Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held the next online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in which topical issues of state life as well as drafts of a number of documents were considered.
Passing to the agenda, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov who reported on the preparation for a state visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey to Turkmenistan planned for November 27-28.
The constructive character is inherent in cooperation on the margins of authoritative international organisations, including the United Nations, OSCE, ECO, OIC and others where Turkmenistan and Turkey mutual support each other.
On the sidelines of preparation for the state visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey a draft of the corresponding Program was developed.
Speaking about it, the leader of the nation commissioned him to ensure a high organizational level of preparation for the state visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey to Turkmenistan.
Then, the Deputy-Chairman, head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on preparation for the XV Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization, which our country will host as Chairman in ECO in 2021.
The XV Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization to be held on November 28 in Ashgabat will become the basic action in chairmanship of our country in ECO. Now with a view of solution of set tasks to maintain its high organizational level together with representatives of member countries and ECO Secretariat an appropriate complex work was carried out.
According to commissions of the leader of the nation, the Summit Program on the threshold of which a number of actions is planned in the Turkmen capital, was prepared. Among them - the meeting of high-ranking official representatives and a business forum of member countries of the Organization of Economic Cooperation planned for November 26. Besides it, on November 27 the next meeting of the Ministerial Council of ECO (COM) ОЭС is envisaged.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported on the state of affairs in the entrusted structure. Reporting on undertaken practical steps for the purpose of modernisation of material base of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, the Deputy-Chairman submitted the President of Turkmenistan the draft of the resolution on purchase of various kinds of chemical agents by «Türkmengaz" State Concern.
It is planned to use them at work on protection against corrosion of gas pipelines and installations of primary clearing of gas, and also for clearing of waters in the drainage systems of the gas deposit «Galkynysh» of «Marygazçykaryş» Management.
Having approved and signed the resolution «On purchase of various kinds of chemical agents by "Türkmengaz" State Concern», the President of the country sent the document online and gave the Deputy-Chairman concrete commissions.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet E.Orazgeldiyev reported on the draft of the Order on granting to the ministries, sectoral departments, khyakimliks and the organisations subordinated to them and the enterprises land plots for building and industrial purposes.
Reporting on the course of work on allocation of land resources to official bodies and the enterprises of the country for successful realisation of the tasks put before them, the Deputy-Chairman underlined that all of them are carried out according to the Procedure of registration and issuance of documents on granting of the land areas as property, for use and rent, approved by the resolution of the President of Turkmenistan of March 18, 2016.
Having signed the presented the Order, the President of Turkmenistan sent it online to the Deputy-Chairman and gave him concrete commissions.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov reported on the work carried out to conclude corresponding contracts in 2022.
Along with it, the Deputy-Chairman reported on preparation for the 5th session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Kirghiz Committee for Trade and Economic, Scientific and Technical and Humanitarian Cooperation. It was noted that qualitatively new impulse of its activity was given by the arrangements reached during summit talks within the limits of the visit of the President of the Kirghiz Republic to Turkmenistan in June, this year.
With a view of discussion of issues of further strengthening and expansion of bilateral cooperation in various branches, it was proposed to hold the fifth session of the given Commission online on December 2, 2021. By its results, it is expected to accept the corresponding Protocol.
Having pointed out that at the conclusion of contracts for electric power export it is necessary to be guided by economic interests of Turkmenistan, the head of the state gave thereupon to Deputy-Chairman Ch. Purchekov and Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Serdar Berdimuhamedov concrete commissions.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov reported on the activity of supervised structures. The measures realized to support small and medium business by the state, expansion of import replacing and export-oriented manufactures became a separate theme of the report.
It is necessary to strengthen work of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the President of the country continued his word, having noted that the state will further provide all round support to the private sector. In the given context, the leader of the nation underlined that corresponding projects should be executed in due time and with high quality, and gave the Deputy-Chairman the commission in this respect.
Then, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Turkmenistan M.Mammedova reported on the work in the sphere she supervises and on the draft of the Resolution «On establishment of the magazine “Culture and tourism”.
The new edition is created on the basis of association of magazines "Medeniýet" and
«Syýahat» of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan with a view of wide illumination and popularisation of the successes reached in these spheres in the world.
The magazine is planned to publish once in three months in Turkmen, English and Russian languages.
Having signed the Resolution «On establishment of the magazine “Culture and tourism”, the head of the state sent the document online to the Deputy-Chairwoman, having given her corresponding instructions to control over its execution.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toyliev reported on international intellectual competitions to be held online in higher educational schools of the country this year.
With a view of solution of the tasks defined in the Concept of development of digital educational system in Turkmenistan and the Plan of its realisation, approved by the corresponding Resolution of the head of the state, profile ministries and sectoral departments, public organisations, and also higher educational institutions conduct a complex work.
The meeting continued with the report of director General of the Transport and Communications Agency of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev who reported on development of the draft of the Order on marking and use of zones of railway crossings.
Deputy-Chairman of Cabinet Serdar Berdimuhamedov reported on the activity of establishments of financial and economic complex, and also on undertaken practical steps for the purpose of expansion of cooperation with international financial organisations and banks for attraction of funds of credit both foreign investments and business support.
In this connection, for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan the proposal on the conclusion of the Memorandum of mutual understanding and financial conditions between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Relations and the Asian Development Bank for financing of the projects planned to realisation on development of small and medium business was presented. Export-oriented projects of local entrepreneurs proposed for financing in an established order will be analysed by the corresponding State Commission created according to the Resolution of the leader of the nation.
As a whole having approved the proposals presented by the Deputy-Chairman, the leader of the nation gave corresponding instructions on maintenance of strict control over performance of planned works.
At the meeting other important issues of state life on which corresponding decisions were adopted, were also considered.
Concluding the online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work for the benefit of further prosperity of our sovereign Fatherland.