Events of the week
Constructive policy of Turkmenistan – a source of the universal peace and trust
Events of the week
Constructive policy of Turkmenistan – a source of the universal peace and trust
Published 29.09.2021

Today, neutral Turkmenistan, celebrating the 30th jubilee of its independence with considerable achievements, takes leading positions in the ranks of the dynamically developing countries of the world and in its rapid upward development relies on high technologies, innovations, and successfully realized by the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov large-scale state programs. Aimed at improving of the peoples’ well-being in the region and the planet, the Turkmen leader’s initiatives enjoy great support of the global community of nations, promoting thereby enhancement of Turkmenistan’s global name recognition.

On September 23, in his online speech at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has avowed priority positions and concrete proposals of Turkmenistan aimed at consolidation of efforts for searching for most acceptable solutions of the present-day problems of primary importance.

Speaking of the problem of combating the dangerous infection of a new type and minimizing the infection-induced socioeconomic consequences, the leader of nation has noted insufficiency of the world community’s efforts in this direction.

In this regard, in the course of the 76th session it was proposed to embark on the study of issues on instituting of the following international and regional instrumentalities: the WHO Special Program on Coronavirus Genome Study; the WHO Multilateral Mechanism of Pneumonia Control; the WHO Methodological Center of Acute Infections Treatment and Prevention; the Central Asian Epidemiology, Virology and Bacteriology Center.

In the context of minimizing of the pandemic negative economic consequences, Turkmenistan considers it necessity to intensify the UN activity in certain directions. In particular, the talk is about intensifying the activity in rehabilitation and strengthening of the international transport system’s sustainability in emergency conditions.

Having placed particular emphasis on keeping the subject of trust and culture of dialogue (initiated in the running year) in the focus of world’s attention and making it a permanent element of the UN strategic agenda, on encouraging advancement of the dialogue-favored mechanisms in Central Asia, the head of Turkmenistan has proposed to draft the Resolution of the UN General Assembly “Strengthening of the regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and sustainable development in the Central Asian region”.

Besides, Turkmenistan proposes to establish Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation “Central Asia-the Caspian Region” as a platform for advancing the initiatives aimed at strengthening of the multifaceted cooperation in the interests of the global peace and development.

Concentrating attention on the issue of Afghanistan, the head of state has noted that our country was and remains to be deeply interested in the political stability and security of the neighbor-country, well-being and unity of the fraternal Afghan people. We are firm adherents of settling contradictions by peaceful political-diplomatic instrumentalities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted, having confirmed our steely goal-directedness for completing of the incipient and implementing of new infrastructure projects with the Afghan participation in the energy sphere, transport and communications.

Regarding migration policy as an invariably dominant ingredient of the bilateral partnership, the head of state has confirmed readiness of Turkmenistan – a permanent member of the Executive Committee of the Program of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees notable for its great experience in deciding the complicated humanitarian situations of the kind – to make its contribution to the solution of that global task.

Worth of mentioning that the President-authorized solemn ceremony in the building of State Migration Service of presenting passports to the persons, who were granted citizenship of Turkmenistan, was yet another eloquent confirmation of our independent neutral Motherland’s invariable adherence to the lofty humane traditions, humanity principles and good will inherent to the Turkmen nation, which found their worthy embodiment in the new historical epoch. Besides, in pursuance of the presidential Resolution, another group of foreign citizens was presented with Turkmen resident’s status.

The keynote speech, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has delivered at the Halk Maslakhaty session on September 25 in the capital’s Ruhyet Palace, was a landmark event in the life of our state and society.

In his profound contentious speech, the leader of nation gave a high assessment to the large-scale work accomplished in the country over the years of independence on building of the just civil society and modern state with high rates of steady-developing economy, on creating favorable conditions for the life. The head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also avowed the priority directions of the country’s national policy and foreign-policy course based on the principles of peacefulness and constructive international cooperation.

Over a short period (from the point of view of history), striding confidently toward great independence, Turkmenistan has turned into the self-sufficient state, which won global name recognition. We’ve also laid strong foundation of our democratic, legal and secular state; the Constitution of Turkmenistan was adopted, which fixated the statehood structure of the country; the military, law enforcement and state security agencies were cardinally reformed; the National Army was formed; and the national currency was brought into circulation.

Over the past 30 years, over US $200 billion (about 15 percent is the share of foreign capital) was invested in the economy of Turkmenistan; more than 60 percent of investments were channeled to the development of the industrial sector; considerable investments were channeled to the development of ‘human capital’ –science and education, health system.

At present, in the Motherland, construction is ongoing of some 2.5 thousand of large objects (over US $37 billion total budget); in the frames of the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan on the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025” urgent works are ongoing on improvement of infrastructure of towns and rural zones, on turning our Motherland into the industrially developed state with well-developed transport-logistic systems.

To ensure further growth of the national economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has necessitated implementation of works in such directions, as radical diversification of branches, promotion of the processing industries advancement on the basis of high-tech and ecology-friendly technologies, cardinal improvement of forms and methods of the government property management.

At the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed a number of Ukases on presenting the foremost citizens of the country with state awards on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Independence.

The head of state has also informed about completion of his «Garaşsyzlyk – bagtymyz» (“Independence – our happiness”) book – a presidential gift to the 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan.

Independence is a great ever-lasting notion exempt from measuring. It is an inviolable principle of unity and solidarity of our people. This very contentious word concentrates the dreams and aspirations of our courageous ancestors for free and happy life, our glorious past, present and great future of the native Motherland, the leader of nation has highlighted.

The Halk Maslakhaty session was followed by the ceremony of presenting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov (in compliance with the Resolution of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh) with the jubilee medal «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna» and the national currency memorable badge «Altyn şaý».

The awards are conferred on the leader of nation for his huge personal contribution to strengthening of the Motherland’s independence, its statehood fundamentals, economic power, and international authority, for advancement of the civil society, realization of state programs aimed at consistent development of science, education, culture, health and other directions of the country’s life.

The outcomes of the country’s development over the 30-year period, prospects for the country’s socioeconomic development were in the focus of the enlarged online session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted early in the past week with the participation of heads of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, members of the Security Council, khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city.

The leader of nation was pleased to note that the grandiose successes our state had achieved over the years of independence due to the unity, consolidation, great creative and labor enthusiasm of the Turkmen people, and impressive potential of our country.

In the course of the governmental session, in tune with the principles of clemency and humanism of our great ancestors, the head of state has signed the Ukases on Pardoning. In compliance with the Ukases, in commemoration of the country’s main holiday and the remarkable date in the life of Motherland, 2,058 Turkmen citizens and 6 foreign citizens were granted early release.

The leader of nation has also signed the Resolution on establishing of the Steering Committees for conducting of the 6th Caspian Summit, the 15th Summit of the ECO member-states, and International Conference “Policy of peace and trust – the source of international security, stability and development”.

Besides, the presidential Order was signed on gratuitous transfer to the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry from the Reserve Fund of the President of Turkmenistan of 10 “Ambulance” cars “Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 224 Panel” for official use.

Moreover, in compliance with Resolution of the head of state, the International Medio-Rehabilitation Center and the International Physiology Research and Clinical Center will be built in Ashgabat. The contracts for construction of Centers, their tooling with modern medical hardware, spare parts and consumables, for specialized training of specialists of the Ministry of health and medical industry will be made with «Gap Inşaat Ýatyrym we Dyş Tijaret A.Ş.».Turkish Company.

Besides, the Turkish contractor undertakes to gratituously build the building of the Ashgabad City Services.

On September 26, the Turkmen capital hosted the meeting of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Tatarstan (The Russian Federation) Rustam Minnikhanov, who arrived in our country on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.

In the course of meeting, the sides exchanged opinions on the availability of new untapped possibilities for diversification of interstate ties.

Having made special mention of the merits of the head of Tatarstan in strengthening of the productive bilateral cooperation, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has awarded Rustam Minnikhanov with the Order of Turkmenistan «Garaşsyzlyk». The award is an eloquent confirmation of inviolability of the ties of friendship, understanding and trust between our nations, the head of state stressed.

The contentious exchange of opinions on the by-now state of affairs and prospects for further development of the mutuality-based cooperation in different spheres was also held in the course of meetings of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the Governor of St. Petersburg (The Russian Federation) Aleksandr Beglov, the head of the famous French Company “Bouygues” Marten Bouygues, Chairman of the Managers Council of “Chalyk Holding” Group of Companies Ahmet Chalyk, who arrived in Ashgabat to take part in the festive measures on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.

That same day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of commissioning of the huge 8-hectare multisectoral complex with a symbolic name “Ashgabat”, which has no parallel in the region.

The new complex was built and its neighborhoods were improved and landscaped by the individual enterprise «Beýik bina». The complex implies the 4-story Trade-Entertainment Center, 6-story Business Center, a modern residential complex, and 800-seat 2-story hall for conducting of festive measures. The structure of complex implies also an underground 708-car parking lot, car-washing and car-servicing center, café, the engineering system objects, interactive fountain, elevated bridge, 309-meter-long artificial canal, and the landscape-favored development zone.

The Trade Center (over 65,000sq m) includes 240 various shops, a supermarket, fitness and recreation complex, café and food-courts, beauty and hairdressing salons, playgrounds for small children, billiard and bowling hall, cinema theater, skating-rink, recreation area and attractions.

The residential complex includes the two 11-story blocks, two 14-story blocks, and one 17-story block. The three-, four- and seven-room flats have usual appurtenances of modern enhanced-comfort apartments – spacious living rooms, cozy bedrooms, well-equipped kitchens, balconies, utility rooms; besides, the underground car park is at the disposal of residents.

While visiting one of the apartments in the 17-story house, the President of Turkmenistan evinced interest in planning and provision of necessary facilities of new apartments. On the occasion of the remarkable event, the leader of nation presented the hospitable new-settlers with valuable gifts and extended to them wishes of great family happiness.

In the frames of the festive program, with the participation of the leader of nation and foreign guests, the ceremony was held of awarding the winners of the contest, which was announced among the workers of culture and masters of art in honor of the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat.

In one of the halls of the Trade-Entertainment Center, the head of Turkmenistan listened to the speeches of representatives of international organizations, who extended their congratulations to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Turkmen people on the jubilee of independence and made special mention of the uniqueness of the capital’s new complex “Ashgabat”, in construction of which advanced achievements of the architectural and engineering thoughts were applied.

On behalf of the Trade Centers Council “German Council” (Germany) the new Trade-Entertainment Center was presented with the certificate “For construction on the basis of high technologies; the Doclands Academy (London) presented the capital’s new complex with the certificate ”Certificate of Excellence 2021”; the Architecture Institute “Vorarlberger” (Austria) – the certificate “Original Design” , and it has also avowed its decision on acceding of the Center to the members of the International Civil Service Council (ICSC).

The head of state has expressed confidence that the new Center’s activity will be organized in tune with the times; it will invest in further improvement of the entrepreneurship structure. The keys to 30 new taxi-cars were presented to the Chairman of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of Turkmenistan by the head of state.

In run-up to the holiday, Ashgabat hosted grand ceremonies of presenting the foremost workers of various branches of the national economy and creative sphere with high state awards and memorable badges for their great contribution to the socioeconomic development of Turkmenistan and enhancement of its international authority.

The exhibition, traditionally arranged in honor of Independence Day of Turkmenistan, was an eloquent illustration of the impressive achievements of progressive reforms implemented in the national economy and social sphere of the country, a tangible evidence of the creative energy of the Turkmen people, which is striding confidently towards progress and prosperity.

The leading governmental structures and enterprises of the private sector, which represent the entire gamut of the country’s national-economy complex, are among the attendees of the showcase. The dynamics of growth rates of major branches of the economy and social sphere was demonstrated with the help of numerous stands, demonstration panels, maps and diagrams. The accent was placed on the innovatory technologies and know-how, which invest in the successful tackling of the tasks related to the import-substituting and export-orientated industries advancement.

Thus, the past week’s events have demonstrated the far-sightedness and efficacy of the state policy pursued under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at deepening of the political dialogue of Turkmenistan with the global community of nations, intensifying of international cooperation, strengthening of the Motherland’s economic power, improving of social and living standards of the native people.

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