Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the agenda of which included a number of issues of state life.
Chairperson of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova who informed on the work, carried out with a view of maintenance of further development of the country, successful realisation of adopted programs, improvement of well-being of people, modernisation of national legislation according to time realities, was the first to take the floor.
As she informed, according to modern requirements, amendments and additions are made to the laws in force connected with protection of rights of citizens, perfection of activity of judicial bodies, motor transport, and enhancement of legal basis of work of some branches.
At the same time, she informed that within development of interaction with foreign countries and international organisations, credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Guatemala were received and meetings with credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Guatemala to Turkmenistan of Byelorussia, Political Counselor of Embassy of the USA to Turkmenistan, Head of the Department for Support of the Human Rights Council and Treaty Bodies of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights took place.
Along with it, deputies of the Mejlis take part in the actions aimed at highlighting successes of our fatherland, reached thanks to the legal status of permanent neutrality, political significance of international initiatives put forward for well-being and happy life of entire humanity.
Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that with a view of further development of the country it is important to improve the national legislation according to requirements of the time, to make amendments and additions to operating legal acts.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov delivered his report on the state of affairs in subordinate structures.
As he marked, throughout centuries women have been given a great role in preservation of family values of our people and moral principles of society. Thanks to efforts of the head of the state, they create all conditions for happy life of our women, their fruitful activity in various branches of economy and receiving modern education. In our country, women enjoy a high respect.
In this connection, he reported on results of the work carried out to present representatives of the female community with cash gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan on the occasion of forthcoming International Women's Day and for consideration of the head of the state the draft of the corresponding document was submitted.
Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in our independent fatherland dear mothers and women enjoy a great respect. Having signed the Decree on their presentation with monetary gifts in honour of International Women's Day, the head of Turkmenistan sent the document online to the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, having instructed him to hand cash gifts to women under solemn conditions.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on the work carried out to strengthen the personnel potential of the oil and gas complex.
As he marked, with a view of successful solution of goals connected with diversification of one of the key sectors of national economy - fuel and energy branch, introduction of modern technologies, necessary measures on preparation of profile experts and increase of their qualification are realised.
In this connection, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet submitted the corresponding proposal for consideration of the President of Turkmenistan.
Having heard the report, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that as one of the key goals for organisation of activity of an oil and gas complex of the country at the modern level preparation of professional experts, including those who possess international experience acts. Having approved the presented proposal, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to take corresponding measures in this area.
Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on the work carried out in the agricultural branch and in velayats.
As he reported, at present, the fields to be sown with cotton are levelled, ridged, and irrigated. Ginneries prepare high-quality seeds.
At the same time, according to agro-technical standards, due care is provided after wheat fields.
In cattle-breeding economy of velayats, necessary work is carried out to ensure the well-fed and warm wintering of cattle and preparation for the lambing campaigns is conducted.
With a view of economical and effective utilisation of water resources, improvement of water supply and ameliorative condition of the cultivated fields corresponding measures are taken to collect water in water reservoirs and to clean irrigation and drainage collectors.
Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted importance of complex development of agriculture of the country, strengthening of the material and technical basis of the branch. At the same time, he underlined that one should carry out agro-technical activities in the fields to be sown with cotton, and appropriate preparation of high-quality seeds at ginneries.
It is necessary to continue care of wheat and take a responsible approach to the upcoming lambing campaign, the head of the state said, having given the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet corresponding instructions in this respect.
Then, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported on the activity on creation of new scientific research institutes in the agricultural branch, further strengthening of its material and technical basis, increase of productivity of agricultural crops, increase in efficiency of cattle and poultry and selection work on a scientific basis.
In this connection, for consideration of the head of the state the draft of the corresponding Resolution was submitted.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in the country a great significance is given to development of cattle-breeding and poultry-farming branches on a scientific basis. With a view of perfection of manufacture of cattle-breeding production and processing technologies, the Resolution «On creation of the Scientific research institute of animal husbandry and veterinary science of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan» was signed. Having sent the document online to the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, the head of the state gave him relevant instructions.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov reported on the work carried out to ensure rational and effective utilisation of local source of raw materials and e practical steps, which are carried out by "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern to improve the activity of "Guwlyduz" enterprise.
As he informed, the Concern takes measures with a view of adjustment of the manufactures equipped with modern technologies for release of a wide spectrum of high-quality competitive, non-polluting production, in great demand on the world market.
In this connection, for consideration of the head of the state the corresponding proposal was presented.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that in the country, local raw materials are economically and productively applied, modern manufactures based on high technologies are created.
Having approved the proposal on capital repair of industrial complex "Guwlyduz" of "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern and construction of shops on release of various kinds of high-quality salt, the head of the state instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to carry out appropriate work in this area.
Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet N.Atagulyev reported on the course of modernisation of the enterprises of textile industry of the country and perfection of their control system.
Having reported on adopted measures on adjustment of work of these enterprises according to requirements of time and to increase their efficiency, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet submitted for consideration of the head of the state the corresponding proposal on amendment of the organizational-legal form of a number cotton spinning factories of the Ministry of Textile Industry.
Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that manufactures of the national textile industry are consistently modernised. Having approved the proposal on transformation of the control system of the enterprises of the branch, strengthening of their material and technical basis, the head of the state instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to carry out necessary work in this area.
Further, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet B.Seyidova reported on the Program of the basic events and opening of social and cultural projects in March of the current year.
As she informed, in the forthcoming month conferences, creative meetings, exhibitions, competitions, and agitation and explanatory actions and song-music celebrations on the occasion of announcement of 2025 as «International year of peace and trust», the glorious 30th anniversary of permanent neutrality of our fatherland, International Women's Day and the national holiday of spring are planned.
So, in the residential complex Parahat-7 and in Buzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city apartment modern houses, including an apartment house for citizens with limited possibilities and especially those who need social support will be commissioned into operation. Song and music events timed to the opening of various projects will be organised.
On the occasion of International Women's Day ceremonies of celebration of mothers, awarded the honorary title of Turkmenistan «Ene mähri», and presentation to the women who given birth and have brought up eight and more children, keys to new apartments are planned. In the Mukam Palace, a festive concert will be held.
On March 21-22, the country will host the song-music events timed to the national spring holiday.
In this connection, for consideration of the head of the state the corresponding proposal was presented.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet to highlight widely the basic actions planned for March of the current year on the occasion of holidays marked in the country and to prepare properly for the opening ceremonies of social and cultural projects and to carry out actions in honour of International Women's Day and National spring holiday at high level.
Then, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet B.Orazdurdyeva reported on the work carried out to increase professionalism of pedagogic personnel of higher educational institutions of the country.
As she marked, according to national programs, a complex work is carried out to train highly skilled experts who understand well innovative technologies and are capable to solve almost significant issues with use of scientific methods by means of creative approach and initiative for branches of economy. Necessary measures on application of advanced pedagogical techniques, development of advanced achievements of science by the faculty of higher educational institutions. a number of target projects are also realised.
In this connection, the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet submitted for consideration of the head of the state the due proposal.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked that the education system in our country is consistently modernised, for employees of the given sphere many opportunities for education of competent and erudite younger generation are created.
As one of their important goals of modernity attestation of the faculty of higher educational institutions acts, the head of the state underlined and approved the presented proposal and instructed the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet to carry out a corresponding work.
Further, the floor was given to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov who reported on realisation of the external economic policy of Turkmenistan and prepared proposals on intensification of cooperation in the given sphere.
In this regard, he noted that our country develops mutually beneficial partnership with foreign states, international economic and financial organisations and establishments. Taken measures are aimed at realisation of joint projects, promotion of volumes of mutual goods turnover and rise of attention to investment, technological and financial aspects of interaction.
With a view of solution of set tasks with 38 states, bilateral intergovernmental commissions on economic cooperation were created. In 2023-2024, 35 their meetings took place. Basis business councils, business and investment forums, exhibitions and fairs are held on a systematic basis.
Foreign trade activities of Turkmenistan in the multilateral format also bear a systematic character. In particular, interaction with United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia – SPECA, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other structures is carried out.
Our country also actively supports and consistently strengthens contacts with international and regional financial institutions, in particular, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and others.
At the same time, Turkmenistan co-operates with leading banks of several developed states. In this area, joint measures are taken for realisation of large economic projects in our country.
In the given context, presence of favourable conditions and prospects for further promotion of fruitful relations with foreign partners was marked.
Proceeding from it, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs considers it expedient to develop a number of documents. Among them: drafts of the Program of development of foreign trade activities of Turkmenistan for 2026-2030, the Plan of action on development of cooperation of Turkmenistan with international organisations in the economic sphere for 2026-2028 and the Road map on teamwork of Turkmenistan with international financial institutions for 2026-2028.
In the light of the above-stated, it is proposed to create the Interdepartmental commission on preparation of given documents and to hold its first meeting in the second half of March of the current year.
Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the foreign policy of our independent, permanent neutral fatherland is aimed at development of bilateral and multilateral relations with world states and international organisations.
In the given context, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs to consistently expand a spectrum of foreign trade activities of the country, to improve work of the intergovernmental commissions on economic cooperation and to continue development of foreign economic relations with other states.
Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on fulfilment of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025, the Government program of development of digital economy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and the Plan of actions on its realisation.
He informed that with a view of successful solution of the goals planned in these important documents, stage-by-stage work is carried out. In particular, in establishments, enterprises, organisations due measures are taken to increase the level of use of information-communication technologies, considerable improvement of their material and technical support, introduction of system of electronic document circulation and new methods of work, improvement of professional skill of profile experts.
As he marked, in view of the fact that realisation of the Concept and the Program on development of digital economy in the country is at the final stage and proceeding from international experience and considering latest scientific and technical achievements, it is expedient to prepare drafts of new documents for immediate prospects.
In this connection, for consideration of the head of the state the corresponding proposal was submitted.
Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in the country program work is implemented for development of digital economy, introduction of digital system in all branches. Having approved the proposal on development of digital economy in 2026-2028, the head of the state instructed the head of the Agency to take appropriate measures in this area.
At the meeting a number of other issues of state life, on which corresponding decisions were made, were also considered.
Concluding the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and great successes in their work for further prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.