The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 05.07.2022

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular meeting of the State Security Council, which considered the outcome of work of military and law enforcement bodies for six months of the current year and outlined priority goals for the near future. The agenda of the meeting also included the issues connected with ensuring security and tranquillity in our independent state, strengthening of the material and technical basis of security forces and improvement of their activities.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence B.Gundogdyev was first to speak and report on the work carried out by subordinate institutions for six months of 2022 as well as the on the draft of the Resolution “On approval of the Program for development of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028”.

The strengthening of the personnel potential and training of highly qualified specialists for security forces became separate topics of the report. In this connection, for consideration of the head of the state, drafts of Resolutions on appointment and dismissal of heads of the Armed Forces and Orders of approval of the Plan for admission into higher and secondary professional educational institutions of military and law enforcement bodies for 2022 were submitted.

Having signed the submitted documents, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country pointed out that along with all higher educational establishments, entrance examinations will start in higher and secondary professional educational institutions of military and law enforcement bodies. In this connection, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defence B.Gundogdyev, Minister of Interior Affairs M.Khydyrov, Minister of National Security G.Annayev and head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev were instructed to hold the upcoming work under a strict control in accordance with established rules as well as to ensure admission of worthy young people into higher educational establishments. At the same time, an emphasis was made on the necessity to raise the level of teaching in profile educational institutions and to introduce modern methods in the education process.

In the course of the meeting, the head of the state reprimanded Minister of Defence, Secretary of the State Security Council B.Gundogdyev for improper fulfilment of his duties and shortcomings made in his work.

Further, acting Attorney General B.Begmyradov reported on the results of work of subordinate institutions for the January-June period of the current year and the draft of the Resolution “On approval of the Program for development of the system of public prosecution bodies of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028”.

Having heard the report, the head of the state informed of his decision made with agreement with the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of the country to appoint junior judicial counsellor S.Malikgulyev Attorney General releasing him from the post of attorney of Ashgabat city.

In this connection, B.Begmyradov was released from the post of acting Attorney General.

Further, in the meeting, S.Malikgulyev expressing his deep gratitude to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country for high trust, ensured that he will make all his efforts and use his experience for further development of the fatherland, maintenance of law and order, creative work and happy life of Turkmen nationals.

Further, Minister of Interior Affairs M.Khydyrov reported on the outcome of activity of MIA for the given period, practical steps taken for maintenance of public order, prevention of offenses, ensuring of observance of fire safety rules everywhere and proper order in health centres of children functioning in all regions of the country. He also reported on the draft of the Resolution on approval of the Program for development of the system of bodies of interior affairs for the upcoming period prepared at the instruction of the President of Turkmenistan.

In connection with the ongoing season of summer holidays in recreation centres located in all parts of the country and in Avaza national tourist zone, the Minister of Interior Affairs was instructed to keep the maintenance of public order, ensuring of traffic safety and observance of fire safety rules under a strict control in the given territory.

Head of the Supreme Court G.Ussanepesov reported on the results of work of subordinate institutions for the first half of the year. Having reported on practical measures realized for further development of the judicial system in accordance with requirements of the time, the head of the institution submitted for consideration of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country the draft of the Resolution “On approval of the Program for development of the judicial system of Turkmenistan for 2022–2028”.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that judicial bodies, administering justice, defend the rights and freedoms of people, interests of the state and society. The work of the given body aims at ensuring lawfulness, justness, elimination of causes and conditions leading to offences.

Minister of National Security G.Annayev, who further spoke, reported on the outcome of activities for six months and instructions given earlier by the President of Turkmenistan and the draft of the Resolution “On approval of the Program for development of national security bodies for 2022–2028”.

Having drawn the attention to the key role of MNS in ensuring security of the state, head of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the head of the department a number of instructions. One should attach close attention to introduction of advanced practice and modern technologies in the work process, the President of Turkmenistan underlined and gave the Minister a number of relevant instructions.

In the meeting, the head of the state reprimanded Minister of National Security G.Annayev for improper fulfilment of his duties and shortcomings made in his work.

Head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on practical measures taken for the January-June period of the current year with a view of proper protection of sacred borders of the fatherland and improvement of service and living standards of servicemen. The draft of the document “On approval of the Program for development of the system of border forces of the country for 2022–2028” became a separate theme of the report.

Having heard the report, the head of Turkmenistan drew attention to the necessity of continuation of work aimed at turning the state border of the independent neutral fatherland into the border of friendship and brotherhood. At that, it was underlined that one should follow principles of modern international relations taking into account advanced practice in the given sphere.

Further, Minister of Justice M.Taganov reported on measures implemented in the first half of the current year with a view of bringing the legislative basis into compliance with realities of the time as well as on the draft of the document on further modernization of activity of the sphere of justice.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov touching on priority tasks, noted that registry offices were transferred from the disposal of khyakimliks into the disposal of institutions of the Ministry of Justice with a view of improvement and well coordination of the work. In this regard, the Minister was instructed to organize activities of these offices in accordance with requirements of the time by creating a unified digital system taking into account all security rules.

Further, head of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev reported on the outcome of activities of the department under his supervision for the January-June period of the current year as well as on measures taken to improve the professional level of employees and to explore advanced experience in this sphere. He also submitted for consideration of the head of Turkmenistan the draft of the Resolution “On approval of the Program for development of customs bodies for 2022–2028”.

Having drawn the attention to the importance of compliance of the quality of imported goods with quality standards, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the head of the Service to keep preparation of all necessary documents for imported goods under a strict control.

Further, Head of the State Migration Service N.Atagarayev reported on the work carried out from the beginning of the year as well as on practical measures taken for modernization of the material and technical basis of subordinate institutions and strengthening of the personnel. Besides it, he reported on the draft of the document prepared for further improvement of the system of migration.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on key aspects of upcoming activities. As was marked, at present, restrictions made earlier in connection with entrance and exit of citizens to foreign countries are gradually lifted. As a result, airway services to a number of countries are re-established, the head of the state said and instructed the head of the Service to enhance control over subordinate offices.

In the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country signed relevant documents on approval of Programs for development of military and law enforcement bodies Turkmenistan for 2022–2028 aimed at the strengthening of peace and stability in our country. The given documents were developed taking into count the policy of permanent neutrality as well as in accordance with provisions of the defensive Military Doctrine.

Further, addressing members of the State Security Council, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country underlined that independent neutral Turkmenistan is committed to its status of neutrality and strictly maintains friendly and goodly neighbourhood relations with states and peoples of the world. Based upon these principles, the Military Doctrine fully bears a defensive character in accordance with which the structure of military and law enforcement bodes will be steadily improved and defence capacity of our fatherland will be strengthen further, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signified.

Solution of social issues, first of all, care of servicemen and their families is among the priority tasks, the head of Turkmenistan said pointing out that the state will further take due measures in this area.

The meeting of the State Security Council also considered other issues on which relevant decisions were made.

At the end of the meeting, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished all its participants sound health, wellbeing, and great successes in their responsible service for the peaceful and happy life of our people.

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