XI Turkmen-German medical forum: partnership for public health
XI Turkmen-German medical forum: partnership for public health
Published 14.12.2023

Today, a two-day XI Turkmen-German medical forum organised online by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan started its work.

As known, the agreement on the next forum, organization of which in recent years, has become a noble tradition, was reached in accordance with the proposal of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan during the visit of the delegation of our country to Germany on September 28-29, 2023.

In the present bilateral meeting, the agenda of which included the most important issues of public health services, professors and doctors of famous clinics of FRG, the faculty of Turkmen state medical university named after Myrat Garryev, heads and experts of the capital scientific-clinical centres and regional public health services establishments take part in the mode of direct video conferencing.

Cooperation in such important areas, as prevention, early diagnostics and therapy of various diseases, emergency aid, oncology, traumatology, orthopaedics and others became a subject of discussion.

Having set a course for perfection of the national system of public health services, an active integration of achievements of world medicine into national science and practice, Turkmenistan gives special attention to adjustment of productive interaction with authoritative international organisations and largest medical centres of foreign countries.

The Federal Republic of Germany is given a special role in strengthening cooperation with which acts among key vectors of the foreign policy strategy of our state successfully realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

As was marked, all these years the forum initiated in due time by Hero-Arkadag, promotes development of Turkmen-German partnership on a number of key areas of modern medicine, development of joint projects on modernisation of national system of public health services, introduction of high technologies and equipment, training of research personnel and qualified experts.

The Memorandum of mutual understanding on cooperation between the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and Federal Ministry of Health of FRG and the Agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Grossharden Clinic of University of Friedrich Ludwig-Maximillian in Munich are successfully realised.

German experts highly appreciated achievements of Turkmenistan in the field of public health care. Thanks to consecutive realisation of the multidimensional state program “Saglyk”, at the root of creation of which National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stood, this sphere has been brought out to the level of world standards.

As was pointed out in speeches, being guided by the political motto "The health of the people is the wealth of the nation!”, targeted measures are taken in our country for improvement of the system of national public health services, modernisation of infrastructure of the sector, expansion of the range and quality of rendered medical services and establishment of principles of healthy way of life. Up-to-date scientific-clinical centres, treatment and prophylactic establishments equipped by latest technologies are built and a considerable part of advanced equipment was made in FRG - the country, which is by right a leader in this sphere.

Confirming their aspiration to promotion and expansion of a spectrum of long-term fruitful interaction, German professors expressed their readiness to share their experience with their Turkmen colleagues, the latest scientific and practical solutions that are especially significant in the light of modernisation of system of public health services of Turkmenistan and its active transition to an innovative way of development.

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