Nature Protection is an Area of ​​Consolidation of International Efforts
Nature Protection is an Area of ​​Consolidation of International Efforts
Published 05.06.2023

Today, in the large conference hall of the administrative building of the Agricultural Complex of Turkmenistan, a scientific and practical conference “Achievements in the field of environmental protection and international cooperation in this area in the year under the motto “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” was held.

The participants listened with great attention to the welcoming Address of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, sent to the employees of the environmental protection of Turkmenistan.

During the forum, it was emphasized that Turkmenistan, being one of the leaders of regional climate negotiations, contributed to the work of the V Central Asian Conference on Climate Change, which became a successful platform for the exchange of experience, presentation of new research and progressive approaches.

Then the work of the conference continued in two thematic sessions, which were held in the Agricultural Complex of the country and the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.

The session "Main directions of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection" included issues of introducing best practices for the rational use of natural resources in arid and saline agricultural regions of the countries of Central Asia, the characteristics of migration phenomena in connection with climate change. The topic of international scientific research on the study and conservation of biological diversity in specially protected natural areas of our country was also touched upon.

At the session “The importance of education and science in ensuring environmental well-being in Turkmenistan”, the features of the methodology for transferring knowledge in the field of environmental protection to students and experience in this direction were considered.

They also spoke about the environmental aspects of the use of advanced water-saving technologies in countries with arid climates.

The participants of the conference, as well as employees of the profile sector, accepted a thank-you Address to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed sincere gratitude for the attention paid to environmental protection measures and assured that they would make every effort to further successfully implement environmentally significant projects in order to ensure rational use of natural resources, effective protection environment.

Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition was opened in the foyer of the Agricultural Complex, demonstrating the achievements of our country in the environmental field. The books of Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took pride of place here.

Festive events on the occasion of World Environment Day were held in all velayats of the country.

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Today, in the small conference hall of the administrative building of the Agricultural Complex of Turkmenistan, an online forum "Creative ideas for managing water resources for the sustainable development of water bodies in Central Asia" was held.

The main goal of the event, organized jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the framework of the chairmanship of Turkmenistan in the 16th Cooperation Forum "Central Asia + Republic of Korea", is to ensure a sustainable future through the exchange of views and the development of ideas on the management of water resources and water bodies.

Representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea took part in the forum via video link.

Based on the results of the discussions, the participants identified priority areas for the sustainable development of water bodies in Central Asia and made appropriate decisions. There was a proposal to consider these recommendations and include them in the Work Plan of the Cooperation Forum Secretariat for 2024.

As the participants emphasized, their practical implementation will contribute to the development of partnership in the water management sphere between the states of Central Asia and the Republic of Korea.

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