To the commander of the cosmonaut corps of the State Corporation for Space Activities «Roscosmos», pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Turkmenistan O.D. Kononenko Dear Oleg Dmitriyevich!
To the commander of the cosmonaut corps of the State Corporation for Space Activities «Roscosmos», pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Turkmenistan O.D. Kononenko Dear Oleg Dmitriyevich!
Published 05.02.2024

On behalf of the head of state, in his person on behalf of the people of Turkmenistan and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your great achievement - the world record for the total stay in the Earth’s space orbit.

Truly, spending a total of one thousand days in near-Earth space is an example of courage and heroism, a symbol of devotion and selfless service to the cause of all humanity.

With this feat, you are the Hero of Turkmenistan, demonstrated determination and strength of will aimed at peaceful space exploration, using the results of research and practical activities carried out by astronauts for the purpose of global development.

We in Turkmenistan are proud that our compatriot, born and raised on ancient Turkmen soil, became an outstanding space explorer and reached hitherto unprecedented milestones in his noble profession. Being the first is always honorable and at the same time not easy, since leadership is, first of all, a high responsibility to society, the country, and in your case, to the world as a whole.

I am confident that on the path to new achievements you will continue to worthily carry the banner of international astronautics.

There is a special meaning in the fact that your space record took place in the year when Turkmenistan, many states of the world and international organizations celebrate a glorious anniversary - the 300th anniversary of the great son of the Turkmen people, philosopher, poet Magtymguly Fragi.

In his works, the Turkmen classic glorified friendship and brotherhood, called for peace, unity and solidarity, and emphasized the important role of science and knowledge. It is these ideals and values that underlie the study of outer space and its use for peaceful purposes for the benefit of all people living on planet Earth.

The Turkmen people will be glad to see you in Turkmenistan to celebrate the anniversary of Magtymguly after the completion of the current space mission.

Taking this opportunity, I wish you good health, happiness and new high achievements.

With deep respect
National Leader of the Turkmen people,
Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan

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