Ashgabat and Tehran confirmed their readiness to develop gas cooperation
Ashgabat and Tehran confirmed their readiness to develop gas cooperation
Published 18.11.2023

Today in the capital at the regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission on Economic Cooperation, the parties confirmed their readiness to develop gas cooperation.

Emphasizing the positive dynamics of building relationships in priority areas, the parties confirmed their readiness to continue deepening constructive ties in the fuel and energy, transport and communications sectors, dialogue in the field of construction and infrastructure, customs and border regulation, industry, agriculture and water management, engineering and technical developments.

In addition, it was emphasized that constant efforts are being made to further develop relations between the two countries in the gas sector. Work is successfully underway to deliver Turkmen natural gas through gas pipelines from Turkmenistan to Iran. In this regard, interest in increasing the volume of natural gas exports to the neighboring country through full use of the capacity of the «Körpeje-Gurtguýy» gas pipeline was confirmed, and Turkmenistan’s readiness to increase the volume of supplies of Turkmen natural gas along the Iranian route through the «Çaloýuk» station was also announced.

As noted, the fundamental transformations being carried out today, the course taken towards accelerated diversification and digitalization of the national economy, coupled with the maximum use of the accumulated experience of joint work, rich natural resources and the existing huge economic and export potential, open up great opportunities for expanding the range of partnership between the two states.

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