President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of a new waterworks facility in the capital
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of a new waterworks facility in the capital
Published 22.05.2024

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in a solemn opening ceremony of a new important project - a water-purifying construction «Bagtyýarlyk» with a daily capacity of 150 thousand cubic metres of water.

The key purpose of the large-scale social and economic programs realised in our fatherland in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State is steady increase of level and quality of life of Turkmen nationals and complex modernisation of infrastructure of all branches of national economy according to requirements of the time. Maintenance of population with pure drinking water here acts as one of the prominent aspects.

In the context of solution of the issues set forward in this area in the country successive measures are taken and the system of water supply of cities and settlements improves. The purpose-oriented work started by Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, nowadays successfully proceeds under the leadership of Arkadagly Hero Serdar. In this connection, we will remind that on May 8, with participation of the head of Turkmenistan in the settlement of Yashlyk in Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat a modern construction for clearing drinking water with daily capacity of 30 thousand cubic metres of water was put into operation.

The priority attention is paid to issues of development of water management, introduction of innovative technologies in the sector and achievements of sciences in our country. The indisputable fact that rational and reasonable use of water resources has a special significance in aspect of maintenance of social and ecological well-being, economic growth, fulfilment of the Goals of sustainable development. Being one of the first states to adapt SDGs at national level, Turkmenistan actively participates in realisation of the United Nations Global Agenda for 2030 and conducts this work on a system basis.

In the field of effective and rational water use, our fatherland has gained a rich experience based upon traditions developed in the course of centuries by Turkmen people. Nowadays, proceeding from these wise traditions, with involvement of scientifically well-founded methods and advanced practices, approaches to protection and management of water resources, creation of additional reserves of water improve, profile projects are realised. In the given context, as a visual example it is possible to cite the result of realisation of large-scale project of the Turkmen lake «Altyn asyr», which is of great importance not only for our country, but also for the entire region of Central Asia.

It strengthens fruitful cooperation with foreign partners, including with the United Nations and its specialised establishments, other authoritative international organisations. Here water diplomacy, which our country actively sets forward in the world, acts as an effective mechanism of multilateral cooperation. Thus, Turkmenistan places due emphasis on combination and complementarity of national, regional and global tools of achievement of SDGs where water, ecological and climatic factors are defined among paramount criteria.

Having ratified basic documents of the United Nations in the given spheres, our country regularly puts forward concrete initiatives at sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, other large forums. Acknowledgement of demand and importance of these proposals speak of their broad support from the world community. Showing a responsible and far-sighted approach to issues of water problematics, Turkmenistan brings a powerful contribution to the international efforts to solve topical issues of the present.

In the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrived in the new water economic project constructed in Bagtyyarlyk etrap of the capital.

On the occasion of a significant event, the Chairwoman of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of ministries and sectoral departments, public organisations, khyakim of Ashgabat city as well as rectors of higher education schools, representatives of mass media and wide public gathered there.

Participants of the solemn ceremony with big enthusiasm welcome the head of the state.

With an inspired vocal-choreographic composition workers of culture and art of the country perform.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov passes into the conference hall specially prepared for celebration.

Addressing to participants of the ceremony, the head of Turkmenistan noted that new buildings of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State serve substantial increase of rates of social and economic development of our independent fatherland. One of them - a water-purifying construction in Bagtyýarlyk etrap of Askhabad city, the daily capacity of which makes up 150 thousand cubic metres. Today, as a gift, buses of modern model that will promote high quality passenger services given to residents of the capital will be also given.

Having congratulated participants of the ceremony on these remarkable events, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that from time immemorial water which is a source of life and abundance, Turkmen people considered each drop of water to a grain of gold. Therefore, our ancestors applied rational different ways of water management, constructed at foothill areas underground channels, catchment basins and chigirs. The noble principle, which developed within centuries today, finds its continuity in our sovereign fatherland. As Hero-Arkadag writes in his work «Water – s source of life and abundance», our ancestors greatly appreciated water, it was for them similar to a life-giving miracle.

As the head of the state pointed out further, in our country a great deal of work is carried out to improve standards of living of citizens and the given process bears a growing dynamics. As to the policy realised in this area, one of its basic purposes – full supply of population with pure drinking water. In the given context, the effective measures defined in the Program «Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: National program for socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052» and Program of socio-economic development of the country for 2022-2028. At the same time, considerable investments are made in rationalisation of use of underground and land sources of water on the basis of high technologies.

In all regions of the country, water-purifying facilities equipped with modern technologies are put into operation. One of them has been recently opened in the settlement of Yashlyk in Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat. Its capacity makes up 30 thousand cubic metres a day. The commissioning of several more water-purifying facilities is planned in the current year in Tejen city of Akhal velayat with a daily capacity of 30 thousand cubic metres, 20 thousand cubic metres in Esenguly etrap and 30 thousand cubic metres in Gyzylarbat city of Balkan velayat, 20 thousand cubic meters in Tagtabazar etrap and 25 thousand cubic metres in Turkmengala etrap of Mary velayat.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, all these modern projects will allow supplying our citizens with high-quality pure drinking water that, in turn, will positively influence health and increase of life expectancy of people.

The opening of the new water-purifying facility today in Ashgabat attests to successful realisation of the state policy in the given area. The new project was constructed to the order of the khyakimlik of the capital by economic society «Dost gurluşyk, söwda, önümçilik» which is a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan. The clean water from tanks of the unit will run to townsmen by two branches. The latest technologies established here from leading world manufacturers will allow to adjust optimum technological processes and smoothly to supply citizens of Ashgabat with clean drinking water. The complex consists of several projects and storage plant, here all conditions for work and leisure of 150 employees are envisaged.

As the head of the state marked, we will successfully continue program measures to build water-purifying facilities and corresponding system all over the country for rational use of water resources by means of large-scale introduction of modern technologies.

In our capital, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a city with the greatest concentration of white marble coated buildings in the world, the town-planning program is successfully realised. In the near future, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, on the occasion of Ashgabat City Day opening ceremonies of modern administrative and shopping projects as well as 136 two-storeyed houses that are called to improve maintenance of population with housing will take place.

Once again having warmly congratulated the gathered on solemn events of the year «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» - commissioning of a large water-purifying facility into operation in Ashgabat and presentation of residents of the capital as a gift with new buses, the head of the state wished all sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work.

Then, on a large monitor a specially prepared video film was shown to get a clear picture of the water-purifying facility «Bagtyýarlyk» and its functional purpose.

In the new historical epoch, our country adopts program measures to introduce the latest solutions in the water economy sphere, development of which is defined as one of the important vectors of the state policy of Turkmenistan initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and nowadays is successfully realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The opening of the water purifying facility «Bagtyýarlyk» with a daily capacity of 150 thousand cubic metres of water, equipped with high technologies and know-how from leading German company "PSE" in Ashgabat speaks of this fact. Construction of the given project was carried out according to the corresponding Resolution of the head of the state.

As water source, an open reservoir with a capacity of 1 million cubic metres located on the right coast of the Garagum-river serves. The water, which settled naturally by gravity runs into pumping-plant intake of the first pump station where the equipment of manufacture of world famous company "KSB" is established. Then, it moves towards the water-purifying facility, is disinfected, and arrives in the tank for filtration.

At the first stage of processing, water is cleaned of large impurity. Further, it arrives in tanks for mixing with solutions of sulphate of aluminium, polyelectrolyte and sodium hypochlorite in certain norms, which are prepared in the electrolysis unit. At the second stage, water moves for filtration through two-layer filters (anthracite and quartz sand) and is completely cleared of impurity. Then, it is disinfected by solution of sodium hypochlorite.

The deposit formed in the course of water purification is eliminated with filters, is placed in sediment tanks and is dehydrated by means of special equipment. The water received thus gathers in a special tank and goes back to the water-purifying facility. The main features of this technique is its efficient water use and ecological safety.

The filtered and disinfected water concentrates in tanks intended for this purpose and moves to the second pump station. Further, it arrives in distributive water system by two channels. Thus, the commissioning of the new project will promote maintenance of uninterrupted supply of population of the capital with pure drinking water.

On completion of demonstration of the video film, the floor was given to Markus Behrendt, Managing Director of «PSE Engineering GMBH» (Federal Republic of Germany). Addressing the President of Turkmenistan and participants of the ceremony, the guest expressed his deep gratitude for possibility to speak at today's celebration, representing the German company, which has a rich experience in water the economy sphere and oil and gas branch.

It was underlined that the given project corresponds to national and international standards. Besides rendering of services in the field of engineering and equipment delivery, the company carried out monitoring of erection of the project and its commissioning. In this connection, Mr. Markus Behrendt noted that he is very glad to present the Certificate, which confirms that the water-purifying facility «Bagtyýarlyk» produces the water corresponding to necessary standards.

To the applause of participants of the ceremony, Mr. Markus Behrendt handed the khyakim of Ashgabat city the Certificate of «PSE Engineering GMBH», confirming conformity of production of the new project to standards of WHO (World Health Organization) - DIN (German Institute of Standardization) - GOST.

Then, the floor was given to Professor of Chemistry of Istanbul Technical University (Republic of Turkiye) Dr. Hasan Jan Okutan who warmly congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and participants of the ceremony as well as brotherly Turkmenistan and its capital with the commissioning of the water-purifying facility «Bagtyýarlyk».

As was marked, the technology applied here answers to the criteria designated in documents of the European Union «Best available technologies» (BAT) and «Best ecological practice» (BEP). The tests of the water taken from the given project and analysed in accredited laboratories, correspond to Turkish standards (TSE EN), to standards of the International Standardization Organisation (ISO) and World Health Organization (WHO). The given facts testify that water is safe for environment and human health. All it has found its reflexion in the corresponding Certificate.

Under the solemn conditions, Professor Hasan Jan handed the khyakim of Ashgabat city the Certificate of Istanbul Technical University confirming conformity of technology, installed at the water-purifying facility «Bagtyýarlyk», to criteria of documents of EU and high international standards.

Leaving the conference hall, the head of the state handed the head of the capital administration keys to new passenger buses intended for population of the city.

Having expressed his sincere gratitude on behalf of residents of the capital, the khyakim of Ashgabat city wished President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero Arkadag sound health, longevity and great successes in their activities for well-being of our native people.

There comes a culmination moment: to the applause of participants of the ceremony the President of Turkmenistan cuts a festive ribbon and opens the new waterworks facility. At that moment, a small cloud of multi-coloured balloons flies up in the sky.

Then, the head of the state headed towards the basic water-purifying unit of the complex and on his way familiarised with the exhibition of soft drinks, which are manufactured in our country.

In this connection, it is necessary to note that in Turkmenistan a wide assortment of the given production, which enjoys a high demand of consumers, is made. These are various kinds of sparkling and vitaminized drinks, cold teas with taste of citron and other fruits, berries, herbs, and also fruit and vegetable juice, mineral and bottled drinking water.

It is remarkable that in the given sector of food industry enterprises of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs take an active part and bring a powerful contribution to solution of issues of import replacement and increases of export potential of our fatherland. Production manufactured by them corresponds to the high quality standards and safety of foodstuff that is confirmed by international certificates. It promotes its competitiveness not only on the home markets, but also on foreign markets.

At the same time, local producers pay much attention to package of the goods where besides protective function and ecological factor, the aesthetic aspect is also important. Soft drinks are packed in plastic and glass container, cardboard packages of type Tetra Pak of various capacity. All of them differ with attractive appearance and original design. The assortment of this production, which enjoys a great demand of population, considerably increases with the approach of summer season.

In the main building, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was warmly welcomed by the specialist who addressed the head of the state with the request to bless the start-up of the water-purifying facility.

Pressing the button on the panel, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov puts the new project into operation.

On the monitor’s screen, one can see stage-by-stage process of cleaning of drinking water and specialized equipment by which the project is installed.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan proceeded to the office building of the complex where the control centre of the water-purifying facility is located. There the specialist acquainted the head of the state with specification of work of the centre which, like work of other structural divisions of the project, is completely automated.

Monitoring of the technological process and functioning of the established equipment are carried out on the basis of know-how of German company "PSE" possessing a wide experience in the field. In the control centre decisions on supply of pure drinking water to consumers in the set volumes and if necessary - on regulation of corresponding parameters are made.

Along with it on the basis of instructions of the laboratory department control over mixing of solutions of sulphate of aluminium and sodium hypochlorite – coagulants, used for water treating, according to the established technological norms is carried out.

Continuing acquaintance with the new waterworks facility, the President of Turkmenistan visited the chemical-bacteriological laboratory, having shown an interest in the basic areas of its activity.

As the specialist informed, the laboratory is equipped by advanced profile equipment and technologies from leading world companies. Its key task is control over observance of technological norms of cleaning of drinking water and ensuring of its quality.

By means of the special equipment – turbidimeter, colorimeter and other auxiliary devices full water analysis, including its indicators, as transparency, turbidity, quantity of residual chlorine round the clock is carried out. Once a month the full chemical analysis of the clean water is carried out. The received results of researches go to the control centre by the computer network.

Leaving the administration office, the President of Turkmenistan handed the head of association «Aşgabatagyzsuw» keys to new cars and special machinery, intended for the branch.

Having warmly said goodbye to participants of the solemn ceremony, the head of the state left the place.

Thus, the commissioning of the modern water-purifying facility «Bagtyýarlyk» in the year, the motto of which - «The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» in Ashgabat, added one more bright page to the modern history of our fatherland and once again attested to success of the progressive socially oriented state policy of Turkmenistan consistently realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

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