The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 06.03.2024

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the State Security Council. Its agenda included consideration of results of work of military and law enforcement bodies of the country for two months of 2024 as well as definition of priority goals of security and peace in our independent fatherland, strengthening of the material and technical basis of security structures, and further improvement of their activity.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence B.Gundogdyev who reported on complex measures taken for the January-February period for consolidation of defensibility of our fatherland, enhancement of professionalism of servicemen, creation of due conditions for effective service and life of officers and members of their families, was the first to take the floor. He also reported on fulfilment of instructions of the head of the state to introduce modern technologies and the best practices in the military sphere.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to key aspects of the military doctrine of Turkmenistan, which acts as a reliable guarantor of peace and peaceful life in the country. He also stated necessity of continuation of work on further equipment of the Armed Forces by modern high-quality technics, perfection of activity of the Ministry of Defence and its subordinate structures at the expense of active application of digital system. Having noted importance of organisation of proper training to increase professionalism officers and events of patriotic significance among young military men on a constant basis, the head of Turkmenistan gave a number of instructions to the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence.

Attorney General B.Muhamedov reported on results of the work carried out from the beginning of the current year, course of implementation of the Program of development of the system of prosecution authorities, realised measures for the purpose of introduction of high technologies in structural divisions as well as use of new methods of public prosecutor's supervision.

Having heard the report, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country instructed him to undertake concrete steps for maintenance of prevalence of the law, protection of rights and freedom of citizens, interests of society and the state. Speaking of importance of accurate fulfilment of most important tasks facing the given structure, the head of the state gave the Attorney General a number of instructions concerning proper check of exact fulfilment of legislative and regulatory legal acts.

Minister of Internal Affairs M.Khydyrov reported on results of the work carried out for the period under consideration to strengthen the law and order, to prevent offences and observe requirements of fire safety and traffic regulations in all corners of the country. Created conditions for fruitful service and life of employees of the department and members of their families became separate topics of the report. In this connection, he informed on the course of modernisation of the material and technical basis of divisions and new buildings and apartment houses put in operation.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that it is necessary to take effective measures for prevention of offences. At the same time, he was given instructions to hold issues of proper maintenance of the rule of law and public order in the centre of attention.

A special emphasis was made on importance of organisation of activity of the Traffic Control Service of the police and improvement of quality of services given to citizens according to realities of time. The head of the state also noted necessity of conduction of appropriate work with a view of prevention of infringements of traffic regulations, observance of requirements of fire safety.

Chairman of the Supreme Court B.Khojamgulyev reported on results of work for the January-February period of this year, including the course of reforming of national judicial system within the framework of the Program of development of the given body, introduction of high technologies in structural divisions of the department and increase of professionalism of employees.

Summing up the report, the head of Turkmenistan pointed out that the basic function of courts - observance of law, justice and order, elimination of reasons and conditions that lead to offences. For efficiency of legal proceedings, it is necessary to apply the advanced practice and digital system in the justice system, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country underlined.

Further, in the meeting President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree “On  appointment and release of judges of courts of Turkmenistan and assignment of qualifying classes to them” and instructed the head of the Supreme Court to strengthen the personnel structure of judicial institutions by choosing the well-educated, honest, energetic employees.

Then, Minister of National Security N.Atagarayev reported on activity for two months of the current year, course of implementation of the Program of development of MNS, undertaken concrete steps on maintenance of stability and peace in the country as well as preparation of highly-skilled personnel.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that protection of achievements of sacred independence, maintenance of well-being of our fatherland, its economic power - key goals of the given body. Focusing the attention on perspective vectors of forthcoming activity, the head of Turkmenistan underlined necessity of increase of efficiency of analytical work. Along with it, the Minister was instructed to keep the process of modernisation of the material and technical basis of structural divisions, theoretical and practical training of the staff under control.

Head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on the undertaken practical steps from the beginning of the year for maintenance of reliable protection of sacred borders of our fatherland, which are borders of friendship and good neighbourhood with all neighbouring countries. He also reported on realisation of the Program of development of frontier troops and fulfilment of instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country.

Having heard the report, the head of the state underlined that it is necessary to carry out further systematic equipment of border formations by modern military technology and equipment. One of the basic aspects of military reform carried out in the country - creation of conditions for productive service and well-provided life of frontier guards, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked and instructed him to hold under strict control the given point.

Further, Minister of Adalat M.Taganov reported on results of activity for the January-February period of 2024, undertaken measures on all-round modernisation of national legislative basis at the expense of implementation of standard norms of international law. He also reported on the course of implementation of the corresponding Program.

Having heard the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country focused the attention on importance of constant monitoring of advanced experience in the field of jurisprudence and its application in practice. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out a legal analysis of regulatory legal acts developed by ministries and sectoral departments and to provide their conformity to the current legislation, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined and gave the Minister a number of concrete instructions.

Then, Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev reported on the work carried out for the accounting period and undertaken practical steps on optimisation of growing flow of cargoes passing through the borders of Turkmenistan, including the transit ones. He also informed on fulfilment of instructions, given earlier by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country.

Summing up the report, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in the modern period, the volume of work of the Service has considerably increased in view of an increasing geostrategic role of our fatherland, which is located on the crossing of major transport-transit corridors. An active application of achievements of scientific and technical progress allows to carry out operatively and properly examination of all goods and cargoes passing through borders, the President of Turkmenistan said and instructed him to hold under strict control delivery of the goods to our country from foreign states and to ensure conduction of customs procedures according to requirements of international rules.

Chairman of the State Migration Service A.Sazakov reported on the results of work of subordinate formations for two months of the current year, including actions for increase of theoretical and practical knowledge of employees in the field of migration. He also reported on the work to strengthen the material and technical basis of divisions in velayats and introduction of digital system.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to importance of maintenance of accurate execution of powers by employees of the Service assigned to them. In this connection, an emphasis was made on necessity of study of advanced experience for this sphere, organisation of special courses of improvement of qualification. A separate instruction was given in relation to control over timely and proper fulfilment of goals outlined in the corresponding Program of development of the given body.

Summing up the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country pointed out that according to the military doctrine of Turkmenistan, which bears fully a defensive character, proper measures are taken to ensure safety and integrity of our independent, permanently neutral fatherland, to strengthening defence capacities of our country, to improve social living conditions of defenders of our fatherland and members of their families. In addition to it, it was underlined that work in the given area will be continued.

At the meeting of the State Security Council, a number of other issues were considered and corresponding decisions on them were made.

At the end of the meeting, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, well-being and great successes in their responsible service for peace and happy life of our people.

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