Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 03.11.2021

Today, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the State Security Council to sum up the results of the work of military and law enforcement agencies for January-October 2021, outline priority tasks for ensuring security and tranquility in an independent state, further improvement of the activities of law enforcement agencies and strengthening their material and technical base, as well as to consider a number of other issues.

Having announced the agenda, the head of state gave the floor to Defense Minister B.Gundogdiyev, who reported on the concrete measures taken during the period under review as part of the comprehensive military reform being implemented, aimed at strengthening the country’s defense capability and strengthening the power of the National Army.

Separate topics of the report were the progress of the autumn conscription campaign and the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces on the retirement from the Armed Forces, other troops and military bodies of servicemen undergoing military service on conscription.

The head of the Defense Department also reported on the ongoing work to strengthen the material and technical base of the country’s Naval Forces. In this context, proposals for the construction of modern ships were presented to the head of state for consideration and projects and slides of samples of new ships were demonstrated.

Among the promising vectors is the further equipping of the Armed Forces with the latest specialized machinery, the active application of best practices in this area and the solution of social issues, the head of Turkmenistan underlined, ordering to keep under constant control the fulfillment of the tasks set at the proper level to improve the activities of all branches of the National Army.

Noting the importance of strengthening the material and technical base of all branches of the Armed Forces of the country, including the Naval Power, in accordance with the Military Doctrine of Turkmenistan, which is purely defensive in nature, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under strict control the fulfillment of tasks to provide modern technical means for military vessels patrolling the sea borders.

Prosecutor General B.Atdaev reported on the results of the multifaceted activities carried out since the beginning of the year to comply with the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, the introduction of digital systems in structural units, and the strengthening of personnel. There was also a report on the results of inspections undertaken in ministries and departments in accordance with the instructions of the head of Turkmenistan.

Then the Minister of Internal Affairs O. Khojanyyazov reported on the work executed over ten months, as well as the practical steps implemented, aimed at preventing offenses and maintaining public order in the country. There was also a report on the measures taken to ensure fire safety and improve the activities of the road supervision service.

After hearing the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces highlighted the importance of monitoring compliance with law and order. The issues of road safety should be in the focus of constant attention, the President of Turkmenistan continued, noting the need for systematic measures aimed at reducing the number of road accidents.

During the meeting, the head of state severely reprimanded the head of the Ashgabat city Police Department V. Ataev for improper performance of official duties and shortcomings in the work, with the last warning about correcting the shortcomings as soon as possible, and signed the corresponding Order.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court, G. Ussanepesov, who then spoke, reported on the work carried out in January-October of this year to improve the national judicial system and improve the professional level of employees.

Minister of National Security G.Annaev informed about the work conducted in the ten months of 2021, the measures being implemented to reliably protect the achievements of the independence of the Turkmen state, maintain a favorable socio-political environment. A separate topic of the report was the fulfillment of the instructions of the head of state on the active use of advanced technologies in the activities of the department.

Subsequently, the head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuriev reported on the results of the activities of the structure headed by him for ten months, implemented practical steps for reliable protection of the land and sea borders of the country.

Having declared the sacred borders of the Motherland as the borders of friendship and brotherhood, we maintain a constructive dialogue and fruitful cooperation with all states, first of all, with neighboring ones, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

It is necessary to create all conditions for effective service, proper life and leisure of officers and soldiers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, giving the head of the department a number of specific instructions.

Making further a talk, Adalat Minister M.Taganov reported on the results of the work carried out in January-October to prepare proposals for improving existing laws and developing new ones, as well as on organized events aimed at explaining the goals and objectives of the adopted normative legal acts to citizens.

Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev reported on the work carried out since the beginning of the year and the practical steps taken to re-equip structural units, improve the professionalism of employees.

There was a report on the consistent implementation of digital technologies for accounting and monitoring of foreign economic transactions. In accordance with the approved Plan for the implementation of the pilot project “Single Window for Export-Import Operations for 2021-2023”, comprehensive work is being carried out jointly with a number of ministries and sectoral departments being participants in foreign economic activity.

The head of the Service also reported on the measures taken to strengthen cooperation with reputable international structures and leading specialized organizations of foreign countries.

Summing up the report, the head of state underlined that, taking into account the growth of foreign economic activity and the increase in the volume of international cargo transportation, it is necessary to ensure a more thorough inspection of products imported into the country, their full compliance with established quality standards. Close attention should be paid to the modernization of the material and technical base of customs terminals through the introduction of advanced technologies, the leader of the nation ordered.

The Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagaraev reported on the work carried out in January-October, the measures implemented during the designated period, aimed at effectively solving the priorities facing the department.

The state policy in this area is aimed at ensuring the interests and security of Turkmen citizens, respecting their rights of movement in the country and abroad in accordance with generally recognized norms of international law, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

Significant components of the successful performance of the functions assigned to the Service are the synthesis of positive international experience and the fundamental principles of the current legislation, the application of new methods of work, the nation’s leader said, instructing more actively to use advanced information technologies in the management system of divisions.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov reported on the results of the work of law enforcement agencies for ten months of this year, on the concrete steps taken to implement the cardinal transformations initiated by the head of Turkmenistan in the supervised sphere.

There was also a report on the implementation of the instructions previously given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country to create an Economic Department of Military and Law Enforcement Agencies in the village of Bagabat.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council presented to the Head of Turkmenistan the location schemes of the structural units of the subsidiary farm, the territory of which is proposed to be divided into agricultural lands, where various crops will be grown, horticulture and viticulture will develop.

In continuation, the national leader ordered to keep under strict control the clear and timely fulfillment of the designated tasks, as well as the observance of law and order in the country, discipline among the personnel in the military and law enforcement agencies.

After reviewing the demonstrated drawings, the head of state noted that the development of agriculture and horticulture in this corner, along with the improvement of the ecological well-being of the foothills, will promote the combination of military service with the labor education of young soldiers.

This is important both for combat training and for the military personnel to master professions in the field of agriculture, in particular, such specialties as agronomist, animal breeder, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, addressing specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council.

A number of other important issues were also considered at the meeting, on which appropriate decisions were made.

Concluding the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the participants health, family well-being and success in service for the sake of peace, stability and prosperity of the beloved Motherland.

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