The talks between President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Emomali Rahmon
The talks between President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Emomali Rahmon
Published 04.08.2021

Today in the capital the talks between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon who arrived the day before in our country with the state visit, have taken place.

In the morning the motorcade of the head of the friendly state accompanied by an honourable escort of motorcyclists proceeded to of the Square of Independence located in the centre of Ashkhabad where the ceremony of an official meeting of the honoured guest took place.

Here the President of Tajikistan is welcomed warmly by the Turkmen leader.

Having exchanged friendly hand shake, heads of two brotherly states pass to the specially established podium.

The commander of the company of the Guard of honour solemnly reports.

National anthems of the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are performed.

Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Emomali Rahmon pass by the line of soldiers of the Guard of honour and pay a tribute of respect to the National flag of Turkmenistan.

The leader of the nation introduces the honoured guest to the members of the official delegation of Turkmenistan. In turn the head of the neighbouring country introduces President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the members of the governmental delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

At the end of the ceremony soldiers of the Guard of honour pass on the Square of Independence with solemn march.

Then the motorcade of President of Republic Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon accompanied by an honourable horse escort goes to the central entry of the "Oguzhan" Presidential Palace complex where he is met by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

At the end of the ceremony of official photographing on the background of the National flags of two countries the Turkmen leader invites his Tajik colleague to pass into the hall for bilateral meetings where summit talks in a format "face to face" took place.

During the negotiations which were held in friendly, confidential conditions, interlocutors confirmed mutual adherence of the parties and further to deepen the established fruitful cooperation, with the account of available potential and priorities of social and economic development of two countries.

Presidents of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan also exchanged opinions on a number of important issues of regional and world policy, representing mutual interest.

Then negotiations proceeded with full delegation - with participation of members of the official delegations of two countries.

Turkmenistan and Republic of Tajikistan firmly support creation of strong and positive mechanisms which would provide peace and stable development of Central Asia, non-admission of conflict situations, solution of all available issues in a format of political -diplomatic tools, good neighbourhood strengthening, observance and account of mutual interests, with a support on the conventional norms of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Concerning the Turkmen-Tajik relations in cultural and scientific spheres mutual relations in which are based on historical links of two friendly people, the Turkmen leader noted existing huge mutual interest in art and the literature and underlined importance of creation of conditions for deepening of traditional cooperation.

Relations between our countries develop on exact and clear principles, comprehension of joint potential in maintenance of peace and safety, development of trade and economic, investment, cultural-humanitarian cooperation, the Turkmen leader stated, having noted that as acknowledgement a solid package of the documents prepared for signing on important issues of bilateral interaction.

Using possibility, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conveyed to the people of Tajikistan his wishes of peace and well-being wish, and also thanked President Emomali Rahmon for his big personal contribution to the cause of strengthening of mutual understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation between two states and their people.

The floor is given to the President of Republic Tajikistan.

Having expressed his deep gratitude for the invitation to visit friendly Turkmenistan and the hearty welcome accorded here, Tajik leader Emomali Rahmon pointed out that it is his first state visit to our country after re-election for the post of the President of Tajikistan last year and thanked for his congratulation and support.

Sharing words of the Turkmen leader of importance of all-round development of mutual relations of friendship and cooperation, President Emomali Rahmon, from his part, expressed sincere interest in expansion of interstate interaction in all directions of cooperation, having underlined, that exactly such approach reflects real aspirations of two fraternal people and is equitable to their radical interests.

Congratulating head and all fraternal people of Turkmenistan on the forthcoming anniversary of state independence, President Emomali Rahmon wished new successes and achievements on the path of sovereign development.

Important component of mutual relations, according to President Emomali Rahmon, is also development of transport cooperation.

The geographical position and affinity of two countries dictates natural irreversibility of escalating of interaction in this area. We are interested in restoration and increase in volumes of international cargo transportation by road and rail in the territory of friendly Turkmenistan.

As the head of Tajikistan noted, an important link of interstate communications is cooperation within the limits of international organisations. Interaction on the international platforms, first of all within the United Nations, CIS, IFAS, OSCE and other authoritative structures develops.

We support continuation of practice of support of mutual initiatives and nominees on multilateral platforms, first of all in the United Nations, the President of Tajikistan underlined, having noted that as a vivid example for it can serve today's agreements on mutual support of nominees of our countries for election in non-permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations.

At the end of his speech President Emomali Rahmon marked that today the Tajik-Turkmen dialogue really has big prospects for the further deepening and expansion.

We are inclined that our mutual relations, based upon old bonds of friendship, actively developed, constantly finding a concrete direction, the Tajik leader underlined.

Having expressed once again deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people for the rendered warm reception and hospitality, President Emomali Rahmon invited the head of Turkmenistan to visit Tajikistan during convenient time.

Upon completion of the Turkmen-Tajik negotiations with full delegation, the ceremony of signing of bilateral documents took place.

To the applause of the present President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon put the signatures under the Joint statement.

At the end of the ceremony of signing of documents the heads of two states addressed representatives of mass media.

For Turkmenistan the Republic of Tajikistan is an important and reliable partner, relations with which we build on long-term prospect, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated.

Expressing deep satisfaction with results of the talks following the results of which a remarkable package of bilateral documents was signed, the head of Turkmenistan expressed to the President of Republic Tajikistan and members of his delegation deep gratitude for the big work.

In conclusion of the speech President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conveyed to fraternal people of Tajikistan his best regards of peace, well-being and prosperity.

Making comments on results of the negotiations, President Emomali Rahmon expressed again to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov his sincere gratitude for the invitation to visit Turkmenistan with the state visit which is held on the eve of the major event for two countries - the 30th anniversary of independence.

As the head of Tajikistan noted, he is the direct witness of how for the last years with the accelerated rates Turkmenistan has developed and the shape of Ashkhabad has changed. In the country the potential of agriculture, light and oil and gas industries, other social and economic spheres has dynamically increased. In all it, certainly, the big merit of the Turkmen leader making all efforts for the benefit of the people, the honoured guest underlined.

The potential of regions of two states will be also more actively involved. So, the document on cooperation between the Sughd region and Akhal region today was signed.

Results of today's negotiations, the Tajik leader, without exaggeration underlined, allow looking into the foreseeable future of interstate partnership with optimism and kind hopes.

The honoured guest informed on the invitation of the head of Turkmenistan to visit Tajikistan during time convenient for him and also to take part in the SCO Summit which will take place next month in Dushanbe, as the guest of honour of the chairman.

Having noted that they will be glad to see the Turkmen leader on the Tajik land, President Emomali Rahmon once again thanked President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and through him the great people of Turkmenistan for the rendered warm reception and traditional hospitality.

In the second half of day the President of Republic of Tajikistan visited village Kypchak where laid flowers in the Mausoleum and visited the Mosque of Spirituality of Turkmenbashi.

Then the motorcade of the honoured guest proceeded to the Memorial complex «Halk hakydasy».

After the ceremony of flower laying to the monument «Baky şöhrat», immortalised memory of national heroes - valorous defenders of Fatherland - the leader of the friendly country familiarised with an exposition of the Memorial complex of the museum «Watan mukaddesligi» located in the territory where he left memorable record in the Book of guests of honour.

In the evening in honour of the honoured guest President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave an official dinner in which leaders of two countries exchanged speeches.

The state visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to Turkmenistan continues.

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