Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic accredited in Turkmenistan
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic accredited in Turkmenistan
Published 23.03.2023

Today, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Chairwoman of the Mejlis G. Mammedova received credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic Eduardo Antonio Zuain.

On behalf of the head of Turkmenistan, the head of the national Parliament congratulated the diplomat on his appointment to a responsible post, wishing him success in strengthening the ties of friendship and promising interstate dialogue, which is actively developing on a bilateral and multilateral basis, primarily through major international organizations and structures.

Thanking for the cordial welcome in the Turkmen land, the plenipotentiary representative of the friendly country conveyed warm greetings from the President of the Argentine Republic Alberto Fernandez, who addressed the best wishes to the top leadership and all the people of Turkmenistan, confidently following the chosen course of economic prosperity and progress.

During the meeting, the diplomat got acquainted in detail with the key vectors of the peaceful foreign policy pursued by our country and the important international initiatives put forward, aimed at strengthening the foundations of peace, stability and general well-being in every possible way. As emphasized, independent neutral Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the development of trusting relations with all interested partner countries, including Latin American ones.

Eduardo Antonio Zuine was also informed about the progress of the cardinal reforms and grandiose transformations that have become the main sign of the era of Revival of the new epoch of a powerful state.

As part of a thorough exchange of views on the entire spectrum of Turkmen-Argentinean cooperation, built on a long-term mutually beneficial basis, the parties confirmed the existing mutual interest, which ensures the progressive dynamics of partnership development in a number of key areas.

A separate topic of discussion was the prospects for building up inter-parliamentary cooperation in the legislative sphere, the development and improvement of which both countries pay special attention to.

At the end of the meeting, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic assured that he would make every effort to further deepen the multifaceted dialogue, built taking into account the priorities of socio-economic development, the national interests of the two states and their friendly peoples.

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