President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a significant event in Dubai
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a significant event in Dubai
Published 10.10.2021

On October 9th, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a working visit to the United Arab Emirates, where he took part in the National Day of Turkmenistan, organized as part of the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition in Dubai.

Having made a flight on the Ashgabat-Dubai route, the presidential airliner landed at the Sheikh Maktoum International Airport, decorated with the national flags of two friendly countries.

At the ramp of the plane, the President of Turkmenistan was met by the Minister of Energy of the United Arab Emirates, Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrui. On behalf of the top leadership of his country, he cordially greeted the distinguished guest.

From the air harbor, the head's motorcade went to the EXPO-2020 Exhibition Complex.

This is not the first time our country participates in this significant forum. For the first time, Turkmenistan presented its exposition at the universal exhibition EXPO-2010 in Shanghai. It should be noted that the independent neutral Turkmen state considers its participation in the World Exhibition as a good message for the sake of universal peace and progress.

The motorcade of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stops in front of the entrance of the Main Reception Center of the World Exhibition "EXPO-2020". Here the distinguished Turkmen guest is greeted by the UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation, General Director of the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition, Ms. Rimal Al Hashimi.

After joint photographing against the background of the State flags of the two countries, held in the foyer of the Center, the Turkmen leader is invited to go to the venue of the official opening ceremony of the National Day of Turkmenistan - to the center of celebrations "Al Wasl".

Then the head of state, accompanied by Energy Minister Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrui and UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation, Director General of the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition Rimal Al Hashimi, proceeded to the national pavilion of Turkmenistan.

On the square in front of the pavilion, a colorful performance of Turkmen artists is unfolding. The music and songs they performed became a kind of invitation to get acquainted with modern Turkmenistan, its culture and art, wise traditions and innovative transformations in the life of our country, with a rich history and bright prospects for the future.

A distinctive feature of the Turkmen pavilion is harmonious combination of elements of national decor and advanced technologies. Moreover, the thematic accent, along with the Akhal-Teke horses, is put on another bright symbol of our country - the Turkmen carpet. Its large-scale image is also placed on the outer side of the building. The expressiveness of carpet styling is emphasized by spectacular lighting.

The head of state, accompanied by guests, enters the building and begins a tour of the national exposition, which presents the priority areas of development of our sovereign Motherland.

In the foyer of the exhibition pavilion, the leader of the nation comes to an electronic guide - a touch screen, and gets acquainted with information about the contents of the exposition.

The entire space on the first floor of the building is given over to a virtual panorama. Modern digital systems contribute to the immersion of exhibition visitors into the richest layer of history, traditions and culture of the Turkmen people, in the modern day of our country.

Getting to know the exposition begins with a video that is shown in 3D, using advanced technologies and visual content that allows you to create a 360-degree projection, thus providing the greatest visibility and spectacular impact.

There are nine thematic blocks in the Turkmen pavilion, united in them by several exhibitors who are directly involved in the designated areas. In each of the exhibition sectors, electronic screens are placed on which videos are shown, telling about the directions of activities of ministries, departments, organizations and enterprises of the public and private sector.

The head of state noted that the flora of Turkmenistan is very rich. The territory of our country is home to 3550 plant species, especially the mountainous areas of the Kopetdag and Koytendag reserves, numbering more than 1600 species of wild medicinal plants, of which 330 are endemic.

In this regard, the Turkmen leader focused on the importance of the medicinal properties of licorice, known for hundreds of years, from the roots of which the Saglyk medical enterprise of the Türkmendermansenagat Association produces about 150 types of medicines, and in honor of the 30th anniversary of the independence of our beloved Motherland, a new product was prepared - licorice tablets.

As a proactive participant in global processes, our country offers its enormous potential to be used in the common interests, openly voicing its vision of global goals and opportunities to achieve them. This fully applies to the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, as a leading oil and gas power in the world, a major producer and exporter of hydrocarbon raw materials.

The head of state and the guests also get acquainted with the priority areas and prospects of the economic bloc and the banking sector. The high successes achieved by Turkmenistan in these areas became possible, first of all, thanks to the deeply thought-out, scientifically grounded economic strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the main goals of which are diversification of the national economy, ensuring its stability and stability, active integration of the country into the system of world economic relations. At the same time, all the possibilities of socio-economic growth are realized by stimulating the development of industrial sectors, rational use of colossal natural resources and the introduction of high technologies.

The exhibition also demonstrates commemorative coins issued on the occasion of important events in the life of our state, including the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland.

Visitors to the exhibition pavilion are offered a large assortment of dishes of national cuisine, which is one of the cultural heritage and original traditions of the Turkmen people.

The guests treated themselves with great pleasure to the fragrant Turkmen churek and food. Here you can taste dogram, pilaf, chorba and delicious flour products from the richest assortment of Turkmen dastarkhan.

Expressing their admiration for the skillfully embroidered women's outfits, the guests inquired about the traditions of the cut of national costumes and hand embroidery.

Here the President of Turkmenistan presented Rimal Al Hashimi, Director General of the EXPO-2020 World Exhibition, with a magnificent handmade silk national scarf - gyinach. Expressing gratitude to the head of state for such a unique gift, Ms. Rimal Al Hashimi stressed that she was amazed at the skill and talent of Turkmen craftswomen who preserved national traditions.

The participation of Turkmenistan in this global forum, which will last six months, until the end of March 2022, is a vivid evidence of the international authority of our country, the great interest shown by the world community in its recent history, directly related to the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at world peace and progress.

At the end of the acquaintance with the national pavilion for President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the participants of the ceremony, the ensemble of dutarists of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Mai Kuliyeva sounded wonderful folk melodies, which became a colorful musical background of the National Day of our country at EXPO-2020.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, accompanied by UAE officials, proceeded to the exhibition pavilion of the United Arab Emirates, where he got acquainted with the expositions of a friendly state.

During the acquaintance with the exhibits, the specialist of the national pavilion talks about the peculiar nature, economy, social sphere, as well as about the achievements and planned projects in various sectors of the UAE.

Upon completion of acquaintance with the exposition, the President of Turkmenistan goes to the Main Reception Center of the World Exhibition "EXPO-2020".

Here the President of Turkmenistan is met by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

After exchanging warm greetings and taking a photo against the background of the State flags of the two countries, the Turkmen leader and Sheikh Mansur bin Zayed Al Nahyan are heading to the conference hall of the Main Reception Center of the EXPO-2020 World Exhibition to participate in a bilateral meeting.

During the conversation, the sides noted with satisfaction the dynamic development of the Turkmen-Emirati relations, which is facilitated by a regular and confidential political dialogue at the highest level.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state and prospects of interstate cooperation, concretized its priority areas, taking into account modern realities and spoke in favor of actively building up mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation, stimulating close business, humanitarian, scientific ties, which is also intended to contribute to the World Exhibition "EXPO-2020".

In this regard, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for his personal participation in the National Day of Turkmenistan at the World Exhibition.

The Turkmen leader thanked the UAE leadership for the high level of organization of the World Exhibition, wishing further successful work to the organizers and participants of the global show, which is of great importance for all countries represented at it.

Having discussed the state and ways of expanding bilateral cooperation, the head of state and a representative of the leadership of a friendly country expressed interest in further strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation.

As part of the negotiations, in which members of the government delegation of Turkmenistan and officials of the UAE took part, a number of bilateral documents were signed.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having made an entry in the Book of Honorary Guests of the World Exhibition "EXPO-2020" and saying goodbye to the officials of the UAE government, proceeded to Sheikh Maktum International Airport in Dubai, from where he flew to Ashgabat.

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