Main objectives of home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers
Main objectives of home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers
Published 19.03.2021

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current matters of the state life have been discussed.

Coming over to the agenda, the head of the state first called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on preparation of the cotton sowing.

It was noted that necessary works are carried out in the regions for organized start of sowing campaign, including preparation the cotton seeds. Planed works are carried out at the fields allocated for this crop, measures for efficient use of agricultural equipment and vehicles are undertaken.

The vice-premier has addressed the President of Turkmenistan asking to appoint the date of the start of the cotton sowing as well as to hold practical seminars with participation of master farmers, experienced specialists, scientists and machine operators.

Having noted that responsible period starts for the farmers of the country, Turkmen leader highlighted that it is necessary to conduct sowing campaign on proper level in short period of time and complying with agricultural standards.

Having given the instruction to start sowing the cotton on March 24 in Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary Regions and on March 31 in Dashoguz Region, the President of Turkmenistan addressed respected elders to give start to the sowing as per good tradition.

Further, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on work carried out by the Ministry for development of cooperation of neutral Turkmenistan in the world arena in such current direction as humanitarian field.

Number of proposals, including proposals related to cooperation in legal sphere, have been prepared for expansion of this multi-format partnership.

In this regard, it was noted that National Action Plan in human rights sphere in Turkmenistan for 2016 – 2020 has been successfully achieved in the context of solution of these objectives. Draft of similar document for 2021 – 2025 has been developed together with the UN specialized structures to continue work in this direction on systematic basis, new Plan, which includes number of relevant activities, is also aimed at fulfilment of the obligations followed from international documents, which our country has join, in designated period.

Turkmenistan also develops constructive cooperation with International Red Crescent Committee. The Action Plan for implementation of international humanitarian right in our country in 2018 – 2020 has become on the main tools of the partnership with this and other profile structures. Developed draft of relative Plan for 2021 – 2023 includes number of measures aimed at improvement of awareness of the population in this field, improvement of knowledge of government officials and local specialists.

Special attention is paid to development of dialog with such bug specialized UN agencies as UNESCO in the context of cooperation with competent international organizations. For expansion of this partnership, the head of the state has signed the Resolution approving the Provision on National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO affairs in new edition and its composition.

Currently, the draft Memorandum on cooperation between the Government of our country and this structure for 2021 – 2023 has been developed. According to the document, it is planned to work in such directions as education, science, culture, management of water resources, statistics, sports, protection of national cultural monuments in the designated period.

At the same time, Turkmenistan strengthen productive partnership in humanitarian sphere with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). In particular, it is planned to implement 18 projects in scientific, educational and legal spheres as well as in mass media together with the OSCE Center in Ashgabat.

Close contacts have been established with the OSCE Higher Commissioner’s Office for National Minorities as well. Draft Memorandum on cooperation between the Ministry of Education of our country and the above-mentioned office in language and cultural diversity in Turkmenistan has been prepared for systematic cooperation with this structure.

The activity of Interdepartmental Commission for provision of international obligations of Turkmenistan in human rights and international humanitarian right is improved. In this context, it is proposed to hold regular session of the Interdepartmental Commission in the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry of the country on March 24.

The agenda of the session will include subjects of humanitarian cooperation with competent international organizations this year as well as implementation of developed working plans. It is proposed that representative international organizations working in Central Asia and Turkmenistan would participate in the session in video conference format.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that strengthening and expansion of fruitful relations in humanitarian sphere with all interested foreign partners both in bilateral and multilateral formats is among the priorities of foreign strategy of neutral Turkmenistan.

In this direction, our country efficiently works with big international organizations including with the UN and its specialized agencies, OSCE and other competent structures. Turkmenistan holds active position in the issues of humanitarian cooperation proposing specific initiatives aimed at provision of prosperity in regional and global scales and achievement of the Sustainable development goals.

Speaking of this, the President has approved the presented proposals and given instructions for their implementation to the vice-premier, the Foreign Minister.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev has reported on improvement of activity of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa as well as on work for introduction of digital system in the Ministry of Energy and its lower organizations.

According to the plans of development of national chemical industry, new production facilities have been opened in the structure of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa. Provided with innovative technologies, the facilities are oriented to make import substitutive products and to improve export potential.

In this regard, draft Resolution on improvement of activity of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa has been submitted to the President of Turkmenistan for review. 

It is proposed to change the structure of the central office of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa for improvement of the management of the facilities of the industry, rational use of workfrorce, material and financial resources.

Having signed relevant Resolution, the head of the state has sent it by electronic document management system and requested the vice-premier to provide strict control over fulfilment of provisions of the document.

Reporting on implementation of innovative systems to the activity of the Ministry of Energy and subsidiary facilities and organizations, the vice-premier has informed that department of informational security and digital technologies has been established in the central office of the Ministry of Energy for monitoring of works planned in power energy sphere.

At present time, calculation center has been opened on the base of Döwletenergogözegçilik Enterprise, which collects information about all consumers from Ashgabat and regions. Payment terminals have been installed, internet portal has been developed and works for establishment of mobile payment system are in the final stage. These measures are aimed at non-cash payments, simplification of control of timely payment and rational use of electricity.

Having focused on the necessity of accelerated transfer of national economy to digital format, the head of the state addressed the vice-premier with instructions for establishment of automatic system of electronic database.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov has reported on practical measures for successful solution of objectives set out by the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, work for electronic database in ministries, profile departments, administrations of the regions and Ashgabat.

According to the results of made analysis, the proposal on relevance of establishment of digital system and informational security department in the structures of administrations of regions and capital as well as relative amendment of their structures have been prepared.

In this regard, Draft Resolution on improvement of activity of regional and Ashgabat’s administrations has been presented to the President of Turkmenistan for review.

Having signed the presented document, the President of Turkmenistan sent it by electronic document management system, having requested the vice-premier to hold under control timely solution of objectives of the Resolution.

Continuing the session, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers has reported on work performed by the subsidiary structures for transfer to digital system, integrated measures for improvement of quality of the government services, improvement of the management of facilities and enterprises.

Information about review of the Regulation of the State registration of legal entities and their monitoring has been presented. Relative amendments and addendums have been introduced to the draft of the document for establishment of favorable conditions for activation of small and medium business and wide support of entrepreneurial initiative of the citizens.

Noting the necessity of analysis of existing documents and their gradual update, Turkmen leader has requested the vice-premier to continue works in this direction taking into account the provisions of the Law of Turkmenistan on Enterprises.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov has reported on integrated work carried out for increment of volumes of import substitutive and export production.

It was informed that indicators of export of industrial commodities and food products are growing in the result of the government support of the private sector.

Proposal on provision of benefits for private entrepreneurs and individuals who are engaged in export of goods has been presented for fulfilment of objectives for stimulation of export operations. Following the world practice in this sphere, the measures for development of exchange trade and intensification of participation of local businessmen in this trade are taken.

Having listened to the report, the President emphasized that comprehensive development of entrepreneurship, enhancement of the role of non-government sector by wide introduction of modern market mechanisms are the main directions of social and economic policy of Turkmenistan. 

It is necessary to continue working in this direction as well as activate beneficial business contacts with foreign partners, the head of the state said addressing the vice-premier with certain assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov has reported on the results of work aimed at the establishment of the Government Commission for coordination of national system of Turkmenistan for monitoring of earth surface and on establishment of the Derýaýollary Open Joint Stock Venture.

Capabilities of formation of new technological and communication base for collection of information about earth surface from the space, study, and analysis of date as well as training of relative specialists in this field have been analyzed for the fulfillment of objectives in the sphere of expansion of satellite communication.

In this regard, the proposal on development of the draft document on composition of the Government Commission for coordination of National System of Turkmenistan for monitoring of earth surface and Provision about this structure have been presented to the head of the state for review.

Summing up the report, the President highlighted that the requirements of increment of throughput capacity of common telecommunication infrastructure, provision of rapid and qualitative data transfer between remote place, which are not connected to ground communication channels, are growing and volumes of transit of various information between the structures of different branches of national economy are increased with development of the economy.

For provision of further coordinated development of national economy, it is necessary to use satellite communication systems, which give new capabilities for communication, in full capacity, the head of Turkmenistan ordered. It is necessary to pay more attention to the launch of the second national satellite Türkmen Älem 52°E.

Continuing the session, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers has reported on privatization of the state-owned facilities and transformation of these facilities into joint stock ventures, which is held under implementation of the Program of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025.

Steadfast measures are taken in transport sphere for establishment of joint and joint stock ventures including the measures for increment of cargo and passenger turnover and provision of quality services to the population in river transportation.

It is proposed to change organizational and legal status of Derýaýollary Production Association of the Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency for improvement of efficiency of its work and to open joint stock venture with share of supervising agency, Turkmenbashy International Port and Deňiz söwda floty CJSV. Draft of relative document has been presented to the President for review.

Having focused on the activity of Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency, the President of the country highlighted the necessity of active implementation of efficient management methods, formation of various forms of the ownership for management of enterprises of subsidiary structures and conduct of staged privatization of facilities.

Having signed the Resolution on establishment of Derýaýollary Open Joint Stock Venture, the Head of Turkmenistan sent it the vice-premier by electronic document management system and addressed relative instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova has reported on the measures for activation of media partnership. At present time, preparation of programs on achievements of our country for the years of sovereign development for broadcasting on TV channels is carried out together with foreign broadcasting companies.

Having listened to the report, the head of the state highlighted the importance of activation of work for introduction of success of Turkmenistan for the years of independence to the world community and requested to extend partnership with competent foreign news, TV and radio broadcasting structures.

It is necessary to establish cooperation between the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography and foreign TV and radio channels, the President ordered giving certain instructions on this account.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrahmanov has reported on preparation to regular the 7th session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Saudi Commission for trade and economic cooperation, which is planned to be held in the first half of the year in the capital of Saud Arabia, Riyadh.

During the meeting, it is planned to discuss the issues of implementation of agreements and other documents, which have been signed during official visit of the President of Turkmenistan the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in May 2016 as well as perspectives of development of bilateral partnership in trade and economic, investment, energy, construction and industrial spheres, ore mining, food, pharmaceutical branches, in private sector, healthcare system agriculture and water management, environment protection, information and communication technologies, science and education, sports, culture and tourism.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that Turkmenistan is connected to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with old friendship and fruitful cooperation, which is successfully developed in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent regional and international organizations and structures. 

Having stated with delight steadfast dynamics of interstate dialog, which is based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust, Turkmen leader pointed out the presence of significant potential for further expansion of productive trade, economic and business relations. The course toward industrialization and digitization of national economy, major reformation programs and big projects implemented in our country provide favorable opportunities for diversification of fruitful contacts.

Speaking of the importance of activity of joint intergovernmental commissions, the head of the Turkmenistan has emphasized that this practice is recommended itself well as an efficient mechanism of intensification of cooperation built on beneficial and long-term basis.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Geldiniyazov has reported on preparation to the events planned to be held in the country and abroad on occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence and declaration of 2021 as year “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”.

Thus, it is planned to hold International scientific and practical conference “Implementation of innovative technologies into production”, which will be organized byt eh Ministry of Education and Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan on May 3 – 4 in online format and International Mathematics Contest, which will be held in International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development, on May 5 – 8.

It is expected that foreign colleagues of scientists, professors and teachers of our country will take part in international forum.

Students of higher educational institutes of Turkmenistan and number of other states will participate in coming international mathematic contest.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of similar representative forums supporting the development of the dialog in scientific and educational sphere.

Addressing the participants of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day, falls on Sunday this year. In this regard, the head of the state has signed the Decree on transfer of the day off from March 21 to March 23, Tuesday according to relative legal act.

Due to extended days off, the officials were ordered to organized duty shifts in all administrations, at the facilities and in organizations. Relative orders have been given to law enforcement agencies.

Further, the head of the state congratulated all participants of the session and all Turkmen people on coming National Spring Holiday – International Nowruz Day in the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust”.

Nowruz is a priceless treasury of ancient history, cultural heritage, and spiritual world of our nation. Widely celebrated National Spring Holiday enhances original traditions of the nation, which are based on the principles of peace-loving, friendship and fraternity, goodwill and humanity inspiring our citizens to achieve high goals.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers held in video conference format, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and big success in work to all participants of the session.

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