Events of the week
Strategy of creativeness and progress – a pivot of Motherland’s large-scale advancements
Events of the week
Strategy of creativeness and progress – a pivot of Motherland’s large-scale advancements
Published 18.04.2022

The past eventful week was yet another evidence of success of large-scale transformations ongoing in Turkmenistan, in which the triumph of the socially-orientated policy based on the fundamental principle “State – for Man!” found its vivid replication.

The issues of socioeconomic development of regions, effective implementation of seasonal field works and preparation to the remarkable dates were in the center of the online working session which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held on April 11.

The Government’s main focus of attention was switched to bringing the agri-works to conformity with agri-technical standards, making the extremely able and energetic efforts to produce heavy yields of wheat, and finishing the cotton-seeding campaign in due course.

Ranking provision of the population with sufficient volumes of home-produced foodstuffs among the present-day tasks of priority, the President of the country gave a number of serious assignments on raising the level of yields of potato, onion, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops.

At the same time, it is necessary to stand ready to the cocoon-production season, to create most advantageous work conditions for the tenant silkworm-breeders.

The head of state has also exhorted to exercise tough control over construction and timely commissioning of construction objects (residential houses in particular) and speed up construction of a new settlement in Akhal velayat.

On April 13, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended the exhibition timed to the 14th anniversary of establishing the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of Turkmenistan (IEUT) to get acquainted with the assortment of products and industrial goods produced by the non-governmental sector of the economy.

Nowadays, the IEUT unites over 27,000 representatives of the national business community. At the exhibition, the stands were represented by over 200 exponents, who realize large-scale state programs all over the country.

The activity of the IEUT members specialized in the AIC sector, food and processing industry, chemical branch, construction industry, production of home appliances and industrial electronics, clothes, footwear, furniture, carpet items was traditionally represented on a large scale.

Demonstration at the exhibition of over 100 types of new goods in different spheres of enterprise activity is one sure sign of availability of the IEUT members’ vast untapped potential.

While visiting the exhibition, in the pavilions of Joint-Stock Commercial Bank «Rysgal» and «Seljeriş we tehnologiýalar merkeziniň», President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with information about the dynamics of their systemic progressive development.

The head of state has examined the stands of Turkmen confectionery-producing companies, evinced interest in the assortment, quality and taste characteristics of products, their conformity to ecology and safety standards.

Recognizing key role businessmen play in the entire national economy, the President of Turkmenistan has highlighted that the business-favored measures and business initiatives of youth will consistently be kept advancing.

In this regard, to fill a want of businesses in the demand-driven highly educated specialists, last week, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on authorizing the Central Bank to allocate a credit to the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank «Rysgal»to fund construction in Ashgabat of the high-education institution of the IEUT.

Achievements of Turkmen entrepreneurs and new tasks related to adoption of innovatory technologies, digital system, and realization of the development-favored measures in the private sector enshrined in the National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in 2022-2052 were in the focus of the conference, which was held in the IEUT.

In the frames of forum, our private commodity producers made 63 contracts with foreign partners (valued at US $145,398,770 in total), including – 16 export contracts (US $3,247,441) and 47 import ones (US $142,151,329).

Moreover, the IEUT members made 51 contracts in the reciprocal domestic trade sphere (36,174,933 manats).

On April 13, a telephone talk was held between President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida.

The head of the Japanese Government has extended cordial congratulations to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on his convincing victory in elections, as well as on the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Japan.

In turn, the head of Turkmen state, has noted that all through 30 years, Turkmenistan and Japan expanded considerably cooperation in the trade-economic as well as in cultural-humanitarian spheres. Not the least efficient was interaction on the platform of the Dialogue “Central Asia+Japan”.

Grateful to Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kicida for invitation to take part in the fourth Asian-Pacific Water Summit (to be held on April 23-24 in the town of Kumamoto), President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has stressed that water problematic is in the rank of urgent tasks set before the international community, solution of which is in need of integrated efforts of all countries.

On April 14, while paying a holiday trip to Balkan velayat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an off-site session of the Cabinet of Ministers to discuss the issues of socioeconomic development of the western region of the country.

In the frames of the Presidential Program of the country’s development for the next 7 years, the major directions of the Balkan velayat development include: modernization of the oil/gas, oil-processing, chemical, energy, mining sectors, light industry, construction materials industry at the expense of attraction of large investments into all spheres of the industrial complex of velayat, widespread adoption in the economy of velayat of achievements of science and world practice, innovatory and digital technologies.

Not the least important is effective use of the untapped potential of the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran international railway, International Seaport of Turkmenbashy, transport-logistics system, intensification and increase of volumes of transit and multimodal cargo traffic, construction and commissioning of the international air harbor in the settlement of Jebel.

In the future, it is advisable to promote development of the recreation and tourist sectors, improve quality of services. Particular attention is to be given to the social sphere, construction of modern kindergartens, schools, health houses, housing construction, engineering facilities and reconstruction of the existing objects. At the same time, the goal of priority is – to set in full motion the country’s resources in all future-orientated directions (labor resources inclusive) and gain active participation of the private sector in those endeavors, attract domestic and foreign investments.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has also identified a number of pressing tasks related to further development of the chemical industry. To rationally and effectively exploit natural resources of Balkan velayat and raw materials for the chemical and construction industries, it is advisable the enterprises of the industrial and construction spheres to set in motion at their full capacity.

The head of state has exhorted to saturate the domestic market with import-substituting industrial and construction produce, ensure launching of new industrial facilities based on the innovatory technologies and latest achievements of science and engineering, continue production of modern commodities by the electronic industry.

At the session, information was also presented about the IEUT proposals on realization in Balkan velayat in 2022-2028 of 14 investment projects in such spheres, as wine-, vegetable- and garden-growing with the use of water-saving methods. In projects is also construction of livestock and poultry complexes, modern greenhouses and coolhouses for keeping foodstuffs.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has stressed the importance of increasing the volumes and assortment of output of products and services rendered through efficient exploit of the current production facilities.

In every velayat, etrap, town the advantageous business environment is to be formed to promote businesses and new workplaces advancement.

Having exhorted to speed up the program works on increasing in the country of the output of export-orientated and import-substitution products, the President of Turkmenistan has ordered to analyze in detail and reconsider the Turkmen businessmen’s proposals on realization of investment projects in Balkan velayat.

Among other issues considered there were – modernization of the country’s legal base, state of affairs in the FEC, chemical industry, state of things in regions, the current work implemented in the frames of realization of the Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025, the National Rural Areas Development Program, construction of the 472-family residential complex in the settlement of Guvlymayak, Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan velayat.

Information was also avowed about preparation progress to the Summit of heads of states – Turkmenistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Turkish Republic – devoted to the Turkmen Racehorse National Holiday, to conducting of the scientific-practical conference in the historical-cultural complex of monuments “Dehistan” and the international scientific meeting “Historical-cultural monuments of Turkmenistan – in the center of attention of world public”.

Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov visited the International Seaport of Turkmenbashy.

After familiarization with the facilities and equipment of terminals, work of the customs and border services, production possibilities of the ship-building and ship-repairing enterprise “Balkan”, the head of state has exhorted to make analysis of the economic profitability of the seaport and take the target measures for the seaport further modernization.

That same day, the President of Turkmenistan together with associates made a walk in the picturesque Caspian shore (partly, it was a cycle walk) and took part in the team sport competitions in the multidiscipline sport complex “Avaza”.

During the cycle walk, the head of state has focused attention on the importance of well-organized preparation to the coming summer holiday season and on maintaining ecological wealth of Avaza and increasing forest zones in its territory.

On April 15, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the solemn ceremony of commissioning in the city of Turkmenbashy of the 400-bed multifield hospital, which supplemented the constantly-advancing infrastructure of the national health system.

The digital interconnection system envelops all departments of the hospital. It enables to promptly exchange information necessary for rending quick medical services and organize prompt consultations of physicians.

The 1,200-job, 7-story hospital may boast of every condition for efficient work. Its 27 departments have a broad range of possibilities for treating and rehabilitating health in the in-patient and outpatient regimen.

The hospital is tooled with the latest medical equipment and implements manufactured by leading companies of Germany, France, Italy, United States of America, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, South Korea, Great Britain, and the Chinese People’s Republic.

Construction of the modern medical entity to order of khyakimlik of Balkan velayat was implemented by the individual enterprise «Ussat inžener» (a member of the IEUT).

The President of the country got acquainted with functional possibilities of the innovatory equipment of a number of specialized consulting-rooms and departments.

Having noted high technological level of the new hospital, the ceremony attendees – head of the WHO Country Office and Deputy Representative of UNESCO, offered their sincere congratulations to the head of state on that remarkable event.

The international certificates of quality were granted to the multifield hospital of Turkmenbashy: “High technologies” of Switzerland Federal Technological Institute in Zurich (ETH); “High Quality” of Max Plank Medical Investigations Institute, Federal Republic of Germany; “Hospital with ecology-healthy environment” of Healthy Environment Fund, Great Britain.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has noted that in the nearest future similar sophisticated hospitals will be launched in Dashoguz and later – in Akhal velayats.

The head of state has fixated attention of senior officials and staffers of health system on the primary tasks set to them and exhorted to institute the Somatic Disease Control Center in the structure of the General Directorate of International Medical Centers and locate the new Center next to the capital’s International Surgery and Endocrinology Center.

Besides, the head of state has necessitated constructing in Ashgabat of one more Dental Center opposite the Emergency Medical Aid Center of the city and assigned to prepare the issue-associated proposals.

Having addressed wishes of successful work to the personnel of the multifield hospital, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov presented them with keys to the new specialized motor-transport vehicles.

That same day, authorized by the President of Turkmenistan, a solemn ceremony was held in the town of Turkmenbashy on the occasion of laying foundation of a new residential complex with the relevant infrastructure – five 4-story 60-apartment houses replete with every modern comfort intended for the staffers of the transport-communications complex.

In compliance with presidential Resolution, designing and construction of houses, neighborhoods landscaping and improvement are entrusted to «Ynamly hyzmatdaşlar» Economic Association.

On April 15, in run-up to the commemoration day of Myalikguly Berdymuhamet ogly and in his honor, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave the funeral sadaqat-agzachar in the village of Yzgant, Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat.

Sadaqat-agzachar was arranged in a specially prepared place, near the cemetery Abyl Ishan, Yzgant village, in compliance with sacred folk customs which are passed on from one generation to another.

Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited the people assembled to sadaqat-agzachar, which on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov would be given in the capital’s mosque “Hezreti Omar” on April 18 – the day of anniversary Myalikguly aga had gone to a better world.

“Let peace be in our country! Let all prayers in the month of Ramazan be accepted by the Almighty!” – Haji Arkadag said.

Among other events of the past week was the seminar (in the hybrid format) under the title «Constitution of Turkmenistan – a guarantee of human rights and freedoms”. The seminar was attended by heads and representatives of a number of governmental agencies, social organizations, Information Centers on Human Rights in velayats , mass media, UNDP staffers and experts. The event was organized by the UNDP Office in our country and the State, Law and Democracy Institute of Turkmenistan in the frames of Project “Rendering assistance in implementation of the National Action Plan of Turkmenistan in the sphere of human rights in 2021-2025”.

The speakers have highlighted that the running year in history of our independent state is notable for celebrating of the remarkable date – the 30th anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Having juristically asserted the country’s statehood and sovereignty of our people in its territory, the Basic Law has laid foundation for the Motherland’s progressive development in all spheres of life.

In the reports, lengthy consideration was given to the large-scale work ongoing in the country on creating of vast possibilities for the free development of a personality, protection of life, honor, dignity, freedom, personal immunity, realization of many other constitutional rights of Turkmen citizens.

Particular accent was placed on the fact that enshrinement in the Basic Law of priority of the international law’s generally-admitted standards creates necessary prerequisites and conditions for integration of the country into the system of international relations and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

A regular working meeting (in the online format) of women of Central Asian countries was held in the frames of our country’s presidency in 2022 in the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia. The meeting was attended by Chairman of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, representatives of the Dialogue of Women of Central Asia, and the relevant divisions of the United Nation Organization.

The agenda of meeting implied discussion of the Work Plan in the year of Turkmenistan’s presidency in the Dialogue and the Regulations of the structure.

Last week, a new carbon-producing enterprise (3,000 tons per year) was launched in Mary etrap. The modern, well-equipped enterprise will enable to increase and diversify production of the demand-driven products highly acclaimed in our country, and accordingly – to increase the volumes of their export.

The laws adopted on April 2 at the 17th session of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh were approved at the fifth session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan of the fifth convocation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a regular session of the Interdepartmental Commission on ensuring implementation of Turkmenistan’s international obligations in the sphere of human rights and international humanitarian law. Consideration was given to the outcomes of the Commission’s activity in 2021 and to the Work Plan for the running year.

In the past weekend, in the territory of the historical-cultural complex of monuments “Dehistan” an in-the-field scientific conference was held. Participants of forum exchanged opinions on the topical issues linked with the study of the Turkmen Middle Ages epoch and discussed the problems of preservation of the unique monuments of the Reserve.

Thus, the last week’s events have demonstrated that concern for the people’s welfare is the most important aspect of state policy in the year proclaimed under the motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”. Nowadays, Turkmenistan is striding confidently along the path of progress and creativeness, remaining committed to its deep and wise folk traditions, moral values, preserving intergenerational continuity retained through the millenniums of the lofty spiritual culture.

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