President Serdar Berdimuhamedov: «The prospect of economic cooperation between Central Asia and Germany is huge»
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov: «The prospect of economic cooperation between Central Asia and Germany is huge»
Published 17.09.2024

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the second «Central Asia–Germany» summit, noted that the priority of cooperation between the Central Asian countries and the Federal Republic of Germany is the economy.

«I am convinced that this area is designed to become the engine of our relations. To ensure the strong and stable positions of German business in the countries of the region, on the one hand, and, on the other, the speedy and effective integration of Central Asia into global economic and investment processes, including through ties with German companies. In this way, it is obvious that economic, trade, and investment cooperation in our format meets the interests of all its participants and has good prospects for development and expansion», -the President of Turkmenistan said.

Among the key areas of partnership, the head of the Turkmen state highlighted transport and logistics, communications, energy, industrial production, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, medicine and pharmaceuticals, agro-industrial complex, developments in the field of information technology. «I am convinced that today we need a transition to new methods of conducting joint business based on modern requirements and requests, where the role of intelligence, advanced management, and the use of human resources, which are rich in the Central Asian region with its young, educated, socially young population, objectively increases», -said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. 

In this context, the head of Turkmenistan highlighted the prospect of moving to the establishment of joint ventures, service and training centers in the countries of our region, and the organization of training of highly qualified specialists. «The prospect of economic cooperation between CA and Germany is huge. The advantageous geographical location of our region, connecting Asia and Europe, its vast and diverse natural resources, serious demographic potential, combined with the industrial and technological level of Germany, experience and established partnerships in the field of international business, open up opportunities for our countries to work together», -the President of Turkmenistan emphasised.

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