A working trip of National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty to Ashgabat
A working trip of National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty to Ashgabat
Published 04.03.2023

Today, at the instruction of the President of Turkmenistan, National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the Makhtumkuli Fragi Cultural and Park Complex, construction of which is carried out in the southern part of the capital. Hero Arkadag familiarized himself with the course of work, which is at its final stage and a number of projects as well as met with head of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies Igor Bukato.

Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the place, where the Health Path starts. The National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty noted significance of the path laid along slopes of the Kopetdag, in the centre of which is the tall flagpole with the flying national flag of Turkmenistan. As Hero Arkadag underlined, the state flag that is visible in the distance, inspires compatriots and augments their patriotic feelings.

People walking on the Health Path, halt at the flagpole and with pride look at the national flag, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said and instructed the khyakim of Ashgabat city to accomplish and maintain cleanness of the adjoining territory.

Further, on his way to the territory of the Makhtumkuli Fragi Cultural and Park Complex, Hero Arkadag talked to head of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies I. Bukato, who expressed his acknowledgment for the opportunity to meet and report on the fulfilled and planned work.

The National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty pointed out that next year Turkmenistan will mark the 300th birthday anniversary of poet classic and philosopher Makhtumkuli Fragi underlining that the company, which the guest heads, is also connected with this event. The Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies fulfils in the territory of the Cultural and Park Complex restoration and designing work.

Further, the National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan familiarized himself with submitted projects. Head of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies I. Bukato informed Hero Arkadag of the activity carried out there.

Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on convenience and practicality of materials used in construction of steps, their quality, durability and resistance to impact of local natural climatic conditions marking that one should actively introduce modern advanced practice and innovative methods.

The Cultural and Park Complex should be as wonderful and magnificent as the poetry of Makhtumkuli Fragi, Hero Arkadag said pointing out to necessity of being guided with national principles of architecture and widely use of colour features underling the life mode of Turkmenistan people in finishing projects.

In addition to it, in the Cultural and Park Complex one should use innovative technologies, Arkadag proposed, in particular, with help of modern lighting facilities and laser lights to project immortal verses of Fragi on hills and instructed relevant authorities to make a responsible and complex approach to solution of this task.

Hero Arkadag noted expediency to use latest technologies at the ceremony of opening of the project and importance of a responsible approach to its preparation.

National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressing head of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies I. Bukato made a number of proposals underlining that the given complex should become a popular place for leisure of citizens, including workers of culture and art. Separate recommendations concerned arrangement of sales services in the territory of the park.

Further, the head of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies informed on construction of the Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-Border of Kazakhstan Highway, submitting its drawing.

As was noted, the motor road will be multilane. Along it, video surveillance cameras, a digital system will be installed and all conditions will be created to serve passengers and freight carriers.

Having underlined a great significance of construction of the highway, Hero Arkadag made an emphasis on the fact that it will become part of the global transport infrastructure. Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz –Border of Kazahstan Highway, which has a great potential, will facilitate intensification of cargo and passenger transportation, a significant rise of quality of logistics services as well as expansion of international transport transit infrastructure and significant strengthening of trade and economic relations with neighbouring countries, Arkadag said.

In this connection, it was underlined that Turkmenistan steadily integrates with the global transport system attaching a great significance to successful solution of issues of development of transport logistics infrastructure in the directions of East-West and North-South, modernization of work of relevant structures.

First of all, it will ensure efficiency of interaction of the International Road Transport Union, coordinating common interests of national transport unions, European Union and partner states in realization of international cooperation program for construction of the “Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia“ (TRACECA) as well as partnership with logistics organizations engaged in cargo transportation all over the world.

Having cited a wise folk saying “A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step“, Hero Arkadag drew the attention of some authorities present there to the foremost task –creation of comfortable conditions for passengers, which require necessity of conduction of well-coordinated work in future.

Further, Chairman of State Agency for Roads Construction Management S.Yolamanov informed on the activity carried out. As was noted, in realization of the project jointly with partner-company, the planned work meeting shown requirements is carried out and tasks for creation of road infrastructure and introduction of digital technologies will be solved.

Arkadag underlined that the main thing connected with highways is to ensure safety and well-coordinated movement of traffic, comfort for drivers and passengers and set the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed autobahn as an example.

The National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan pointed out expediency to use roundabout bridges, underground, and surface pedestrian crossings in populated areas.

In the ever-changing view of the Turkmen capital, which is called to become a pearl of Central Asia, one can see growing paces of socio-economic development of the fatherland, its multifaceted potential, rich history and cultural traditions of our people.

Having underlined that soon the Cultural and Park Complex to great humanist and wise poet of the East Makhtumkuli Fragi will join sights of Ashgabat, which strengthens its position as one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities of the world to live making an emphasis once again on the fact that the complex should become a unique from the view point of decorative elements and lighting.

Having pointed out that the national system of power supply is developing constantly, Hero Arkadag developed on the upcoming task – to consider expediency to erect a high voltage power station. Relatively, Arkadag instructed to start work in this direction, determine the place and develop a project as well as hold a tender to choose a company to realize it.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov and khyakim of Ashgabat city R.Gandymov, Hero Arkadag pointed out to low paces of implementation of the city-planning program in the capital.

As Hero Arkadag said, construction of social projects in the capital, especially those, which are built by members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, lag behind and instructed the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet to strengthen control over the work carried out in this area.

Having underlined that the khyakim of Ashgabat city should take a very responsible approach to his duties, Arkadag marked that activity of private construction companies do not meet requirements of the time and expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the khyakim in this sphere.

Arkadag urgently called the authority of the capital administration to take necessary measures for acceleration of paces of construction of a shopping centre by the hotel “Garagum” in the northern part of the central city of the country and a shopping centre on Makhtumkuli Avenue.

One should note that the work carried out under the leadership of Arkadagly Serdar and with support of Hero Arkadag visually demonstrates that dynamic development of our capital is a priority area of state policy in city planning. White marble-coated Ashgabat is the city, which visually displays paces of social, economic, and political development of the country, and level of cultural and spiritual life of society.

National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also touched upon issues of water supply. In this regard, importance of preservation of water resources and ensuring of stream of water in all rivers of the country with use of innovative technologies and latest achievements of science was underlined. Turkmenistan intends to make use of advanced international practice in solution of these issues and ready to consider concrete proposals of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of Design and Construction Companies.

The businessperson expressed his sincere gratitude for the trust and assured that the company will further teke a responsible approach to fulfilment of obligations it has taken upon itself.

At the end of his working trip to the southern part of the capital, Hero Arkadag wished the present success in fulfilment of tasks set before them and left the palace.

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