasized that the company will continue to strictly adhere to its contractual obligations, making every effort to implement projects.

Noting the existing good opportunities for further cooperation, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed the Turkmen side's readiness to develop traditional partnership and consider specific proposals from the company.

At the end of the meeting, the head of state and the leaders of "Bouygues" exchanged mutual good wishes, expressing confidence in the success of joint work, taking into account the accumulated positive experience.

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