The head of the state has taken part in the opening of new buildings of the Armed Forces of the country
The head of the state has taken part in the opening of new buildings of the Armed Forces of the country
Published 11.08.2021

Today President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the opening of the new military unit of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, and also a complex of new buildings of the frontier post of the State Border Service.

Early in the morning President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Command-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country general Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the place of event.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov reported to the leader of the nation on readiness of a new complex of objects of military unit of the Naval Forces for opening.

Having accepted the official report, the Supreme Commander- in-Chief congratulated defenders of Fatherland on this significant event.

Then the leader of the nation proceeded to the main entrance of the office building of the new military unit of the Naval Forces.

Under a storm of applause of the gathered, the head of the state cut a symbolical ribbon and, having opened the new military unit, began acquaintance with it infrastructure.

In the main building the management department, and also a study for military seamen are located.

All departments are equipped by the special software prepared by experts - officers of the Nava; Forces.

The military man of the management expressed to Supreme Commander-in-Chief sincere gratitude for the created fine conditions for service and successful performance of tasks in view and on behalf of all staff of the Armed Forces assured that defenders of Fatherland will henceforth serve the beloved Native land with great faith.

At this moment the captain of the patrol ship "Sanjar" made online report on the readiness of the ship, carrying out by staff of appropriate preparation, having expressed to the leader of the nation of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gratitude for his care at the state level of strengthening of material base of the Naval Forces.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country with the place with binoculars examined the military ship. Today Naval Forces play an important role in maintenance of peace and well-being on sea open spaces of Fatherland.

Then the head of the state left a memorable record in the Book of guests of honour of the military unit.

The leader of the nation also handed military men of the Naval Forces keys to new vehicles.

Further the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, going up the commanding point of the military unit, approached the pier.

It is necessary to note that in this military unit the mooring for warships is provided. Here too there is a new military ship «Deňiz han», at the disposal of national Naval Forces which was constructed at the ship-repair enterprise of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan.

By the developed tradition, the captain of the fighting ship addressed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief who arrived in the ship of the Armed Forces of the country with the request to allow lifting the National flag of Turkmenistan and the Flag of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan. The National anthem of Turkmenistan sounded.

At this moment in the sky over the military ships there appeared national Air Forces new military planes which executed a number of difficult bends at different height that testifies to the level of skill of pilots.

Now thanks to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, according to goals of the defensive Military doctrine, systematically modernise material base of power structures which is equipped with the advanced technics.

Having observed the flight of military planes, the head of the state went to the venue of the opening ceremony of a new complex of projects of the State Border Service.

Here deputy chairman, secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country on readiness of new buildings for commissioning.

Having cut a traditional ribbon, the leader of the nation gave his blessing to the complex’s opening. It became a remarkable celebratory gift for brave frontier guards on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence of our Native land.

The head of the state attaches to defenders of sacred boundaries of Fatherland an important role in strengthening of good-neighbourhood, friendly and trusted relations with the neighbouring countries that answers primordial principles of the nation, in realisation of peaceful foreign policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan, and also in transformation of Frontier into the border of friendship and brotherhood.

The organisation of the activity of the commanding centre on the basis of innovative technologies provides timely and expedient use of the received data that promotes performance of duty according to time requirements. The commander of the military unit took an oath of fidelity to the Native land, having expressed gratitude for the created favourable conditions.

In the context of military reform realised at the initiative of the head of the state at building of new objects of frontier posts a key tasks is creation of all conditions for successful service and proper life of frontier guards.

It is remarkable that in the outpost territory, along with other buildings, there are premises for the maintenance of guard dogs.

In barracks all conditions for comfortable life of young frontier guards are created.

Preparation of nutritious and tasty food, due storage of products are defined by the primary goals in the dining room for military men. As it was especially marked, here the main practical grant for cooks is the book «Bereketli türkmen saçagy» («Turkmen tablecloth»).

Besides, apartment houses were erected in territories of the complex for frontier guards and their families, a children's playground, parking place, other constructions.

Then the head of the state held here a meeting with participation of heads of military men and law enforcement bodies in which course issues of successful implementation of the nation of military reform developed under the direction of the leader were discussed.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country was reported on the state of affairs in military and law enforcement structures and fulfilment of earlier commissions given by the head of the state on introduction in activity of corresponding services of high technologies. Thus the special attention was given to preparation for solemn military parade in honour of the 30th anniversary of independence of Fatherland.

Reports on work carried out to strengthening the material base of military men and law enforcement bodies, perfection of professionalism of military men, observance in the legality and law and order country, to consecutive implementation of peace-loving policy of neutral Turkmenistan were delivered.

The head of the state gave a number of commissions on worthy continuation by military men of all structures of the Armed Forces of the country heroic traditions of our glorious ancestors, to increase of patriotic spirit of defenders of Fatherland.

It is necessary to give steadfast attention to maintenance of high organizational level of celebratory actions in honour of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence, in particular the solemn military parade.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also focused attention on an effective utilisation of possibilities of buildings subordinated to power structures and objects.

At the end of the meeting the leader of the nation wished heads of military men and law enforcement bodies successes in the solution of responsible tasks.

The head of the state also left a memorable record in the Book of guests of honour.

Then the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country handed keys to new cars for the State Border Service.

Having wished all successes in their work, the President of Turkmenistan left the place of the event.

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