The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 08.11.2024

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which the work for ten months of the current year and priorities of social and economic development of the country were discussed.

The first floor was given to Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova who informed on results of activity of the national parliament for the January-October period on improvement of legislation.

So, during the considered period 23 Laws of Turkmenistan, in particular, «On establishment of the anniversary medal «Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna», «On energy saving and energy efficiency», «On hydrometeorological activity» and also laws aimed at legal maintenance of foreign policy initiatives of the country were adopted. At the same time, a number of the acts regulating the relations in various spheres, were brought into accord to advanced international practice, national principles and realities of the time. Besides it, 19 resolutions of the Mejlis were adopted.

Within the development of the international and inter-parliamentary relations from the beginning of the year, 37 meetings took place. Credentials from 14 extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors accredited in Turkmenistan were received. As she informed, deputies and experts of the national parliament took part in 98 seminars spent together with authoritative organisations concerning modernisation of legislative activity and maintenance of fulfilment of government programs. Besides it, for exchange of experience in the legislative activity representatives of the Mejlis made 33 business trips to a number of foreign countries.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted importance of further perfection of national legislation. In this connection, am emphasis was made on necessity to hold development of the bills answering to realities of the present time in the centre of constant attention. At realisation of this work it is necessary to start with world practice and national principles, the head of the state underlined, having pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with foreign countries and international organisations.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov reported on macroeconomic indicators for ten months of this year.

So, for the expired period complex measures aimed at maintenance of stable development of all branches of economy and regions, maintenance of steady rate of increase of gross national product, which made up 6,3 percent, were carried out. The given indicator in the industrial sector reached 2,5 percent, construction - 10,9 percent, transport-communication complex - 6,7 percent, trade - 9 percent, agriculture - 5,3 percent, sphere of services - 8,6 percent.

As a whole, the volume of made production as compared to the same period of 2023 grew by 11,8 percent.

For the January-October period of the current year retail goods turnover as compared with the similar period of the past year increased by 12,5 percent.

As he reported, the revenue part of the state budget of the country for ten months was fulfilled at the level of 102,8 percent, and expenditures - 97,7 percent.

The sizes of salaries at large and medium enterprises as compared to the same period of 2023 grew by 10,5 percent. In full volume pensions, welfare payments and scholarships of students and salaries were financed.

The volume of investment aimed at development of economy at the expense of all sources of financing, as compared with the corresponding period of 2023 increased by 25,2 percent.

He Also informed on indicators of realisation of the national rural program.

Having heard the report, the President of Turkmenistan underlined that it is necessary to attach special significance to effective growth of all branches of economy and sustainable development of regions. Having stated necessity of further realisation of transformations aimed at increase of social standard of living of the population, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet to take corresponding measures to ensure rational development of capital investments.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on results of the work carried out in the supervised branch for 10 months of 2024.

Reporting on technical and economic indicators reached in the field of extraction of hydrocarbons, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet informed that the plan for oil production was fulfilled by «Türkmennebit» State Concern at the level of 102,4 percent, its processing at oil refining factories - 103,4 percent.

During the considered period the plan for gasoline manufacture was fulfilled 107,4 percent, lubricant oils - 102,3 percent, export of «blue fuel» - 101,1 percent.

Along with it, he reported on indicators of manufacture of diesel fuel, polypropylene, liquefied gas, extraction of natural and accompanying gas.

The plan for development of investments at the expense of all sources of financing was fulfilled by 106,2 percent.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to necessities of continuation of work on increase in volumes of extraction and expansion of routes of delivery of oil and gas to the world market. As the head of the state underlined, it is necessary to achieve efficiency in the activity of oil refining factories of «Türkmennebit» State Concern.

Having noted importance of fulfilment of planned indicators for manufacture of oil products, extraction of hydrocarbons fully, the President of the country gave the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on results of the work carried out in the subordinate sphere for the January-October period of the current year and seasonal agricultural campaigns carried out in velayats.

Before the report, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet on behalf of all workers of the agricultural branch warmly congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag on the harvest holiday personifying generosity of the Turkmen land and wished them sound health, longevity, successes in their activity for interest of our people and country.

Throughout the meeting, he informed that in the agricultural branch, the rate of increase of volumes of output of production made up 128,3 percent. Thus, by the Ministry of Agriculture the given indicator reached 101,4 percent, by the Ministry of Environmental Protection - 119,4 percent, by the State Water Economy Committee - 148,6 percent, by «Türkmenpagta» State Concern - 100 percent, by State Association «Türkmengallaönümleri» - 227,4 percent, by State Association «Türkmenobahyzmat» - 132,2 percent, State Food Industry Association - 102,8 percent, State Association of Cattle-breeding and Poultry Farming Industry - 102,2 percent, State Association «Türkmen atlary» - 101 percent.

At present, in the regions of the country in the fields sown with wheat watering of young shoots according to agro-technical standards is carried out. All measures were taken to harvest cotton to the last box.

Along with it, in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats the rice harvest and in Mary velayat - sugar beet harvest proceeds. Appropriate work on preparation for the organised conduction of the national tree planting action and the harvest holiday marked annually on the second Sunday of November is carried out.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of continuation of complex development and strengthening of the material and technical basis of agriculture. It is necessary to hold issues of increase in volumes and improvement of quality of manufacture in the agricultural branch in the centre of constant attention, the head of Turkmenistan continued his speech, having instructed the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet to provide conduction of seasonal agricultural work according to agro-technical norms.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov who spoke next, reported on results of activity of the construction and industrial complex for the January –October period of 2024.

As he informed, the plan for production and work for the specified period was fulfilled by 108,6 percent.

For ten months of the current year the Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled the plan by 106,5 percent.

The Ministry of Industry and Building Materials Production let out production and made works for a total sum of 1 billion 427 million manats.

During the accounting period the plan for production and work was fulfilled by the Ministry of Energy at the level of 104,2 percent, by State Concern «Türkmenhimiýa» - 120,3 percent.

In the January-October period of this year the plan by the State Agency for Management of Road Construction at the level of 113,4 percent, and khyakimlik of Ashgabat - 141,8 percent.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted necessity of realisation of effective activity with a view of consecutive increase in volumes of made production and perfection of the work realised by the construction-industrial complex. He was also instructed to take appropriate measures for development of the electric power and its export.

Throughout the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan underlined that production made by State Concern "Türkmenhimiýa" should be of high quality.

Before the State Agency for Management of Road Construction were put the tasks connected with strengthening of the material and technical basis and adjustment of its activity according to requirements of the time.

Further, Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on results of work carried out in the supervised sphere for ten months of the current year.

For the accounting period in honour of the year, which holds the motto «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi», the 300th birthday of Magtymguly Fragi, significant dates of the national calendar, various actions were held and creative competitions, including the competition declared by the President of Turkmenistan for the award «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» and also newspapers organised by editions and magazines were summed up. Along with it, ceremonies of awarding of winners, celebrations on the occasion of commissioning of social objects were held.

Within the strengthening of international cooperation, Turkmen experts visited with working visits a number of foreign states for participation in various cultural forums and actions.

In the specified period Days of culture of such countries as the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Republic of Armenia were successfully held in Turkmenistan.

She Also informed that on October 10 of the current year with participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan a solemn opening of the monument to famous Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev in the park «Laçyn» of Ashgabat city took place and song and musical performances of workers of art were organised.

Among basic actions in the accounting period were also mentioned - VI Viennese Ball in Arkadag city, concert of Turkmen-Austrian joint symphonic orchestra «Galkynyş» in the Mukam Palace, II Theatrical festival of member countries TURKSOY, final conference of the Association of Museums of TURKSOY, the meeting of writers and forum of artists, and the international scientific meeting on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of famous academicians, winners of the International award of Magtymguly Vadim Masson and Vladimir Sarianidi.

She also informed on the activity for the specified period of theatres, cinemas, film concert centres, libraries, museums, Turkmen state publishing service, «Türkmenfilm» Association named after Oguzhan, State News Agency.

In the mass media, achievements and progressive transformations realised in our country under the leadership of the head of the state were widely highlighted.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov outlined among actual issues further perfection of activity of the sphere supervised by the Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet, study of the cultural heritage and its wide popularisation. Speaking of importance of organisation of work of libraries and museums in the country according to requirements of the time, the head of the state emphasised necessity of effective utilisation of possibilities of the digital system. With a view of strengthening of international interaction, the instructions were given to give particular attention to conduction of Days of culture, festivals, and joint concerts.

Throughout the meeting, the Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet reported on preparation for actions to sum up the activities in the context of announcement of Anau city as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. She in this connection informed that according to the corresponding Plan approved by the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, on November 16 it is planned to hold a final ceremony, the next meeting of the Permanent ministerial council of culture of member countries of TURKSOY and a concert of masters of art of Turkic states.

Having heard the report, the President of the country instructed her to carry out final solemn actions on the occasion of announcement of Anau city as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 at the high level. Head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov also instructed the Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet to prepare for the forthcoming next meeting of the permanent ministerial council of culture of member countries of TURKSOY and the concert of workers of arts of Turkic states properly.

Then, Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Turkmenistan B.Orazdurdyeva reported on results of the work carried out for the January-October period of the current year.

In the accounting period work to bring the education system in conformity to realities of the present time proceeded. The advanced methods of teaching were widely used, digital education developed, textbooks and manuals were published, electronic sites were created. The Resolution of the President of the country approved the Concept of improving teaching methods in general education programs in Turkmenistan until 2028».

Schoolchildren successfully participated in the international educational Olympiads at which they won 813 gold, silver and bronze medals.

As she informed, in the given period activity on modernisation of the scientific system, increase of efficiency of scientific research, strengthening of relations of science and manufacture continued. Researches in priority areas of science and technics were carried out. Candidates for scientific degrees were registered, dissertations were defended. Strategy of development of the sphere of science in Turkmenistan for 2024-2052 » was approved.

From the beginning of the year various international scientific-practical conferences, presentations, exhibitions and other actions devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi were organised.

During the accounting period in applied medicine, advanced methods of prevention and treatment of various diseases were introduced. By Resolutions of the head of the state, the National program of development of physiology in Turkmenistan for 2024-2028, National strategy of medical rehabilitation actions in Turkmenistan for 2024-2028 and the National program of Turkmenistan in immune prevention for 2024-2028 were approved.

With participation of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag in Ashgabat solemn ceremonies of opening of the International rehabilitation centre and the International scientific-clinical centre of physiology took place.

On the occasion of Day of workers of public health services and medical industry in the city of Turkmenabat of Lebap velayat the enterprise for manufacture glycyrrhizinic acid, and in Mary city the office building of the sanitary and epidemiologic service of Mary velayat and Mary city was put into operation. The International exhibition and scientific conference «Public health services, education and sports in the Era of Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state» was organised.

In the January-October period of this year work on development of physical training, sports, and preparation of professional sportsmen was conducted.

According to the Resolution of the head of the state, the Organizing committee for preparation of national teams of Turkmenistan for the upcoming Olympic Games in Los Angeles (USA) was created.

From the beginning of year, national sportsmen took part in 161 international competition and won in total 538 medals, including 174 gold, 150 silver and 214 bronze.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed her to continue complex work aimed at perfection of spheres of science, education, public health services, physical culture and sports on the basis of adopted programs.

As marked, at modernisation of the education system it is necessary to strengthen the material and technical basis and to give special significance to improvement of professional skill of employees, to create all possibilities for wide participation of schoolchildren and student's youth in international subject and Internet Olympiads.

Among actual goals of public health services, active introduction of advanced methods of prevention and treatment of diseases in applied medicine according to the Government program «Saglyk» was defined.

The head of Turkmenistan also emphasised importance to pay priority attention to development of physical culture and sports. In this connection, the Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet was instructed to provide a high level of preparation of national teams of the country for the Olympic Games, world and Asian championships.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on results of the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the January-October period.

As he informed practical steps are taken with a view of successful realisation of the foreign policy strategy of neutral Turkmenistan, fulfilment of the tasks put by the head of the state on further development of constructive cooperation with foreign countries and international organisations.

So, in the specified period the President of Turkmenistan made working visits to the Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan.

From the beginning of the year, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag visited the United Arab Emirates, Republic of Turkiye, Republic of Tajikistan, the Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan and Islamic Republic of Iran.

As he reported, in the specified period our country was visited: with the state visit by the President of the Republic of Korea, with the official visit by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and with the state visit by the President of Mongolia.

In the International conference «Interrelations of times and civilisations - a basis of peace and development», devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of the famous Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi that took place on October 11 of the current year in Ashgabat, heads of Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Mongolia participated.

The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Prime Ministers of Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan participated in the next meeting of the Council of heads of Governments of the CIS held on May 24 of this year in the Turkmen capital.

From the beginning of the year, Turkmenistan was also visited by Secretaries General of the United Nations Organization, Organization for security and Cooperation in Europe, World Tourist Organisation, International Organisation of Turkic culture, Organization of Turkic States and Commonwealth of Independent States.

The visits of foreign delegations to our country and biasness trips of national delegations, which took place in the January-October period, testify to dynamic character of interaction with foreign partners abroad.

Within ten months meetings and negotiations of various levels, including in the online mode online were held. The legal basis of international cooperation of Turkmenistan was filled with 196 documents.

On a regular basis, bilateral contacts at the level of foreign policy departments were carried out. From the beginning of the year, interdepartmental consultations of foreign offices took place.

A great significance is given to the strengthening and expansion of diplomatic relations through Embassies of our country abroad. In the given direction, corresponding work is conducted. So, for the specified period 20 newly appointed ambassadors of foreign states handed their credentials. At the same time, 8 new heads of Embassies and 2 consulates of Turkmenistan, 1 official representative of our country at the international organisation were accredited.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the neutral and peaceful foreign policy of Turkmenistan is aimed at all-around development of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with all states of the world and international organisations. In this connection, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, head of the foreign office was instructed to further develop effective interaction with foreign countries in political-diplomatic, trade and economic, cultural-humanitarian and scientific-educational spheres. He was also instructed to prepare for celebration of International Day of Neutrality properly.

Director General of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan M.Chakyev reported on results of activity of establishments of the supervised branch for ten months of the current year.

For the accounting period, the rate of increase on fulfilment of work and rendering of services as a whole by the complex made up 119, 1 percent.

For the January-October period of the current year, the rate of increase of cargo transportation by automobile, railway, air, sea and river transport reached 103,3 percent, and by passenger transportation - 104,3 percent.

The rate of increase in services for the specified period by Agency «Türkmendemirýollary» was equal to 102,8 percent, by Agency «Türkmenawtoulaglary» - 110 percent, by Agency «Türkmenhowaýollary» - 154,5 percent, by Agency «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» - 114 percent, by Agency «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» - 114,6 percent.

He also informed on realisation «Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025» .

Along with it, he informed on the course of construction of industrial and social projects in various corners of the country for the transport-communication complex.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov outlined the consecutive strengthening and modernisation of the material and technical basis of national transport system, improvement of quality of work and services, expansion of kinds of digital services and their wide introduction among perspective goals. The head of the Agency was instructed to take necessary measures for increase in volumes passenger and cargo transportation and to follow international practice at the organisation of activity of the shipbuilding and ship-repair factory "Balkan".

Then, addressing participants of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan with satisfaction stated that results of the work fulfilled for ten months show successful development of our independent fatherland. So, for the accounting period, the rate of increase of gross national product made up 6,3 percent. In the country, construction of large buildings and industrial and social projects, including new settlements, apartment houses, centres of recreation and medical centres, schools, kindergartens, and some other objects proceeds.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked that work on announcement of the motto and approval of the emblem of the forthcoming year according to realities of the present time is annually carried out. As known, the head of the state underlined, at the initiative of Turkmenistan at the 63rd plenary meeting of the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization the Resolution «International year of peace and trust - 2025» was adopted. In this connection, the next year organisation of numerous international events in our country and world states is planned.

Addressing Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that deputies should discuss the issue on definition of the motto and emblem of 2025 with people by preparing corresponding proposals.

The head of Turkmenistan also underlined that on November 9, the national tree planting action is planned, and the harvest holiday in glory of fruitful and assiduous work of our courageous people on November 10 will be widely celebrated.

Considering big successes reached in development of the agricultural branch and on the occasion of the harvest holiday, the President of the country signed the Decree on awarding the medal of Turkmenistan «Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin» and warmly congratulated Turkmen people, hardworking peasants on the holiday.

Concluding the online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work for prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.

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