Outcomes of development of Turkmenistan in January – March are reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers
Outcomes of development of Turkmenistan in January – March are reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers
Published 09.04.2021

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held extended video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of the first quarter of the year have been summed up, priority objectives of social and economic development have been discussed.

Heads of the regions and Ashgabat, number of ministries and departments have been also invited to the session. Having announced the agenda, the head of the state gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov who reported on macroeconomic indicators of January – March this year.

Integrated measures have been undertaken for the period under review for provision of stable growth of all branches of national economy. First, this is indicated by stability of the GDP, which has increased by 5.9 percent comparing with the same period of 2020.

According to the final data of all ministries and profile departments, the volume of production has increased by 3.2 percent in general comparing with the same period of the last year.

The indicator of retail trade comparing with the same period of 2020 is 17.7 percent higher in January – March.

Salary wages in big and medium facilities of the country have been increased by 10.5 percent comparing with the same period of 2020. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships have been paid in full volume.

The report on fulfilment of the plan for investment development from all sources of financing has been presented.

Implementing the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, 30 out of 259 facilities planned to be built and reconstructed have been erected, construction and installation works are continued at 168 facilities.

Further, Chairman of the State Statistic Committee S. Velbegov has reported on economic indicators of ministries and departments for January – March 2021, according to which growth of volume of many productions has been noted comparing with the same period of 2020.

Thus, the growth rate of production of lubricants, petroleum coke, cement, and confectionary has been reached for three months of the year comparing with the indicators of the last year. 

Stable results were provided in transport and communication sector, which is proven by volumes of cargo and passenger traffic by all modes of transport. The volume of communication services has been increased by 5.3 percent.

Production of vegetables, fruits and berries, meat, milk and eggs has increased in agricultural complex comparing with the same period of 2020.

Positive results are observed in non-governmental sector of the economy.

Implementation of working plan for transit of the State Statistic Committee to digital system, which was developed according to the measures specified in relative Concept was a separate subject of the report.

Minister of Finances and Economics M. Serdarov has reported on fulfillment of the State and local budgets as well as on outcomes of work performed in the first quarter of 2021 for successful solution of priority objectives of financial and budgetary policy.

It was reported that revenue of the main financial plan has been executed by 137.4 percent while expenditure part by 89.7 percent for the reported period.

The revenue of local budget has been performed by 100.4 percent and expenditure by 96 percent.

70 sessions of balance commissions including 62 regional sessions have been held in the first quarter.

The volume of investments from all financial sources aimed at development of national economy was 4.1 billion manats or 17.1 percent in relation to the GDP in January – March.

For the period under review, the investment program has been executed by 11.1 percent. By the outcomes of three months, 48.2 percent of developed investment were used for construction of production complexes and 51.8 percent to construction of social and cultural facilities.

Having listened to the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused attention of the vice-premier and heads of subordinated establishments that permanent monitoring of the situation in national economy is one of the utmost objectives. In this context, the head of the state has requested to analyze expected results of social and economic development of the country in this anniversary year taking into account the situation in the world economy as soon as possible.

Development of measures, which would allow reducing impact of current negative factors on entrepreneurship activity, has been outlined among priority vectors of work. At the same time, it was requested to extend the program of crediting of small and medium enterprises providing stable growth of the economy as well as to hold financing of facilities, which are planned to be open on the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, under control.

The President of Turkmenistan has specified responsible approach to search of additional financial sources and attraction of investments for implementation of the adopted programs among current directions of the activity.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrahmanov has reported on results of work for fulfilment of the Program of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 in the first quarter of the year as well as on the results of working trip to Mary and Lebap Regions. 

It was reported on technical and economic indicators achieved in oil and gas condensate production and in oi refinery.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted that there is no positive dynamics in oil and gas complex until now. The production of hydrocarbon materials is not increasing and half of produced crude oil is exported.

At the same time, despite the instructions given earlier, the production capacities of refineries are used only for 40 percent for a long time.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has pointed out that insufficient attention is paid to attraction of investments to oil and gas industry as well as to development of oil and gas deposits in the Caspian Sea. Works for processing material resources are slow.

The head of the state highlighted that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India transnational gas pipeline. Works for other international projects of gas export have to be carried out more rapidly.

Having expressed discontent with work of the vice-premier and heads of oil and gas complex, the President requested to take immediate measures to improve current situation and eliminate all deficiencies.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov has reported on the activity of ministries and departments of transport and communication sphere in January – March this year as well as on the outcomes of working trip to Lebap and Balkan Regions.

The production plan has been executed by structural divisions of transport and communication complex by 112.4 percent for the period under review.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that at present time, transport system has difficulties in this context due to the coronavirus pandemics in the world and imposed restrictions. In this regard, it is necessary to approach the solution of financial issues of the agencies under his supervision with full responsibility.

Issues related to fulfilment of production objectives appear with suspension of flights and reduction of cargo flows, Turkmen leader said ordering the vice-premier and G. Mushikov to analyze the situation that may happen until the end of the year.

The head of the state has also requested to make proposals for payment of salary to personnel. In this regard, the President of the country proposed to give grace period to the agencies for payment of taxes or settling of loans or to find some other measures for their support.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov has reported on the results of work of trade and textile complex, entrepreneurship sector in January – March this year as well as on the results of working trip around Ashgabat and to Balkan Region.

The growth of trade volume of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs was 112.1 percent for the period under review comparing with the same period of the last year. At the same time, the growth of production is maintained on 119.7 percent level.

The volume of production made by facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry including cotton yarn and fabrics was equal to 113.2 and 100.9 percent, sewing and knitted items – 120.5 percent, leather products – 104.5 percent.

The plan of carpet production by the State Association Türkmenhaly has been executed by 112.4 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange has held 72 trade session and entered into 7,701 contracts in January – March.

The growth rate of works of the Trade and Industrial Chamber was 101 percent. 

The growth rate of agricultural and food production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs was equal to 139.7 percent, industrial production – 125.3 percent.

Works at all anniversary facilities are carried out as per the schedule, their opening would be held as planned, the vice-premier assured.

Addressing the vice-premier and heads of trade complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that provision of stable work of trade system is the main objective today. It is necessary to assess the situation in this sphere on daily basis and if there is a shortage of any products, especially food products, to take additional measures of support and supplement the stock of food products, the leader of the nation pointed out addressing number of instructions on this account. 

The head of the state has given instructions to hold the activity of facilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs under control ordering to develop measures for support of small, medium and big business. At first, these measures have to be aimed at the stimulation of working activity of entrepreneurs and citizens, preservation of old and opening of new working places, the President of the country pointed out.

Having focused on the necessity to ensure strict control of the construction of industrial and social facilities, the President requested to pay close attention to compliance with period and quality of construction, which is carried using modern equipment and latest technologies.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev has reported on work performed in construction and industrial complex under his supervision in the first quarter of the year.

In addition, the vice-premier has reported on the results of working trips to Lebap, Dashoguz, Balkan, Ahal Regions and around Ashgabat organized at the request of the head of the state for inspection of works at construction sites of big production and social facilities, which are planned to be opened this year in these regions.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that outcomes of work made in construction sphere in the first quarter of the year are unsatisfactory. All indicators have been reduced comparing with the last year.

Despite the existing difficulties, it is necessary to hold the works at all facilities, which are planned to be opened this year, under strict control, the leader of the nation highlighted. Special emphasis has been laid on construction of energy ring inside the country and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power line.

It was mentioned that work for attraction of investments to construction and industrial spheres is not carried out on proper level. Having expressed discontent with work of the vice-premier and head of the complex under his supervision, the head of the state requested to analyze existing deficiencies and take measures for their correction.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister M. Geldiniyazov has reported on work carried out the spheres under his supervision in January – March as well as on the outcomes of working trip around Ashgabat, which was made at the request of the head of the state.

Measures for improvement and digitization of educational process has been taken in the first quarter of the year.

School students of the country took part in international contests in online mode and won gold, silver and bronze medals. 

Integrated work has been made in treatment and preventive medical facilities of the country for introduction of new methods of treatment and prevention of diseases. IX Turkmen –German Forum, second session of Turkmen – Korean working group have been held, at which issues of bilateral cooperation were discussed.

Reporting on the outcomes of working trip around Ashgabat, the vice-premier has informed about preparation to the World Track Cycling Championship and round of the Davis Cup International Tournament in the Olympic village of the capital.

Having listened to the report, head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that due to preventive measures undertaken by the Government, entry and spread of various infectious diseases in the country was prevented. At the same time, situation related to the silting up of the Aral Sea. Air environment formed up in the zone of ecological catastrophe causes serious harm and makes negative impact on climate and people’s health who live in the Aral Sea region and even away from it. Dust with salt is picked up by wind from dry Aral Sea banks and harmful bacteria fly thousands kilometers. All of this threaten people’s health, the head of the state highlighted.

In this regard, the vice-premier was requested to hold undertaken integrated measures for prevention of harmful impact of air environment, construction of scientific centers and clinics under permanent control and to report on results of work at the session of the Government on monthly basis. 

Speaking of coming international sport competitions in Ashgabat this autumn, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions for organization of the tournament on the highest level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova has reported on activity of the structures under her supervision in the first quarter of the year and presented Drafts Resolution on Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and on Turkmen State Publishing Service to the head of the state for review.  

Information about the outcomes of working trip to Lebap, Mary, Dashoguz and Balkan Regions undertaken at the request of the head of the state has been presented withing the report.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of further improvement of work of cultural facilities according to objectives and time requirements.

In this context, the head of Turkmenistan highlighted the necessity to improve the level of preparation of broadcasted TV and radio programs, published articles and to pay special attention to selection and training of personnel.

This year, which is marked in anniversary dates, special focus has to be made on writing articles and making programs dedicated to these events, ancient history of our state and its culture.

It is necessary to continue education work related to sanitary and prevention of spread of infectious diseases, the head of the state said giving specific instructions on this account.

Having signed presented Resolutions on the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and on Turkmen State Publishing Service, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it to the vice-premier by electronic document management system. 

Continuing this subject, the head of the state highlighted the importance of works made under preparation to the 30th anniversary of independence and focused on unbreakable relation of sovereign status of the country with its history. In this context, it is necessary to study subjects related to ancient history and origin of Turkmen nation, its contribution to the world culture and practice of government administration, special features of Oguzkhan age on scientific and comprehensive basis.

At present time, it is necessary to popularize the achievements and success of our country in various branches of national economy for the years of independence. Such subjects as global role of neutral state, proclamation of 2021 as Year “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” as well as enhancement of the authority of the country in the world arena have to be reflected in program events.

Further, addressing Vice-premiers R. Meredov, M. Geldiniyazov and M. Mammedova as well as heads of the regions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to hold international conferences dedicated to scientific study of ancient historical monuments of Turkmenistan located in the center of the Silk Road.

Having focused on the importance of activation of international cooperation, the head of the state highlighted the necessity to carry out works for development of multidimensional cooperation with the UN and other competent international structures, wide popularization of national values created by people throughout the centuries and gave number of instructions to the officials.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister, Foreign Minister R. Meredov has reported on the outcomes of activity of the Ministry in the first quarter of the year.

Relative work has been carried out in the period under review for implementation of the foreign course of independent neutral Turkmenistan and solution of set objectives.

461 various level online meetings have been held in the period under review. 31 documents have been added to the legal base of international relations of Turkmenistan.

Contacts with foreign departments of other countries have regular character. Consultations with foreign departments of other countries have also been organized. Steadfast measures are taken for expansion of foreign relations of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report and addressing the vice-premier, the Foreign Minister, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the situation in the world, which remains tense due to the spread of the coronavirus, which provides the need to have updated information on this issue.

Following this, the head of Turkmenistan requested to prepare proposals on organization of various international events especially those which would be organized in our country. 

Further, the head of the noted that Vice-premier, Foreign Minister R. Meredov chairs around dozen of intergovernmental commission working with various states and in different directions, in this regard, the President of Turkmenistan has informed that for provision of relative conditions for activity of the head of national Foreign Ministry, he made a decision to appoint Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Berdimuhamedov as co-chairman of intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian, Turkmen – Japanese structures from Turkmen side, having released the vice-premier, the Foreign Minister from the above-mentioned posts.

The head of the state has noted that it would support further expansion of cooperation with Russia and Japan and organization of more specific and efficient work.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova has informed about activity of National Parliament for modernization of legal base of the country in the first quarter of the year.

22 Laws of Turkmenistan and 15 Resolutions of the Mejlis have been adopted in January – March. In addition, legal acts on amendments and addendums of some existing laws have also been introduced. At present time, the work on new bills and improvement of previously adopted legal documents is continued.

Representatives of the Mejlis have participated in work of some international and regional forums organized by the OSCE, Inter-Parliamentary Union, German International Cooperation Society, International Migration Organization, World Health Organization on the subjects related to the achievement of the Sustainable development goals, strengthening of peace, trust and security, women rights, climate change in online format under the activity for expansion of international cooperation.

From the beginning of the year, the deputies took part in 39 training seminars aimed at improvement of law-making activity and provision of fulfilment of the government programs, 34 of which has been held in video conference format.

Having highlighted the importance of large-scale work for organization of the first session of the People’s Council and two chambers of National Assembly, the President of the country noted the necessity of active preparation to its conduct.

Further, reports of the heads of the regions and Ashgabat have been listened at the session.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev has reported on the results of work of the branches under his supervision in the first quarter of the year as well as on the outcomes of working trips to Ahal, Dashoguz and Mary Regions.

The growth rate of production, works and services in agricultural complex was equal to 103.8 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Draft Resolution, according to which it is planned to sow 18,300 hectares of land with rice and to produce 82,400 tons of the crop in the country this year. It is planned to produce 35,000 tons of rice from 8,100 hectares in Dashoguz Region and 47,400 tons of this crop from 10,200 hectares in Lebap Region.

In this regards, it was noted that the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection would sign the contracts with rice producers.

Addressing Vice-premeir E. Orazgeldiyev, heads of the region and officials of agricultural complex, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on their objectives.

Two important campaigns – wheat and cotton harvest are coming and it is necessary to prepare to them with full responsibility, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The head of the state has requested to increase the lands for cultivation vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops including potato, to increase agricultural production volumes and to reduce its import. It was highlighted that local market has to be provided with production of own make.

Having highlighted the subject of increment of work efficiency in agricultural complex and its further stable development, the President pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the rates of works for introduction of electronic management system into agricultural complex.

It was requested to take necessary measures for development of livestock farming and increment of livestock in the regions as well as to provide proper organizational level of lambing campaign.

It was noted that the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection together with other profile services have to take preventive measures for combating with rodents and insects, which may have and spread infections, in order to prevent the opportunity of spread of infectious diseases.

Having highlighted the importance of National Turkmen Horse Holiday, which is annually observed in the country on the last Sunday of April, the head of the state ordered to prepare to the holiday on high level.

Having signed the Resolution on production of rice in Turkmenistan in 2021, the President sent it to the vice-premier by electronic document management system.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber S. Berdimuhamedov has reported on the results of inspections of the facilities put into operation in the first quarter of the year as well as on the readiness of facilities, which opening is planned this month.

Having listened to the report, the head of the state noted that big investments used in construction sector, favorable investment climate made in the country, efficient measures of the state support of national business have provided success of urban construction policy, under which hundreds of various facilities are built and reconstructed in the capital and regions. In this regard, it is necessary to keep controlling the implementation of important infrastructural projects, ensure the compliance with quality and commissioning schedule, the head of the state said addressing the vice-premier, the head of the Supreme Control Chamber with number of certain instructions.

Having sent the papers by electronic document management system to Vice-premier, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber S, Berdimuhamedov and Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to provide high organizational level of coming events and planned activity.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov has reported on preparation to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence as well as on work for strengthening of defensive capability of the country, modernization of the structure of military and law enforcement agencies and improvement of their activity.

Having listened to the report, the head of the state noted the importance of improvement of professional training of military and law enforcement personnel. It is also necessary to prepare to celebration events, which are planned to be held on occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence, on high level and addressed the vice-premier, Secretary of the State Security Council with number of certain instructions.

Further, addressing the participants of the session and summing up the discussion of the outcomes of work performed in the past three months, the President noted that despite the difficulties in the global economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic, our country has managed to achieve all set goals. In the first quarter of the year, the economy of sovereign Turkmenistan continued to be developed under planned programs, the growth rates of the GDP are kept stably on the level of 5.9 percent, the salaries have been increased by 10 percent.

The President of the country has noted that large-scale construction of big industrial and social facilities including new settlements, living, treatment and health improving centers, schools, kindergartens and other facilities is continued.

Reforms are implemented according to the adopted programs in scientific and educational spheres, work for modernization of production sphere is successfully carried out. Market economy is under formation. Development of oil and gas fields in continued, construction of energy and communication systems Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan, TAPI transnational gas line is ongoing, other international projects are prepared.

Policy for support and development of private business is steadily pursued, entrepreneurs are attracted to the implementation of economic reforms. Reformation of political system of our independent states is continued.

Specifying near-term objectives, the head of the state has noted the necessity of further fruitful work on realization of the Program of social and economic development of the country in 2021 – 2025 as well as preparation to remarkable dates – the 30th anniversary of independence, 140th anniversary of the capital of our country and the Neutrality Day. 

The President continued that this year, we have to activate work on implementation of National rural program. The anniversary of our independence state has to be marked with new constructions in every city and village, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said requesting the vice-premiers responsible for the regions to present relative reports on fulfilment of the above-mentioned program at each session of the Cabinet of Ministers and heads of the regions at working video conference sessions.

It is necessary to continue the policy in implementation of digital systems, opening of facilities for production of import substitutive commodities, increment of production volumes of export oriented production, attraction of investments, growth of income in foreign currency.

The system of the government administration requires reformation as well, the President said, having demanded to control the fulfilment of the State budget reducing unexpected and administrative expenses. At the same time, it is necessary to use market mechanisms in monetary, crediting and financial systems and to diversify the economy. It is necessary to take necessary measures for activation of private sector in further development of national economy increasing the share of private sector.

Noting the importance of search for new methods of work in strategic oil, gas and agricultural spheres, the head of the state addressed relative instructions to Vice-premiers Sh. Abdrahmanov and E. Orazgeldiyev.

Other important subjects of the state life, on which relevant decisions have been made, were reviewed at the session of the Government.

Finishing the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants good health, family wealth and success in work.

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