The successes achieved, the cardinal changes implemented in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state in an independent Fatherland, turn our permanently neutral Motherland into one of the developed countries of the world. The large-scale work being carried out creates favourable conditions for a peaceful and happy life for our courageous people, and for the further improvement of society. Our hardworking women make a significant contribution to the successes and the achieved boundaries of a sovereign country, moving forward with the speed of a horse.
The merit of our dear mothers in shaping the younger generation as healthy and inspired people, devoted to the Fatherland and the courageous people, is enormous. Their work to preserve the sacred family hearth, to raise sons and daughters in accordance with the original national traditions and customs, and to strengthen the unity of society is invaluable. In our independent state, dear mothers are highly respected, whose hearts are filled with tenderness and pride, who instill in their children such qualities as humanism, integrity, nobility, hard work, and who, with their selfless work, increase the authority of the sovereign Motherland.
Guided by the remarkable traditions of our courageous ancestors, paying special tribute to the mother as a sacred person, the keeper of the family hearth, which is the basis for the healthy development of Turkmen society, taking into account the outstanding merits of our high-spirited mothers in the matter of raising a worthy generation, called upon to ensure a happy future for the sovereign Fatherland, I decree: to award the following mothers who have given birth to and raised eight or more children the honourary title of Turkmenistan «Ene mähri»:
to the cashier-operator of the Customer Service Centre of the Closed Joint-Stock Company «Aşgabat şäher telefon ulgamy» Alyyeva Suray Amangeldiyevna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Agayeva Leyli Orazgeldiyevna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Rejepova Jennet Esenovna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Amanova Bagul Satibaltayevna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Annamuhamedova Yangyljan Saburovna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Gurbanmyradova Gulbahar Amanmyradovna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Kasymova Annajahan Gurbanmuhamedovna,
housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Hajymammedova Gulkamar Nazarberdiyevna,
a housewife from Berkararlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Babyshova Jennet Goshayevna,
a housewife from Kopetdag etrap of Ashgabat city Annaberdiyeva Lachyn Charygeldiyevna,
a housewife from Kopetdag etrap of Ashgabat city Hudayberdiyeva Mayagul Ashyrgulyyevna,
assistant teacher of kindergarten №168 of Ashgabat city of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan Hojayeva Maya Dadebayevna,
housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Amatova Tavus Muhammetnazarovna,
housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Annamyradova Jennet Kakamyradovna,
housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Myradova Guljeren Shirmuhammedovna,
housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Nurmyradova Mahri Gurbanmyradovna,
housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Gullyyeva Sapargul Agamyradovna,
housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Nepesova Sahragul Pashshagulyyevna,
a housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Gurbandurdyyeva Guncha Orazgulyyevna,
a housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Otgurova Shemshat Tirkeshovna,
a housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Muhammedova Gurbangul Myratdurdyyevna,
a housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Atabayeva Oguldurdy Gurbandurdyyevna,
a housewife from Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city Berdiyeva Altyn Atayevna,
service worker of the subsidiary enterprise «Halk hyzmatlary» of the State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan «Halkbank» Taganova Tazegul Toporovna,
housewife from Buzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city Charyyeva Mahri Yagshygeldiyevna,
housewife from Buzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city Hojalyyeva Oguljahan Shadurdyyevna,
housewife from Buzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city Komekova Jamila Mihayilovna,
housewife from Buzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city Hommadova Shemshat Rejepdurdyyevna,
housewife from Buzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city Saparova Sapargul Nurnazarovna,
weaver of textile production of the Ashgabat factory for the production of panne of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan Populova Tazegul Sapargeldiyyevna,
housewife from Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat Atayeva Hurmagozel,
housewife from Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat Ashyrmammedova Bibipatma Annameredovna,
housewife from Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat Ovezova Shirin Rejepovna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Babayeva Oguldondi Berdiyevna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Garayeva Bagul Tirkeshovna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Halmyradova Mahym Yolamanovna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Niyazmuhammedova Ogulgerek Cherkezovna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Soyegova Shirin Rejepmyradovna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Suvhanberdiyeva Bahargul Amandurdyyevna,
housewife from Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat Shahirova Nurgozel Kadyrnazarovna,
housewife from Gokdepe etrap of Ahal velayat Atasaparova Aybolek Gulnazarovna,
housewife from Gokdepe etrap of Ahal velayat Hojagulyyeva Guljeren Seyitmammedovna,
housewife from Gokdepe etrap of Ahal velayat Hojamgulyyeva Ogulbahar Muhammetgulyyevna,
housewife from Gokdepe etrap of Ahal velayat Shyhdurdyyeva Oguldursun Babamyradovna,
housewife from Kaka etrap of Ahal velayat Agayeva Nargiza Shakirovna,
housewife from Kaka etrap of Ahal velayat Artykova Annagul Goshamyradovna,
housewife from Tejen etrap of Ahal velayat Annadurdyyeva Arzygul Rahmanovna,
housewife from Tejen etrap of Ahal velayat Arazgeldiyeva Nurjemal Hojageldiyevna,
a housewife from Tejen etrap of Ahal velayat Begencheva Uzuk Esenovna,
a housewife from Tejen etrap of Ahal velayat Bayramova Mahym Annagulyyevna,
a housewife from Tejen etrap of Ahal velayat Geldiyeva Gurbangozel Dortgulyyevna,
a housewife from Babadayhan etrap of Ahal velayat Atajanova Bayramgul Allamyradovna,
a housewife from Babadayhan etrap of Ahal velayat Gurdova Hurmagozel Rejepsahedovna,
a housewife from Babadayhan etrap of Ahal velayat Dolyhanova Haltach Atajanovna,
a housewife from Babadayhan etrap of the Ahal velayat Hallyyeva Guljahan Charygeldiyevna,
a housewife from the Sarahs etrap of the Ahal velayat Saparova Aytuvak Annagurdovna,
a housewife from the Sarahs etrap of the Ahal velayat Saparova Gulzada Omarovna,
a housewife from the Sarahs etrap of the Ahal velayat Ishangulyyeva Mahym Agageldiyevna,
a housewife from the city of Balkanabat of the Balkan velayat Taganova Aygul Hudaygulyyevna,
a housewife from the city of Balkanabat of the Balkan velayat Halymberdiyeva Orazgul Gurbanberdiyevna,
an employee of the cleaning department of the health and wellness centre «Kuwwat» of the Association «Energohyzmat» of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan Nyyazberdiyeva Gulnara Gazakmammadovna,
a housewife from the city of Turkmenbashy, Balkan velayat Haljanova Tazegul Yegendurdyyevna,
a housewife from the Esenguly etrap, Balkan velayat Hayidova Jeren Akmyradovna,
a housewife from the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz velayat Saparbayeva Roza Adylovna,
a housewife from the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz velayat Orazymova Zulhumar Atahanovna,
a housewife from the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz velayat Kalendarova Dilfuza Rustamovna,
a housewife from the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz velayat Nazarova Bayrambibi Baymyradovna,
a housewife from the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz velayat Matyakubova Zeba Dovletmyratovna,
a housewife from the city of Dashoguz, Dashoguz velayat Rahmetova Ogulsanam Abrayevna,
a housewife from the Akdepe etrap, Dashoguz velayat Atayeva Mahrijemal Hudayberdiyevna,
a housewife from the Akdepe etrap, Dashoguz velayat Durdyyeva Uzukjemal Bayramovna,
a housewife from the Akdepe etrap, Dashoguz velayat Hojanyyazova Merjen Allanurovna,
a housewife from the Akdepe etrap, Dashoguz velayat Meretgylyjova Gozel Tirkeshovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Japarov Dursunjemal Babayevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Halilova Ene Baymyradovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Durdyyeva Maysa Sapargeldiyevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Majiyeva Aysenem Gurbanmamedovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Orazmuhammedova Merjen Ishangulyyevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Abdyyeva Gulsere Ovezgulyyevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Gadamova Shasenem Atajanovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Mammedova Jeren Tagandurdyyevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Ashyrova Lale Durdyyevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hydyrova Nazikjemal Arazmyradovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Rahmedova Gunduz Baktybayevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Tuvakova Merjen Orazgeldiyevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Abylova Guljemal Durdyyevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kurbanbayeva Dildara Halillayevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Toylyyeva Selbi Annayevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Allaberdiyeva Gurbansoltan Bazarovna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kakayeva Oguljan Rejepgulyyevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Babayeva Zohra Bazarbayevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Bashimova Aksoltan Amanovna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz Dashoguz velayat Durdyyeva Guncha Gurbandurdy gyzy,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hojanova Aysoltan Azatbayevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Saryyeva Nargul Esenovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Tachmedova Oguljahan Muhammedovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Durdyyeva Jeren Babayevna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kurbanova Nazikjemal Bayramovna,
housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Saparbaeva Dildar Hayytbayevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Bashimova Govher Durdybayevna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Amanova Akgul Gochmamedovna,
a housewife from Akdepe etrap of Dashoguz velayat Barkaliyeva Ogulbolsun Saparmametovna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Jumabayeva Dunyagozel Uzakovna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Soyinova Gulendam Taganovna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Taganova Jennet Tazebayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Yazova Nartach Nurbayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Duzelova Shemshat Dadebayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Akyyeva Chynar Charshemovna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Saliyeva Nargiza Rozumbayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Arazova Govher Amangeldiyevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Allabayeva Togta Saparbayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kurbanova Gulnor Bazarbayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Nurnepesova Yalkym Ernepesovna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Nurjanova Zohra Allamberdiyevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kadyrova Bagdagul Myradovna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Nurmedova Oguldursun Orebayevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Pirnepesova Maya Hudayberdiyevna,
a housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Tajibayeva Ayjemal Muhammedovna,
housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Tuvakbayeva Guncha Yoldashbayevna,
housewife from Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat Yusupova Rozygul Vladislavovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Ishanguliyeva Kumush Hangeldiyevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Arazgylyjova Maya Dedebayevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hayidova Arazjemal Rejepmyradovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Atayeva Gurbanjemal Otuzovna, a housewife from the Gorogly etrap of the Dashoguz velayat, Matyusupova Sapargul Arazdurdyyevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Babayeva Ogulsheker Ashyrbayevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Berdiyeva Patma Pirnazarovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Atayeva Ogulnabat Gurbanmyadovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hekimova Enegul Jumageldiyevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Orayeva Guljemal Batyrovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hojamyradova Mylayym Bekmyradovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Gurbandurdyyeva Gulnabat Arazgeldiyevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Mamedova Bibi Kakajanovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Ovezova Mahrijemal Baylyyevna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Amanberdiyeva Oguljan Bayramovna,
housewife from Gorogly etrap of Dashoguz velayat Amanova Mahym Yazmuhammedovna,
housewife from Shavat etrap of Dashoguz velayat Amanmyradova Guljan Bayramdurdyyevna,
housewife from Shavat etrap of Dashoguz velayat Halillayeva Muyassar Narmatovna,
a housewife from Shavat etrap of Dashoguz velayat Yuldasheva Dilafruz Tajimyratovna,
a housewife from Shavat etrap of Dashoguz velayat Yeshimbetova Muhabbat Urazbayevna,
a housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Annakulyyeva Gulshat Charyyevna,
a housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Matyusupova Nargiza Amanbayevna,
a housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hayitbayeva Nigara Koptursunovna,
a housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Atakgayeva Nurjahan Orazmyratovna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Shamyradova Guljemile Tirkeshovna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Soyunova Gurbanjemal Bazarbayevna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Atayeva Jemal Allajanovna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Bayramova Shabibi Durdygylyjovna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Balova Nurjemal Orayevna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Bayramgeldiyeva Gulshat Allashovna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Akbayeva Annagul Mammetnepesovna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Gylychgurbanova Selbi Bazarbayevna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Halbayeva Maral Rejepgeldiyevna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Koybayeva Tajigul Meretdurdyyevna,
housewife from Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat Myrryyeva Tavus Gurbannepesovna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap Dashoguz velayat Orayeva Taganbibi Arazgeldiyevna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kesayeva Guljemile Gurbandurdyyevna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Tashliyeva Maysa Allamyradovna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Dovletnazarova Orazbike Myradovna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Gurbangeldiyeva Zulfiya Gulmyradovna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Pomanova Ogulnyyaz Chalyyevna,
a housewife from the Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of the Dashoguz velayat Orunbayeva Gulnabat,
a housewife from the Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of the Dashoguz velayat Atayeva Atach Rejepovna,
a housewife from the Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of the Dashoguz velayat Gulcharova Ogulnabat Begmyradovna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Hojayeva Annatach Saparmyratovna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Arazdurdyyeva Ogulgurban Arazdurdyyevna,
housewife from Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy etrap of Dashoguz velayat Nurgylyjova Gulshat Ahmedovna,
service worker of branch of secondary school №8 of Ruhubelent etrap of Dashoguz velayat of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan Hanjyyeva Azatgul Allabayevna,
housewife from Ruhubelent etrap of Dashoguz velayat Ilimova Meretgul Hojamovna,
housewife from Ruhubelent etrap of Dashoguz velayat Kakajanova Sheker Hayitjanovna,
a housewife from the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap velayat, Rejepova Shahida Semendarovna,
a housewife from the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap velayat, Akyyeva Maksuda Allaberdiyevna,
a housewife from the Darganata etrap, Lebap velayat, Karryyeva Chynar Kurbanmyradovna,
a tenant of the dayhan association «Miras» of the Charjev etrap, Lebap velayat, Abdyyeva Manzura Shamyradovna,
a tenant of the dayhan association «Şatlyk» of the Charjev etrap, Lebap velayat, Torayeva Chinar Allanazarovna,
a tenant of the dayhan association «Şatlyk» of the Charjev etrap, Lebap velayat, Azimova Maya Amangeldiyevna,
a housewife from Charjev etrap of Lebap velayat Sahatova Bahtygul Dovranovna,
a housewife from Danev etrap of Lebap velayat Yoldasheva Adalat Hemrakulyyevna,
a housewife from Danev etrap of Lebap velayat Rozymyradova Nasiba Narmyradovna,
a housewife from Danev etrap of Lebap velayat Balliyeva Mamagul Azadovna,
a housewife from Danev etrap of Lebap velayat Movsumova Dilfuza Gylyjovna,
a housewife from Danev etrap of Lebap velayat Genjiyeva Bilbil Hemrakulyevna,
a housewife from Danev etrap of the Lebap velayat Abdyyeva Farida Rahimkulyyevna,
a housewife from the Sayat etrap of the Lebap velayat Balliyeva Mirvan Kadambayevna,
a housewife from the Sayat etrap of the Lebap velayat Ashyrova Aysoltan Hudayberdiyevna,
a housewife from the Sayat etrap of the Lebap velayat Hudayberdiyeva Ayna Italmazovna,
a housewife from the Halach etrap of the Lebap velayat Rozyyeva Maysa Hudayarkulovna,
a housewife from the Halach etrap of the Lebap velayat Rahmanova Arzuv Myradovna,
a housewife from the Halach etrap of the Lebap velayat Meredova Yazgul Begmyradovna,
a housewife from the Halach etrap of Lebap velayat Taganova Gulzada Rahmankulovna,
a housewife from the Khalach etrap of Lebap velayat Hudaykulova Gulshat Penjiyevna,
a service worker of secondary school №31 of Kerki etrap of Lebap velayat of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan Alymova Guljan Dovrangeldiyevna,
a junior nurse of the Narcological Department of Kerki etrap hospital of Lebap velayat health department of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan Jumayeva Yahtygul Rozykulovna,
a housewife from Kerki etrap of Lebap velayat Hojayeva Jahan Allanazarovna,
a housewife from Hojambaz etrap of Lebap velayat Abdullayeva Dilfuza Abdurasulovna,
a housewife from Hojambaz etrap of Lebap velayat Temirova Guzal Habibullayevna,
a housewife from Hojambaz etrap of Lebap velayat Amirkulova Ziba Yagshykulovna,
a housewife from Hojambaz etrap of Lebap velayat Hallyyeva Jeren Gurbangulyyevna,
an employee of the department of landscaping and public utilities of the Magdanly city public utilities department of Koytendag etrap of the Public Utilities Association of the Lebap velayat hakimlik Daniyarova Bibimaryam Aliqabulovna,
a housewife from Koytendag etrap of Lebap velayat Allanazarova Gulsara Sapargeldiyevna,
housewife from Koytendag etrap of Lebap velayat Kayumova Manzura Allanovna,
housewife from Koytendag etrap of Lebap velayat Tasheva Norjon Sayidovna,
housewife from Koytendag etrap of Lebap velayat Narbekova Bayramgul Allanazarovna,
housewife from the city of Mary of Mary velayat Pashshiyeva Akmaya Durdyyevna,
housewife from the city of Mary of Mary velayat Tagiyeva Lyudmila Sergeyevna,
housewife from Mary etrap of Mary velayat Soyunhanova Bagul Muhammetmyradovna,
housewife from Mary etrap of Mary velayat Hallyeva Gulbahar Baylyyevna,
a housewife from Vekilbazar etrap of Mary velayat Garyagdyyeva Jennet Berdimyradovna,
a housewife from Vekilbazar etrap of Mary velayat Gulmyradova Maya Berdigulyyevna,
a housewife from Sakarchage etrap of Mary velayat Atayeva Hatyja Gulmyradovna,
a housewife from Sakarchage etrap of Mary velayat Nuryyeva Gurbangul Samadovna,
an employee of the sewing shop of the textile complex named after the Great Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy of the city of Bayramaly of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan Charyyeva Chemen Nurnazarovna,
a librarian of secondary school №36 of Bayramaly etrap of Mary velayat of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan Sahetgulyyeva Mamajan Dovletmyradovna,
a housewife from Bayramaly etrap of Mary velayat Charyyeva Sheker Gurbangulyyevna,
a housewife from Bayramaly etrap of Mary velayat Amanmyradova Zuleyha Hojagulyyevna,
a housewife from Bayramaly etrap of Mary velayat Abdyrahmanova Gulperi Alamhanovna,
a housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Salarova Maysa Orazgeldiyevna,
a housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Aydogdyyeva Dunya Dadebayevna,
a housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Niyazova Khatydzha Khudaidatovna,
a housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Huseyinova Nurjan Husayinovna,
housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Ovganova Madina Gulahmetovna,
housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Hanmammedova Bibinur Osmanovna,
housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Hojdylova Magul Gulistanovna,
housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Seypedinova Nazperi Jumayevna,
housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Gulmammedova Shaperi Abduakerimovna,
housewife from Garagum etrap of Mary velayat Hanmammedova Zuleyha Abibullayevna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Agajayeva Aynur Nurmuhammedovna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Saparova Bibijan Nedirovna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Emirova Majan Gulzarovna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Orazmyradova Oguljeren Nurberdiyevna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Vezirova Guncha Yusupovna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Myradova Maperi Azizovna,
a housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Semedova Gulbibi Allabahshovna,
housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Ahtarova Manaz Ovezovna,
housewife from Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat Sertipova Buzur Shemsatdinovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Mimhanova Sabjan Dathudayevna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Atamammedova Bibihajar Jumayevna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Gulmammedova Zarbaht Ezizovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Seyitmammedova Nurjan Muhammedovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Rahmedova Durbaht Bakyrovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Nazarova Madina Saparovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Nazarova Durjan Mammetrzayevna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Tayyrova Yazjemal Yagshymovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Paradinova Jemile Murzahanovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Myradova Guljemile Ahmedovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Salarova Ganjatun Shiraliyevna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Ayduvova Alyma Abdulvaidovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Durmamedova Nurjan Gulamrasulovna,
housewife from Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat Kurbanova Ayna Agadurdyyevna,
housewife from Murgap etrap of Mary velayat Meredova Aygul Soyunovna,
housewife from Murgap etrap of Mary velayat Aydogdyyeva Maya Kakadurdyyevna,
housewife from Murgap etrap of Mary velayat Oveznepesova Lachyn Kakabayevna,
housewife from Tagtabazar etrap Mary velayat Hallyeva Bahar Kakageldiyevna.
President of Turkmenistan
Ashgabat, March 3, 2025.