Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 11.06.2021

On June 11, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system.

The Esteemed President first gave floors to Speaker of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh Mammedova and Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh Babayev to report via a digital system.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh Mammedova briefed on the legislative work under way in our country to strengthen the legal framework for large-scale reforms ongoing in Turkmenistan.

The Esteemed President emphasized the importance of the work being carried out by the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh to further improve the legal framework of the Turkmen state and strengthen its true democratic traditions.

Noting that Turkmenistan has embarked on a path of radical reforms, it has declared that the protection of the interests, rights and freedoms of its citizens as the highest value of the law and society is a priority of its development.

The Head of State emphasized the need to use the positive experience in implementing the current objectives, including democracy and the rule of law, protection of the rights of the child, gender and other important issues, as well as cooperation with major international organizations.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh Babayev reported on the results of the first session of the upper house of the national parliament and the ongoing awareness raising campaigns.

The Esteemed President specified the need to carry out the work of the Halk Maslahaty taking into account the priorities of state development and the generally accepted rules of international law.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of expanding international cooperation and inter-parliamentary relations, which facilitated the exchange of experience in the field of legislation, familiarizing the international community with historical experience on Turkmenistan on the path of independent development and its current achievements.

The Esteemed President also signed the relevant documents and sent them to Babayev through a digital system in order to further improve the work of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh.

Then the Head of State gave the floor to Deputy Prime Minister Geldiniyazov and the heads of institutions supervised by him in the fields of science, education, healthcare, sports and public organizations.

First of all, the Minister of Health and Medical Industry Amannepesov reported on the work being done in our country in connection with the onset of the summer season.

Having heard the report, the Head of State said that all preventive measures must be taken to ensure a high level of summer vacations in the Avaza National Tourist Zone and gave specific instructions to the Minister of Health and Medical Industry Amannepesov, who is leading the Emergency Commission on Prevention of Diseases.

In particular, the instruction was given to ensure strict control over immunization of those visiting the seaside resorts, proper maintenance of recreation centers and, in general, healthier summer vacations in general. It was also noted that there is a need to increase the integrated efforts to promote healthy lifestyles and strengthen the prevention of various diseases among the population.

Then Minister of Education Gurbanov reported on the work being carried out in our country to carry out educational reforms.

Having heard the report, the Head of State emphasized the importance of thorough preparation for the entrance examinations at higher education institutions of the country and for the new academic year 2021-2022. Repairs and reconstructions must be performed in all buildings of schools and educational institutions before the new academic year.

Emphasizing the importance of actively implementing innovative methods of teaching, the use of modern educational programs and teaching aids, the Leader of the Nation instructed to take concrete steps to improve the work of educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of the present time, to transfer universities to the self-financing method of work.

Then Minister of Sports and Youth Policy Agamyradov reported on the work being done to organize sports competitions scheduled for the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Having heard the report, the Head of State gave relevant instructions, having pointed out the need to further develop mass sports and health movement and the high-performance sports, increase the effectiveness of the work on educating the younger Turkmen generation in the spirit of patriotism.

Further at the meeting via a digital system, leaders of the public organizations reported on the state of affairs in systems under their supervision and the measures taken to fulfill their duties.

Having heard the reports, the Esteemed President highlighted the special role of political parties and public organizations in the life of our society and state, having given a number of specific instructions to actively promote the leadership of these organizations among the people, widely publicize the domestic and foreign policy of independent Turkmenistan, explain the content of the state policy, and organize special socio-political events based on the motto “State for People!”.

Having started the agenda of the Cabinet session held via digital videoconferencing, the Esteemed President gave the floor to Cabinet Deputy Chairman Mushshikov, who reported on the work being done in the institutions under his supervision and submitted to the Leader of the Nation a proposal based on the analysis results of state-owned enterprises and facilities subject to transferring and privatization.

Having heard the report, the Esteemed President noted that the gradual transition to market relations was one of the priorities of the state strategy. At the same time, special attention is paid to the gradual privatization of state-owned facilities, the active introduction of modern methods of managing the economy, the creation of various patterns of ownership for the management of enterprises.

The Leader of the Nation said it was important to analyze the proposals and take the necessary measures to carry out the work in accordance with the requirements. In this regard, a number of specific instructions were given to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Abdrahmanov reported on the state of affairs in the sectors under his supervision. The draft Decree “On the purchase of crude oil from the Turkmenbashy Complex of Oil Refineries” was submitted to the Head of State for consideration.

Having heard the report, the Esteemed President said that the important objective today was to increase the efficiency of the oil and gas sector, which is aimed at making a significant contribution to socio-economic development of the country. The Head of State prioritized the issue of successful development of the oil and gas sector through diversification, the modernization of its infrastructure on an innovative basis, the increase in the production of high-demand oil products at home and abroad. The Leader of the Nation signed the relevant Decree and sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister through a digital system, having instructed him to ensure the proper implementation of the provisions contained in the document.

The Deputy Prime Minister also reported on the repayment of foreign loans raised by the “Turkmengaz” State Concern to diversify the export of Turkmen gas to world markets and to carry out projects aimed at the phased development of the “Galkynysh” gas field. These debts have now been fully repaid. This was officially announced by the Xinjiang Branch of the State Development Bank of China on June 8, 2021.

Having heard the report, the Esteemed President noted that despite the complex situation in the world economy, Turkmenistan had maintained a high development pace, financial and economic stability as a result of the effective measures taken. Turkmenistan ranks fourth in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. It is now one of the major gas-exporting countries in the Central Asian region. Due to its geopolitical location and rich reserves of hydrocarbon resources, our country has tremendous potential to increase gas exports to various markets, including those in European and Asian countries.

The full use of the rich hydrocarbon resources of our country, which is one of the energy states of the world, will contribute to strengthening the economic potential of our country and further improving our people’s wellbeing. In addition, large-scale investment projects in this area promote the development of effective international cooperation in line with the Goals of Sustainable Development and Welfare.

The Turkmenistan-China transnational gas pipeline is a vivid example in this regard. The commissioning of a new high-capacity gas compressor station in Malay field in January this year was an important step towards ensuring the long-term safe delivery of Turkmen natural gas to the People’s Republic of China. As a result of working closely with major Chinese oil and gas companies, projects are successfully carried out on the exploration and development of deposits on the Amyderya River banks, the drilling of new wells at the “Galkynysh” field, which has large reserves of natural gas, and the construction of a gas-fired power plant.

Highly assessing the relations with the People's Republic of China, which is one of Turkmenistan's major economic partners, the Esteemed President pointed out that the state attached great importance to the further development of bilateral relations. The head of state noted that Turkmenistan had repaid foreign loans on time and in full. This shows that our country is economically strong and adherent to its obligations, as well as takes responsible approaches to their fulfillment. It further enhances Turkmenistan's authority in the world. The Turkmen leader instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to implement the existing interstate agreements in the gas sector and new mutually beneficial joint projects.

Then Cabinet Deputy Chairman Orazgeldiyev reported on the activity carried out for improvement of the water supply in the country.

Having heard the report, the Esteemed President noted that the rational use of water resources was an important aspect of Turkmenistan's state policy. The successful implementation of large-scale water projects helps to increase the production of wheat, cotton and other agricultural products and to further ensure the food abundance in our country. In this regard, the Esteemed President gave to the vice-premier concrete instructions on keeping the issues related to the provision of development water to agricultural lands, the improvement of the technical base, the introduction of modern water-saving technologies in irrigated agriculture, and the construction of water technical facilities under the strict control.

Then Cabinet Deputy Chairman Durdylyev made a report on the work carried out to start production of new types of cement.

Summarizing the report, the Esteemed President once again focused on the necessity of establishment of strong construction industry in the country that is able to provide consumers with the necessary goods. Underlining the importance of steady improvement of the industry’s capacity and increasing the production of high-quality construction materials, which are in high demand in our country and abroad, the head of state gave a number of specific commissions to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ovezov reported on the work carried out at the transport complex under his supervision.

Having heard to the report, the Esteemed President noted that Turkmenistan was strengthening its position as an important transit and logistical center of regional and continental importance, with a very convenient location on the border. The Esteemed President said that our country, which has great potential in this area, is always open for mutually beneficial international cooperation. As a result of large-scale work and projects, a modern structure has been created in our country. This opens up vast opportunities for effective cooperation with foreign partners in all sectors of transport, including in the field of transit. Speaking about this, the leader of the nation gave specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Then Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers Mammedova reported on the preparations for the events to be held in Lebap velayat within the framework of the Culture Week and presented the relevant programs of the planned ceremonial events to the Esteemed President for consideration.

After listening to the report, the Esteemed President emphasized the importance of the annual creative event. It has become a clear evidence of the flourishing of the culture and art of our country, the effective work carried out to promote and preserve our national spiritual heritage in the world, and promotes the development of this system and the emergence of new talents.

The leader of nation instructed to ensure the high level of organization of the Culture Week, the opening ceremonies of new social facilities for a clear description of the unique traditions, unity and creative power of the prosperous epoch of the powerful state.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Gylyjov reported on the work being carried out to improve the work of carpet enterprises of the Turkmenhaly State Association.

Listening to the report, the Esteemed President emphasized the importance of further improving and promoting the fine carpet industry, improving the production structure of the carpet industry of our country and creating favorable conditions for the effective work of carpet weavers. Emphasizing the importance of the proposals, the Turkmen leader emphasized the need to further increase the production and export of high-quality carpet products and to further increase the efficiency of the work being carried out on the world markets.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Geldiniyazov reported on the results of the scientific competition among the youth of Turkmenistan and presented the draft Resolution for consideration to the Esteemed President.

Listening to the report, the Turkmen leader noted that special emphasis was placed on the development of science, which has served as the basis for all positive changes taking place in the world at all times.

A radical reform of the scientific system has begun. These reforms are aimed at improving the efficiency of scientific research, actively conducting fundamental and applied research in promising areas, and further strengthening the material and technical base of research institutions and universities in the country. Noting that the annual scientific competition among youth helps to widely promote the science of our country and increase its place in modern society, the Esteemed President signed the relevant resolution and sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister through digital system.

Then Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Meredov reported on the work being done to improve the work of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Listening to the report, the Esteemed President emphasized that young specialists trained by the Institute of International Relations should represent Turkmenistan in the near future and in reputable international organizations. Consistent implementation of the foreign policy of our country is the main and special responsibility of the work of Turkmen diplomats. The Turkmen leader noted that the university should provide all conditions for students to master modern knowledge and their chosen professions, advanced digital technologies, improve their education and practice in parallel science. Then the educated young specialists should make a significant contribution to the development of fruitful relations with foreign partners of our country, the promotion of Turkmenistan's creative initiatives in the interests of the common good.

Approving the proposals, the Esteemed President instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to continue the work on training highly qualified specialists for the diplomatic service of our country.

Then Deputy Prime Minister, the Head of the Supreme Control Chamber Berdimuhamedov reported on the results of the official visit of the Government delegation to the United Arab Emirates on June 9-11 this year on the instructions of the Esteemed President. During the visit, a number of bilateral documents were signed aimed at implementing joint projects.

Listening to the report, the Esteemed President noted that the United Arab Emirates was a long-standing and major trade and economic partner of Turkmenistan. In recent years, effective interstate relations have been developing and gaining new quality and content.

"Our countries are one of the richest countries in the world in terms of mineral resources, which creates the necessary conditions for the effective integration of efforts in various fields," the head of state said. Emphasizing the importance of strengthening Turkmen-Emirati relations, the Esteemed President instructed to hold regular consultations between the delegations of the two countries in order to increase mutual export-import potential, increase trade turnover and intensify economic cooperation.

Emphasizing the importance of the bilateral documents signed during the official visit of the Turkmen delegation to the United Arab Emirates, the Turkmen leader focused on the implementation of the intergovernmental agreements reached by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Head of the Supreme Audit Office.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Amanov reported on the implementation of the targets set by the military and law enforcement agencies in the Resolutions of the Esteemed President on digital transition.

Listening to the report, the Esteemed President emphasized that the state always pays great attention to strengthening the defense capabilities of Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, modernizing our national Armed Forces, and further improving the work of the military and law enforcement agencies. The main target of the reforms in this area is to create the conditions for the successful implementation of the targets facing the military and law enforcement agencies. In this regard, the Turkmen leader emphasized that it was important to carry out the targets set for the transition to a digital system.

The Esteemed President said that the use of modern information and communication technologies opens up great opportunities for the successful implementation of the targets assigned to the military personnel of these institutions. Emphasizing the need to ensure strict control over the implementation of the plans in this regard, the Esteemed President gave a number of instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Secretary of the State Security Council, including the strengthening of staff and coordination of the staff of these agencies.

Drawing attention to the fact that Science Day will be marked in our country, the head of state cordially congratulated everyone on the Science day celebrated in first days of summer.

The Turkmen leader expressed confidence that in the Year “Turkmenistan - the Homeland of Peace and Trust”, which marks the 30th anniversary of our sacred independence, events held on the occasion of this holiday will inspire the Turkmen people, especially the scientific community of our country, to great works and evoke feeling of boundless pride for achievements reached in our powerful state.

As the driving force behind the development of our society and state, we are successfully pursuing our science and technology policy that ensures the integrated and progressive development of science and technology in our country. The head of state noted that by achieving the results of research in the priority areas of science and technology into production, the creation of modern industrial enterprises, the transfer of the economy to the digital system, we achieve sustainable economic progress.

As a country with strong economic, scientific and cultural potential, we further strengthen the prestige of Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan in the world community. In accordance with the Program President of Turkmenistan on Socio-Economic Development of the Country for 2019-2025, we attach great importance to ensuring the development of our economy based on innovations, technologies and best practices by increasing the capacity of the science system and human cognitive capacity.

At the same time, effective works in priority areas such as nanotechnologies, chemical, computer, modern medical and pharmaceutical production technologies, the study of new materials, energy, biotechnologies, molecular biology, systems of agriculture, ecology-genetics and information-communications, innovational economy, and humanitarian sciences are carried out in the institutes under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, in the research institutes and universities.

As a result of the phased implementation of state programs in the field of science, human capacity based on modern technologies, digital education, and best practices has been steadily improved, environmentally friendly and waste-free economic and industrial plants were erected, the Esteemed President continued. New technologies have been created to preserve valuable species of flora and fauna of the Garagum Steppe and the Caspian Sea, to use the Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake and its saline waterways in agriculture, and to prevent natural disasters in the Aral Sea.

The scientific basis for the use of mineral water, healing mud and medicinal plants in the Turkmen soil for many ailments has been developed. Production of high-quality medicines from local raw materials has been established. New breeds of fruits, vegetables, melons and gourds, sheep, cattle, camels, birds and fish have been created.

The origins of the formation and development of the Turkmen people, the history of the formation and development of the Turkmen states in ancient, medieval, new and modern history, our historical and cultural monuments along the Great Silk Road, our language, literature, culture and art are scientifically based.

Then the Turkmen leader stressed that the focus of modern education and science on the economic, cultural and innovative development of the world is a very important condition for establishing peaceful, friendly and positive relations.

In this regard, Turkmenistan has consistently strengthened its cooperation with the United Nations, other major international organizations and foreign countries in the field of science, education and innovative technologies. During the meeting, a number of other important issues related to public life were considered and relevant decisions were adopted as well.

Concluding the session of the Cabinet of Ministers via digital videoconferencing, ep cordially congratulated all participants on the Science Day and wished them sound health, a prosperous and happy life, new achievements and discoveries in scientific and creative work, as well as successes in activities aimed at the prosperity of our powerful Homeland.

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