The initiative of Turkmenistan «Dialogue - a Guarantee of Peace» enjoys a high demand at international level
The initiative of Turkmenistan «Dialogue - a Guarantee of Peace» enjoys a high demand at international level
Published 06.02.2024

The final document of the International Conference "Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace", held in Ashgabat on December 11, 2023, was published in the six official languages of the UN as an official document of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. The document was published by items of the agenda of the session of the General Assembly «Culture of Peace», «Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping» and «Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation of Central Asia».

A peaceful disposition and positive neutrality - a basis of the creative foreign policy strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov who initiated the holding of the above-named Forum dated to International Day of Neutrality and 28th anniversary of permanent neutral status of Turkmenistan. This important action, which was held in a hybrid format, became a regular acknowledgement of the fact that, putting forward concrete initiatives, which meet interests of general well-being and progress, our fatherland takes consecutive steps for their practical realisation.

As known, members of the Government, representatives of the Mejlis, heads of diplomatic representative offices of our country abroad and diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited to Turkmenistan and international organisations, including the United Nations and its specialised agencies as well as heads of the Institute of State, Law and Democracy, higher educational institutions, mass media, academic and teaching staffs and students of higher educational institutions took part in the given Forum, which was held in the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Displaying an invariable adherence to its international obligations, in the new historical epoch, our neutral country by right is recognised as a peace-making centre of the region and the planet. A number of resolutions, including declaration of  December 12 as International Day of Neutrality, “The Role and Importance of Policy of Neutrality in Maintaining and Strengthening International Peace, Security and Sustainable Development”, "The Role of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia" and others adopted by the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Turkmenistan can serve the best example for it. As known, in July, 2022, UN GA adopted the Resolution proposed by our country on declaration of Central Asia as zone of peace, trust and cooperation. And in December of the same year, by the Resolution of the UN General Assembly 2023 was declared as International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace.

The given initiative of Turkmenistan, topicality and importance of which were confirmed by time, is aimed at combination of efforts to strengthen traditions of peace and confidential coexistence of states and people, to work jointly by means of dialogue and cooperation to meet global challenges, to solve existing problems and construct the better conflict free future for succeeding generations.

In this context, it is also necessary to note importance of activity of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development created in September, 2020 at the initiative of our country within the limits of the United Nations.

Importance of the issues, which were in the centre of attention of the Forum, was underlined in the speech of United Nations Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko at the plenary session. In this connection, it was pointed out that Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres proposed a new approach to solution of essential problems of the present, for what it is necessary to develop a positive international dialogue more deeply. At that, significance of the principle of neutrality for peace, friendly and constructive relations between states and people was underlined. Having expressed to Turkmenistan his gratitude for steady realisation of neutral foreign policy, D.Shlapachenko marked importance of further efforts in achievement of sustainable development goals.

Taking an active and responsible position in issues of international interaction, Turkmenistan attaches a special significance to a multivector dialogue with the United Nations, which bears a strategic character. Participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations where the head of the state made new initiatives, called to promote expansion of fruitful international cooperation for general welfare, can serve an eloquent testimony to it.

In particular, it was proposed to start discussion of possibilities of development of the Strategy of global security on the basis of principles of the Charter of the United Nations and conventional norms of international law, taking into account topical realities and tendencies of world development. At that, importance of inclusion of a number of areas of activity of the United Nations, which include: preventive diplomacy as tool of prevention and neutralisation of conflicts; use of potential of neutrality for peace, political-diplomatic settlement of disputes and contradictions; restoration of culture of confidential dialogue as guarantees of peace in the given Strategy, was pointed out.

Speaking at the 78th sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, the President of Turkmenistan also made an initiative on creation of the format of the Conference on Security in Central Asia and its adjacent zones under the aegis of the United Nations. Its purpose - development of approaches and solutions aimed at rapprochement and synchronisation of efforts of Central Asian countries and the world community, international organisations, financial and economic institutes to ensure sustainable, conflict-free development of the region.

Turning back to the agenda of the International forum, which took place in Ashgabat, it is necessary to note a wide spectrum of its subjects and representative structure of participants. So, a great significance of the Forum for mobilisation of global actions on maintenance of universal peace, security and sustainable development was underlined in the speech of Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, Deputy Administrator of the United Nations Development Program and Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS Ivana Zivkovic.

The major factor here is formation of conditions for strengthening the dialogue built on the basis of mutual understanding, respect and trust. It was in this connection noted that the United Nations and UNDP highly appreciate their long-term cooperation with Turkmenistan as a responsible strategic partner and contribution of our country to solution of topical issues of the present and achievement of SDGs.

Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Kaha Imnadze underlined that twice recognised by resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations the neutrality of Turkmenistan acts as the major element of maintenance of stability and security in the region, an effective factor of trustful  interstate relations, constructive bilateral and multilateral cooperation. It was pointed out that the neutral status of our country possesses a special significance for promotion of culture of peace, development of efforts of the United Nations and other organisations in the given area. Large international forums and meetings held regularly in Ashgabat attest to successful realisation of the creative foreign policy of Turkmenistan.

Having expressed to our country his gratitude for given support in the activity of UNRCCA, Mr. Kaha Imnadze underlined the role of neutral Turkmenistan as reliable and effective partner of the United Nations in maintenance and support of political stability in the region. In this connection, the significance of the initiative of the Turkmen side on declaration of 2023 as International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace. At that, it was marked that the given initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, which was approved by the corresponding Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations, is conformable with the Agenda for Peace of the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization.

Special representative of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan for Foreign Policy, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council under the President of Uzbekistan for Foreign Policy Affairs Abdulaziz Kamilov, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) Kairat Abdrakhmanov, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Mr. Merey Mukazhan (OTS), Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for Political Affairs Yousef AlDobeay also highly appreciated the foreign policy and peace-making initiatives of our neutral fatherland in their speeches.

President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Pia Kauma, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, UN Under Secretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office Vladimir Voronkov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Luminița Odobescu and  Chair of the Global Green Growth Institute Ban Ki-moon also addressed by means of video communication to participants of the Forum.

In their speeches, they underlined productivity of cooperation between Turkmenistan, the United Nations and other authoritative international organisations. It was marked that having a rich experience gained during the past years and covering a wide spectrum of areas, this productive interaction shows a growing dynamics both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

It was underlined that neutral Turkmenistan led by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov puts into practice the strategy of international partnership aimed at development of friendship with all states, aspires to use optimum multiplane potential for general welfare. Welcoming an active position of our country in consolidation of pillars of peace and security on the planet, development of effective models of cooperation in the political-diplomatic, economic and humanitarian-cultural spheres, speakers expressed necessity of expansion of co-ordinated interaction on the issues, which cause concern of all humanity today.

The interested exchange of opinions also took place on margins of four thematic sessions.

One of them, held at the office of UNRCCA, was devoted to issues of involvement of dialogue as tool of preventive diplomacy. In the given context, the role of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat on preventive diplomacy for the Central Asia, created at the initiative of Turkmenistan was marked. Today, this structure is an effective link between the United Nations Organization and Central Asian states in solution of important problems, concerning maintenance of peace, security and stability in the region, support of sustainable development. Under modern conditions, the demand for preventive diplomacy becomes more and more obvious a tool of prevention and neutralisation of conflicts, strengthening of positive processes in regional and global dimensions, development of constructive cooperation, which meets interests of universal peace and well-being.

The role of women in attainment of peace by means of dialogue became a topic of the second session held in IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was in this connection underlined that Turkmenistan responsibly approaches solution of the issues focused on specific goals in the field of gender policy, successfully co-operating in this sphere with the United Nations and other international organisations. One of the effective platforms of cooperation in the field is Dialogue of Women of Central Asia, in the activity of which our compatriots take an active part. At that, importance of consolidation of efforts with a view of fullest realisation of creative potential of women as important and integral factor of peacebuilding was  marked.

The third session, which also took place in the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was devoted to the potential of the youth, issues of expansion of opportunities for the succeeding generations by means of dialogue. The youth policy was named as key vectors of the state strategy of neutral Turkmenistan in the new historical epoch. It is not without reason that the given topic found reflexion in priority positions of our country at the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization. Occupying an active position in issues of fruitful partnership in regional and global scale, Turkmenistan puts forward concrete initiatives, including those on international cooperation of the youth.

In this regard, we should mention that in October 2023 in the city of Arkadag in a hybrid format the International Youth Forum «Dialogue - a guarantee of peace» took place. Its overall objective was named as development of close contacts between the young men representing various cultures, regions and views, assistance of realisation of possibilities of youth in construction of the better future of the planet. The fact of organization of the meeting once again confirms that great hopes are laid upon the younger generation. It is remarkable that following the results of the forum the Memorandum of establishment of the Dialogue of Youth of Central Asian Countries, called to become a regular platform of interaction for strengthening of peace and trust on the basis of intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation was signed.

The fourth session, which took place at the office of Representation of the United Nations in Ashgabat, was devoted to significance of diplomatic dialogue in the context of global ecological cooperation. This theme assumes a special urgency in the light of the agenda of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28) held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from November 30 to December 12, 2023. In this connection, it is necessary to note that the ecological diplomacy, an integral component of which is the climatic factor, was named among priorities of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan.

In his speech at the COP-28 Conference, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made initiative approaches of our country for solution of key problems in the given area. As known, Turkmenistan, which takes an active part in efforts of the world community on counteraction to one of the main challenges of modernity, set forward a proposal to open the Regional centre of the United Nations on climatic technologies for countries of Central Asia in Ashgabat. At the COP-28 Conference, the head of the state also announced Turkmenistan's accession to the Global Methane Pledge, having confirmed adherence of our country to further multilateral cooperation for the bright future of the entire humanity.

Thus, the fact of publication and distribution of the final document of the International Conference "Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace" as an official document of the 78th  session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, which was held in Ashgabat in December of the past year, attests to general recognition of the well-balanced and constructive policy realised by neutral Turkmenistan and a weighty  contribution of our fatherland to maintenance of peaceful sustainable development on the planet.

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