The Dovlet Maslakhaty (State Council) was held in the capital under the chairmanship of the President of Turkmenistan
The Dovlet Maslakhaty (State Council) was held in the capital under the chairmanship of the President of Turkmenistan
Published 23.09.2022

Today, the Dovlet Maslakhaty (State Council), dedicated to the 31st anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, was held in the capital, in the Rukhyet Palace under the chairmanship of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The agenda of the national forum, which has become a significant event in the life of the Fatherland, included summing up the results achieved over the past period, discussing priority tasks for the further comprehensive development of the country.

In the morning, the head of state arrived at the Rukhyet Palace in the capital, where the participants of Dovlet Maslakhaty, representing the city of Ashgabat and all regions of the country, gathered. It should also be noted that through a digital system, representatives of the Akhal velayat joined the national forum from the building of "Türkmeniň ak öýi", Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats - from the Rukhyet Palaces in the cities of Turkmenbashi, Dashoguz, Turkmenabat and Mary.

There comes a solemn moment: the head of Turkmenistan declares Dovlet Maslakhaty open.

With unanimous support and full approval of the gathered, the head of the state declared approval of the agenda of Dovlet Maslakhaty.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan made a program speech before participants of the nationwide forum.

Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the floor to the participants of Dovlet Maslakhaty.

Resident of Gokdepe district of Akhal region, pensioner Mukhammetmyrat Orazov, who sincerely congratulated the President of Turkmenistan and all the gathered with a significant date, the 31st anniversary of independence of the fatherland, was the first to speak and wish the head of the state sound health and great successes in his large-scale noble activities.

Further, the floor was given to family doctor of the health home № 1 of Ashgabat city Nurjemal Bekova who on behalf of workers of the healthcare system sincerely congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and all participants of the Dovlet Maslakhaty with the 31st anniversary of independence of the fatherland marked in the year “The epoch of people with Arkadag”.

Then the floor was given to operator of the Lebap state power station of «Turkmenenergo» State Power Energy Corporation of the Ministry of Energy Nepes Jumakov.

Further, the floor was given to tenant famer of «Täze durmuş» famers; association of the district named after Gurbansoltan eje of Dashoguz region Sakhy Movlamberdiyev. Having sincerely congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people on behalf of village workers with the 31st anniversary of sacred independence of the fatherland, the speaker – representative of the younger generation underlined that inspired with support of the head of the state, peasants with their diligent work grow and produce rich harvest of wheat, cotton, gourds and vegetables and fruits. Ecologically clean, high quality produce grown in the Turkmen land creates food abundance in the country. At that, great prospective open for rise of export potential of the national agro-industrial complex.

The next to speak was officer of the air defence army of the department of land forces of the armed forces of Turkmenistan Serdar Begmyradov. On behalf of the personnel of the Air Forces of the country, the serviceman congratulated the head of the state and all our compatriots with the 31st anniversary of independence of the fatherland marked in the year “The epoch of people with Arkadag”.

Further, the floor was given to member of the World Humanitarian association Gurbanniyaz Shirmuhammet who underlined that in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the powerful state under the leadership of president Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the fatherland large-scale transformations continue started by Hero Arkadag and holidays are widely marked. In these solemnities, representatives of Turkmen diasporas overseas also participate and during their stay on the sacred land of their ancestors, they feel glad for the prosperity of the fatherland.

4th year student of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics Altyn Allaberdiyeva and 2nd year student of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction Amanmyrat Atayev, who spoke then, sincerely congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with the organization of the Dovlet Maslakhaty on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, underlined that the youth of the country inspired by wise sayings of Arkadagly Serdar, feeling pride for glorious achievements of the fatherland, go ahead.

At the end of the speeches, addressing the participants of Dovlet Maslakhaty, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that today our achievements mad in the years of independence, main areas of hem and foreign policy of the country were considered, significance of historical transformations, goals of further development of the state and society were discussed. Speeches on these issues were also heard.

As the head of Turkmenistan further noted, guided by the principles of mercy and humanism of the great ancestors, in our Fatherland, according to the established tradition, on the eve of major holidays, actions are being held to pardon citizens convicted of criminal acts and sincerely repenting of their deeds.

In this regard, the floor was given to the Chairman of the Commission for the preparation of proposals on issues of citizenship and pardon under the President of Turkmenistan B. Gundogdyev, who reported on the proper work carried out in this direction.

After listening to the report, to the applause of the audience, the President of Turkmenistan signed the relevant Decree, according to which, in commemoration of the glorious holiday, 829 citizens of our country and 4 citizens of foreign countries will be released from further punishment.

Further, in the Dovlet Maslakhaty the floor is given to chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova who reads the Decree of the heads of the state on awarding honorary title «Türkmenistanyň «Hormatly il ýaşulusy» and the order of Turkmenistan «Zenan kalby».

In a solemn atmosphere, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov presents the relevant badges and certificates to representatives of the older generation, who were awarded the title of "Türkmenistanyn "Hormatly il ýaşulusy", and awards to respected mothers who were awarded the "Zenan kalby" order.

Having expressed their deep acknowledgment for the honour to the head of Turkmenistan, our compatriots ensured that they will further make all out efforts using their experience and knowledge for the benefit of prosperity of the beloved fatherland and happiness of people, education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, diligence and high spiritual and moral values of the nation.

Once again congratulating the award recipients on this significant event in their lives, the head of state addressed the audience with a closing speech.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, feeling pride for our successes and achievements made in the 31 years of independence as well as based on noble principles inherited from our glorious ancestors, we will gain more victories and further raise he authority of our independent neural fatherland in the world.

At this, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov declared Dovlet Maslakhaty closed.

The majestic sounds of the National Anthem of Turkmenistan rise again under the arches of the Rukhyet Palace.

Thus, this day will go down in the history of the Renaissance of the new era of a powerful state as a visible symbol of the indestructible unity and solidarity of our people, the unchanging commitment of an independent neutral Turkmenistan to the chosen path of peace, creation and progress.

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