Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 17.02.2023

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which drafts of a number of documents were considered and other topical issues were discussed.

Turning to the agenda, the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to the chairwoman of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, who informed about the current activities of the parliament to further improve the legal framework of the state, fulfill the tasks set for organizing important social and political events.

At present, the working groups of the Mejlis continue to work on introducing amendments and additions to the Constitutional Laws adopted at a joint meeting of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, representatives of the public of the country, as well as to existing laws.

All conditions have been created for holding elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the velayat, etrap, city halk maslahaty and Gengeshes in March this year on the basis of democratic principles, in strict accordance with national legislation and generally accepted norms of international law.

Candidates from political parties and groups of citizens are nominated in an organized manner, in an atmosphere of transparency and openness. Registration of candidates will continue until February 28.

In order to organize an important socio-political event, the Central Election Commission prepared manuals for election commissions, candidates, observers, and representatives of the press.

The Majlis is working on conferring the honorary title of "Ene mähri" to women who have given birth to 8 or more children.

On February 9-10, 2023, the delegation of the Mejlis paid a working visit to the city of Turkestan of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where they took part in the first inter-parliamentary forum of Central Asian countries. At the opening ceremony of the forum, the Address of the President of Turkmenistan to its participants was read. During the meetings, issues of strengthening regional cooperation, expanding the role of parliaments in the development of cultural and humanitarian dialogue were discussed.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of further legislative work of the Mejlis in order to successfully implement state socio-economic programs and projects. In this regard, the head of Turkmenistan pointed out the need for careful study of universally recognized international legal documents, their consideration in national legislative practice, along with the priorities of state policy.

Touching upon the issue of preparation for the upcoming elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the velayat, etrap, city halk maslahaty and Gengeshes, the President of the country noted the importance of keeping all aspects of this social and political campaign under unremitting control, ensuring transparency and objectivity of the electoral process at all its stages.

Focusing on the work carried out by the Mejlis on the nomination of women with many children to state titles and awards, as well as the most distinguished in labor and social activities, the head of state stressed the importance of its implementation at a high level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Kh. Geldimyradov reported on the state of affairs in the sphere under his supervision.

Information was provided on the results of the analysis carried out by the Ministry of Finance and Economy together with ministries, sectoral departments, hyakimliks regarding the denationalization and privatization of state property.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the tasks in this direction were identified as key ones in the Program of the country's socio-economic development for 2023, and emphasized the need for proper implementation of the planned work. In the future, this will contribute to the realization of the solid potential of the private sector in the manufacturing segment and the service sector, will serve to diversify the national economy and increase its competitiveness, the head of Turkmenistan said, giving specific instructions to the vice-premier.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers A. Begliev reported on the ongoing work to improve the country's oil refining industry.

It was reported that, in accordance with the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, effective steps are being taken to develop the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries and the Seydi oil refinery.

After listening to the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of modernizing the activities of the fuel and energy complex in accordance with the requirements of the time, as well as improving the skills of employees. Stressing that ensuring the productive work of the oil and gas complex is directly related to the modern approach to solving the issues of increasing production capacities, introducing scientific achievements and innovative technologies, expanding the range of competitive, high-tech, environmentally friendly products, the head of state addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers A. Yazmyradov reported on the preparations for spring sowing in the regions of the country, as well as on the care of wheat.

As noted, seasonal field work is currently ongoing to obtain high yields of “white gold” and other crops, to maintain food abundance.

Preparations are underway for the organized sowing of cotton. This year, 580,000 hectares of land are planned to be sown with this crop throughout the country. In this regard, measures are being taken to process arable land - plowing, leveling, flushing irrigation, as well as to supply high-quality seed material, to bring equipment and units into proper operational condition.

Along with this, 690,000 hectares of wheat fields are irrigated and the crops are fed with mineral fertilizers.

At the same time, in the regions of the country, in order to ensure food abundance, supply the population with potatoes, vegetables and melons, appropriate measures are being taken.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the need to ensure proper care for winter grains in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology, thorough preparation for the spring sowing of cotton and its implementation at the optimum time, using all available opportunities to obtain generous harvests of wheat, “white gold” and other vegetable and gourd crops.

In this context, the head of state noted the importance of supplying farmers with high-quality seeds of cotton and other crops that are resistant to the soil and climatic conditions of the regions.

Focusing on the importance of successful implementation of the tasks set, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to control their implementation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov reported on the ongoing work in the structures under his supervision, in particular, on the measures taken by the Ministry of Energy to ensure reliable and uninterrupted power supply.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of the ongoing large-scale activities for the steady development of the domestic electric power industry, focusing on the need to further strengthen and modernize the material and technical base of the industry, ordering to intensify work in this area.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdaev reported on the implementation of the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan to supply the population with a wide range of food products.

In this regard, it was reported on the measures taken to effectively solve problems in this area, increase the provision of food products, as well as regulate their export and import.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that expanding the volume of import substitution and increasing the country's export potential, developing competitive industries is aimed at strengthening the sustainability of the national economy. The main goal of the activities being carried out is to ensure food abundance, the head of state noted, having addressed the vice-premier with an instruction to control the measures taken in this direction.

Further, Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the preparation of cultural events on the occasion of International Women's Day.

In the first month of spring, Turkmenistan widely celebrates International Women's Day - one of the main holidays of the national calendar. In this regard, various events are planned to be held in Ashgabat and the velayats in early March of the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”.

The holiday is timed to sum up the results of the Ýylyň zenany (Woman of the Year) review, the Talyp gözeli-2023 beauty contest among university students of the country, as well as the relay race among large families Sagdyn maşgala - sagdyn nesil (Healthy family - healthy generation).

On March 7, on the occasion of International Women's Day, ceremonies of conferring the honorary title of Turkmenistan “Ene mähri” on mothers of many children will be held, and a festive concert of masters of art will be held at the Mukams Palace.

The song and musical performance “Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar zenanlar” will take place on March 8 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of the wonderful spring holiday, which in our country has become a sign of deep respect for beloved mothers, sisters and all women.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the state will always take care of women who are highly respected in our country, create all conditions for them to be happy, comprehensively protect their activities and rights.

Ordering to hold all festive events at a high level, paying special attention to the participation of young people in them, the President of the country gave specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N. Amannepesov reported on the draft Resolutions on the establishment of the Akhal Velayat Pedagogical Secondary Professional School named after Berdimuhamed Annayev and the Akhal Velayat Medical Secondary Professional School named after Sachly Dursunova.

After signing the Resolutions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent them digitally to the Deputy Prime Minister, instructing him to ensure control over the strict implementation of these documents and the further creation of all conditions for raising an educated, healthy young generation, as well as opportunities for mastering innovative technologies and new knowledge.

Then the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the measures taken to expand cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

As noted, the opening in 2022 of the UNESCO clubs “Languages of the World” at the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi and “Culture of Peace” at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan was an important step in the active participation of the younger generation in global processes and contributes to the expansion worldview of students, improving their language experience.

In accordance with the Decree of the head of state, in order to introduce the best world experience in the development of the scientific and educational sphere, on February 16 this year, the Agreements on the establishment of UNESCO Chairs “Cultural heritage: from past to future” at the Magtymguly Turkmen State University and “Environmental education for sustainable development” at the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi have been signed.  

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the deepening of traditional cooperation with major international organizations, primarily with the UN and its specialized structures, is one of the directions of the foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan.

The head of state expressed confidence that the creation of UNESCO Chairs would directly contribute to the education of young people on the basis of universal and national values, the development of environmental education and culture.

The Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov, anticipating the report, on behalf of all employees of the national foreign ministry cordially congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the Day of Diplomatic Workers of Turkmenistan, celebrated annually on February 18, and expressed best wishes in this regard.

As emphasized, under the leadership of the head of state, our Fatherland is consistently implementing a peaceful foreign policy based on the principles of positive neutrality and equal fruitful cooperation in the regional and global dimensions. This creative course and constructive initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan have gained high prestige and recognition in the international arena. Everything necessary for the effective operation of our country's diplomatic missions abroad has been provided, the specialized material and technical base has been systematically strengthened, and comfortable social and living conditions have been created for diplomats and their families.

Expressing deep gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the comprehensive support provided to the work of the national diplomatic service, the Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured that its employees would continue to make every effort to successfully solve the important and responsible tasks assigned to them.

The head of state warmly congratulated the national diplomats on their professional holiday, emphasizing that peace-loving, neutrality, good neighborliness and openness to equal and mutually beneficial partnership are the unshakable basic principles of Turkmenistan in foreign policy and international relations.

Today, our Fatherland continues to confidently follow the course towards the development of bilateral and multilateral relations based on the adopted documents. This strategy has actually proved its full compliance with the national interests and goals of ensuring the general well-being, sustainable development and progress.

Speaking of this, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the employees of the national diplomatic service would continue to work with dignity, contributing to the enhancement of the high authority of the Motherland on the world stage.

Then, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs reported on the results of the participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan in the World Government Summit held on February 13 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

As noted, one of the priority vectors of the foreign policy of our country is the intensification of constructive cooperation with the United Nations and other authoritative international structures. In this context, measures to implement the Sustainable Development Goals are being successfully implemented. As part of this activity, Turkmenistan carries out relevant work at the international level in the format of multilateral cooperation.

On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the delegation of our country took part in the above-mentioned Summit. The participants of the large-scale forum were familiarized with the specific work being carried out in Turkmenistan to achieve the SDGs. The speech of the Turkmen side covered in detail the fulfillment of obligations arising from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and targeted measures taken in this direction at the national level.

In line with the implementation of the domestic diversified energy strategy, emphasis was placed on low-carbon energy. In this regard, the steps taken to implement the “Roadmap for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023”, as well as the initiatives of the head of state regarding energy security, were outlined.

The speech of the Turkmen side also emphasized the significant role of international partnership in the field of transport in achieving the SDGs. Here, one of the key aspects is the provision of sustainable and reliable transport links between Asia and Europe. In this context, the initiatives of Turkmenistan on the implementation of large national and regional projects on the formation of a multimodal transport, transit and logistics infrastructure were outlined.

The need to consolidate the efforts of the world community to reduce the risk of natural disasters was also noted. At the same time, the importance of implementing the decisions adopted at the UN World Conference held in the Japanese city of Sendai, and the provisions of the relevant Framework Program for 2015–2030.

Turkmenistan also takes a responsible approach to cooperation in the field of international trade. In this regard, special importance is attached to interaction in the format of the World Trade Organization. On the sidelines of the Summit, a meeting was held with the Director General of the WTO, during which a wide range of issues of bilateral partnership was discussed. The status of an acceding country (“active observer”) to the WTO, granted to Turkmenistan, allows to intensify activities within this organization and in the future become its full member.

In order to fulfill the instructions of the head of state and further successful integration of our Motherland into the modern system of world economic relations, a number of proposals have been prepared, including the development of a Work Plan for systemic cooperation with the WTO, stepping up steps to sign a basic document for joining this organization as its full member. It is also proposed to create an appropriate special structural unit, to study the issue of appointing a special representative of Turkmenistan to the WTO, to send a delegation of our country to Geneva (Swiss Confederation) next month, where the headquarters of this organization is located, to discuss cooperation issues.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan is consistently strengthening multi-vector cooperation with authoritative international organizations. At the same time, special attention is paid to cooperation with the UN and its specialized agencies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, where our country demonstrates a responsible and comprehensive approach.

Turkmenistan actively interacts with foreign partners in bilateral and multilateral formats, including at the sites of world forums, regularly putting forward specific proposals for building up productive ties that contribute to the implementation of the SDGs in such priority areas as strengthening peace and security, energy, transport and logistics, humanitarian area, ecology.

Great importance is attached to cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, where one of the key vectors is the intensification of partnerships with specialized structures, and, in particular, with the World Trade Organization. Granting Turkmenistan the status of an acceding country (“active observer”) to the WTO gave this interaction a qualitatively new impetus, setting favorable prospects for expanding foreign economic relations of the Motherland, the head of state said.

In this context, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue systematic comprehensive work in this direction, paying special attention to the optimal use of existing opportunities for further development of fruitful cooperation that meets common interests.

The General Director of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiev reported on the work carried out by the Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency, in particular, on the technological renewal of industry enterprises, the modernization of fiber-optic communication systems, and the introduction of advanced technologies.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the state pays every possible attention to the development of a multifunctional and competitive transport and communication complex in the country and, emphasizing the importance of the widespread introduction of modern technologies into the national communication system, taking into account international practice, addressed the head of the Agency with specific instructions.

Summing up the results of the meeting, the head of state noted that today a number of topical issues have been considered, documents aimed at further development of the national economy sectors have been adopted.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for further prosperity of the sovereign Motherland. 

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