Events of the week
Turkmenistan is striding confidently along the path of scale transformations
Events of the week
Turkmenistan is striding confidently along the path of scale transformations
Published 20.07.2021

The past week was notable for a number of events, which reflected the consistency of the reform-based policy course pursued by the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov aimed at further improvement of the Turkmen people’s well-being, development of the Motherland’s economic potential, and enhancement of international cooperation.

On July 13, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held an online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to consider the program of measures of the forthcoming working trip to Balkan velayat.

The reports were also centered on activation of the velayat’s industrial infrastructure and adoption of the newest technologies, acceleration of construction rates of social and cultural projects, fulfillment of the tasks enshrined in the National Rural Areas Development Program, and realization of radical reforms in the scientific-educational sphere.

It was stressed that due to the leader of nation’s relentless attention, in Balkan velayat, like countrywide, scale transformations were ongoing aimed at raising the living standards of the people, construction of new objects of the industrial and social purposes, development of the industrial sector of velayat.

On July 13, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi, who arrived in Turkmenistan on a two-day official visit.

During the meeting, the parties’ approaches were avowed on building of the future-orientated constructive interstate dialogue, the by-now level of which was highly rated by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and the PRC Chairman Xi Jingpin during their phone talks on May 6 of the current year.

The fuel-and-energy and transport-communication sectors, as well as healthcare, information technology, communications, high technology, space exploration were identified as key areas of the effective partnership.

Deputy Cabinet Chairman, Co-Chairman of the Turkmenistan-China Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation Serdar Berdymuhamedov met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi.

The sides evinced interest in furthering of joint work in the textile, chemical and food industries, the AIC, and many other spheres.

The aspects of furthering the future-orientated constructive interstate dialogue were discussed in the frames of the meeting of the heads of foreign-policy departments of Turkmenistan and China.

Not the least important was activating of interaction in the trade-economic sphere, energy, transport, and in the driven-not-by-resources sectors of the economy, agriculture etc. The sides exchanged opinions on the urgent issues of international and regional problematics.

The meeting culminated in the signing of a number of documents demonstrating the commitment of Turkmenistan and the People’s Republic of China to the traditional friendly relations and strategic partnership.

To intensify the mutuality-based trade-economic cooperation in the interests of well-being and sustainable development of the region and entire world, our country seeks to efficiently unleash the impressive untapped potential of the national transport system.

On July 14, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov made a working trip to Balkan velayat to take part in the stone-laying ceremony of the International airport in the settlement of Jebel and in the festive events on the occasion of opening of the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» building in the regional centre - the city of Balkanabat.

In his welcoming speech on the occasion of laying foundation stone of the new airport, the head of state has noted that at present in Turkmenistan, construction is ongoing of about 2.5 thousand of objects (over US $37 billion total budget) to ensure wealthy life of the people and further prosperity of independent sovereign Motherland, to turn it in one of the world’s advanced states, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov stressed.

The projected capacity of the new 275-hectare airport is 100 passengers/per hour. In the frames of the 200-job project, in three years, the air harbor will imply a modern airport with passenger and cargo terminals, traffic control point, a building of rescue and fire services, a modern artificial 3,200-meter runway, two taxiways, and a parking lot intended for the six aircraft and four helicopters.

By tradition, to the applause of the people assembled, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov gave a symbolic startup to the construction, having dropped a special capsule with memorable record and thrown few shovels of concrete in the foundation bed.

En route to the ceremony of launching «Türkmeniň ak öýi», the President of Turkmenistan visited the city’s First Aid Centre to talk to the health workers of the Center.

Having noted that the all-round concern for the people’s health, and especially for the rising generation, is an invariable priority of the state policy of Turkmenistan, the leader of nation informed about the decision to allocate from the recently created Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov Charitable Foundation for rendering assistance to the children in need of tutelage 10 new ambulance cars for pediatric departments of hospitals of etraps and towns of the region and passed the keys to the new specialized vehicles equipped with modern profile technologies and devices.

That same day, in Balkanabat, the head of state took part in the ceremony of opening the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» building. The large-scale 3,000-seat social-cultural object built in the shape of a huge white yurt is a handmade symbol of wealth and prosperity, incarnation of the age-old hospitality traditions of the Turkmen people. The face of building is a harmonious combination of the advanced town-building and architectural technologies and the best traditions of the national civil construction art.

In the course of the holiday event, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov got acquainted with the decorative-applied art exhibition, which was arranged in the new center. The head of state has evinced interest in the design and interior accommodations of «Türkmeniň ak öýi» intended for hosting official and festive events of different levels. The complex implies also the 3,000-capacity premise for conducting of sadaqat measures.

On the occasion of the remarkable event, a concert of masters of art was held.

The energetic and bright performance of the National Equestrian Games Group «Galkynysh» of the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan was particularly impressive. The breathtaking acrobatic feats performed by the famous Ak-Khan horse were a truly decoration of the concert. The silver-color horse was primarily trained by the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov – an experienced rider and trainer in the horse-breeding sphere.

In commemoration of the event, the head of state has donated to «Türkmeniň ak öýi» a new bus intended for the creative collective of the new Center.

On arrival to Ashgabat, in the capital’s International Airport, the leader of nation conducted a meeting devoted to the results of the working trip to Balkan velayat; consideration was also given to the primary measures to be taken for successful tackling of the tasks set and to the issues of preparation progress to celebrating the remarkable dates.

The implementation progress of agri-works related to production of the heavy cotton yield was in the focus of the online session President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has conducted on July 15 with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet responsible for the AIC and khyakims of velayats.

The khyakims of velayat administrations reported on rendering logistics support to cotton producers, on taking the agri-technical measures related to vegetation watering of fields and pest control. The khyakim of northern velayat has also informed about keeping preparations going for the upcoming working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the velayat to participate in the solemn opening of new objects.

Speaking of the importance of the AIC further development (of cotton production particularly), the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has placed particular emphasis on the necessity of holding a special meeting with the participation of scientists-agrarians and breeders, experts of the sector, and students of the agri-institutes.

Cotton – is wealth of the country. The cotton-producing sector is one of the key branches of the AIC, which is assigned to promote successful solution of the tasks related to the import-substituting industry advancement and increase of export in the national economy.

On July 16, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov conducted a regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers to discuss the issues of priority of the state life.

The agenda of session was focused on modernization of the country’s regulating-legal base, upgrading the activity of the sectoral high education schools, preparation of the cultural-mass measures on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s sacred independence, and commissioning of the objects of social-cultural purpose.

In the course of session, the leader of nation signed the Resolution “On obtaining the loan intended for the health system of Turkmenistan in the frames of the “Counteraction against COVID-19” project”. The US $20 million loan of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development of the World Bank Group is to be channeled to the diagnostics and prevention of the coronavirus infection, particularly – for purchasing of the necessary technical devices, medicines and medical equipment.

Touching a topic of the implementation progress of the “Program of Turkmenistan’s oil/gas industry development until 2030”, the head of state has stressed the importance of the FEC further diversification, modernization of its infrastructure on the innovatory basis, attraction of foreign investments to the large oil/gas projects, including development of new deposits and deep refining of the hydrocarbon raw materials.

Concentrating attention on increasing the volumes of crude oil deliveries to the Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, enhancing of trade area of its products, the leader of nation signed the Resolution “On designing and construction of the moorage at the Kenar enterprise for storing and shipping of oil products of the Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex”. The object is projected to be built and commissioned during the 30-month space of time.

Having emphasized the importance of practical realization of the agreements achieved in the course of the running year’s May phone talks with the PRC Chairman Xi Jingpin and during the recent official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov signed the Resolution “On completing construction of gas wells at the «Galkynyş» gas deposit”.

According to the document, in the frames of the ongoing works on phased development of the within-named deposit, the “Turkmengaz” State Concern will make a contract with «CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited» (China) for rendering services on completing construction and commissioning of the three particularly difficult wells. The under-contract payments will be made at the expense of the natural gas deliveries to China.

To promote widespread introduction of modern achievements of science into the agriculture and ensure all-round support of the farmers, the head of state signed the Resolution “On producing heavy yields of wheat in Turkmenistan in 2022”.

Commissioning of the 432 MW gas-turbine power plant, which is under construction in Charjew etrap, Lebap velayat, is timed to the oncoming 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence. The power plant is built by the “Sumimoto Corporation” Japanese Company and equipped by another world-renowned Japanese company – “Mitsubishi Power Ltd.”.

The new power plant will enable to double the country’s energy system capacities, enhance the possibilities of the Turkmen energy export, first of the first, to the neighboring countries – Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, and Iran.

Concentrating attention on realization of the well-directed measures aimed at streamlining of the air-services rendered to Turkmen citizens, optimizing of the domestic air operations and traffic, diversifying of the air routes, the head of state signed the Resolution on determining of air ticket fares for the domestic flights of the International Airport of the town of Kerki, Lebap velayat.

In the course of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov was also informed about implementation of the earlier presidential assignments on transforming into the open joint-stock companies of: the Mary Textile Enterprise under the PSA-agreements with the Textiles Ministry and Turkmenkala Cotton Spinning Mill; and the “Turkmendokma” Foreign Trade Enterprise under the PSA-agreement with the Textiles Ministry and “Altyn Asyr” Trade Center.

The measures undertaken, which envisage phased transition to the market-style relations, introduction of effective methods of economic management and denationalization of the objects, will invest in increasing of the private ownership share in the structure of the economy, promote advancement of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.

The leader of nation has also placed accent on the incoming holiday – Kurban Bairamy, which starts in our country on July 20. In this regard, the leader of nation signed the relevant Ukase on celebrating the sacred holiday during three days – July 20-22.

A number of issues related to the foreign-policy activity and realization of the program of measures on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, including commissioning of the socioeconomic and industrial objects, were incorporated into the agenda of the enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov conducted on July 17.

Session of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan to be held in run-up to the festive days the head of state has sorted out as one of the major events in the life of the country.

On August 6, the “Avaza” NTZ will host the six important international events, including the Consultative Meeting of the heads of Central Asian states and the first forum – Dialogue of women-leaders of the region’s countries. Among other events are the International exhibition and the Economic Forum of Central Asian countries, the National Cuisines Exhibition of the peoples of the region, a grand holiday concert of masters of Arts of Central Asian countries.

Besides, Turkmenistan is expected to host the Summit of the heads of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey, the15th Forum of the Economic Cooperation Organization, and the 6th Meeting of the heads of the Caspian states.

To attend the measures on the occasion of the next anniversary of permanent neutrality of our country, the invitations will be sent out to the heads of a number of states, famous politicians and scholars.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has expressed confidence that the upcoming international measures will invest in further strengthening of interstate relations and multilateral partnership between the countries of the region.

To ensure an appropriate respectable welcome of foreign guests – in tune with age-old traditions of hospitality inherent to the Turkmen people and with modern requirements, the head of state signed the Resolution on instituting of the Steering Committee for holding of the upcoming measures at a higher and better level in terms of organization and content.

On the past week, in compliance with the Order of the President of Turkmenistan, the delegation of our country took part in the top-level International Conference «Central and South Asia: regional interconnectivity. Challenges and possibilities», which was held in Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The forum agenda incorporated the issues of interaction development between the countries of the region in the transport-logistic, power, trading, industrial, investment, cultural-humanitarian spheres, in the innovative technologies area.

Prior to the conference, the Turkmen side has initiated the meeting of MFA Ministers of Central Asian states. In the course of meeting, the sides exchanged views on the most focal issues of cooperation between the countries of the region in different spheres.

The talks were also held in the frames of the “C5-1” dialogue between the Heads of the Central Asian States and the delegation of the United States of America led by the Adviser to the U.S. President for Internal Security Affairs Ms. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall. By results of negotiations, the Joint Statement was adopted.

In the frames of the forum, a meeting of the Turkmen delegation with the EU Special Representative for Central Asia Ms.Terhi Hakala took place.

On the past week, authorized by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, a solemn ceremony was held of giving a sendoff to the national team departing for XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan). 9 athletes will defend Turkmenistan’s sport honor at the prestigious completions in the four sporting disciplines – judo, athletics, weightlifting, swimming.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Honored Trainer of Turkmenistan S. Berdymuhamedov, chief officials of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy, national sport centers, federations, teachers and students of the Turkmen State Physical Culture and Sport Institute.

Addressing the sport delegation with words of encouragement, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov in his Address has expressed firm confidence that having won victories in XXXII Olympic Games, our sportsmen would make remarkable gifts to the glorious 30th anniversary of scared independence, increase the global name recognition of Turkmen sport and our sovereign independent Motherland – the country of health and lofty spirit, which proclaimed “Health. Lofty Spirit. Friendship” as a key slogan of the sporting sphere.

Thus, the past week’s events have added a new chapter to the historical annals of the epoch of power and happiness, having eloquently demonstrated the success of the progressive state policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, which is entirely directed at the prosperity of the Motherland and wealthy life of the people.

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