11.07 2024

Development of fruitful relations with states of the Asian-Pacific region acts as one of the priority vectors of the foreign policy of our fatherland based on principles of positive neutrality, peaceful disposition and constructive equal cooperation with all interested foreign partners. 

13.06 2024

It is an indisputable fact that science is a basis of progress, a driving force of transformations in all spheres of life of state and society in the modern world.

25.02 2024

The past week was marked by a number of the events reflecting sequence of the course of home and foreign policy, pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at further increase of well-being of Turkmen people, economic potential of our fatherland and expansion of international cooperation.

21.11 2023

The most important areas of the state policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, among which are the strengthening of competitive national economy, priorities of science, education and high technologies, an innovative way of development of the country and maintenance of a high level of living standards of Turkmen people, found their reflection in the events of the past week.

18.10 2023

Being committed to the principle of “Dialogue is a guarantee of peace”, Turkmenistan, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is successfully implementing the open door, neutrality, peacefulness and good neighborliness policy. The multi-vector work of ministries and departments, carried out last month, aimed at expanding cooperation with foreign partners – meetings, political consultations, business negotiations and forums – a vivid example of this.

16.10 2023

By putting forward new innovative initiatives in developing balanced solutions on current issues and problems of the global agenda, Turkmenistan makes a significant contribution to the overall efforts to strengthen security and stability, achieving the goals of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 on a regional and international scale.  

10.09 2023

The events of the past week clearly highlighted everything that the country is living with on the eve of 32nd anniversary of its independence, which is an incentive for its unstoppable progress. Cohesion and unity of the Turkmen people, the foresight and progressiveness of the policy of the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov ensure the rapid development of Turkmenistan, where the planned plans are being successfully implemented, and the citizens of the country with look to the future with confidence, setting themselves new grandiose tasks.

22.08 2023

In the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state of Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov continues consistently implement the foreign policy course, based on the status of permanent neutrality, the principles of peacefulness, good neighborliness, mutual respect and equal constructive partnerships.

08.08 2023

The past month has brought new bright touches to the active socio-political life of the country, filling it with events that are particularly significant for both strengthening fruitful international cooperation and increasing its authority in the world. The business meetings and negotiations, forums, political consultations, conferences and exhibitions held during this period have become the most important reference point for expanding partnership in the name of universal peace, prosperity and progress.

27.07 2023

Among priority areas of the progressive social and economic policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov – a complex development of the trade sphere. In turn, before the given branch there are such priorities, as expansion of trade and economic relations with world countries, increase in manufacture of import replacing goods, strengthening of food security of the fatherland, improvement of trade services, the major goal of which – to ensure the demands of people.

13 pages
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