President of Turkmenistan took part in the flower laying ceremony at the Monument of Neutrality
President of Turkmenistan took part in the flower laying ceremony at the Monument of Neutrality
Published 12.12.2024

Today, the country widely marks International Day of Neutrality and the 29th anniversary of obtaining of the status of permanent neutrality by Turkmenistan.

The foreign policy laid by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag and successfully realised today under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is aimed at strengthening of peace, mutual trust in the region and on the planet.

With a view of maintenance of universal well-being and sustainable development, our neutral country carries out effective cooperation with states of the world and authoritative international organisations, first of all with the United Nations Organization.

One should especially mark that in 2024 at the initiative of Turkmenistan the UN General Assembly adopted Resolutions «2025- International Year of Peace and Trust»; «Central Asia - Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation»; « United Nations Friendship Games»; «Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia» which serve a bright acknowledgement of importance of efforts of our country in the given areas.

The strengthening of friendship and cooperation between peoples, adoption of the Resolutions aimed to support regional and global peace, testify to successful realisation of the foreign policy strategy of the President of Turkmenistan.

... In the Morning, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the flower laying ceremony at the Monument of Neutrality, which is a symbol of adherence of the country to ideals of peace and creation.

The legal status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, twice recognised by the United Nations Organization, is a great value of our people and the doctrine propagandising peace life, friendship and brotherhood between peoples, humanism and mutually beneficial cooperation. Proceeding from it, our country develops partnership with all interested countries and authoritative international organisations, based upon basic principles of permanent neutrality recognised by the world community and fixed in the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

A qualitatively new level of cooperation with specialised structures of the United Nations - Development Program, UNESCO, United Nations Population Fund, Children's Fund, and World Health Organization clearly testifies to it.

Turkmenistan also makes necessary efforts for achievement of goals of sustainable development of the United Nations. At the same time, the special attention is given to cooperation in the sphere of energy security, sustainable transport, climate change and other areas. Initiatives of our country find a broad support of the international community in these areas.

On the eve of International Day of Neutrality, the capital hosted the International Conference «Joint Efforts in Strengthening International Peace and Sustainable Development», in which priority areas of international cooperation and active use of tools for strengthening global peace and security were designated. The position of our country in this matter was highly appreciated.

The fact that the representative forum was held on the threshold of the upcoming year, on which falls important dates and solutions - the 80th anniversary of the establishment of United Nations Organization, 30th anniversary of permanent neutrality of our country and announcement of 2025 as International Year of Peace and Trust by the UN General Assembly attached to it a special importance.

Setting forward important initiatives on the international stage, Turkmenistan aspires to provide their conformity to interests of the world community. The defining characteristic and philosophy of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan is association of interests and constant joint activity.

Our country continues to promote the principle « Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace» in interstate relations and diplomacy as the culture of dialogue, mutual respect, readiness for relations based on principles of equality, are today one of the main conditions of maintenance of peace and sustainable development.

In his congratulatory message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the people of independent neutral Turkmenistan, it is noted that in the international relations our sovereign state from first days of independence has followed principles of our ancestors, such as neutrality, equality and good neighbourhood. The recent years have clearly displayed that the policy of neutrality fully meets national interests and goals of the United Nations Organization. The opening and effective work of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat thanks to far-sighted initiatives of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag speaks of recognition of the policy of neutrality chosen by our country. 

Along with assistance to promotion of peace, friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation all over the world we successfully carry out large scale reforms for peaceful and happy life of people. We erect new cities, villages, settlements and modern industrial complexes. «A large scale activity carried out in all spheres of economy is aimed at a great goal - maintenance of sustainable development of our beloved fatherland, peaceful and happy life of our people», - the head of Turkmenistan underlined in his message.

Representatives of the Mejlis and Khalk Maslakhaty, members of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, ambassadors of Turkmenistan to foreign states,  heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country and international organisations, elders, representatives of public organisations and mass media gathered on the square before the Monument of Neutrality.

The car of the President arrives in the festively decorated square before the Monument of Neutrality. All with a great enthusiasm welcome the head of Turkmenistan.

The National anthem of Turkmenistan sounds solemnly.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov lays a wreath at the foot of the Monument of Neutrality, erected as a symbol of peace, good and humane principles of our people.

After the head of the state, other participants of the ceremony, also lay bunches of flowers.

This unique legal status of our country, which completely corresponds to national spiritual-moral values, generated throughout centuries, opens ample opportunities for successful realisation of initiatives for peace and sustainable development on the international arena.

On completion of the solemn ceremony, the President of Turkmenistan warmly said goodbye to its participants and left the place.

... Celebrations on the occasion of International Day of Neutrality were held today in all regions of the country.

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