The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan took part in a stone-laying ceremony of new healthcare projects
The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan took part in a stone-laying ceremony of new healthcare projects
Published 15.03.2023

Today, in the capital with assistance of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov a stone-laying ceremony of three specialized medical institutions, which in the upcoming years will fill up a versatile infrastructure of the public health services system, took place at once. 

It is the International Research Clinic Centre of Oncology, Centre of Stomatology and International Centre of Paediatrics, the building of which started according to Resolutions signed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in February of the current year.

The building of next modern medical projects was entrusted Turkish company “Gap Inşaat Ýatyrym we Dyş Tijaret A. Ş.”.

… This morning National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in Choganly residential area, the stone-laying venue of the International Research Clinic Centre of Oncology.

Having thanked invited guests - heads and representatives of famous Turkish companies for participation in the present important event, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that long-term mutually advantageous cooperation with world business circles, including the Republic of Turkiye, acts as a key priority of strategy of social and economic development of Turkmenistan, aimed at modernisation of all branches of national economy and active introduction of world experience and high technologies. The Hero-Arkadag with satisfaction noted a powerful contribution of Turkish partners, who have worked throughout many years successfully in our country in all spheres and once again expressed his deep gratitude for their active and efficient participation in realisation of large-scale programs of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State.

Then, the Hero-Arkadag addressed participants of the celebration.

- Our state always cares about health and well-being of citizens as healthy society is a basis of a healthy state. And consequently it is necessary for each of us to fulfil elementary requirements and undergo regularly medical examinations, - the Hero-Arkadag underlined and expressed confidence that if in the country principles of healthy lifestyle are observed, its citizens will long live and enjoy good health. After all, the main thing for us - health of people, the future of generations and their happy life.

- Introduction of principles of healthy lifestyle and protection of public health are inseparably linked with creation of modern medical-diagnostic centres and a centralised sanatorium system with increase of level of their material support, the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan said.

As it was marked, as a result of work carried out, our independent neutral state has turned into the centre of health and inspiration.

During recent years in the country, a whole complex of medical-health establishments was created. Centres «Ene mähri» and Medical-Diagnostic Sanatoria Archman, Yyly suw, Bayramaly, Farab, Mollakara, Berzengi, Dashoguz, Avaza and Bagabat, pharmaceutical enterprises and organisations, which carry out control over non-distribution of infections were opened.

Having characterized shortly each of these projects, the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty expressed conviction that the International Research Clinic Centre of Oncology, which does not have analogue in the region, will yield positive results in early diagnostics and timely treatment of oncological diseases. Units and medical-diagnostic rooms of the new centre will be equipped with medical and health improving equipment from developed countries of the world.

- We will further continue working effectively for protection of health of our people. We will build new and new medical institutions. In the upcoming years, hospitals of oncology will be constructed in Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats, in the capital - the Centre of Virology and secondary professional medical school will be erected. We will also build new buildings for educational and research centre for protection of health of mother and the child of the State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev and the Medical-Consultation Centre named after S.A.Niyazov. These medical institutions will be equipped by modern medical technologies and provided by highly skilled experts, - the Hero-Arkadag underlined.

Then, the floor was given to the head of Turkish company “Gap Inşaat” Ahmet Chalyk.

Addressing visitors and participants of the ceremony, the Turkish businessperson noted that for years of independence in Turkmenistan, according to the national Saglyk program developed under the leadership of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, modern medical and research clinic centres, multiprofile hospitals, sanatoria, pharmaceutical enterprises were constructed and put into operation.

Upon completion of the ceremony, representatives of the growing generation – a boy and a girl in white medical dressing gowns request to make a memorable record on the occasion of the present significant event.

To a storm of applause, a capsule with a message of the National Leader of the Turkmen people is put in the basis of the building of the International Research Clinic Centre of Oncology. The Hero-Arkadag throws the first shovel of concrete mix in the complex base, blessing with that great undertaking, following primordial traditions of our people.

The International Research Clinic Centre of Oncology for 500 beds will be erected in the north of Ashgabat, in the territory of Choganly residential area, near other medical centres.

Then, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov by car headed towards the next point – the building site of the new capital Centre of Stomatology.

In the new Centre of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery for 80 beds, which will be constructed in Koshi residential area, all conditions for prevention, early diagnostics and effective treatment of diseases of oral cavity and also organisation of training, increase of educational level and professionalism of doctors specialising in the field will be created.

Young "physicians" – a boy and a girl in white dressing gowns - address the National Leader of the Turkmen people with the request to write a memorable message on the occasion of the stone-laying ceremony of the stomatology centre.

Addressing the honourable elder present here, the doctor of the production and training centre of stomatology of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev Gurbannazar Atayev with whom he worked together many years ago, the Hero-Arkadag noted that before one could only dream of such centre, where actively take root nanotechnology and innovations.

- I am proud that today in our country there are such modern medical centres, which are equipped with latest technologies under construction, - the National Leader of the Turkmen people underlined and sincerely congratulated participants of the celebration with today's significant event that opens a new chapter in the history of national public health services, and also a forthcoming bright holiday - Nowruz bayramy.

To the applause of the gathered, a special capsule with a memorable message is dropped in the building base to mark thus a start of foundation of the building of the Centre of Stomatology.

Then, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov heads towards the venue, where the International Centre of Paediatrics will be constructed.

Very soon this large-scale complex of modern medical projects "will grow" into the International Centre of Paediatrics for 160 beds.

The new Centre intended for rendering medical services to children, also will answer the international quality standards. It is enough to mention that examination and treatment of young patients will be conducted in cooperation with doctors of leading clinics of the world.

In honour of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, who has devoted all life to prosperity of favourite Fatherland and maintenance of well-being of his people, on the square near the future building, joyful songs sound.

Young Turkmen nationals, dressed in white dressing gowns of physicians, addressed the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty with the request to make a historical record.

Addressing participants of the celebration - workers of public health services, medical industry and numerous visitors, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov especially pointed out importance of the multidimensional program “Saglyk”, which is the core of all state policy in the field of public health services.

The major direction designated in this program document, is protection of maternity and childhood as the whole life practice says that “Healthy mother - healthy child”.

To the applause of the present, a special capsule with a memorable message falls into a foundation ditch of the base of the building.

The care of the growing generation with which brightest hopes of future were associated from time immemorial, was and remains a priority direction of the state policy realized according to international standards and high humane traditions and principles of our people.

Recognised as the country of happy childhood, Turkmenistan attaches a great significance to harmonious development of the growing generation, its health and well-being.

As known, health of many children needing support from the state has been restored for the account of means of the special Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship forename Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Taking an opportunity, young Turkmen nationals and also their families who took part in today's ceremony, expressed their deep gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag for his indefatigable care of health and well-being of the growing generation, creation of the best conditions for life, all-round harmonious development and self-realisation of children in independent neutral Turkmenistan.

In honour of the National Leader of the Turkmen people inspired verses sound.

In honour of today's event, memorable gifts were distributed among children.

Happy children were photographed with the Hero-Arkadag for keepsake.

Then, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to all and left the place.

* * *

The same day in the capital mosque “Hazrati Omar”, located in Parahat-7 residential area, at the expense of royalties gained from sale of books of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the sadaka was given to victims of recent strong earthquake took place in the Republic of Turkiye and caused numerous human victims and large scale destructions.

Having arrived in the mosque, the Hero-Arkadag warmly greeted a group of religious figures, who specially arrived in Ashgabat from the Republic of Turkiye and welcomed him.

During conversation importance of further development of Turkmen-Turkish relations, first of all, humanitarian links, history of which, goes to many centuries back. As was marked, commonality of old spiritual, moral and religious traditions defines mutual support of two fraternal people during difficult moments.

Words of sincere sympathy and wishes of soonest recovery were conveyed to families of numerous victims of the devastating earthquake.

Having expressed to the National Leader of the Turkmen people a deep gratitude for warm attitude to the memory of the deceased, Turkish visitors, taking an opportunity,  thanked for the invitation and organisation today's funeral action.

Spiritual figures read surahs from the sacred Koran, having prayed the Almighty for souls of the dead.

Before the sadaka, Hajy Arkadag addressed the gathered, with pride having noticed that every day of our sovereign state is marked by bright events and affairs of state importance. The ceremonies, which have taken place today in connection with stone laying of the International Research Clinic Centre of Oncology, International Centre of Paediatrics and Stomatology Centre, also attest to this fact.

- Construction of roads, bridges and Turkmen people considered at buildings all times as a noble cause. Today we successfully continue our noble traditions. Medical centres, which we today lay their foundation, will promote further improvement, health protection of people, the Hero-Arkadag underlined.

- As known, in Turkey there the catastrophic earthquake broke up and led to numerous destructions and human victims. This terrible act of nature has not left us indifferent and we share sorrow with Turkish people. Turkmenistan was among the first to stretch this country a brotherly hand of help.

On behalf of Turkmen people, the humanitarian aid was sent to the Republic of Turkiye, first of all, the most necessary things for people in such cases. Moreover, it became one more evidence of our huge respect for the people and leadership of the brotherly country, the Hero-Arkadag continued his word.

As was underlined, to extend one’s helping hand at a difficult minute, to support and help each other - such is noble mission of our people.

Hajy Arkadag assured that we would render further to Turkey and to its people the necessary help, actively to develop friendly and brotherly relations, to support each other to develop and cement Turkmen-Turkish relations.

- And let our sadaka and prayers will be heard and accepted by souls of victims and Almighty! Let the abode of the earthquake in Turkiye be in paradise! Let Allah rest their souls! - With these words the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty addressed the mufti of Turkmenistan with the request to read prayer.

The mufti of the country read “tebarak “ and then the ritual meal took place.

After its completion, the prayer "ayat-towwir" was made.

Upon completion of the sadaka, Hajy Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to the gathered and left the place.

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