In the village of Aba Annayev of the Kyarizek etrap of the city of Arkadag, elections of members of the gengesh were held
In the village of Aba Annayev of the Kyarizek etrap of the city of Arkadag, elections of members of the gengesh were held
Published 23.07.2023

Today, in the village of Aba Annayev of the Kyarizek etrap of the city of Arkadag, elections of members of the Gengesh were held. This social and political action is organized in accordance with the current electoral legislation and the Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

In the current elections, 10 candidates, whose nomination was initiated by the Democratic Party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Agrarian Party, are competing for 5 seats in the Gengesh.

The right to become a member of the Gengesh, a local self-government body, was challenged by the most worthy people who enjoy great respect and trust of their compatriots.

On the territory of the village, 5 electoral districts were created and the 1st polling station was formed, located in secondary school No. 10 of the city of Arkadag. A total of 236 voters with the right to vote are registered.

The nomination procedure, which started on May 24, took place in an atmosphere of high civic activity. In all electoral districts, several people were nominated for one seat, which fully meets the principles of alternative elections. It should be noted that almost half of the candidates are women.

From July 13 to July 22, according to the Electoral Code, early voting took place. This procedure is primarily provided for citizens traveling on long business trips or vacations, as well as for those who, for one reason or another, will not be able to come to the polling station on election day and cast their vote for the most worthy candidate.

Thus, 7.63 percent of 236 registered voters in the village of Aba Annaeva voted early.

As noted by national observers, all stages of the election campaign were held in accordance with national electoral legislation and international standards. Candidates were given equal opportunities to campaign. Each voter was able to get comprehensive information about the candidates for the local self-government body, get acquainted with the election programs of the candidates, and ask questions.

According to the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, by the time the polling station was closed, by 19:00, 92.37 percent of the electorate took part in the elections of members of the Gengesh of the village of Aba Annaev, Kyarizek etrap, Arkadag city. During the day, the CEC website broadcast live from the polling station, which indicates the wide openness of the electoral process.

According to the information provided by the Central Election Commission, the elections can be considered valid. In accordance with the provisions of national law, the results of the elections will be made public as soon as possible.

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