Hajj of Hero-Arkadag - a symbol of continuity of primordial traditions
Hajj of Hero-Arkadag - a symbol of continuity of primordial traditions
Published 30.06.2023

Today ­ National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, honourable elder Hajy Arkadag, having made a hajj, took part in the gurbanlyk-sadaka, which was given on this sacred land.

According to the program of his stay, Hajy Arkadag and members of the Turkmen delegation familiarised themselves with the beauty and magnificence of the Mecca and features of its architectural constructions.

Then, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov watched broadcast of the opening of Arkadag city erected at the picturesque foothills of the Kopet Dagh on the TV channel "Arkadag". The shots displayed successes of the national policy pursued under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, priority of which is the care of people.

With commissioning of objects of the first stage of building of the new city into operation, a start was given to work of the TV channel "Arkadag" created at the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

These days the newspaper "Arkadag" that became one more expression of complex realisation of the noble causes by the President of Turkmenistan started by Hero-Arkadag aimed at ensuring of happy life of people and well-being of the country, started to be published.

… Then, National Leader of the Turkmen people of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the main and world's largest mosque of Al-Haram (Reserved or Forbidden mosque).

In this spiritual temple, Hajy Arkadag and members of the delegation of our country made a Friday Mohammedan prayer, praying for an everlasting peace and prosperity of our fatherland, unity, happiness and prosperity of our people. It became a bright expression of adherence to principles of humanism and noble customs of the Islamic world.

Let the Almighty accept the prayers made on the sacred land!

Hajy Arkadag with participation of Turkmen pilgrims, the delegation of our country and members of the family as well as official representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia there gave the gurbanlyk-sadaka. It is a good custom for the sake of good actions made on the sacred land and remembrance of the deceased.

As noted by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the sadaka, which was given on the sacred land in the sacred month of Gurban, has a special significance.

Having underlined a special significance of the present visit, Hajy Arkadag said that on the sacred land the Friday Mohammedan prayer was read, the sadaka-gurbanlyk was given and prayers for further prosperity of our fatherland and successful realisation of noble undertakings under the leadership of Arkadagly Serdar were made.

These days 2, 5 thousand of Turkmen nationals make a pilgrimage. Noble acts in this blessed month promote statement of humanistic ideals.

At the gurbanlyk-sadaka prayer “tabarak”, prayers for health of the National Leader of the Turkmen people as well as prayer for rest of souls of parents of Hajy Arkadag - Malikguly aga and Ogulabat eje in paradise were read.

Then, the ethnic cuisine dishes were served. Having tested them, pilgrims read prayers for further successes of large scale activities started by Hero-Arkadag and now realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for happiness of people, well-being of the country.

Words of gratitude to Arkadagly Hajy Serdar and Hajy Arkadag for the attention given to preservation and continuation of primordial traditions were expressed. It displayed that gurbanlyk-sadaka and other noble customs have a great importance for our people and entire Islamic world.

After the meal, “ayats” and prayers for successful continuation of great causes made in the month of realisation of blessings and large scale state undertakings by Hajy Arkadag and Arkadagly Hajy Serdar for whom the main priority is the good purposes for the sake of the people and the country were read.

Upon completion of gurbanlyk-sadaka, the National Leader of the Turkmen people thanked all and wished, that sadaka given on the sacred land and pilgrimage and the Almighty would accept good wishes.

Then, there Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met a special representative of the Amir of the State of Qatar Hadi Bin Ali Al-Marri, arrived for participation in gurbanlyk-sadaka.

During the meeting, the special representative conveyed to Hajy Arkadag greetings and best regards from the Amir of the State of Qatar.

During the meeting, it was underlined that within the large-scale transformations developed in Turkmenistan new projects and programs aimed at prompt social and economic development of the country were realised. Presence of huge prospects and possibilities for expansion of mutual relations was in this connection ascertained.

The meeting in sacred days of Gurban month on the sacred land is a symbol of long-term cooperation and indestructible friendship, Hajy Arkadag said, having underlined that Turkmenistan attaches a great significance to development of the mutually beneficial dialogue with the State of Qatar.

At the end of the meeting, confidence in further strengthening of productive interstate cooperation was expressed.

Then, the National Leader of the Turkmen people arrived in the international airport named after King Abdul Aziz, where he met with the khyakim of Jidda city Saud bin Abdullah bin Jalawi Al Saud.

Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sincerely thanked for hearty welcome on the sacred land and created possibilities for offering gurbanlyk-sadaka and conditions for pilgrimage of members of the delegation.

In turn, Prince Saud bin Abdullah bin of Jalawi Al Saud underlined that for them - special honour to accept members of the Turkmen delegation led by Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan - the state, which consistently strengthens today the position among harmonious world developing countries.

During the meeting, confidence in further successful strengthening of multiplane interstate partnership for well-being of both peoples and social and economic development of two countries was expressed.

Further, the meeting of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedova with President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani there took place.

Warmly having greeted Hero-Arkadag, head of IDB conveyed warm congratulations and best regards to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of Gurban bayramy widely marked these days.

It is deeply symbolical that the meeting with the long-term partner of our country passes on the sacred land in days of Gurban month Hajy Arkadag pointed out, having ascertained adherence of Turkmenistan to development of mutually beneficial relations with the countries of the world and authoritative financial institutions.

During the meeting, opinions on prospects of bilateral cooperation were exchanged. It was underlined that for years of partnership with IDB a number of large-scale projects of the national and international significance, which were carried out in our country, were financed. Issues of realisation of new joint investment projects, called to serve interests not only countries-participants, but also peoples of the region, became the point of issue.

In the given context, Hajy Arkadag, developing upon priority of construction of international transport-transit corridors, focused attention on presence of the big future of productive partnership in this area. Having noted that participation in implementation of large-scale projects in Turkmenistan - a great honour for IDB, Doctor Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani underlined importance of study of available possibilities.

Considering the efforts undertaken for development of bilateral cooperation and a personal contribution of the head of the financial organisation in activization of business contacts, the National Leader of the Turkmen people presented him with hi work “Ömrümiň manysynyň dowamaty” and the book “Arkadag şäheri - geljegiň şäheri”.

Doctor Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani with gratitude accepted a costly present and in his turn gave as a gift to Hajy Arkadag the book devoted to the history and activity of the bank he heads as well as containing data on member countries of IDB, in particular on Turkmenistan, including – cooperation with it and its economic achievements.

At the end of the meeting, the National Leader of the Turkmen people and head of IDB, having exchanged kind wishes, expressed confidence in further cooperation in various areas.

Warmly having said goodbye to Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, Hajy Arkadag left for home.

After some hours the airliner of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov landed in the Ashgabat international airport, where officials met him.

There, the representative of the Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkmenistan, having warmly congratulated Hajy Arkadag with his successful visit and wished that the Almighty would accept the pilgrimage and gurbanlyk-sadaka, given on the sacred land.

Having expressed gratitude to the ambassador, Hero-Arkadag wished him successes in his work on an all-around development of interstate relations and, having said goodbye to everyone, left the place.

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