The creative potential of the country - a basis of well-being of people
The creative potential of the country - a basis of well-being of people
Published 25.02.2024

The past week was marked by a number of the events reflecting sequence of the course of home and foreign policy, pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at further increase of well-being of Turkmen people, economic potential of our fatherland and expansion of international cooperation.

On February 19, the head of the state held an online working meeting, which considered the course of agricultural activities in the country.

Having underlined importance of the tasks set before the agro-industrial complex, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed relevant authorities to provide appropriate care of wheat and preparation for the sowing campaign of "white gold” in agro-technical terms as well as supply of farmers with high-quality seeds of cotton and vegetables and gourds.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan instructed them to keep fulfilment of the work planned for 2024 within the framework of the Program of Social and Economic Development of the country for 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program at a high quality level and in time as well as maintenance of uninterrupted functioning of heating systems of social projects and maintenance of population with electricity, natural gas and drinking water under a strict control.

On February 20, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to Turkmenistan Madhumita Hazarika Bhagat.

During the meeting, it was noted that our countries and people are connected with fruitful relations originating in the depth of centuries and based on strong bonds of friendship and principles of mutual respect. The Republic of India is one of the important partners of Turkmenistan in the region of South Asia. Developing a constructive political-diplomatic dialogue, our states also successfully co-operate on the margins of authoritative international organisations to which mutual support of positive initiatives, which are put forward on the world scene testifies clearly.

Turkmenistan and India productively co-operate in the trade and economic sphere, including in such branches as fuel and energy and transport sectors, agriculture, textile industry.

The special attention was given to realisation of the civil-engineering design of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India. Its implementation will promote development of economy of countries-participants, creation of new workplaces, building of projects of social and industrial infrastructure and attraction of large foreign investments.

Among topical areas of bilateral cooperation - spheres of public health services, science, education and culture.

One should also mark that credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to Turkmenistan Jose Luis Martinez Hernandez were received in the Mejlis in the past week at the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The diplomat was acquainted with basic areas and priorities of home and foreign policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan as well as with structure and legislative activity of the national Parliament.

The great attention was given to prospects of cooperation successfully built both in the bilateral and multilateral formats, within the framework of large international organisations, first of all, the United Nations.

On February 21, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov met with the Vice-President, Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and Minister of Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

During the exchange of opinions in key areas of cooperation demonstrating positive dynamics, it was noted that contacts at the highest level play a special role in strengthening bilateral relations. Regular meetings and negotiations give the chance for definition of topical vectors of cooperation based upon long-term prospect, development of joint steps for practical realisation of reached agreements.

The parties also pointed out that, as an integral component of Turkmen-Emirati relations in the humanitarian sphere is interaction in the area of science, education and culture as well as sports.

On the same day, at the international airport of the Turkmen capital National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with the Vice-President, Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Minister of Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Interlocutors noted progressive development of long-term interstate interaction, which has a high potential for further diversification in all spectrum of areas and expressed confidence of successful continuation of adjusted meaningful dialogue, which entirely meets interests of two countries and their fraternal people.

On February 23, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which considered important issues of social and economic development of the country and drafts of some documents.

During the meeting, the head of the state signed the Decree, according to which women of the country will be presented with traditional cash gifts on the threshold of International Women's Day on behalf of the head of the state.

Topics of the governmental meeting also included development of perspective oil and gas deposits of the western region of the country with use of advanced methods and international experience, modernisation of enterprises of the textile branch, measures taken for effective utilisation of capacities of the international seaport of  Turkmenbashi, the course of seasonal agricultural work and reconstruction of the Ashgabat horse-racing complex.

The information on major events planned for March and festivities on opening of social projects was also delivered.

Festive events and solemnities will be organised in honour of the 300th birthday anniversary of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi, on the occasion of International Women's Day and National Spring Festival.

The international conference “Basic areas and potential of development of tourism in Turkmenistan” and the press conference “The Turkmen land - the centre of ancient cultures”, explanatory and promotional actions, exhibitions, music festivals, excursions, final rounds of early announced art competitions are also planned.

The ceremony on the occasion of declaration of the ancient city of Anau “Cultural capital of the Turkic world” in 2024 by member states of the International Organisation of Turkic culture (TURKSOY) will take place in the building “Türkmeniň ak öýi” on the square “Nowruz ýaýlasy” in Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat on March 26.

On the sidelines of celebrations, a number of actions with participation of representatives of Turkic people are also planned: a concert, an exhibition of works of fine art, decorative and applied arts, works of art photographers, the international scientific conference “Ancient Anau culture” as well as conference of heads of states and national museums of member countries of TURKSOY. In addition to it, the press conference with participation of representatives of foreign mass media is planned.

At the government meeting, for consideration of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov the draft of the work plan of cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and OSCE for 2024 was submitted. We should note that within the framework of joint plans during the past 25 years more than 500 projects were implemented in various areas.

For March of the current year the visit of the Secretary General of OSCE to our country and a high level meeting of heads of nature protection ministries of states of Central Asia are planned.

At present, together with the Centre of OSCE in Ashgabat on a constant basis since 1999, and corresponding state structures of our country the Plan of the projects planned for realisation in 2024 according to which it is planned to put into practice 37 projects was prepared.

Having noted that the prepared plan aimed at further effective interaction with the given Organization, covers political, economic, ecological and humanitarian spheres, the head of the state instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue regular work on development of constructive cooperation with OSCE.

On February 22 in the building “Türkmenistanyň Maslahatlar merkezi” under the chairmanship of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the meeting of the presidium of the Khalk Maslakhaty was held.

Priorities on successful realisation of the “Program of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024” became its main theme. Its agenda also included discussion of the Plan of forthcoming works and actions for implementation of the given Program in basic areas of activity of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan.

Members of the Presidium of the Khalk Maslakhaty and the Government, deputies of Mejlis, representatives of political parties, public associations, and mass media took part in the meeting.

National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the keynote speech focused attention on festivities on the occasion of 300th birthday anniversary of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi and initiated to fix legislatively in the long term the cultural heritage of the great master of poetry, which ennobled Turkmen people, uplifted its authority in the world and by that to immortalise it.

Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov touched upon basic achievements of the country in economic and social spheres, overall objectives of the “Program of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024” and designated primary goals on improvement of national legislation.

With a view of maintenance of high organizational level of the work, it was proposed to include in the agenda of the meeting of the Presidium issues on timely solution of tasks in view along with decisions and the commissions given at sessions of the Khalk Maslakhaty and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

Among them - solemn celebration of the 300th birthday  anniversary of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi at the international level; further strengthening of unity of society and maintenance of active participation in fulfilment of the tasks provided in programs by deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty and Gengesh; social and economic development of the country, enthusiasm of each worker to successful activity, active participation in development of concepts of development of  private sector and sphere of services, support of import replacing manufactures and construction as well as strategy of development of the export-focused industry, development of cities; strengthening of function of specialised organisations for work with the youth; preparation of the Concept of improvement of teaching methodology and strategy of development of sphere of science in the country; adoption of new laws and systematic perfection of laws.

On February 24, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Honoured Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the city of Arkadag for acquaintance with projects of the buildings to be constructed in the new city, types of building materials as well as held there a working meeting with participation of heads of corresponding structures.

Within the second turn of construction of the "smart" city, a state museum, a complex of the Agricultural University and children's park, in design of which Hero-Arkadag instructed to involve students of the State Fine Art Academy of Turkmenistan are planned for erection.

Having familiarised with the emblem of the new medical cluster, the National Leader of the Turkmen people instructed to hold corresponding work for its recognition at the international level.

During the working meeting, issues of building of the second turn of the new city, settlement of people in new houses were discussed with heads of some profile structures, work of agricultural research institutes.

On the same day, the National Leader of the Turkmen people held a working meeting in the Children's Rehabilitation Centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Arkadag city where he approved the plan of work on rehabilitation of children from different regions of the country as well as handed the Certificate of representation of UNICEF in Turkmenistan for effective activity of the Centre.

Thus, events of the past week displayed a high dynamics and creative potential of the country, success of large-scale social and economic programs realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov based on continuity of national historical experience and openness to world achievements and innovations.

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