The visiting extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The visiting extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 21.12.2022

Today President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the visiting extended meeting of the Cabinet, which considered projects of buildings erected in the new administration centre of Akhal region. The agenda of the meeting included the course of fulfilment of the tasks given earlier on construction of the new administration centre of Akhal region. Reports of some heads were also heard and foremost important tasks on realization of the project were discussed.

Before the start of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan got familiarized himself with the work carried out in the territory of the new administration centre of Akhal region as well as schemes and drawings of social, cultural and production projects built there.

Chairman of the state committee for construction of the new administration centre of Akhal region D.Orazov reported on the course of construction of projects in the territory of the centre and their peculiarities.

The President of the country was familiarized with models of the museum of history and local lore, main park, square of health, history and culture park, peculiarities of architecture of new buildings. Having noted that green zones in the territory of the centre should facilitate improvement of ecology of the populated area, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on necessity of creation of opportunities for cultural entertainment of people, their interesting and useful leisure.

Then, the video of large scale construction activities carried out there, significance of modern technologies, digital system introduced in all spheres of life of the new city, course of implementation of the concept “smart” city was shown.

Further, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov headed towards the venue of the visiting extended meeting of the Cabinet.

Addressing the gathered, the head of Turkmenistan pointed out that at the present meeting reports of relevant heads on fulfilment of the tasks put by Hero Arkadag in the course of the working meeting held in the new administration centre of Akhal region on December 3 will be heard.

Passing to consideration of issues put on the agenda of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the floor to Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova, who informed on the results of work on fulfilment of instructions of the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh on naming the city, its central projects and adoption of relevant legal acts.

As was informed, taking into consideration requests of residents of the region and other regions of the country as well as proposals of pubic organizations, the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On the procedure for solution of issues of administration and territorial structure of Turkmenistan”, adopted the resolution to include the new administration centre of Akhal region in the category of the city with a city status and its naming. In this connection, the head of the Mejlis informed the good news on adoption of the decision to name the new centre “Arkadag city of Akhal region “.

According to the document: the administration centre of Akhal region is transferred to the city of Arkadag ; 2370 hectares of land from the land of Gokdepe district of Akhal region are allotted to the administration territory of the city of Arkadag in accordance with the draft of the appendix to the resolution; village Aba Annayev of Kyarizek gengeshlik of Gokdepe district is excluded from the list of administration and territorial units in connection with its inclusion in the territory of the city of Arkadag; kyarizek gengeshlik of Gokdepe district is abolished; Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection jointly with the khyakimlik of Akhal region are commissioned to carry out determination of administration borders of the city of Arkadag of Akhal region in an established order.

Further, the information on results of work carried out taking into account requests of people and in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On procedure for naming state enterprises, organizations, institutions, geographical and other objects and their renaming” was delivered.

As was informed, on the basis of the resolution of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, it is decreed to name: children’s health and rehabilitation centre – the health and rehabilitation centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov; monument to art in the central park – Monument to Arkadag; international higher educational institution of horse breeding – International horse breeding academy named after Aba Annayev; primary-school teachers' training college – Akhal regional primary-school teachers' training college named after Berdimuhammet Annayev; secondary medical institution – Akhal regional secondary medical school named after Sachly Dursunova; Akhal equestrian circus – State equestrian circus named after Gorogly of Akhal region; regional library – Akhal region library named after Dovletmammet Azady; Drama theatre – State dram theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov of Akhal region; specialized art school – Akhal regional specialized art school of Akhal region named after Sahy Jepbarov; children’s art school – Akhal regional children’s art school named after Shukur bagshy.

Then deputy-minister of foreign affairs V.Hajiyev reported on fulfilment of tasks set by Hero Arkadag in the course of the working meeting held on December 3 of the current year as well as practical steps taken with a view of strengthening of cooperation with international institutions.

Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber D.Tashliyev reported on fulfilment of the instruction connected with acceptance of projects and buildings of the city of Arkadag of Akhal region, construction of which have been completed.

For conduction of the given work at proper level as well as according to the established procedure and requirements made, it is proposed to set up the relevant commission, before which definite tasks will be put.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with a view of monitoring and acceptance of projects and buildings, construction of which have been completed in the new administration centre of Akhal region, signed the Decree on creation of the inter-sectoral commission and approved its staff.

Further, Chairman of the Central Bank T.Malikov reported on use of state funds allotted for construction of projects in the city of Arkadag.

As was informed, work in the given area is carried out in accordance with the relevant Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan. Necessary payments are made timely and in an established order.

Minster of education G.Atayeva reported on introduction of digital system in educational institutions built in the city of Arkadag as well as involvement of the academic and teaching staff and student youth in this work.

At present, construction of 4 comprehensive secondary schools for 720 schoolchildren, 10 nursery schools, and international horse breeding academy, Akhal regional teachers’ training and medical schools as well as seven-storey residential building of 28 flats is at their final stage.

Within the framework of work carried out there, IT solutions were developed, including the system of electronic school, electronic library, which possesses all books included in the education programs and others. Proposals on introduction of the digital system “Zehin”, which enables to hold Olympiads and examinations online, were prepared. Measures are also taken to provide all educational institution with highly qualified personal.

Then, president of the Academy of Sciences A.Ashyrov reported on fulfilment of the instructions on organization of the research work in the city of Arkadag.

The outcome of the conference “Possibilities of “smart technologies” introduced in the new administration centre of Akhal region” was a separate topic of the report and within the framework of the conference architectural peculiarities and potential infrastructure of the “smart” city were discussed and scientific ideas of technologies of the “smart” city were submitted.

The information on research work carried out in the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University on such areas as “smart system for distance check of patients”, automated system of management of recreation centres, “smart” traffic lights, “smart” hothouse, and “mobile robot for service in various places” was delivered. The projects connected with introduction of “smart” systems developed in transport sphere was also informed.

The plan of events for 2023 for realization of research projects connected with the “smart’ house and “smart” city was developed. Along with that, development of the service portal and system of geo-data is carried out, seismic measurements and collection of data of micro seismic control and other relevant work are carried out.

Minister of agriculture and environmental protection A.Altyev reported on the work carried out in accordance with instructions given earlier by the head of the state to plant trees in the city of Arkadag.

So, on October 28 near the modern city, which is erected according to the requirements of ecological safety, the seminar on organic gourds and its contribution to ecology, was held and it became a large-scale event held in the open air. The forum included over 50 specialists of agriculture as well as the adviser to the World Records Organization.

As was reported, in accordance with the plan of construction for the first stage of the city of Arkadag, it is planned to plan saplings in the area of about 2888 hectares. At present, profile specialists of the ministry give necessary recommendations and coordinate the work carried out there in accordance with requirements of agro-technology.

Further, chairman of «Türkmen­aragatnaşyk» agency Kh.Khudayguliyev reported on measures carried out jointly with the state committee for construction for the new administration centre of Akhal region on introduction of advanced technologies, in particular, “smart” house in projects realized there.

With a view of ensuring regular work of digital system, outdoor communications network with a total length of 106, 5 kilometers of optic fibre line of communication was laid. Local networks with a total length of 259 kilometers will be also laid, the technology with introduction of which every house and institution will be provided with optic fibre network, was installed and it enables to make use of high speed internet, IP TV and telephone system.

Besides it, for high quality cellular service there was installed the complex of 4G-network enabling to use 3G and high-speed internet.

Modern innovation technologies enabling to make use of distant service of “smart” city and “smart” house in projects erected there are also introduced.

Besides it, there will be installed the smart system of video surveillance round the clock around residential houses, institutions, in street and roads and metering systems of water and natural gas and others; modern traffic lights with a view of regulation of road traffic.

In the central park there will be created the Wi-Fi zone, in institutions and enterprises the system of electronic document circulation will be introduced. The site of government services e.gov.tm opens the portal of the regional centre that enables residents to use online services.

Further, deputy-chairman of “Türkmen­awtoulaglary” agency G.Charyev reported on realization of instructions on use of ecologically clean electric cars in the city of Arkadag of Akhal region and their delivery to our country.

It was noted that commercial proposals of world companies manufacturing electric buses, electric cars and related equipment, their technical peculiarities were explored and their necessary quantity was determined. At present, the work on their purchase and delivery to our country is carried out.

In addition to it, it is planned to construct here a modern motor complex with all conveniences and electric charging stations.

The information on online orders and payments for passengers with the help of teller terminals installed in the public transport was also delivered. Waybills and movement of transport means will be also automated by the digital system.

Besides, it is planned to use the opportunity of the unit installed in electric buses for creation of the special mobile software, which includes all information on itineraries.

Minister of finance and economy M.Serdarov reported on fulfilment of the instruction related to preparation for the opening of projects of the first stage of construction of the city of Arkadag. In particular, the information on the work carried out jointly with the Central Bank, ministries and sectoral departments was delivered.

Further minister of culture A.Shamyradov reported on preparation for upcoming cultural events on the occasion of the opening of projects in the city of Arkadag.

Commissioning of the new administration centre into operation will be a historical event in the life of the country and for organization of the solemnity at high level the working group was set up and it included famous producers, composers, artists and creative workers.

Drafts of the concepts of opening ceremony of the centre and procedure for conduction of events became a separate topic of the report.

Addressing participants of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov informed on the decision adopted to award for his weighty contribution in development of song and music art of the country, taking into account their great service to the state and people, actor of the ethnographic and dance group “Akhal öwüşginleri” of the department of culture of Akhal region Kuwwat Charygulyev and resident of Gokdepe district of Akhal region Dovletgeldi Amanlykov the honorary title “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan artisti”. The head of the state signed the relevant Decree.

Further, chairman of the state committee for construction of the new modern administration centre of Akhal region D.Orazov reported on measures taken to ensure the dynamic pace of work for completion of the first stage of construction work. Special attention is attached to the quality of projects of various designation erected there and observance of their terms of commissioning into operation as well as application of innovation technologies.

Khyakim of the new modern administration centre of Akhal region Sh.Durdylyev reported that in accordance with the Resolution for the President of Turkmenistan of March 4, 2019 in the territory of village Gorjav of Gokdepe district a new modern world standard administration centre of the region with a total area of 1002 hectares is erected.

Construction is held in two stages. The first sage includes 336 projects including the administration buildings of the khyakimlik and pubic organizations, flagpole, monument “Akhal”, Akhal equestrian circus, research and production centre of horse breeding, Rukhyet palace, library, «Bagt köşgi», drama theatre, museum, buildings of regional enterprises and law enforcement bodies, branch offices of banks and other important projects.

Construction of the children’s health and rehabilitation centre, health houses, oncology centre, centre for maternity and child, multifunctional hospital, emergency service centre, international horse breeding institution, 4 comprehensive schools, 4-secondary professional schools , 10 nursery schools , multifunctional sports complex, sports centre and a stadium is carried out.

With a view of improvement of living conditions of population within the framework of the first stage of construction, 258 two, five, seven and nine-storey residential houses are built. Besides it, 19 shops, 3 consumer services centres, a hotel, shopping and entertaining centre and recreation zone are also constructed.

Within the framework of two stages of construction, it is planned to build a number of engineering and technical systems and erections, road and transport infrastructure as well as installation of the statute of famous horse Akhan that was included in the Guinness World Records Book, near which work on accomplishment and construction of fountains is carried out.

In this work, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, ministries and sectoral departments of the county take an active part.

Having summed up the outcome of the meeting, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on the foremost important tasks connected with the city of Arkadag of Akhal region.

Relevant heads were instructed to take necessary measures for realization of work within the framework of the second stage of construction of Arkadag city of Akhal region at scheduled terms and of high quality. Special emphasis was made on importance of creation of all conditions for fruitful work of workers.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov was instructed to keep timely payment for carried out work under a strict control.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev was instructed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to create the department of trade of Arkadag city for organization of trade service for population at high level.

Addressing Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet N.Amannepesov, the head of the state instructed him to open the departments of health and education in the new city as well as provide schools and nursery schools with highly qualified teachers and educators and introduce the digital system in all educational institutions.

In connection with the fact that Arkadag city of Akhal region should be the “smart’ city, director general of the Transport and Communications Agency of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev and Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet N.Amannepesov were instructed to open the centre for training of specialists in digital technologies.

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova was given the instruction by the head of Turkmenistan to develop the plan of solemn opening of Arkadag city, the list of streets, squares, and buildings, sketches of their design, as well as to organize the festive concert on the central square of the new centre.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet A.Yazmyradov was instructed to carry out necessary work of planting saplings in the new city and its adjoining territories.

Secretary of the State Security Council, minister of defence B.Gundogdyev was instructed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to prepare properly for the solemn military parade on the occasion of the opening of Arkadag city of Akhal region.

Having made an emphasis on issues of opening ceremony of Arkadag city, the head of the state drew the attention to organization of mass cultural events in the national spirit and noted that from now one should prepare for this significant event of historical importance and gave concrete instructions to a number of heads of institutions to this end.

The meeting also considered a number of other important issues of state life and adopted relevant decisions on them.

Having concluded the visiting extended meeting of the Cabinet, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family wellbeing and great successes in their responsible work for further prosperity of our fatherland and left the venue.

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