The joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council of Turkmenistan
The joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 27.12.2021

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held a final joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council of Turkmenistan in the outgoing year on the eve of the New Year holiday, to which khyakims of regions and Ashgabat city were also invited.

Passing to the points of the agenda, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova who informed on designation of the motto and emblem of the next year, according to which the year 2022 will pass under the slogan “Epoch of people with Arkadag “(«Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasy») and submitted the draft of the emblem of the year for consideration of the head of the state.

As was marked, the decision on approval of the motto of 2022 was adopted on numerous proposals made by people. Presenting the draft of the emblem of the next year for consideration of the Turkmen leader, the Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh informed that it has been chosen on the results of the announced contest.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov characterised in short the outcome of the current year in the meeting.

The year 2021, which as entered the history of the country as the year of the 30th jubilee of our independent country and year of peace and trust, ends.

As the head of Turkmenistan noted, today our sovereign country is widely known as one of the pillars of regional stability and security, one of the powerful and dynamically developing countries, which is attractive for investment and enjoys a great authority and respect in the world.

In spite of the global issues, the jubilee year for our independent country as a whole was successful in respect of international relations and solution of economic issues. Events of international significance were held at high level, the holiday of independence of our country was marked, and all the measures planned for 2021 were realized successfully, the head of the state underlined.

A special emphasis was made on the 11th meeting of the International Association of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding, the Consultative meeting of the heads of sates of Central Asia as well as the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization of the events held in the outgoing year.

It was pointed out that the foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan was implemented strictly in accordance with the guiding principles of our country, namely those of neutrality, peacefulness, goodly neighbourhood and mutually beneficial cooperation.

International visits were made in the outgoing year in the light of this policy. So, the President of Turkmenistan made five official visits to foreign countries and 19 visits were made to our country.

In 2021, leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held 84 bilateral meetings with official representatives of foreign countries, including with heads of states and governments, heads of various international corporations and companies as well as 25 telephone and online talks. On their results, over two hundred intergovernmental documents were signed.

Turkmenistan was also elected member of the Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO International Hydrological Program.

The work to deliver all-round support to neighbouring Afghanistan by facilitation in realization of socio-economic projects and humanitarian aid was carried out actively, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out.

At that it was marked, that main vectors of our foreign policy remains further all-round strengthening of peace, security, stability and realization of sustainable development goals.

As the President of the country stated, this year 35 meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers, 13 meetings of the State Security Council and 59 state level meetings were held.

The paces of reforms in such areas as state management, home and foreign financial, trade systems as well as labour market and goods were intensified. In the mid-term perspective, it enabled to increase in the volume of production significantly.

This year a good yield of wheat and cotton has been obtained and construction of large plants and factories continues successfully. In accordance with the reforms implemented, oil and gas deposits are developed and gas pipelines are laid. Construction of comfortable residential houses, schools, high-class hotels and other social projects is carried out at high level.

As a result of work carried out, we could keep the high pace of gross domestic production, namely at the rate of 6, 2 per cent, the head of the state continued his word.

In support of it, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reminded the opening of the hospital of infectious diseases in Turkmenbashi city and a multifield hospital in Magtymguly district of Balkan region as well as a stone-laying ceremony of the international research and clinical centre for physiology and international rehabilitation centre in Ashgabat this year.

In the new administration centre of Akhal region construction of an administration building of the healthcare department, a multifield hospital, centre for maternity and childcare, rehabilitation centre for children and first aid centre, health homes and in Dashoguz region a multifield hospital and oncology centre, in the coastal region a multifield hospital continued.

The President of the country noted with satisfaction that ambulance helicopters made in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation were put at the disposal of population.

In addition to it, 50 ambulance cars obtained at the expense of the Charitable Foundation for Assisting Children in Need of Custody were given to paediatric units of district hospitals in regions as well as 50 cars of «Mercedes-Benz» mark for the same purpose were distributed among medical institutions.

The head of the state also marked the work carried out today to further modernize representative and legislation bodies of the government underlining that there is no difficulty with payment of salaries either.

Besides it, at present construction of over two thousand and five hundred industrial and social projects, which differ with their scale and cost about 36 billion US dollars, continues.

In all regions of the country modern buildings, new large residential areas are constructed. Thousand kilometres of high-speed autobahns and railways were laid and international transport infrastructures are created.

The large-scale work carried out by us is a weighty contribution to the development of national economy for the upcoming years, leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted underling that this year instead of planned 30 projects, already 73 large projects worth 13 billion manats have been commissioned into operation.

So, the opening of the complex of government buildings, a shopping centre and two 7-star hotels in Ashgabat, two large textile complexes and autobahn in Akhal region, a large water reservoir and several hospitals in Balkan region, a carpet factory in Dashoguz region as well as like in other regions, buildings of «Ak öý» and a complex of buildings «Türkmeniň alabaý itleri» took place.

Citing as bright examples the opening of the international airport in Kerki of Lebap region and large power and gas compressor stations in Mary region- a factory for production of plastic pipes, the head of the state continued his word that the current year a 30 kilometre long railway line between stations Akina-Andhoi, a power transmission line by the route of Kerki-Shibirgan with a stretch of 153 kilometres, international fibre optic communication systems of Ymanazar- Akina and Serhetabat –Turgundi were commissioned into operation.

It is especially noteworthy that this year the residential houses with a total area of about 1 million square meters, including with flats of high modern conveniences, nursery schools, 7 secondary schools, medical institutions and other social projects were commissioned into operation.

The construction of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India and power transmission line Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan goes on.

Summing up the outcome of the outgoing year, leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov concluded that though it was difficult, but for our country, it was rather a good year.

These words of the head of Turkmenistan were welcomed by noisy applauds of participants of the meeting.

Speaking of plans ahead, the head of the state underlined that modernization of the political system of the country will be carried out systematically. As was noted, electivity of leadership and outpouring of popular will of every national as well as protection of freedom of word and strengthening of civil society are in the basis of age-old democracy of our ancestors. This aspect is given a leading role in development of the country. It is for this reason that all above-mentioned norms find reflection in our traditions, customs, laws and rules.

The leader of the nation also noted that the good state budget for the next year was adopted. It envisages the rise of salaries, pensions and state benefits by 10 per cent again.

Further addressing participants of the meeting, the head of the state reminded that in accordance with established traditions, every year we adopt some motto, which helps us to follow confidently the path for achievement of set tasks.

In this connection, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the motto and emblem of the next year developed as a result of wide discussion of deputies with people and submitted today by the Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh at the meeting.

To the applauds of the present, the leader of the nation announced that the motto of the next year – «Epoch of people with Arkadag»!

Then, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to the theme of Turkmen alabay and its role in the life of Turkmens. In this regard, it was marked that our ancestors saw their wishes and dreams with their racehorses, and with their alabaý, the best selection of our people, they saw their prosperity. It is not without reason that they say: «It geldi – gut geldi» («Dog has come – luck has attended»).

In the meeting taking into account the wish of people, leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on celebration of the holiday of Turkmen alabays annually on the last Sunday of October.

This decision of the head of the state was welcomed with noisy applauds of the gathered.

The President of Turkmenistan made an emphasis on necessity to make special attention to the issues connected with proper arrangement of duty of all services which ensure all conditions for proper activity of cities and villages so that during days of the New Year holiday citizens could enjoy their rest. Deputy-Chairman of the State Commission for Emergency Situations of Turkmenistan Ch. Amanov was commissioned to arrange duty by the country during the New Year holiday and Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov to facilitate its implementation.

All Deputy-Chairmen were commissioned to hold meetings with heads of ministries and departments they supervise to consider schedules of duty in above-mentioned institutions during the holiday with showing telephone numbers of duty personnel. I also concerns khyakims.

The duty personnel should be also appointed in every khyakimlik, ministry and department, the head of the state continued his word underlining necessity of regular supply of electricity and water supply, work of communal services, hospitals, passenger transport and shops.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Amanov was also commissioned to ensure a general control, in accordance with requirements made, over all-round proper organization of duty during the holiday.

Heads of law enforcement bodies were assigned to maintain order during the holiday so that citizens of the country can welcome the New Year duly.

Further, in the joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the State Security Council the head of the state gave the floor to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minster of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov.

Sincerely congratulating the President of the country on the upcoming New Year, the Deputy-Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that 2021, which passed under the motto «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust», was marked with great achievements and progress, including in the sphere of home and foreign policy of our country.

During his speech, it was informed that on the basis of proposals made by population, enterprises, institutions and organizations, a great support was made in regard to the motto of 2022 «Epoch of people with Arkadag». Once again congratulating with the New Year, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs wished the leader of the nation sound health, long life and successes in his state activity.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov on behalf of the personnel of military and law enforcement bodies congratulated the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country the New Year.

As the Deputy-Chairman, Secretary of the State Security Council informed that, grandiose labour achievements and harmonious development of economy of our country in 2021 found their reflection in the solemn military parade held on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence. For these years, the national Armed Forces have gained significant successes in implementation of tasks of the Military doctrine, which bears a defensive character.

Marking that the entire personnel of military and law enforcement bodies fully support the motto of 2022– «Epoch of people with Arkadag», Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov once again congratulated the head of the state on the New Year.

In the joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council khyakim of Mary region D.Annaberdiev, who spoke on behalf of heads of regions of the country congratulated the leader of the nation with the New Year holiday.

As a result of tireless work of the President of the country, the current year, the motto of which is «Turkmenistan-Homeland of Peace and Trust», was marked with glorious events and great achievements in all sectors of national economy and it testifies to the fact that large scale reforms realized under the leadership of the leader of the nation are directed to intensification of economy and socio-economic development of the country.

Underlining that all of Turkmen nationals support the motto of the upcoming year – «Epoch of people with Arkadag», the khyakim on behalf of people expressed gratitude to the President of the country for his care to provide maximum conditions for creative work at the state level.

Further, congratulating members of the Cabinet of Ministers, State Security Council and khyakims with the upcoming New Year, the President of the country noted that the year of Tiger would be full of bright events. Tiger is a clever, physically developed and purposeful creature. It favours those who have the same character and does not bear « sluggishness and urging on».

So, in order to be akin to tiger, one should actively work on self-development, achieving novelty and be part of innovations. 2022, as year of the Tiger will be successful to learn languages and mastering specialties.

Besides it, the year of tiger will not bring significant health issues, it will be good especially for those who keep active lifestyle.

The strength of mind of tiger helps solution of all issues. Therefore, it is considered that those who were born in the year of tiger differ with good character, vitality, sociability and gains success in business, creativity, the leader of the nation said.

Summing up the outcome of the joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council, the President of Turkmenistan wished everyone good luck and success in the next year that will enable the country to make new steps on the path of progress in improvement of socio-economic conditions of our compatriots in 2022.

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