The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system
The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system
Published 03.04.2023

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting via a digital system, which was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers A. Yazmyradov, who is in charge of the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of velayats. Issues related to development of the agro-industrial complex and the progress of seasonal agricultural work were included on the meeting.

First, the floor was given to Akhal Velayat Khyakim Ya. Gurbanov, who reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the region.

As was reported, young wheat crops are currently cared for, in particular, watering and applications of mineral fertilizers, and measures are taken to control weeds and pests. Cotton sowing is underway in accordance with agro-technical standards, machinery and units are operated at full capacity.

Plantations of early potatoes, onions and other crops are treated properly. Tenants are provided with silkworm eggs, while issues in the field of cocoon production are promptly addressed these days.

The khyakim also reported on the preparations for the events to celebrate World Health Day, as well as on the construction progress of social and industrial facilities being built under the National Rural Program, scheduled for commissioning this year.

Having heard the report, the head of state specified that the care of wheat and other early crops must be carried out to meet the agro-technical requirements and deadlines, and the cocoons production work must be carried out in an organized and timely manner, giving the khyakim a number of specific instructions, including control over cotton sowing.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under strict control the construction pace of facilities planned within the framework of the National Rural Program, the commissioning of which is scheduled for this year, as well as high-level preparation of events to celebrate World Health Day.

Then Balkan Velayat Khyakim T. Atahallyev reported on the progress of spring campaigns in the fields of the region.

At present, cotton sowing is well underway in accordance with agro-technical terms, agricultural machinery and units are operated at full capacity. Wheat fields treatment continues, in particular, application of mineral fertilizers and watering, weed and pest control. Planting of early potatoes, onions and other crops is in progress.

In addition, efforts are made in the velayat to prepare for the cocoons production season, as well as for events on World Health Day.

The report included information on the construction pace of social and industrial facilities, to be commissioned the current year.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of taking a responsible approach to seasonal field works, their high quality and timeliness, instructing the khyakim to keep control over their implementation.

The head of state gave a number of instructions to the khyakim, in particular, on the high-level organization of cotton sowing, compliance with the agro-technical requirements for caring for potatoes, onions and other early crops, as well as on monitoring the preparation for the cocoon production season.

Pointing out that it is necessary to approach the implementation of the provisions outlined in the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in a comprehensive manner, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to control the construction of various facilities, the completion and commissioning of which are scheduled for the current year. Events on World Health Day must be held in an organized and high-level manner.

The working meeting via a digital system was continued with the report given by Dashoguz Velayat Khyakim N. Nazarmyradov on the state of affairs in the fields of the region.

Agricultural work in the velayat is carried out taking into account the agro-technical requirements, in particular, application of mineral fertilizers, watering and controlling weeds and pests. The tenants started the sowing of cotton in an organized manner, the machinery and units are operated at full capacity.

Care continues for plantations of early potatoes, onions and other crops, as well as preparations for the cocoons production season, and for events on World Health Day.

The khyakim also reported on the progress in the construction of social and industrial facilities, which commissioning are scheduled for this year.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave specific instructions to the khyakim, in particular, on compliance with agro-technical standards when caring for wheat, early potatoes, onions and other crops, as well as on organized cotton sowing and cocoons production season.

The head of state ordered to provide the high quality and timely commissioning of social and industrial facilities planned under the Program for the socio-economic development of the country and the National Rural Program, as well as the proper organization of events to celebrate World Health Day.

Then Lebap Velayat Khyakim Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As was reported, care for wheat crops is carried out in accordance with agro-technical standards, in particular, in terms of applying mineral fertilizers, watering and controlling weeds and pests.

Along with this, cotton sowing is carried out in an organized manner, and agricultural machinery and units are operated at full capacity.

The care of early potatoes, onions and other crops is well underway to meet the agro-technical requirements. Cocoon producers are provided with silkworm eggs, which are currently cared for.

The khyakim reported on the preparations for the celebration of World Health Day in the region, as well as on the construction pace of social and industrial facilities to be commissioned this year.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to comply with agro-technical standards icultural during agricultural activities, having given the khyakim a number of instructions on caring for wheat, potatoes, onions and other crops.

The head of state ordered to ensure the timeliness and high quality of cotton sowing work, as well as to organize the cocoons production season.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the khyakim to keep under strict control the quality of buildings and facilities planned for commissioning this year as part of the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, as well as the preparation of events on World Health Day.

Then, Mary Velayat Khyakim D. Annaberdiev reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As was reported, cotton sowing is in full swing in the region, and agricultural machinery and units are operated at full capacity.

Along with this, in accordance with agro-technical standards, work is underway to treat wheat fields, in particular, apply mineral fertilizers, perform vegetative irrigation, weed and pest control, as well as care for potatoes, onions and other crops.

Cocoon producers are fully provided with silkworm eggs and currently care for them.

Information was provided on the construction progress of various facilities provided for by the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and scheduled for commissioning this year, as well as on the preparation of events to celebrate World Health Day.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under strict control the compliance of agricultural work with agro-technical standards, in particular, with regard to care of wheat, potatoes and onions, and sowing cotton, which is the key to a bountiful harvest.

The relevant instructions were on the organized completion of the cocoons production season.

The head of state also gave the khyakim specific instructions on meeting the deadlines and quality requirements for construction of social and industrial facilities provided for by the Program for socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, to be put commissioned this year, as well as on the preparation of events on World Health Day.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers A. Yazmyradov reported on the course of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country’s velayats.

As was reported, work is under way these days in accordance with agro-technical standards, wheat fields are treated, in particular, in terms of applying mineral fertilizers and watering, and efforts are made to control weeds and pests.

Along with this, cotton sowing is currently underway, vegetative irrigation is carried out in order to grow and gather a bountiful harvest. Groups of scientists and experienced agricultural professionals regularly make working trips to the regions and advise agricultural producers.

In addition, the deputy prime minister informed that in order to supply the population with potatoes, vegetables and other food products and successfully fulfill the provisions specified for strengthening the country’s food security, potatoes and onions are cared for in the regions in accordance with agro-industrial standards. Taking into account the climatic conditions in the Akhal, Lebap and Mary Velayats, producers are fully provided with silkworm eggs, and preparations are underway for the cocoons production season in the Balkan and Dashoguz Velayats.

Having heard the report, and emphasizing the importance of the agricultural sector in the national economy, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out the need to comply with the agro-technical requirements and deadlines during ongoing agricultural campaigns, especially cotton sowing, having given specific instructions on this matter.

The head of state also instructed the deputy prime minister to control the quality and compliance with agro-technical standards of works related to the care of wheat, onions, potatoes and other crops.

Addressing the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the agro-industrial complex and the hyakims of velayats, the President of Turkmenistan said that every effort must be made to ensure high quality and organized completion of agricultural work in the fields of the country, and meet the agro-technical requirements, giving a number of instructions in this regard.

Concluding the working meeting via a digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants sound health and great success in their activities for the happy and prosperous life of their country’s people.

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