Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 17.05.2024

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system to consider topical issues of the country’s socio-economic development.

The first speaker was the Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed about the ongoing legislative activities aimed at legal support for various spheres of public life.

In particular, it was reported that, in accordance with the requirements of the time, drafts of a number of legislative acts regulating activities are being developed in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, physical culture and sports, state scientific and technical policy, seed production, etc. A legislative draft on the cultural heritage of Magtymguly Fragi is also being developed.

In addition, information was provided on measures being taken to expand contacts with parliaments of various states and cooperation with international organizations. In particular, during the meeting with the delegation led by the chairman of the Japanese-Turkmen inter-parliamentary friendship group, a member of the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament, issues of further development of bilateral interaction were discussed. Along with this, a video conference was held between members of the parliamentary friendship group between the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates.

People’s representatives also take part in seminars on improving legislative activities held by international organizations jointly with specialized structures of our country, as well as in various events to explain the population the historical significance of the transformations being implemented in the country under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, and the laws being adopted. At the same time, national parliamentarians participate in meetings and forums dedicated to the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag of Turkmenistan.

Summarizing the information, head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to continue work on adopting new legal acts and improving laws. At the same time, it was noted the importance of further developing relations with authoritative international organizations and parliaments of foreign countries.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov reported on the implementation of the instructions of the head of state and practical steps taken to ensure the innovative development of the national economy.

As reported, specialized structures, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Turkmenistan “On the Legal Protection of Topologies of Integrated Circuits,” are working to streamline the collection of fees for carrying out actions related to the state registration of topologies of integrated circuits.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need to further improve the system for protecting intellectual property rights in accordance with international practice. In this regard, specific instructions were addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the state of affairs in the fuel and energy sector under his supervision.

As reported, practical measures are being taken to extract additional volumes of oil and natural gas, search and develop the country’s oil and gas fields.

In this regard, the Türkmengaz State Concern is carrying out drilling work at the sites of Lebap and Mary velayats. This will make it possible to identify gas-bearing layers and increase the production of “blue” fuel.

Summarizing the report, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the country pays great attention to the production of additional volumes of oil and natural gas.

In this context, the head of state assigned the Deputy Prime Minister to exercise strict control over the work carried out by the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation in this direction.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahalliyev reported on the conduct of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions, as well as on the maintenance of the State Land Cadastre.

As reported, the care of the wheat fields is at the final stage. Appropriate preparatory work for the grain harvest is also being carried out, and care for cotton crops continues in accordance with agricultural technology standards.

Currently, steps are being taken to maintain the State Land Cadastre using a digital system in order to control the effective and rational use of land resources, as well as areas under agricultural crops.

As part of the work being carried out, special software has been developed for maintaining the State Land Cadastre database. It has already fully included information about wheat fields, their location, as well as about their tenants and users. At the same time, work continues to include in the software relevant information about cotton, vegetables and other agricultural crops grown in the country, as well as to further improve it.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of proper implementation of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country. In this context, the head of state ordered the necessary work to be carried out for the organized grain harvest, timely collection of the grown wheat crop, and to ensure compliance with agricultural technology standards when caring for cotton fields.

The President of Turkmenistan commissioned the Deputy Prime Minister to continue work on maintaining the State Land Cadastre through a digital system in order to rationally use the country’s land resources.

Hereafter, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov reported on the ongoing preparations for cultural events planned for the occasion of Ashgabat City Day, in particular, dedicated to this significant date of the 23rd International Universal Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”.

In the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, over 160 domestic and foreign companies, organizations and institutions, private entrepreneurs and businessmen are expected to participate in the multidisciplinary show.

The purpose of the exhibition, annually held by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and the khyakimlik of Ashgabat city, is to present the wonderful image and unique beauty of the white marble capital, the achievements of various sectors of the national economic complex, as well as the economic, cultural, scientific, educational potential of the main city of the country, its colossal opportunities and prospects.

The traditional exhibition is important in strengthening international cooperation and exchange of experience, demonstrating to the world the achievements of the Turkmen capital in the field of urban construction, serving the further development of Ashgabat, attracting investments and advanced technologies, giving domestic businessmen incentives to strengthen existing ties and establish new partnerships with business circles of the world.

On the occasion of Ashgabat City Day, it is planned to solemnly open new buildings and facilities, including a water treatment plant with a capacity of 150 thousand cubic meters of drinking water per day in Bagtyyarlyk etrap and 136 two-story residential buildings in the Choganly residential complex in the same etrap.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of events in honor of the main city of the country, including the upcoming 23rd International Universal Exhibition “White City Ashgabat” on May 24–25 this year, emphasizing that all planned celebrations and opening ceremonies of new facilities should be carried out at a high organizational level.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdayev reported on preparations for events dedicated to the Turkmen Carpet Festival.

As noted, in accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan “On holding exhibitions, fairs, conferences and festivals by the country’s ministries and industry departments in 2024,” it is planned to hold the 24th meeting of the World Association of Turkmen Carpet Connoisseurs. It is expected that the forum will be attended by famous carpet weavers, fans of the art of Turkmen carpet weaving, scientists, specialists, and representatives of carpet weaving companies from around the world.

On the occasion of the holiday, for great services in the development and improvement of the national art of carpet weaving, taking into account many years of conscientious and dedicated work, professional skill, the country’s carpet weavers also will be awarded the honorary title “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan halyçysy”.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the great attention paid to the development and improvement of carpet weaving art in the country and assigned the Deputy Prime Minister to hold celebrations on the Turkmen Carpet Festival, an exhibition of carpet products and a meeting of the World Association of Turkmen Carpet Connoisseurs at a high level.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the ongoing preparations for the celebrations on International Children’s Day, widely celebrated in our country on June 1 every year.

As reported, in honor of this holiday it is planned to hold a number of creative events, in particular song, music and cultural events, competitions, and methodological and practical conferences. At the same time, circus performances will be organized at the State Circus of Turkmenistan and the State Equestrian Circus named after Gorogly of Arkadag city, performances will be held at the Turkmen State Puppet Theater, and screenings of various films and cartoons will be held at cinema and concert centers and cinemas. A festive concert of a symphony orchestra and a united children’s choir will be held at the Mukams Palace.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that International Children’s Day is widely celebrated in our Homeland. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister was instructed to properly prepare for the organized holding of celebrations and cultural events dedicated to this holiday in our country, which is the land of happy childhood.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N.Amannepesov reported on preparations for organized summer recreation for children and adolescents.

On behalf of the head of state, the ministries and departments in charge of children’s health centers, the khyakimliks of Ashgabat city and the velayats carried out the necessary repair work.

On May 20, the Ministry of Education will host a meeting of a special commission, at which it is planned to discuss issues related to the proper organization of school summer holidays.

Currently, the necessary conditions are being created in the country’s childcare centers for the proper conduct of the summer holiday season.

Here, national games, sports events, teaching foreign languages through games, creative competitions, meetings with famous cultural and artistic figures, athletes, representatives of the older generation, as well as performances by circus artists, creative theater groups, and excursions to museums will be organized for vacationing children.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that our country has created all the conditions for the younger generation to live happily and have a good rest.

Accordingly, in Geokdere, the Avaza National Tourist Zone, as well as in the velayats of the country, it is necessary to spend the summer holiday season in an organized manner so that children and adolescents can have a good rest and spend time productively.

Emphasizing the need to create all conditions for good rest, health promotion, harmonious development and interesting cultural leisure for young Turkmen dancers, the head of state instructed the Vice-Premier to approach the planned events in the coming summer period in the most responsible manner.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on the steps taken to develop cooperation between Turkmenistan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

One of the priority vectors of the foreign policy of the neutral Homeland is constructive interaction with the United Nations and its specialized agencies. At the same time, an important direction is to consolidate efforts to strengthen global peace and security, including ensuring control over the use of atomic energy.

Since the first years of independence, after Turkmenistan joined the UN Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 1994, bilateral consultations have been held with the IAEA. It was also noted that on May 17, 2005, a corresponding Agreement on the Application of Safeguards was signed between our country and this Agency, which contributed to the establishment of effective cooperation in this area.

Since 2016, Turkmenistan has been a full member of the IAEA. Partnership with this organization, part of the UN system, is carried out in a number of areas. In order to strengthen the international legal framework for interaction, in 2023 our country acceded to two IAEA Conventions on nuclear safety. Within the framework of technical cooperation, four Agency projects are currently being implemented in Turkmenistan.

In the context of expanding the bilateral partnership, a number of proposals have been prepared, including on improving national legislation in accordance with IAEA standards and regularly holding consultations with the participation of domestic relevant government agencies throughout this year.

A proposal was also voiced regarding the preparation of a five-year Framework Program for Cooperation between Turkmenistan and the IAEA. This document, covering such areas as healthcare, and in particular, nuclear medicine, rational use of water resources, and agriculture, will serve as a solid foundation for the development of new national projects in priority areas within the framework of the technical partnership between Turkmenistan and the IAEA. To discuss the draft of this Program, it is planned to hold a regular meeting of a specially created group in June of this year.

Along with this, it is proposed to take appropriate steps to strengthen the international legal framework for multilateral cooperation with countries of the world within the IAEA and to elect Turkmenistan to one of the eight existing structural divisions of the Agency.

Among the current vectors of partnership, interaction in the area of medicine was also identified in order to combat cancer. Our country is carrying out targeted work in this area and modernizing the relevant infrastructure. Based on the fact that the IAEA is the leading international organization in this area, and taking into account the existing positive experience, it is proposed to implement the ImPACT joint action monitoring program in Turkmenistan.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the effective and multifaceted nature of Turkmenistan’s partnership with the United Nations and its specialized agencies. In this context, focusing on the established fruitful interaction with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue relevant work in this direction.

General Director of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyyev reported on the ongoing work to introduce an electronic information exchange system in the country's departments.

According to the Resolution of the head of state, a project was signed between the Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and the UN Development Program to promote the implementation of an interdepartmental electronic information exchange system in Turkmenistan. In accordance with this document, a number of departments in the country are connected to electronic information exchange and electronic document management systems, as well as specialists are trained in this field, taking into account international experience.

As noted, the implementation of this project will promote the full use of the Electronic Government system, ensuring information security, as well as the further placement of digital services on the e.gov.tm public services portal.

In this regard, a number of proposals were submitted to the head of state for consideration.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that the country is carrying out programmatic work to develop the digital economy, introduce an e-government system, as well as train specialists in this field.

In this regard, the head of state supported the proposal to introduce an electronic information exchange system in the country’s departments, instructing the head of the Agency to carry out appropriate work in this direction.

Addressing members of the Government, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that ceremonial events are being successfully held in our independent country.

One of them will be today’s opening ceremony of a beautiful monument to the famous thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi and a cultural and park complex named after this outstanding classical poet.

The head of state noted that on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great son of the Turkmen people, Magtymguly Fragi, the book “Magtymguly” was published, which contains poems by the poet-thinker, which have become a universal value.

Having announced his decision to send the first copy of this book to Hero-Arkadag, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that this book would be a worthy gift to our people in the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi.”

“We will solemnly celebrate the Day of the Constitution and State Flag of Turkmenistan. This holiday gives us inexhaustible strength to work for the further prosperity of the independent Homeland, further strengthens our cohesion and unity,” said Arkadagly Hero Serdar, heartily congratulating those gathered and his native people on this bright holiday.

The meeting participants heartily congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag on the Day of the Constitution and the National Flag of Turkmenistan, as well as the publication of the book “Magtymguly” in honor of the anniversary of the great poet, wishing him good health and longevity and further success in noble activities carried out for the benefit of the country and native people.

A number of other issues of public life were also discussed at the meeting, on which appropriate decisions were made.

Concluding the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the prosperity of the independent Homeland.

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