Events of the week
Cooperation, trust, sustainable development – key factors of the reform-based strategy
Events of the week
Cooperation, trust, sustainable development – key factors of the reform-based strategy
Published 17.10.2021

The past week was notable for a number of events, which put spotlight on the pressing initiatives the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had forwarded at the top-level international forums aimed at consolidation of efforts for ensuring global peace, security and stability, enhancement of the constructive multi-lateral cooperation, strengthening of the country’s economic power, regular growth of our people’s standard of life.

On October 12, President of Turkmenistan received the head of the International Group of Companies “ARETI” Igor Makarov. The agenda of meeting was centered on the prospects for partnership in the FEC, construction, and transport spheres.

The businessman presented a report on the progress of works implemented in the frames of the concluded contracts, on advancement of the projects entrusted to “ARETI”, and also submitted for consideration of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov new proposals on the Caspian Sea’s Turkmen offshore area development.

Pleased with the Holding’s constructive approach to the issues of strengthening the mutuality-based business ties, the head of state has focused attention on adoption of the advanced technological solutions and scientific developments while realizing any of the projects, as well as on observance of the ecology-safety standards. In this context, the leader of nation has addressed to the businessman a number of assignments related to the implementation of joint projects.

On October 14, on the invitation of Chairman of the Chinese People’s Republic Xi Jinping, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov via the digital system took part in the second Global Conference of the United Nations Organization “Sustainable transport, sustainable development”, which was held in the CPR capital – Beijing.

In his speech at the forum, the leader of nation has highlighted Turkmenistan’s firm adherence to the close and wide international cooperation in the transport sphere. Exactly on the initiative of our country, with the support of the UN and other numerous partners, in November 2016 Ashgabat hosted the first Global Conference on sustainable transport. Start-up of the Ashgabat process, which opened broad possibilities for development of many-sided interaction in the transport sphere on the principles of the state-private partnership, was one of the significant practical results of the Conference.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has proposed to return to Turkmenistan’s earlier proposal on working out of the UN Special Interregional Program on transport development. In his judgment, the goals and tasks of such program are to be formulated on the basis of the UN General Assembly’s successively adopted Resolutions on advancement of international partnership in the transport sphere, the Resulting Document of the first Global Conference-2016 on sustainable transport, other multilateral documents on strengthening of transport interrelationship at the global level.

The head of Turkmenistan has fixated attention of the forum participants on the fact that under conditions of the pandemic, the developing countries, first of the first the ones void of the direct outlet to World Ocean, are most vulnerable. By that same reason, more difficult for them is to get out of the crisis and achieve the post-crisis level.

We are convinced that today, the world community in the person of the UN and international institutions are to give support and assistance to this category of states, including in overcoming of economic recession and in systemic reintegration into the global transport processes, - the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated.

In this regard, the head of Turkmenistan has noted that in April 2022 our country in association with the United Nations Organization intends to host the International Ministerial Conference of the developing landlocked countries, and extended the invitations to the interested countries and international institutions to take part in the important forum.

A proposal was also avowed: along with global strategic plans of transport interaction, to hold the discussion at the UN level of the issues related to harmonization of the standards and rules, simplification of the customs and migration procedures, other urgent aspects of international cooperation in the transport sphere.

Having confirmed Turkmenistan’s adherence to the goals and principles of transport interaction, the head of state has stated the country’s readiness to the closest constructive cooperation.

On October 13, the President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted the Halk Maslakhaty session to identify the priority aspects of Halk Maslakhaty activity and consider a number of organizational issues.

One of the key tasks assigned to Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis deputies is to carry out efficient work on successful realization of the adopted programs aimed at the dynamic socioeconomic development of Motherland, consistent democratization of the society, satisfaction of daily needs and demands of the population, the head of state stressed.

In this context, the following aspects of priority were defined: further development of the country’s regions through involvement of entrepreneurs and attraction of investments; widespread adoption of advanced hardware and technologies; increase of the potential of import-substituting enterprises and sphere of services; creation of additional workplaces. Not the least significant is to continue the affordable housing construction.

It is advisable to work over the proposals on modernization of legislation in different spheres in the light of our main goal – creation of favorable conditions for the life for each and every one in village and town, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

It was stressed that the policy pursued in the legal and executive branches of government obligates to ensure formation of the developed market economy, humane and just society in the democratic, legal, and secular state.

The activity of the Mejlis and Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh on further modernization of the country’s legislative-legal base was also in the focus of the regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on October 15.

It was informed that new laws are now under development to promote upward socioeconomic development of the country; by results of the analysis, the relevant amendments and addendums are introduced into the operative normative legal instruments in tune with the times and national and international experience.

Among other issues of the session’s agenda was the development of the State Budget-2022, Major Directions of the country’s socioeconomic advancement, and the Investment Program-2022.

The drafts of documents were prepared with a glance to the tasks of primary-importance enshrined in the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025”. Sufficient allocations will be invested into the development of social sphere. In compliance with the relevant Ukase of the President of Turkmenistan, in the next year, 10-percent increase is envisaged of the wages and salaries, pensions, state allowances, students and trainees scholarships.

Certain volumes of capital investments are projected to be directed to construction of objects of industrial and socio-cultural purpose. In 2022, investments will mainly be channeled for diversification of the economy, advancement of the industries on the innovatory basis, development of the branches with a high share of value added cost.

The head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that in the country’s major financial document it is necessary to envisage the measures for manpower resources efficient management, for solution of the issues of the population employment and further rise of social and life standards of the people.

Particular accent was placed on the importance of building sufficient volumes of funds into the State Budget2022 for continuation of construction of industrial, social and cultural objects, for successful realization of the programs aimed at increasing production of import-substituting produce, export-orientated goods, and establishment of the electronic industry.

On the whole, having approved the draft State Budget, President of Turkmenistan signed the document on submitting the country’s major financial document to the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh for consideration. Besides, the leader of nation has authorized the Vice-Premiers to make detailed analysis of major items of the State Budget-2022 and define the anticipated growth rates of the GDP in the current and comparable prices.

Consideration was also given to the state of affairs in the FEC and energy branch, implementation progress of the seasonal agri-campaigns, improvement of the activity and institutional structure of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union, revamping of the advanced study programs intended for training young specialists, opening of 8 new fire-fighting points in velayats of the country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted the importance of keeping consistent work going on increasing production capacities of the domestic energy system assigned not only to ensure reliable and stable deliveries of energy in the country, but also to increase its export volumes.

Besides, much attention is to be given to the measures aimed at rational and thrifty use of energy by local energy consumers, the leader of nation noted. To this end, it is advisable to carefully study and adopt the world’s best experience, including in the sphere of settling accounts for the energy delivered.

At the session, consideration was also given to the outcomes of the October 11-12 working visit of the Turkmen delegation to the city of Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) to participate in the sixth session of MFA Ministers of the member-states of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Measures in Asia (CICMA).

In the frames of visit, the delegation of our country had a meeting with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The sides gave consideration to the issues of the interstate cooperation further strengthening in the political-diplomatic and trade-economic spheres, to the topical aspects of the regional agenda.

As was informed, on October 12, for the first time Turkmenistan took part in the CICMA ministerial session in the status of country-observer, which was given to the country on June 23, 2021. In the frames of forum, Turkmenistan has presented the priority directions of its foreign-policy course in the sphere of security, economy and ecology, as well as the concrete initiatives on interaction.

In the course of forum, the Turkmen side placed particular accent on the necessity of advancing CICMA’s partnership with the reputable international organizations. In this regard, it was proposed to buttress interaction of this structure with the United Nations Organization by special Resolution of the UN General Assembly. Turkmenistan’s presidency in the ECO in the running year was considered as a possibility for enhancement of the CICMA relations with the ECO. In this regard, our country’s readiness was avowed to realize the relevant proposals in the frames of the upcoming ECO Summit in Ashgabat.

In the course of visit to Nur-Sultan, the negotiations were held with official representatives of foreign countries. One such was a working meeting of MFA Ministers of Central Asian states with Secretary General of the Cooperation Council of the Persian Gulf Arab States.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed that development of the constructive partnership with the countries of Asia in the bilateral and multilateral formats is one of the dominant ingredients of neutral Turkmenistan’s foreign-policy course. Our country attaches great significance to increasing of the interest-based cooperation in this largest region of the planet, to strengthening of ties of friendship between its countries and peoples, which meets also the goals of universal prosperity and progress.

At the session of the Government, it was also informed about a new chapter in the development of the national shipbuilding sphere – construction of the dry cargo at the shipbuilding and repair facility of “Balkan” Open Joint-Stock Company.

The individual enterprise “Hazar logistik” – a member of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of the country and an active international freight carrier, is a potential builder of the dry cargo ship (5,300-8,100 tons carrying capacity).The job-creating project is an opportunity for Turkmen specialists to study the foreign production experience in that sphere.

At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on purchasing of spare parts, wheels, lubricants and consumables for plough-tractors, tractor-cultivators and cotton-harvesting combines, which are on the balance of Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection.

The head of state has also signed the Resolution “On announcing the contest among the workers of literature, culture and art, amateur young singers and gifted children for the prize of the President of Turkmenistan «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry». The Resolution also stipulates participation in the contest of foreign citizens. The winners of the contest will be determined by the nominations established. In the frames of this large-scale creative measure, the TV contest of young amateur singers «Ýaňlan, Diýarym!» and the contest among the gifted children «Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri» are announced.

On October 15, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the session of the Council of heads of the CIS member-states, which was held in the online format.

At the Summit, timed to the 30th anniversary of the CIS, the outcomes of joint activities were summed up; the prospects for further development were outlined; and a number of documents were discussed.

In his speech, among the tasks of primary importance for the years ahead, the leader of nation has singled out intensification of the economic interaction, use of the aggregate industrial, resource, technological potential of the CIS for achieving sustainable positions in the global processes and realizing of the CIS Economic Development Strategy till 2030.

The head of Turkmenistan has stressed the importance of advancing the CIS economic vectors and interests beyond its geographical borders, of integrating into the joint projects of the adjacent countries and regions. First of the first, the talk is about creation of the transport-transit infrastructure, optimization and enhancement of energy supplies, construction of new power transmission and communication lines.

In this context, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that the decisive factor of successful cooperation in the within-named spheres is the CIS countries’ active participation in formation of the stable transport-transit corridors in the North-South and East-West directions.

Joint protection of the existing global security architecture, assertion of the international law standards and the UN Charter Turkmenistan considers among the important directions of interaction.

Given the existing conditions, resistance to the coronavirus pandemic and minimization of its socio-economic consequences is one of the urgent directions of joint activity of the CIS member-states. In this context, the leader of nation expressed himself in favor of establishing between the CIS states more efficient mechanisms of cooperation in the scientific diplomacy sphere, between the medical communities in order to work out common approaches and methodologies.

By results of the Summit, a number of decisions were adopted on intensifying cooperation in the humanitarian, migration and other spheres of interaction.

The Turkmen side has signed the Decisions of the Council of the heads of the CIS member-states: “On Chairmanship in the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2022”; “On the Statement of heads of the CIS member-states on the occasion of the CIS 30th anniversary”; “On the Statement of heads of the CIS member-states on cooperation in the sphere of ensuring biological security”; “On proclaiming the town of Komrat (the Republic of Moldova) the Cultural Capital of the CIS in 2023”.

Among other landmark events of the past week, worth of mentioning are the presentations of XIII volume of the book authored by President of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan”, which were organized in the Ministry of health and medical industry, other institutions and social organizations.

The speakers stressed the importance of releasing the book, the work over which the leader of nation started in 2009.The unique and contentious encyclopedia is a true storehouse of knowledge about healing properties of the plants growing in the Turkmen land and the possibilities of their use in the scientific and folk medicine.

Presentation of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov’s book “White city of Ashgabat” translated into the Turkish language was held in the International Relations Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Turkmenistan. In the online format, heads of the scientific centers and high education institutions of Ankara (the capital of Turkey) joined the book presentation ceremony.

In his speech at the presentation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Turkish Republic in Turkmenistan Togan Oral has noted that the book will considerably contribute to further strengthening of the bilateral relations.

In the course of presentation, it was stressed that due to translation of the book “White city of Ashgabat” into the Turkish language, the community of the friendly country had got an opportunity to assess the scales of the socially-oriented town-building strategy realized under the leadership of the Turkmen leader and aimed at the well-being of the Turkmen people.

In Geoktepe etrap (Akhal velayat), authorized by the President of Turkmenistan, a solemn ceremony was held of laying foundation of the 600-horse stable intended for breeding and keeping Akhalteke horses. The stable will promote an increase of the pure-breed horse population, improvement of their reproduction and breed qualities.

Due to the large-scale selfless work of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – a genuine expert and connoisseur of ‘heavenly’ horses, a splendid master of horse riding and indefatigable popularizer of equestrian sport – a great deal of goal-directed work is ongoing in our country on preservation, continuation, and further advancement of the unique and ancient traditions of the national horse-breeding art.

Located in the foothills of the magnificent Kopetdag Mountains, the Aba Annayev village intended for accommodating the horse breeders and the International Akhalteke Equestrian Complex will create a single ensemble together with the would-be stable.

In compliance with the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, construction and ‘turnkey’ commissioning of the object is entrusted to the private enterprise «Nur bina gurluşyk»; the customer of the object is the State Association «Türkmen atlary».

Last week, the delegation of Turkmenistan led by Chairperson of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh took part in III Eurasian Women’s Forum “Women: the global mission in the new reality”, which was organized by the Federal Assembly’s Council of Federation (the Russian Federation) in association with the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS member-states.

Representatives of the national Parliament have familiarized the participants of the online forum with the constructive initiatives of our country aimed at deepening of productive interaction in different spheres, inter-parliamentary ties inclusive, as well as at enhancement of integration processes.

Gender policy pursued in Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was one of the subjects of reports. In this context it was noted that the national legislation envisages the legal instrumentalities and guarantees for the equitable participation of men and women in running the state, provision of equitable possibilities for women’s economic independence, improvement of their labor conditions.

On October 17, the workers of industry, who invest considerably in the national economy progress and in bringing the Motherland in the rank of industrially developed states, celebrated their professional holiday – Industry Workers Day.

In his Complimentary Address, President of Turkmenistan has noted that due to diversification of the national industry and targeted investing, at present, in our sovereign country we successfully tackle the tasks on construction of new modern enterprises and modernization of the existing ones, establishment of the import-substituting enterprises, enhancement of the branch potential and adoption in it of the digital economy system, promotion of high-tech production output.

The past eventful week was a vivid illustration of success of the policy of openness, peacefulness and good neighborliness, progressive reforms pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for achieving the strategic goals – strengthening of the Motherland’s economic power, growth of the people’s prosperity and Turkmenistan’s international authority.

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