Turkmenistan - UNESCO: protection of the cultural heritage
The epic "Gorogly" is the epic heritage of the Turkmen people
Turkmenistan - UNESCO: protection of the cultural heritage
The epic "Gorogly" is the epic heritage of the Turkmen people
Published 31.12.2022

The literary monument-epos and the historical personality of Gyorogly showed interest all over the world and Europe, and it does not fade even today.

Such a great attention of domestic and foreign scientists and writers to this priceless work is due to its influence on the development of national and world culture. The high ideological values contained in the narrative and subsequently sounded in different languages determine its wide popularity.

The influence of the epic "Gorogly" on the development of literature in the countries of the East often became a topic of discussion at various international scientific conferences. Experts note the great educational value of the epic, which captured the fate of the Turkmen people.

The legend of Gyorogly tells not only about the heroic deeds of the brave heroes who fought for the honor and freedom of the Fatherland, it is a kind of moral code. Songs-admonitions, songs-callings, monologues and dialogues of epic tales have educated and educate Turkmens today in the spirit of ardent love for the Motherland. Emphasizing the importance of studying the heroic epic "Gorogly", scientists always express the unanimous opinion that it is an invaluable asset of mankind.

The significance of the epic "Gyorogly", which had a huge impact on the development of the artistic thought of the peoples of the East, goes beyond both the historical framework and national borders.

The legend of Gyorogly, having barely arisen in the Turkmen land, gained great fame and became widespread among the numerous peoples of Central Asia. The viability of the epic for many centuries allows us to speak of the great artistic and aesthetic significance of the work.

It is believed that the earliest manuscript of the Gyorogly epic is kept in the National Library of Paris, which dates back to 1832. The epic "Gorogly" was published several times in the Turkmen language. The first edition was prepared by the famous Turkmen writer and folklorist A. Govshudov. A huge role in its popularization was played by the Turkmen bakhshis, who passed down stories about the legendary hero from generation to generation. Thanks to their work, this wonderful work has survived to this day. These are Palta-bakhshi, Ata Khoja bakhshi, Atanazar Khoja bakhshi, Goch Khoja bakhshi, Magtymguly Garly, Nury Khalykov, Satlyk Ilekov, Gylych Odaev and many others.

"Gorogly" - literally translated "son of the grave" - in the narrative part of the epic appears as a brave warrior and defender of justice. And in the song version, he turns out to be a deeply feeling poet and musician.

A significant role in the widespread dissemination of the legend is played by its dual form: epic and song, which also expresses the multifaceted personality of the hero.

The hereditary musician Palvan-bakhshi, who was born in the Dashoguz velayat, knew by heart the largest number of Gyorogly's songs. Thanks to his phenomenal memory, in 1937 specialists recorded 12 chapters of the epic.

The epic has one feature - the reader, who once took the book in his hands, will read it from the first to the last page, and more than once in the future will refer to this work in order to again enjoy the incredible adventures of this amazing hero.

About two hundred years ago, the image of the brave and, most importantly, fair Turkmen hero Gyorogly was literally fascinated by the French writer George Sand, who undertook to translate the epic into French. The writer especially emphasizes that Gyorogly was a Turkmen, originally from the Teke tribe. “Gorogly was much more than a poet; more than a bard; more than an erudite. He was more than a king; more than a philosopher,” wrote J. Sand.

The epic "Gorogly" is the national treasure of Turkmenistan. The hero is depicted on Turkmen manats, several monuments have been erected in his honor. A number of names of old settlements, fortresses, peak and localities are associated with the name "Gorogly". The epic has an enduring educational value; it is a creation and an integral part of spirituality, a unique cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, which will live for centuries as a connecting thread.

The Turkmen people carried this heroic epic and destans through the centuries, which express the ideal, the dream of happiness, a free life, they are full of deep wisdom, bright love of life, delighting the hearts of people today, as evidenced by the inclusion in 2015 of the epic "Gorogly" in the Representative UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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