Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Declaring 2024 as the Year of “Fount of wisdom Magtymguly Fragi”
Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Declaring 2024 as the Year of “Fount of wisdom Magtymguly Fragi”
Published 29.12.2023

Thanks to the efforts of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag and the respected President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar” was marked by great success. Our independent, permanently neutral country enters the year 2024 with great enthusiasm.

In our country, large-scale activities are being carried out to further enhance the world fame of Magtymguly Fraghi’s work and its widespread propaganda, strengthening international cooperation in this direction.

In accordance with the Resolution adopted by the President of Turkmenistan, preparations are underway for a wide celebration in 2024 at the world level of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker and poet of the East Magtymguly Fraghi.

The activities carried out in our country to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the fount of mind of the classical poet Magtymguly Fraghi, together with the international community, are important in studying the rich and priceless literary heritage of our poet-thinker, who is included in the golden fund of world literature.

The majestic sculpture of Magtymguly Fraghi, built at the foot of the Kopetdag in a new historical era, is clear evidence of the current generation’s great respect for the life and creative heritage of the great poet.

With the acquisition of independence of our state, the dreams of the great thinker about building a powerful independent state and a friendly, peaceful and prosperous life for our people came true. The works and philosophical reflections of Magtymguly Fraghi, imbued with deep wisdom, having become an integral part of the rich treasury of world culture, his thoughts on unity, humanism, his wise instructions form the basis of state policy aimed at ensuring the spiritual perfection of Turkmen society, the spiritual health of the current and future generations of the Turkmen people.

Declaration of 2024 as the “Year of the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world Magtymguly Fraghi” at a meeting of the permanent council of TURKSOY – the International Organization of Turkic Culture, as well as the inclusion of the collection of manuscripts of the philosopher and poet Magtymguly Fraghi in the International Memory of the World List and the inclusion of the Day of celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birthday of Magtymguly Fraghi in the UNESCO List of memorable dates, jointly celebrated in 2024–2025, is confirmation of the recognition of our poet’s work at the world level.

In order to honor our national heritage in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, further transform our Homeland, increase its glory and international authority, educate the younger generation in the spirit of studying and popularizing in the world the life and creativity, literary heritage of Magtymguly Fraghi, boundless pride, love and respect for the exemplary creation of the great master of artistic expression, which has received worldwide recognition, taking into account the proposals received from representatives of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, large public associations, labor collectives and citizens of our country about the name of 2024 associated with the name of Magtymguly Fraghi, as well as based on the poem “Magtymguly Fraghi’s Fount of Mind” is the fruit of the talent of Hero-Arkadag, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan decides:

To declare 2024 as the year of “Fount of wisdom Magtymguly Fragi”.

Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan

D. Gulmanova

Ashgabat, December 29, 2023.

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