Events of the week
Turkmenistan proceeds with framing of the 30-year program of further national development
Events of the week
Turkmenistan proceeds with framing of the 30-year program of further national development
Published 09.01.2022

Against the background of the past week’s panorama of events, it is well worth putting spotlight on the regularity and consistency of the strides undertaken by our country to realize the initiated by the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov science-based strategic programs of the national economy complex fast-track development, which are the strong basics of the country’s next forward breakthrough toward new achievements and heights of the epoch of power and happiness of the Turkmen state.

On January 3, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Mary velayat.

On board the plane, the head of state got acquainted with the content of printed matters published in the country. The materials released informed about steady growth of labor productivity in different branches of national economy, which invests in achieving of important victories in the year proclaimed under the symbolic motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”.

Besides, during the flight, by the phone, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions pertaining to widespread assimilation of the world’s advanced experience into the activity of “Türkmenhowaýollary» Agency.

From the air harbor of administrative center of Mary velayat, the head of state made a helicopter drive to the large gas deposit «Galkynyş» notable for its impressive gas reserves. There, along with the drawings and schemes of the promising deposits in the region, the leader of nation was informed about introduction of advanced technologies and realization of large-scale ecology-friendly projects in the sector, production of the ecologically clean energy.

Consideration was also given to the issues of rich hydrocarbon resources study and development, enhancement of export potential of the country’s gas sector, diversification of the natural gas export routes, and drilling of new oil and gas wells, training of the demand-driven specialists.

Summing up the discussion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that the activity of FEC – one of the key sectors of the economy, strengthens the state’s economic sovereignty, and realization of investment projects in the branch promotes further mutuality-based international cooperation. In this regard, the head of state placed particular emphasis on the topicality of development of rather promising «Günorta Mary» site.

Necessitating activation of the geological-prospecting and drilling works and commercial development of new oil/gas deposits, the leader of nation has noted that «Galkynyş» gas deposit (its total estimated resources together with «Ýaşlar» and «Garaköl» deposits – 27.4 trillion cu m) is developed on a piecemeal basis, incorporating concrete projects orientated to long-term prospects. Simultaneously, other gas deposits of the country are now under development.

In the course of his working trip, the head of Turkmenistan got acquainted with condition of pasture lands in Mary velayat and visited a local shepherd’s ‘lodge’ of daikhan association “Azatlyk”, Iolotan etrap.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has congratulated the shepherd on the New Year and in the confidential talk evinced interest in his daily needs and concerns related to sheep wintering and upcoming lambing campaigns, productivity-favored labor conditions.

On January 4, while in Mary velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working session devoted to the results of his working trip. The session was attended by the chief heads of the country’s FEC structures and the khyakim of velayat.

The agenda of session implied the issues related to further development of the country’s oil/gas industry, increase of the natural gas production volumes at the gas deposits of Mary velayat, as well as strengthening of Turkmenistan’s positions at the global energy market.

The talk was about modernization and digitization of the objects of gas industry, efficient budgeting of capital needs and projects, realization of projects in association with foreign partners, ecology aspects of the industry. Particular attention was given to the issues of geological-prospecting surveys of the hydrocarbon-perspective areas, increase of the research and scientific-technological potential in the within-named sphere.

Consideration was also given to the comprehensive measures undertaken to improve production, processing and supply of”blue fuel” from the «Galkynyş» gas deposit.

In his concrete instructions to the relevant leaders, the head of state placed accent on the necessity to study the world’s best practice, assimilate advanced methods and organizational approaches into the branch, and train the staffers on the basis of experience exchange and partnership with leading foreign high schools and scientific centers.

The material-technical base of the FEC, including geological-prospecting institutions, should be strengthened; in case of need – to reconstruct the industrial objects and develop concrete proposals on attracting investments to implementation of new projects, the leader of nation stressed.

That same day, the presidential helicopter departed for Lebap velayat, where the head of state visited “Malay” gas deposit.

In the velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a meeting to discuss the issues related to implementation of the tasks enshrined in the Program of the country’s oil/gas industry development up to 2030, modernization of “Malay” deposit and increase of its capacities.

The leader of nation was informed about the incipient scientific and research works on increasing of the natural gas deposits productivity andnew about the results of works on prospecting for and discovering of new wells.

New deposits discovered in the territory of Mary and Lebap velayats were supposed to have considerable reserves of the natural gas. Moreover, the fact, that the gas of upper strata of earth is recognized to meet high international standards and be the most ecologically clean, stipulates heightened interest to the Turkmen natural gas at world markets. Commercial development of those reserves will increase the country’s gas resources by 126 BCM.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed that nowadays the national FEC faces three major tasks – industrialization of the oil/gas sphere; provision of domestic consumers with demand-driven produce; increase of the branch’s export potential.

In this regard, necessitating assimilation into that sphere of modern science achievements, advancement of international cooperation, the head of state has addressed concrete instructions to the officials concerned.

Then, at the wheel of jeep the leader of nation made a car ride far inland to enjoy the plant kingdom of the Karakum desert on winter days after heavy rains.

En route, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a stopover in the pasture with a herd of grazing camels belonging to daikhan association «Ýeňiş», Sayat etrap, Lebap velayat. In the talk with shepherd, the leader of nation evinced interest in condition of the animals and pastures, in the well-being of the tenant-farmer’s family.

The shepherd expressed gratitude to the head of state for easy terms rendered by the state to agri-workers (cattlemen inclusive). Due to labor-saving and well-paid job, his family lives in easy circumstances, denies itself nothing, enjoys happy life.

The results of trip to Lebap velayat were in the focus of working session, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on January 5 with the participation of representatives of the China National Petroleum Company well-cooperative with Turkmenistan.

Consideration was also given to the issues related to further upgrading of the country’s FEC, assimilation of scientific achievements into the sector, advancement of international relations, complete satisfaction of domestic demands for the relevant produce, and enhancement of the oil/gas industry’s export potential.

In particular, information was avowed about discovery of new deposits in the territories adjacent to gas deposits «Malaý» and «Naýyp» and about the plans on prospect drilling of 4,000-meter-deep wells at «Malaý» deposit and 3,200-meter-deep wells at the «Demirgazyk Derwüş» site.

At full capacity, the Bagaji sulfurous gas-treating and liquefied gas-producing plant is expected to increase production volumes of gas condensate and liquefied gas, as well as to produce additionally 2 MCM/per day of the natural gas.

In cooperation with foreign partners, further development is in progress of the “Galkynysh” gas deposit and construction of the TAPI gas pipeline.

In historically short space of time, a colossal work has been accomplished on diversification of the Turkmen natural gas export routes; efficient ties have been forged with a number of states of the world and large companies. In this regard, particular role is assigned to the Chinese People’s Republic, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed.

In the years ahead, we will continue to advance the Turkmen-Chinese relations (which are of strategic character) on the long-term basis in different directions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. Our goal is to use the country’s invaluable asset – hydrocarbon reserves, in the name of safeguarding peace in the entire world, ensuring successful life and prosperity of nations, the leader of nation said.

On January 6, the head of state received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Chinese People’s Republic in Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng.

The diplomat conveyed to the head of the Turkmen state cordial greetings and the letter of congratulations from the CPR Chairman Xi Jinping on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and China, and also an invitation to the ceremony of opening XXIV Winter Olympic Games, which will be held in Beijing throughout February 4-20, 2022.

In the course of meeting it was stressed that all through many years the two countries successfully cooperate practically in all leading spheres of economy, including in energy, transport and communications, textile and chemical industries.

Traditionally, the oil/gas sector, in which a number of important joint projects were implemented, was regarded as a priority direction of the extensive cooperation relations.

At the same time, having made accent on the presence of vast untapped potential of cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed himself in favor of developing new prospects for the mutuality-based partnership.

In this regard, an important role was assigned to the Turkmen-Chinese Cooperation Committee and its Subcommittees in searching for new ways of economic and investment interaction.

On January 6, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed head of the UNICEF Representative Office in our country Mohammad Faiyazi who submitted his credentials to the leader of nation.

The President of Turkmenistan and the head of UNICEF Representative Office exchanged opinions on the priority directions of the many-year bilateral interaction and on the prospects for its further advancement.

The UNICEF representative was pleased to note that in Turkmenistan, at the governmental level and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in person, much attention was given to the health protection sphere in general, to health protection of mother and child particularly.

In this context, of no less importance is the Turkmen side’s initiative on instituting of the Central Asian Epidemiology, Virology and Bacteriology Regional Center and the decision on construction in Turkmenistan of the Scientific-Production Epidemiology, Virology and Bacteriology Center, which were avowed at the International Forum on Northern Economic Cooperation.

Measures of rendering support to the handicapped children, assimilation of digital technologies into the national system of education, and other directions of successful partnership were also given consideration.

The priority issues of the state life were in the focus of agenda of the New Year’s first online session President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on January 7.

In particular, information was presented on: further strengthening of legal and democratic basics of the state; taking measures for dovetailing Work Plans-2022 of Turkmenistan’s economic, financial and banking complexes; setting up frontier trade between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan; training of Turkmenistan’s national teams for participation in XXXIII Summer Olympics and XVII Paralympics, which would be held in Paris (France).

Special attention was given to the state of affairs in the FEC sector. Nowadays, at the Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex production is launched of a new brand of pollution-free gasoline – A-98, which meets completely the EURO-6 quality standards.

By results of investigations implemented in the international laboratory of “Saybolt” Company (Kingdom of the Netherlands), the new product was certified as conforming to the ecological standards K5 and EURO-6 requirements. At present, the Main State Service «Türkmenstandartlary» is working over including A-98 gasoline into the public register as a new type of oil products and obtaining the certificate of conformity.

Being pleased with the news about the new home-made pollution-free product – a result of adoption of the newest technologies, know-how and world’s advanced experience – the head of state has placed particular emphasis on the efficiency of labor and works accomplished in this direction. In this regard, the leader of nation has spotlighted the upward production dynamics of the demand-driven oil product from the natural raw materials the Turkmen land is rich of.

Given the topicality of the draft State Plant Protection Program for 2022-2025, which incorporates development of science-based steps toward upgrading of the agri-technical, chemical and biological methods of plant protection, conducting of tests and registering of plant protection facilities, the President of Turkmenistan has exhorted the officials concerned to re-analyze the Program and dovetail it with the relevant structures.

The specimens of composite armature made of glass scrap and produced by «Senagattehnologiýalary» Corporation in association with “Algap” individual enterprise (a member of the Industrials and Entrepreneurs Union) were submitted to the head of state’s attention.

A test batch of the product (highly acclaimed in construction) obtained the certificates of quality, conformity and safety from a number of state agencies.

In the future, the Corporation intends to expand production of composite armature of different sizes to substitute its steel variety. Besides, organizational work is in progress to launch production of the composite armature from the basalt raw material. Production is also projected of the glass fiber from high-silica sand to be applied for production of different-size construction armature.

Having examined specimens, the leader of nation has highlighted that production in the country of the within-named armature will enable to minimize the imported volumes of the analogue and create new workplaces.

The head of state has exhorted the officials concerned in association with core departments to conduct strength tests of the composite armature. In case of confirmation of its high quality, it would be advisable to launch its extensive production with active involvement of representatives of nongovernmental sector.

The by-now scientific work on investigating national patterns and traceries which reflect the image of Turkmen Alabay was one of the subjects of the session’s agenda.

With the help of slides, presentation was organized of ornaments of ancient Turkmen carpets, as well as of the images of Alabay and greyhound (tazy) dogs found in the course of archeological excavations in different corners of the country.

The results of ongoing works will invest in the Turkmen Alabay’s global name recognition and supplement the resume prepared for including the nomination of national salient features of Turkmen Alabay dog training and breeding into the UNESCO Representative List of Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Mankind.

Not the least significant is to further scientific researches, which promote the study of the Turkmen people’s historical-cultural heritage, its preservation and transfer to the young generation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted and exhorted to include this direction of the applied art into the curriculum of high schools (the ones of humanitarian direction in particular) and attract scholars and members of Milli Gengesh to this work.

The head of state was also informed about taking the measures aimed at further advancement of cooperation of Turkmenistan with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in a number of concrete directions and at the development of Working Plan for 2022.

Thus, it is proposed to work out the projects of Turkmenistan’s National Cybersecurity Strategy and the Action Plan on its realization. In this regard, to strengthen our country’s positions in the ITU Global Cybersecurity Index, it is planned in the first half of the running year to hold regular consultations between the ITU and the relevant governmental departments of our country on the issues of improvement of their activity, organize the national staff-training courses, and take part in the regional cybersecurity training courses, activate awareness-raising work among the population.

Considering establishment of the “electronic government” as a key direction of the national economy digitization and being guided by the experience available, in the first quarter of 2022 it is planned to hold the interdepartmental meetings with the participation of ITU specialists.

It is also proposed to develop a special curriculum for the national core specialists and students, which will include the measures on their familiarization with world’s practice in the sphere of international information, communication and telecommunications, and its adoption in Turkmenistan.

Having approved the within-named proposals on further advancement of interest-based cooperation with the International Telecommunications Union, the leader of nation gave a number of concrete instructions on this score.

The head of state has also approved the Regulations on licensing the aviation activity and signed an Order on sanctioning of the Turkmen governmental delegation’s business trip on January 8-9 to the Islamic Republic of Iran to hold constructive negotiations on the political and economic issues.

Summing up the outcomes of the Cabinet’s session, the Government members’ main focus of attention President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has switched to the present-day primary tasks assigned to them.

In the current year, we are to commission a number of large objects. One such is the administrative center of Akhal velayat, which will soon be built, the head of state said.

To timely and qualitatively complete the project, the leader of nation has exhorted the officials concerned to hold weekly meetings on efficient and prompt consideration of incipient issues and avowed his decision on the relevant commission’s membership.

Concentrating attention on upward advancement of the FEC – a key segment of the national economy, the leader of nation has explained why he started the New Year from the working trip to Mary and Lebap velayats.

Having informed about his intention in the nearest future to visit other regions of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that now and in the long term all conditions would be created for development of colossal hydrocarbon reserves of independent neutral Motherland for the benefit of the native people.

The head of state has also exhorted to take measure to put out inflammation of the gas crater in the region of Darvaza. The many-year gas crater inflammation flares huge volumes of gas. More worrisome is its negative impact on the ecology and health of the people living near to the crater. Besides, the raw material is in vain lost. Being exported, enormous gain can be earned and directed for improving the people’s wellbeing.

To solve the problem, the leader of nation recommended to attract scientists, and in case of need – foreign consultants.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also concentrated attention on the advisability of keeping work going over yet another grandiose program.

In the year proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” we celebrated the glorious 30th anniversary of independence of the native Motherland. Independence – is a capstone of our great achievements. All through the past 30 years, much has been done; for the historically short space of time colossal successes were achieved, the leader of nation stressed.

On the whole, in the epoch of new Revivification and great changes and in the epoch of power and happiness, large-scale social, political and economic reforms were realized. In our politically stable and consolidated society, the native people have confidently realized the goals set, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that in such a way we managed to achieve sustainable political, economic, and social development.

We bear huge responsibility for the fate of our state and future of our descendants. Nowadays we face a task of primary importance – to define and draw up major directions of development of the state and its institutions for the next 30 years, the head of Turkmenistan highlighted.

In this regard the leader of nation has proposed to hold an extraordinary Halk Maslakhaty session in early February to consider and approve the Program of the country’s development in the next 30 years, draw together conclusions from the past year’s activity, identify the tasks for the running year.

In compliance with the above-mentioned errand of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the Turkmen governmental delegation made a business trip on January 8-9 to the town of Tehran of the Islamic Republic of Iran to hold meetings on the important issues of bilateral cooperation.

On the whole, the events of the first week of 2022 – the year proclaimed under the motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, are a comprehensive picture of the priorities of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s policy – to form sustainable system of active interaction of our country with the world community, consistently strengthen the national economy, implement progressive reforms aimed at further growth of people’s welfare and prosperity of the Motherland.

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