The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting via the Digital System
The President of Turkmenistan Held a Working Meeting via the Digital System
Published 24.01.2022

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting over the digital system, which was attended by the Cabinet Deputy Chairmen supervising velayats and Ashgabat city, the Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan, the khyakims of the velayats and the capital.

Priority tasks of socio-economic development of the country’s regions, the course of seasonal agricultural work, as well as measures to implement national transformation programs and a number of other issues of public life were laid upon the agenda.

During the meeting through the digital system, the head of state, speaking about the pace of implementation of the National Rural Program in the regions, as well as the results of working trips to the velayats, focused on the need to create all conditions for organizing the work carried out in accordance with the requirements of the time.

The head of state was the first to hear the report of the khyakim of the Akhal velayat Ya.Gurbanov, who reported on the state of affairs in the agricultural areas of the region, including the ongoing agro-technical measures, as well as preparations for the spring field season.

The leader of the nation noted the low pace of agricultural work, mainly in the Baherden, Kaakhka etraps, in the Ak Bugday etrap and Babadaykhan etrap of the velayat, expressing dissatisfaction with their conduct, non-compliance with the requirements, as well as the lack of coordination of enterprises in this direction, resulting in failures, and instructed the khyakim to organize work in accordance with the requirements.

Further, the khyakim of the Balkan velayat, T.Atakhalliyev, reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural campaigns on the agricultural lands of the region, as well as on the fulfillment of the instructions given by the head of state on the preparation of equipment and aggregates, fields for spring sowing, expansion of the areas allocated for potatoes, vegetable and other crops.

The head of state also noted the low pace of work carried out in the velayat on vegetation irrigation and additional feeding of wheat seedlings, preparation of areas allocated for cotton, potatoes, spring potatoes and other crops, and repair of tractors. The President of Turkmenistan expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of work carried out in the Serdar, Bereket and Etrek etraps to clean up the territories around the cultivated lands, irrigation systems, and the introduction of modern irrigation methods.

The working meeting via the digital system continued with the report of the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat N.Nazarmyradov, who reported on the fulfillment of the tasks for the socio-economic development of the northern region of the country outlined in the National Rural Program, as well as on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

The head of state required the khyakim to pay due attention to strengthening the pace of work carried out in agriculture, the introduction of advanced technologies into the industry and, in general, the successful solution of the tasks in this direction.

Next, the khyakim of the Lebap velayat Sh.Amangeldiyev reported on the fulfillment of the instructions previously given by the President of Turkmenistan, the course of seasonal agricultural campaigns held in the region. It was also reported on preparations for spring sowing, measures taken to expand the fields allocated for potatoes and vegetable crops.

The leader of the nation emphasized the importance of intensifying the cultivation of agricultural crops in the velayat, conducting them according to the norms of agricultural technology.

The president of the country expressed dissatisfaction with the progress and low rates of arable planning and cleaning of drainage collectors in the Koytendag etrap, the Dovletli etrap, as well as in the Khojambaz and Farab etraps, demanding that the khyakim organize the work in accordance with the requirements.

Khyakim of Mary velayat D.Annaberdiyev reported on seasonal agricultural work currently being carried out in the region, on the preparation of fields, machinery and aggregates for the spring sowing of potatoes and vegetable crops.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also noted the low pace of work on the wheat fields of the velayat on vegetation irrigation and fertilization of crops with mineral fertilizers, preparation of agricultural machinery and aggregates for the spring season. Drawing attention to the fact that the measures carried out in the region to clean up the territories adjacent to agricultural areas, irrigation and drainage systems are not carried out at the proper level, the leader of the nation expressed dissatisfaction with their conduct in the Oguzkhan, Turkmenkala, Karakum and Mary etraps, instructing the khyakim to organize work in accordance with the requirements.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiev reported on the progress of work being carried out on agricultural areas of the country, in particular, on the care of wheat fields, and measures taken in preparation for the spring field season.

As reported, preparations for the spring sowing of agricultural machinery, relevant aggregates, land and necessary seeds are being carried out on a comprehensive basis. At the same time, work is being carried out within the framework of the program to expand the areas in the country for potatoes, vegetable and other crops.

As a result of the fact that the khyakims of the velayats do not approach the tasks set with due responsibility, as well as organizational issues related to the performance of work on schedule and at a high level, the quality of agro-technical measures does not meet the requirements.

The head of state expressed dissatisfaction with the work carried out in this direction by the khyakims of the velayats and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and strictly demanded that they approach the tasks with full responsibility and on a comprehensive basis.

Then the head of state on the digital system summoned the khyakim of Ashgabat city R.Gandymov and the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Purchekov.

Khyakim reported on the state of work currently being carried out in the central part of the city, in particular, on the implementation of the instructions of the head of state to activate the construction of social buildings.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Purchekov reported on the fulfillment of the instructions previously given by the head of state, on the state of affairs at construction sites both in the territory of the velayats and in Ashgabat city, in particular, on the improvement of the road transport system.

The President of the country emphasized that the work carried out in the main city of the country should be exemplary, emphasizing the need for a strict and responsible approach to issues related to the successful implementation of programs in this area.

Further, the working meeting via the digital system continued with the participation of the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers overseeing the capital and the velayats of the country, the Prosecutor General, the khyakims of the velayats and the city of Ashgabat.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the relevant material and technical base for road construction and special equipment has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the khyakimliks in the country, but despite this, the level of road construction work has decreased. In this regard, the floor was given to the country’s Prosecutor General B.Atdaev, who reported on the results of the investigations.

As the Prosecutor General reported, with the transition of road construction equipment to the jurisdiction of the khyakimliks, the level of road construction work has significantly decreased in all corners of the country, the corresponding equipment is not used at full capacity, there is a shortage of spare parts. All this has a negative impact on the proper maintenance of roads in our country and the construction of new ones.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, reporting on the results of his working trips to the velayats, noted that the implementation of the National Rural Program in the regions is not organized at the proper level. The pace of construction of roads and socio-cultural facilities does not meet the requirements of today.

In continuation of the conversation on this topic, the head of state listened to the reports of the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the velayats, as well as the khyakims of the velayats, who reported on activities to improve the social security of the regions.

The leader of the nation noted that, despite the appropriate support of the state, the level of work in the road transport infrastructure remains low in various regions, including in the capital, there is an irresponsible attitude to the issue of increasing the pace of road construction, the quality of work is noticeably decreasing. These facts indicate that the khyakims of the velayats and the city of Ashgabat did not organize the work properly, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized and expressed dissatisfaction with their activities.

The head of state strictly demanded that the khyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat city organize work in the road transport infrastructure in full compliance with the requirements of the time and the planned plans. The leader of the nation assigned the deputy prime ministers in charge of the velayats and the city of Ashgabat to strengthen control in this direction.

The head of state, addressing the Deputy Prime Minister Ch.Purchekov commissioned to prepare, together with the economic bloc, relevant proposals aimed at accelerating and improving road construction work.

The president of the country noted that the socio-cultural facilities being built in the velayats, namely schools, kindergartens, hospitals, health homes, sports schools and facilities, Houses of Culture, as well as highways being built in the regions within the framework of the country’s Socio-Economic Development Program for 2019-2025 and the National Rural Program, should be of high quality and should be put into operation within the time periods planned. Today this is the main requirement.

The leader of the nation highlighted that in the epoch of power and happiness, social protection of the population should be properly ensured, and for it, appropriate work should be carried out. It is necessary to use advanced experience, the latest technologies and digital systems in the construction of social facilities, the head of state said. All work in this direction should be under strict control.

Concluding the working meeting, the head of state wished all its participants success in their activities in the name of ensuring the further prosperity of our sovereign Motherland.

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