Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 04.10.2021

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a meeting of the State Security Council.

During the meeting, the results of work carried out by the military and law enforcement agencies for 9 months of this year were summarized, and the main directions for further improving their activities, ensuring security and tranquility in the state, modernizing the material and technical base of law enforcement agencies and other topics were identified.

Defense Minister B. Gundogdyev was the first to report on the fulfillment of the orders given by the head of state by the structures supervised by him, including the work done to successfully solve the tasks arising from the Military Doctrine of a defensive nature. The minister also informed about the measures that have been taken for the organized holding of the solemn military parade in honor of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, noting the importance of stepping up work on educating servicemen in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the Fatherland, gave the Minister a number of instructions in this regard.

The head of state noted high organizational level of the solemn military parade held in honor of the 30th anniversary of the country's independence with satisfaction.

Prosecutor General B. Atdaev reported on the results of work carried out since the beginning of the year, on the implementation of instructions previously given by the President of the country and on the results of inspections carried out in a number of structures.

Having listened to the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country noted that timely prevention of various offenses, identifying their causes and conditions, is the most important task of the structures of this service.

The President of Turkmenistan, noting the need for a systematic prosecutor's inspection of the activities of various institutions, their implementation of regulatory legal acts, instructed to intensify the work on the implementation of their tasks.

Minister of Internal Affairs O. Hojanyyazov reported on the results of the comprehensive measures taken to increase the efficiency of work in the structures supervised by him over the past 9 months of the year, ensure public law and order, prevent offenses and improve the activities of the fire safety service.

In continuation, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that there are a number of shortcomings in the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in this regard, for the improper performance of official duties, the shortcomings made in the work announced a severe reprimand to the Minister of Internal Affairs O. Hojanyyazov with the last warning about correcting the shortcomings in the shortest possible time and signed the corresponding Order.

Then the chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov reported on the measures for successful implementation of reforms in the legal sphere, as well as on the results of work carried out in 9 months in the structures supervised by him.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that in accordance with the adopted normative legal acts, the modern state system ensures the rule of law in resolving economic, civil, administrative, criminal and other issues.

Minister of National Security G. Annayev reported on the work done from January to September 2021 to ensure national security, reliable protection of the achievements of independence of his native Fatherland, as well as the fulfillment of instructions previously given by the head of state.

The Chairman of the State Border Service Y. Nuryev reported on the comprehensive work carried out from January to September of this year to ensure peace on the sacred borders of the Motherland, systematically improve the conditions of service and life of the border guards.

Reporting on the fulfillment of the instructions given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, the Chairman of the State Border Service reported on the detailed program measures to modernize the material and technical base of the relevant structures, and improve the activities of the service management system.

Further, Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov reported on the activities carried out in 9 months of the year to improve the legislative framework, measures taken to clarify the essence and significance of the adopted regulatory legal acts among the population.

Having listened to the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country noted that with the consent of the Halk Maslahaty Milli Gengesh B. Muhamedov was relieved of his post as Minister of Justice due to his transfer to another job and was sent to the disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

With the approval of the Halk Maslahaty Milli Gengesh, by the decree of the head of state, senior adviser of justice M. Taganov was appointed to this position.

Also, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution on the appointment of the junior counselor of justice B. Myradov as deputy minister of justice and on his dismissal from the post of deputy prosecutor of the Balkan velayat.

The Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Hudaykuliyev reported on the results of work carried out in 9 months of this year, as well as on the implementation of instructions previously given by the head of state. During the report, information was presented on the measures being taken to introduce modern methods and advanced technologies into the work of the customs service.

The Chairman of the State Migration Service N. Atagaraev reported on the results of activities of his supervised structures for 9 months of this year, the implementation of the instructions given by the head of state to improve the work of the Service, introduce modern advanced experience and a digital system. It was also reported that in accordance with the current international legal acts, a ceremony was held to present the passports of Turkmenistan to a large group of people living in our country and not being its citizens.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported on the results of the work carried out for 9 months of this year by military and law enforcement agencies of the country.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country announced a severe reprimand to the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov for improper performance of official duties, weakening of control over the activities of subordinate institutions, with the last warning about correcting the shortcomings as soon as possible.

A number of other issues were also considered at the meeting, on which appropriate decisions were made.

The President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, completing a regular meeting of the State Security Council, wished all its participants good health, family well-being and success in responsible work for the benefit of peace, stability and prosperity of the Fatherland.

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