Meetings of voters with candidates for the President of Turkmenistan
Meetings of voters with candidates for the President of Turkmenistan
Published 28.02.2022

Pre-election meetings with voters of candidates for the President of Turkmenistan are continuing in Turkmenistan. By visiting each region of the country, candidates, in accordance with the Electoral Code, use the equal rights and opportunities granted them for freedom of campaigning, speaking at election proceedings, meetings, in the media, which is a clear evidence of the triumph of the democracy principles.

Turkmenbashi, February 28 (TDH). A meeting of voters with the candidate nominated by the Democratic Party of the country for the President of Turkmenistan – Cabinet Deputy Chairman Serdar Berdimuhamedov took place today at the cultural and sports center of the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries.

The first speaker was the Chairman of the Balkan Velayat DPT Committee, the proxy of the candidate B.Saparova, giving the floor to the chief specialist of Deñiz söwda floty CJSC of the Türkmendeñizderýaýollary Agency E.Matdiyev, who familiarized the audience with the work biography and characterized the personal, business and professional qualities of Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Then the candidate for the President of Turkmenistan himself spoke, enunciating the election program, outlined a number of priority areas of the upcoming work in the light of the implementation of the Program “Revival of a new era of a powerful state: The National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052”, approved by a special resolution of the nation’s leader. The fulfillment of the tasks stipulated in this historical document is intended to promote the realization of the country’s enormous economic and natural potential for the benefit of the present and future generations of our people, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

Particular attention in the speech was paid to the prospects for the development of the leading sectors of the national economic complex, the implementation of programs in the field of housing construction, the creation of conditions for the use of advanced world technologies and equipment in all areas, including the construction of new industrial and social facilities, the improvement of the country’s cities and villages. 

As noted, in the era of the Revival of the powerful Turkmen state, in accordance with the strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the Motherland for the next 30 years, large-scale work will continue on the development of the richest oil and gas fields located on land and in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea. At the same time, a progressive increase in the production and processing of hydrocarbons, modernization of the fuel and energy sector infrastructure is envisaged. Diversification of Turkmen Blue Fuel and electricity supplies to foreign markets will remain a priority vector of energy policy.

In the new historical period, a lot of work will be carried out in Turkmenistan to create a modern, multifaceted transport and communication system. The construction of new highways and steel roads, the use of existing highways and railways, including Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran, as well as the Turkmenbashi International Seaport – the sea gate of Central Asia, which are an important part of the regional and international transport corridors of our country, will be continued at full capacity.

Transformations in the agricultural sector are also named among the priorities. In this context, the relevant vectors of work in the future will be further improvement of the efficiency of agricultural production, the use of the best varieties of crops that meet the soil and climatic conditions of the velayats, the development of animal husbandry and fish farming, the introduction of market relations in the agro-industrial complex.

The topic of the domestic entrepreneurship development was highlighted separately.

The mass physical culture and health movement and sports is also a priority direction of the state policy of Turkmenistan aimed at strengthening the health of the nation, educating the physically strong and spiritually rich young generation of the country, the candidate emphasized.

During the meeting, the candidate for the highest state post answered the questions of those present, explaining the points concerning the plans for the development of the western region of the country, the further arrangement of the Avaza National Tourist Zone, the realization of the velayat’s tourist potential. The participants were interested in the prospects of implementing state programs in the field of healthcare, education, improving the supply of clean drinking water to the population, and employment of citizens. Among the main topics, the gradual development of the Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake within the framework of the corresponding concept of the region was identified, which is of exceptional importance not only from an economic but also from an environmental point of view. 

At the end of the meeting, Cabinet Deputy Chairman Serdar Berdimuhamedov assured the participants of the meeting that if he is elected as the President of Turkmenistan, he will do everything possible to justify the trust of his voters, using all his knowledge and experience, will faithfully serve the Fatherland in the name of strengthening the international authority and economic power of the state, in the interests of the Turkmen people.

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Ahal velayat, February 28 (TDH). Today, a meeting of voters with the candidate for the President of Turkmenistan – Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Khydyr Nunnaev, nominated by an initiative group of citizens from Ashgabat, took place in the House of Culture of Anau city of Ak Bugdai etrap.

The meeting was opened by the representative of the Department of Culture of the Ahal velayat B.Halmammedov, who gave the floor to the candidate’s confidant – a teacher, acting head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Ch.Sylapov. Having familiarized the audience with the candidate’s work biography, he described him as a highly qualified specialist and teacher, a responsible leader with organizational skills. At the same time, the positive personal qualities of Kh.Nunnaev, demonstrating a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, were also noted .

Then the candidate for the President of Turkmenistan outlined the priorities of his election program, emphasizing that in a new historical era, broad democratic transformations are being carried out in our country aimed at strengthening the principles of genuine democracy in society. This is fully confirmed by the current election campaign, which is taking place in an atmosphere of openness, alternative and free will expression of citizens.

According to Khydyr Nunnaev, if he is elected to the post of head of state, he will make every effort to adequately continue the large-scale activities initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to increase the economic power of the Motherland, bringing it among the developed countries of the world.

The candidate underlined that the focus of his attention will be on such tasks as the successful implementation of state and national programs, cardinal reforms based on advanced knowledge, innovations, high environmentally friendly technologies, the transition of the economy to a digital platform, diversification of its industries and forms of ownership, ensuring employment of the population, improving the level and quality of life of Turkmen citizens.

Among the main goals, the candidate for the highest state post outlined further modernization of the spheres of education, science and healthcare, building up the intellectual potential of the nation, preserving, studying and popularizing the richest cultural heritage of the people, actively stimulating physical culture and sports, strengthening in society, and, above all, among the younger generation, the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Based on its permanently neutral status and peaceful foreign policy, Turkmenistan will continue to strengthen and expand fruitful cooperation with the countries of the world and reputable international organizations.

Then Kh.Nunnaev answered the voters’ questions, highlighting that in solving the important and responsible tasks set, the key criterion is the steady implementation of the Program “Revival of a new era of a powerful state: The National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052”, adopted at the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, held on February 11 under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Thanking the voters for their high trust, the candidate assured that he would make every effort, knowledge and energy for the sake of further progress of the Motherland, well-being and happiness of the people.

In the afternoon, there was also a meeting of voters with the candidate for the post of President of Turkmenistan – the head of the sanitary and epidemiological service of Babadaykhan etrap Maksatmyrat Ovezgeldiyev, nominated by the initiative group of citizens of the Ahal velayat.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Tejen etrap Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Makhtumkuli G.Gurbanov. Then the floor was given to the candidate’s confidant – Chairman of the Ahal Velayat Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly M.Orazberdiyev, who familiarized the audience with the work biography of the applicant for the highest state post, describing him as a responsible, hardworking person. At the same time, it was noted that, possessing high professional and personal qualities, Maksatmyrat Ovezgeldiyev takes an active life and civic position.

Then the candidate for President addressed the voters, outlining the key directions of his election program. It was emphasized that in the modern era, independent neutral Turkmenistan under the leadership of the nation’s leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has achieved unprecedented success in all spheres of state and society. As M.Ovezgeldiyev assured, if he is elected as President of Turkmenistan, he will steadily continue to implement a progressive political course aimed at the prosperity of the country and ensuring the well-being of the people, increasing the authority of the Motherland on the world stage, promoting its constructive international initiatives.

In domestic policy, special attention will be paid to solving the problems of further development of all sectors of the national economy and the social sphere, where the priority is the widespread practical introduction of innovations and advanced technologies, the best world experience. In this context, work will be continued on the diversification of the national economy, systematic improvement of living conditions, work and recreation of citizens, comprehensive modernization of infrastructure in cities and rural areas.

The basis for this will be the Program “Revival of a new era of a powerful state: The National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052”, adopted on February 11 this year at the historic meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh.

Answering the questions of voters – representatives of different generations and professions, the candidate separately focused on a number of provisions of his election program, including topics such as digitalization of the economy and other spheres of the state’s life, further improvement of domestic education and healthcare systems, education of the younger generation in the spirit of true patriotism and the primordial values of the nation.

Thanking the audience for their attention, M.Ovezgeldiyev once again assured that in case of his election to the highest state post, in order to successfully solve the tasks set, he would work selflessly, directing all his strength, knowledge and abilities to serve the Motherland and the people.

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Turkmenabat, February 28 (TDH). Today, in the conference hall of the velayat khyakimlik, a meeting of voters took place with the director of the financial and economic secondary vocational school of the Lebap velayat, Perhat Begenjov, whose candidacy for the President of Turkmenistan was put forward by an initiative group of citizens of this region of the country.

The meeting was opened by the deputy head of the Lebap Velayat Department of Culture M.Akmammedov. Then the floor was given to the candidate’s proxy – the director of secondary school#28 of Turkmenabat city Ya.Yagmurov, who familiarized the audience with the work biography of the applicant for the highest state post, describing him as an initiative and broad-minded young leader with sufficient experience in teaching and having good organizational skills.

Perhat Begenjov, spoken then, voicing the main provisions of his election program, emphasized that independent neutral Turkmenistan consistently implements the creative domestic and foreign policy initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which meets both national interests and the goals of universal well-being.

The grandiose successes achieved and the peacekeeping strategy being steadily implemented have led to the ever-growing authority of the Motherland in the international arena. As the candidate noted, if he is elected to the post of President of Turkmenistan, he will work hard and selflessly for the sake of continuing this far-sighted course, implementing large-scale reforms and transformative programs deployed in the country.

At the same time, special importance is attached to the adopted National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052, aimed at the progressive progress of the Motherland in the long term. Ensuring a high standard of living for the population will continue to be the key priority of the state policy. Among the most important tasks is the systematic modernization of all sectors of the national economy, support for private entrepreneurship and, in general, the optimal realization of the country’s huge economic potential.

Then the candidate answered the questions of voters who were interested in his vision of further improvement of the social sphere, in particular, the domestic education system, stimulating sports, innovative development of various sectors of the economy, including the fuel and energy complex.

At the end of the meeting, Perhat Begenjov again assured that if he is elected to the post of President of Turkmenistan, he will do everything to justify the high trust placed, directing all his strength, knowledge and experience to serve his native people and Fatherland.

In the afternoon, there was also a meeting with voters of the candidate for the highest state post – Director of the Research and Production Center “Renewable Energy Sources” of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan Kakageldi Saryev, nominated by the initiative group of citizens of Mary velayat.

The meeting was opened by the teacher of secondary school#7 of the Charjev etrap M.Nobatov, who gave the floor to the candidate’s proxy – the acting head of the Department of Economics of the Energy Industry of the State Energy Institute D.Agajanov. Introducing the audience to the work biography of K.Saryev, the speaker noted his high professionalism, organizational skills, as well as respectable personal qualities.

Then, the candidate for the President of Turkmenistan, speaking to the participants of the meeting, outlined the priority aspects of his election program, highlighting that in the modern era, every year of the life of his beloved Homeland is filled with important events and glorious labor victories.

It was noted that the impressive successes achieved by the country under the wise leadership of the nation’s leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the economic and social spheres laid a solid foundation for the further comprehensive development of the Motherland. According to the candidate, among the key areas of his election program are comprehensive measures to consistently increase the potential and production capacities of all sectors of the national economy, including the energy sector, the introduction of digital technologies, advanced scientific achievements and the best world experience into production. In this regard, special importance is attached to the successful implementation of the National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052 and other adopted transformative programs.

The most important vector of state policy is concern for the welfare of the people, raising the living standard of the population. Unflagging attention will be paid to the systematic improvement and support of the spheres of education, science, culture, health, sports, education of the erudite young generation with modern knowledge and a broad outlook. In this context, the primary task is to train highly qualified personnel being in demand in various sectors of the economy and the social sphere.

Answering the questions of the meeting participants, in particular, concerning youth and educational policy, as well as the modernization of the domestic transport infrastructure and other relevant topics, K. Saryev assured that if he is elected to the highest state post, he will make every effort, all his knowledge and abilities to honorably justify the high confidence vested in him.

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