An enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
An enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 10.10.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov convened an enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers to sum up the results of the activities of the branches of the national economic complex for the first nine months of 2022, and discuss the progress of the implementation of the Presidential and other programs of socio-economic development of the country.

The session heard reports of deputy prime ministers, certain ministers, velayats and Ashgabat city khyakims.

Turning to the consideration of issues on the agenda, the head of state gave the floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H. Geldimyradov, who reported on macroeconomic indicators for January-September of this year.

Since the beginning of the year, practical steps, aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of all segments of the economy and regions, have been taken. A striking example of this is, first of all, the dynamic growth rate of GDP.

In general, the volume of manufactured products increased by 10.9 percent compared to the same period in 2021.

During the period under review, the indicator of retail trade turnover in comparison with the corresponding period last year increased by 10.5 percent, and foreign trade turnover – by 40.7 percent.

There was also information about the execution of the State budget, 80.3 percent of which is allocated to finance the social sphere.

Wages for large and medium-sized enterprises in the country increased by 10.4 percent compared to the same period in 2021. Salaries, pensions, state benefits and student scholarships have been fully funded.

The volume of capital investments mastered at the expense of all sources of financing, in comparison with the same period of the past year, is 12.6 percent higher.

It was also reported on the progress of the implementation of the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan on socio-economic development of the country for 2022-2028”, within the framework of which construction and installation works were carried out at 89 objects out of 370 during the period under review.

The Deputy Prime Minister reported on the results of the joint activities carried out with ministries and sectoral departments, the khyakimliks of the velayats and Ashgabat city on the preparation of State budget projects for the next year, 2023, the main directions of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan, the Investment Program. Detailed information was provided on key expenditure and revenue items of the main financial plan for the coming year.

Then the Minister of Finance and Economy M.Serdarov reported on the results of the work of the subordinate structure on the execution of the State and local budgets for nine months of this year.

As of October 1, 2022, the revenue part of the main financial plan was fulfilled at the level of 112.9 percent, and the expenditure part – 97.5 percent.

The revenue part of the local budget was executed at the level of 109.3 percent, and the expenditure part – 98.8 percent.

During January-September of this year, in total 73 meetings of balance commissions were held, including 52 regional ones.

During the designated period, the volume of capital investments at the expense of all sources of financing allocated for the development of the national economy, in relation to GDP, amounted to 16 percent. The investment program has been implemented at the level of 56 percent. 42.7 percent of capital investments were directed to the construction of industrial complexes, and 57.3 percent were directed to the construction of social facilities.

As of October 1, 2022, the construction of 4 hospitals, 5 kindergartens, 6 educational institutions, 179.2 kilometers of engineering networks and facilities, 415.8 thousand square meters of housing, 594.6 kilometers of communication systems has been completed as part of the implementation of the National Rural Program. Currently, work is continuing on various social, industrial and infrastructural facilities.

Chairman of the State Statistics Committee D.Amanmuhammedov reported on the economic indicators of ministries and industry departments for three quarters of 2022, according to which there is a stable development of industries.

In January-September, steady growth was noted in the extraction of natural gas, oil, the production of lubricating oils, kerosene, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, petroleum coke, cement, mineral fertilizers, sausage and confectionery products, bread and many other types of products.

Positive indicators are provided in the transport and communication sector, which is confirmed by the volume of cargo and passenger transportation by all modes of transport. The volume of communication services increased by 7.5 percent.

In the agro-industrial complex, compared with the same period in 2021, the production of vegetable products, berries, fruits, meat, milk, and eggs has increased.

The head of the State Committee reported on the ongoing preparations for the upcoming complete census of population and housing stock in December of this year, which will be held under the motto: “2022 Population Census: Cohesion, Happiness, Bright Future”.

Chairman of the Central Bank T.Myalikov reported on the comprehensive measures implemented in three quarters directed at modernizing the country’s banking system, ensuring price stability, meeting the demand of branches of the national economic complex for credit funds and improving the quality of banking services.

As of October 1, 2022, the balance of loans issued for various segments of the economy in comparison with the same period in 2021 is 9.2 percent higher, including in national currency – 16.7 percent. At the same time, the indicators for loans for the private sector increased by 34.3 percent, for the development of small and medium-sized businesses – by 3.1 percent, for private agricultural producers – in 1.9 times, for the purchase of real estate by citizens – by 7.5 percent.

The total profit of credit institutions for the specified period compared to the same period of the past year is 8.4 percent higher.

Summarizing the reports, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention of the Deputy Prime Minister to the importance of continuing the large-scale transformations envisaged to improve the investment situation, modernize the financial system, accelerate the formation of a market economy in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Abdrakhmanov reported on the results of the activities of the supervised industry over the past nine months in the context of the implementation of the Program for the development of the country’s oil and gas industry for the period up to 2030.

It was informed upon the technical and economic indicators achieved in oil and gas condensate production. In particular, the oil production plan of the Türkmennebit State Concern was executed at the level of 100.7 percent.

During the period under review, the oil refining plan was fulfilled by 110.9 percent, gasoline production – by 115.7 percent, diesel fuel – by 111.6 percent, polypropylene – by 122.3 percent, lubricating oils – by 101.1 percent, liquefied gas – by 113.9 percent, natural and associated gas production – by 115.3 percent, export of “blue fuel” – at the level of 125.9 percent.

Summarizing the report, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to effectively use the production capacity of oil and gas enterprises.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Purchekov reported on the results of the activities of the accountable complex, the Türkmenhimiýa State Concern, the State Agency for the Management of the Construction of Highways and the khyakimlik of Ashgabat city for nine months of this year.

Thus, in January-September, the plan for the production and implementation of works in the construction and industrial sector was fulfilled by 147.2 percent.

During the reporting period, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled the plan by 114.6 percent.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, the plan for the production of products and the implementation of works has been fulfilled by 163.8 percent.

According to the results of the first nine months of this year, the Ministry of Energy fulfilled the plan for the manufacture of products, works carried out and services rendered by 129.4 percent. The growth of electricity production amounted to 109.9 percent, its exports – 129.9 percent.

Since the beginning of the year, the Türkmenhimiýa State Concern has fulfilled the plan for the manufacture of products and rendering the services by 166 percent.

The State Agency for the Management of the Construction of Highways fulfilled the plan for the work done and services rendered by 100.4 percent.

According to the khyakimlik of Ashgabat city, the plan for the work carried out and the services provided for the first nine months of this year was fulfilled by 115.8 percent.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to fully analyze the development program of the supervised ministries and sectoral departments, to prepare an investment program for 2023. It is important to intensify preparatory work on the construction of Ashgabat-City, residential buildings and settlements, the head of Turkmenistan continued, ordering to ensure high-quality commissioning of the first stage of the modern administrative center of Akhal velayat.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdaev reported on the results of the work of the trade and textile industry, and business sector during nine months.

According to the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the growth of trade turnover for the reporting period compared to the same period of the last year amounted to 105.7 percent, and production increased by 107.7 percent.

Increase in output released by enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, including cotton yarn and fabrics, is equal to 127.8 and 131 percent, respectively, sewing and knitting goods – 112.8 percent, leather goods – 109.2 percent.

The production plan for the Türkmenhaly State Association was fulfilled by 117.5 percent.

The State Commodity Exchange held 224 trading sessions in January-September, and registered 27 thousand 565 contracts.

The growth rate of the works carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the reporting period amounted to 113.8 percent, 13 exhibitions and 41 conferences were organized.

According to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the growth rate of agricultural and food production in nine months amounted to 169.5 percent, industrial – 109.2 percent.

Among the priorities are increasing exports of finished products, ensuring the wide distribution of textile products with the Turkmen label in the foreign markets.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N.Amannepesov reported on the results of the work carried out by subordinate structures in January-September of this year.

Students and pupils, having successfully performed at International Subject and Internet Olympiads, were awarded medals. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, and 14,964 students were admitted to higher educational institutions of the country, and 10,490 students to secondary vocational educational institutions.

On the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, 7 schools and 5 preschool institutions were put into operation. On behalf of the Hero-Arkadag and the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov 159, 772 computers were presented to the 1st grade pupils as a gift.

During the designated period, scientific topics were coordinated in priority areas of science and technology, conclusions on manuscripts and developments were given. At the same time, admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies has been made, applicants for an academic degree have been registered.

During the period under review, the Decree of the President of the country approved the “State Program for the integrated development of seismological science in Turkmenistan for 2022-2028”. The second meeting of the Organizing Committee for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fraga was held.

Planned work in various areas of medicine was carried out in medical institutions for nine months of the current year. The construction of an enterprise for the processing of licorice root and the production of glycyrrhizic acid was carried out at a dynamic pace. During the designated period, it was approved the National Program for the transformation of Turkmenistan into a tobacco-free country for 2022-2025.

At the expense of the funds of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship, more than 70 sick children, being brought up and studying in boarding schools, orphanages have been operated on and are provided with medical supplies. Since the beginning of the year, 163 specialists have been trained in 14 leading foreign clinics.

Also, during the designated period, measures were taken to develop sports, train athletes, and implement youth policy. The program of preparation of the national team for the 33rd Summer Olympic and 17th Summer Paralympic Games has been approved, and the corresponding Organizing Committee has been created. Awarding ceremonies were held for athletes of the national teams of Turkmenistan, who were awarded prizes at international competitions. In just nine months, 286 medals were won.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the results of the work of her supervised sphere for nine months of this year.

During the designated period, various events were organized on the occasion of the proclamation of the motto of the year “The Epoch of the People with Arkadag”, as well as holidays and openings of objects of social and cultural purpose, including conferences, media forums, creative meetings, exhibitions, contests, and propaganda and educational campaigns continued.

Together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, work has been carried out to include multilateral and national nominations of our country in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In order to hold high-level celebrations on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the Independence of the Motherland, an Organizational Commission was established and five of its meetings were held.

A number of events with the participation of cultural figures and masters of arts were dedicated to the Independence Day of Turkmenistan.

On the eve of the holiday, the final rounds were held and the results of the creative contests “Ýaňlan, Diýarym!” and “Çalsana, bagşy!” were summed up, cultural workers were honored, as well as the winners of the “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” contest, established by the President of Turkmenistan.

The successes achieved in the country, information about the socio-cultural facilities being put into operation were widely covered in the press, on TV and radio channels, and Internet sites.

Relevant work has been done to fulfill the tasks arising from State Programs and Concepts.

The volume of products manufactured by the Turkmen State Publishing Service for the first nine months of 2022 amounted to 86,855 thousand manats.

The State News Agency regularly provided official news to the mass media, as well as electronic publications.

In the Türkmenfilm Association named after Oguzkhan, work was carried out in accordance with the plan.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need to prepare new interesting programs and exciting TV and radio broadcastings for viewers, increase the number of productions that meet the requirements of the time in modern cultural centers and theaters erected in various parts of the country.

Among the main tasks, it is defined the organization of propaganda and educational events for the purpose of protection, as well as a comprehensive study of historical monuments and values in accordance with the “State Program for 2022-2028 for the careful preservation of objects of national historical and cultural heritage, their protection, study and attraction of tourists to them”.

Then, the Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers, M.Chakyev reported on the activities of subordinate institutions within nine months of the year.

During the reporting period for this complex, the growth rate of fulfilled works and the rendered services amounted to 112.8 percent.

The plan in the field of cargo transportation by road, rail, air, sea and river transport was fulfilled at the level of 110.1 percent, and in terms of cargo turnover – by 106.6 percent.

According to the Türkmendemirýollary Agency the growth rate of services rendered in January-September reached 106.7 percent, the Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency – 131.1 percent, the Türkmenhowaýollary Agency – 147.5 percent, the Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency – 107.2 percent, and the Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency – 107.5 percent.

In the continuation, information was provided on the measures taken in accordance with the “Concept for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019-2025” on the unified portal of public services – e.gov.tm , where more than 360 types of digital services are mounted, and more than 14 thousand personal accounts have been created in the Single Window portal.

It was also reported that passenger bus stations were opened in velayat centers. Work continues on the construction of electronically equipped auto-training sites, an airport in Jebel, an office building of a transport and communication complex in the modern administrative center of Akhal velayat, residential buildings for employees of this sphere in Turkmenbashi city of Balkan velayat, as well as a railway bridge at the crossing of the Serkhetabat-Turgundi steel highway.

Joint working groups of the Turkmen-Azerbaijani, Turkmen-Uzbek and Turkmen-Kazakh commissions on transport and transit issues and logistics have been established.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov assigned to intensify the process of implementing the digital system. Among the promising vectors are the implementation of proper work to increase passenger and cargo transportation in the country, the implementation of high-quality and safe services in this sector, as well as the preparation of proposals to increase the capacity of the railway system.

The head of state emphasized the importance of taking practical steps to use the full potential of the Türkmen Älem 52°E artificial satellite, bringing the Turkmenbashi International Seaport and the Balkan Shipbuilding and Repair Plant.

Then the floor was given to the khyakim of Ashgabat R.Gandymov, who reported on the results of the activities of the relevant structures over the past nine months of the year, and the consistent implementation of the urban development program.

Joint working groups of Turkmen-Azerbaijan, Turkmen-Uzbek and Turkmen-Kazakh commissions for transport, transit and logistics issues were set up.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to intensify the process of introduction of the digital system. Organization of proper work for increase in passenger and cargo transportation in the country and supply of high quality and safe services in this sector as well as preparation of proposals for increase in the capacity of the railway system were mentioned among priority areas.

The head of the state made an emphasis on importance of adoption of practical measures for use of full capacity of artificial satellite “Türkmen Älem 52°E” and the bringing up to the estimated capacity of the international seaport Turkmenbashi and ship building and repairing plant “Balkan”.

Then, the floor was given to khyakim of Ashgabat city R.Gandymov, who reported on results of related structures for past nine months of the year and regular realization of the city planning program.

For the period under accounting, self-financing enterprises and institutions of the city khyakimlik fulfilled the plan for work by 115,8 percent and for investment by 101, 9 percent.

During the current year in Buzmeyin district of the capital fifteen 4-storey residential houses of 32 flats, the centre for repair and service of energy equipment were commissioned into operation, a comprehensive secondary school for 720 schoolchildren was commissioned in Bagtyyarlyk district. The construction of the park “Tashkent” and a complex of mudflow diverting facilities were completed.

The activity of profile services of communal enterprises, which carry out proper care of green areas, park zones and proper repair work, was also reported. Complex measures are taken for further accomplishment of the capital, its residential areas, modernization of road transport infrastructure.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to ensure successful fulfilment of the socio-economic development program of Ashgabat and realization of investment projects, completion of construction activities at sites, which are planned to be commissioned into operation this year, at scheduled terms and of high quality. The khyakim was also instructed to ensure a strict control over issues of accomplishment of the capital and well-coordinated movement of public transport.

Khyakim of Akhal region Ya. Gurbanov reported on the results of work fulfilled in January-September as well as on the course of wheat sowing and cotton harvesting campaigns.

He also reported on fulfilment of the plan for realization of investment within the framework of implementation of the "National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns and district centres till 2028".

At present, seasonal agricultural activities are carried out to gather a rich harvest. In accordance with agro-technical standards, the sowing of wheat is carried out and special agricultural machinery is used efficiently.

Besides it, swift actions are taken to supply producers with high quality seeds and vegetation water for fields sown with wheat. Along with it, the region carries out the sowing of winter onion and harvest of vegetable crops.

As the khyakim informed, within the framework of the year “Epoch of people with Arkadag” cultural pubic events are organized to mark achievements of the country in the region.

The khyakim of Balkan region T.Atahallyev also reported on the results of nine months of 2022, including fulfilment of the plan for investments in the western region of the country within the framework of the "National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns and district centres till 2028".

The proper work is carried out to commission timely social, cultural, and industrial projects planned to be opened in the current year.

The information on fulfilment of tasks for ensuring food safety and realization of reforms in the agro-industrial sector, in particular, on measures taken for harvest of cotton within a shortest time, a complex care of wheat fields, was also provided. In addition to it, with a view of gathering a rich harvest, the care of winter potato and vegetables and gourds is also provided properly. In accordance with agro-technical standards, vegetation irrigation, application of mineral fertilizers and inter-row cultivation of sugar beet fields are carried out.

The work on popularization and explanation of the meaning of the foreign and home policy of the President of Turkmenistan, large-scale transformation programs as well as tasks proceeding from the speech of the head of the state at the Dovlet Maslakhaty is carried out.

Khyakim of Dashoguz region N.Nazarmyradov reported on the results of work and course of seasonal agricultural campaigns carried out in the region for nine months of the current year.

The head of the administration of the region also reported on practical measures taken with a view of successful realization of the "National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns and district centres till 2028". As was informed, the annual plan for capital investment in accordance with the national rural redevelopment program was fulfilled by 329 percent.

For the period under review by the region, 7 social projects were constructed and commissioned into operation.

The khyakim also reported on the state of affairs in agricultural fields of the region and activities carried out to ensure the proper care of winter wheat in accordance with agro-technical standards. The information on complex measures for intensification of paces of cotton harvesting and ensuring of regular work of reception points was also provided.

Practical measures for use of agricultural machinery in full capacity for completion of the winter wheat sowing at scheduled terms and at due level and supply of commodity producers with high quality seeds were also reported.

Khyakim of Lebap region Sh.Amangeldiev reported on the work carried out for 9 months and the course of cotton harvesting and winter wheat sowing campaigns.

The measures realized for further improvement of social and living standards of population of the region, the state of affairs at sites planned to be commissioned into operation this year were also informed.

The work stipulated in the "National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns and district centres till 2028" became a separate topic of the report.

Seasonal campaigns, in particular, the course of winter wheat sowing and cotton harvesting campaign as well as measures taken to grow other agricultural crops, including the care after rice fields in accordance with agro-technical standards developed in the agricultural fields of the region were also reported.

Further, khyakim of Mary region D.Annaberdiev reported on the results of work carried out for January-September period of the current year.

The khyakim reported on realization of investments within the framework of the "National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns and district centres till 2028". He also informed on the pace of construction of projects planned to be commissioned this year.

The ongoing wheat sowing campaign carried out in accordance with agro-technical standards at present was also reported. Along with it, the ploughing, levelling, and planning of land areas allotted for the harvest of the next year as well as vegetation irrigation are also carried out. Measures are taken for harvest of cotton without loss and its delivery to reception points regularly.

With a view of satisfaction for the demand of Turkmen nationals for food produces, the care after autumn potato and other vegetable and gourds crops and the harvest of these crops and their realization for population are ensured.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet A.Yazmyradov reported on the results of activity of the subordinate sector for nine months of the current year and transformations carried out in the agricultural sector as well as on the course of seasonal work in the fields in the regions of the country.

It was informed that as a whole by the agro-industrial complex, the growth rate of production, fulfilment of work and services as compared with the same period of the past year, made up 104,8 percent.

By the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the given index reached 105 percent, by the State Water Economy Committee – 103, 4 percent, State Corporation «Türkmen atlary» – 103, 1 percent. The investment plan was fulfilled by 174, 3 percent.

The information on food products in the country was also provided. In particular, fulfilment of the plan for vegetable production made up 118,9 percent, gourds – 112,3 percent, potato – 139,9 percent, fruits and berries – 115,5 percent, as well as bread and bread products – 105,3 percent, macaroni foods – 105,5 percent.

The sowing of wheat continues in regions of the country, the cotton harvest campaigns are carried out to complete it within a shortest time and without loss. Besides it, practical steps are taken to gather a rich harvest of agricultural crops with efficient use of land and water resources.

Addressing the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet and khyakims of regions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the current year in the fields of the country a good harvest of cotton has been grown. It is necessary to take all measures for its gathering to the last ball, the head of the state underlined.

One should take timely measures to involve the full capacity of the agro-industrial complex and sectors of the food industry as well as increase in efficiency of their potentials.

Having outlined creation of modern production facilities, which manufacture ecologically clean, high quality agricultural produces among priority areas of the upcoming work, the President of Turkmenistan instructed him to develop animal husbandry, increase in the total head of cattle and poultry, and develop selection work based on scientifically approved methods.

Speaking of increase in the paces of wheat sowing and adoption of measures for gathering a rich yield, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, minister of foreign affairs R.Meredov reported on the results of activity of MFA for the January-September period of the current year.

In the period under review with a view of implementation of the Conception of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022–2028 the relevant work was carried out.

In intensification of international cooperation a special significance is given for high level visits and talks. In the given context, it was marked that in April a state visit of the President of the Republic of India was made to our country.

In the marked period, the head of Turkmenistan made official visits to the Russian Federation and Islamic Republic of Iran and the state visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan. Besides it, working visits of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov were made to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and Republic of Uzbekistan for participation relatively in the consultative meeting of heads of states of Central Asia and as an honoured guest in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit.

Under the chairmanship of the President of Turkmenistan, on June 29 Ashgabat hosted the Sixth Caspian Summit. Delegations led by presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation arrived in our country for participation in it. Within the framework of the summit there were also held a number of bilateral high-level meetings.

In July, the prime minster of Georgia made an official visit to Turkmenistan.

At present, the work on preparation for important international events goes on.

The progressive dynamics is typical of cooperation of Turkmenistan with important international organizations, first of all, with the UN. As known, on June 7 of the current year our country was unanimously elected vice president of the 77th session for the UN General Assembly.

On August 15–16, in Avaza national tourist zone the international conference of minsters of transport of developing land-locked countries ­was held.

In the accounting period, the President of Turkmenistan held telephone conversations with heads of a number of countries.

The first inter-parliamentary forum of states of Central Asia and the Russian Federation held in Ashgabat on May 12 became an important event as well.

In the reporting period, 126 foreign delegations came to Turkmenistan. At the same time, 199 delegations were sent to foreign countries. 1 thousand 187 online meetings of different levels were held. 97 international documents were signed during the year.

Bilateral consultations by foreign departments are held on a regular basis. Successive measures are also taken for development of foreign economic relations. In the given context, it was pointed out that on February 23, 2022 in the regular meeting of the General Council of the World Trade Organization held in Geneva Turkmenistan was given a status of a joining country to the WTO (an active observer).

Besides it, on March 15 of the current year Turkmenistan was elected a member of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law for 2022–2028.

In the designated period, a systematic work was carried out within the framework of joint intergovernmental commissions and other profile structures. In January-September a number of bilateral meetings and talks were organized in the given area.

Having summed up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed adherence of the course of independent neutral Turkmenistan to development of friendly, constructive relations with all interested foreign partners, both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Realizing the peace-loving, creative foreign policy strategy, our fatherland steadily strengthens fruitful cooperation with neighbouring countries and equally with states located in other regions of the world. The results of our high level foreign visits and visits to our country made this year by heads of foreign countries also testify to this fact, the head of Turkmenistan marked.

Further President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined necessity to ensure a proper level of preparation for upcoming visits and events of international significance to take place this year and in 2023 as well as for Neutrality Day of Turkmenistan and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet concrete instructions to this end.

Deputy Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh K.Babaev informed on the work carried out from the beginning of the year on improvement of national legislation taking into account tasks of the new historical period.

For the accounting period, three meetings of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the first convocation were held and they approved a number of bills concerning development of different sectors. The work in this area continues.

Under the leadership of Arkadag the work in fulfilment of rights and interest of citizens of our country was carried out. In this connection, the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh made working trips to regions and got interested in living and working conditions of people and gave advice and recommendation on development of regions, improvement of quality and efficiency of work and services in places, outlined new tasks for improvement of legislation.

Hero Arkadag regularly met the youth and learned their views and proposals on the Law «On the state youth policy», set forward new initiatives in the national parliament. The approved new version of the legal act is a visual example of the care of the state of the younger generation and enhances its confidence in tomorrow.

In accordance with the peace-making strategy of Turkmenistan a great significance is attached to development of efficient tools and methods of parliamentary diplomacy, strengthening of fruitful cooperation with relevant structures of friendly countries.

The Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh made a working visit to Japan from September 25 to October 1 of the current year and within its framework held meetings with Chairman of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the parliamentary league of Turkmen -Japanese friendship.

Arkadag made new initiatives on development of interparliamentary relations and proposed intensification of the work of the parliamentary group of friendship and outlined main areas of interaction, including creation and efficient use of the youth parliamentary relations as well as increase of the role of women in parliamentary contacts and facilitation of sustainable development.

Hero Arkadag also made initiatives on establishment of interparliamentary relations within the framework of the dialogue of the Turkmen- Japanese friendship group in the format “Central Asia + Japan” and holding of joint events on this sphere on a regular basis. The support of the proposals by the Japanese side become another evidence of adherence of friendly countries to development of mutually beneficial cooperation.

In May of the current year, Ashgabat hosted the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation and the Dialogue of Women of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation, which also facilitated creation of a new and efficient mechanism of interparliamentary interaction in the given format.

Members of the Khalk Maslakhaty participated in regional and international parliamentary meetings, which were held overseas with a view of exchange of experience in legislation.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova informed on the rulemaking activity for nine months of the current year.

The Mejlis carried out a relevant work aimed at strengthening of legal basis of social and economic reforms and enhancement of living standards of Turkmen nationals. For the given period, three meetings of the Mejlis were held and 38 laws of Turkmenistan and 21 resolutions of the Mejlis were adopted in them.

The new version of the law of Türkmenistan “On the state youth policy” developed on the initiative of Hero Arkadag and called to create optimal legal conditions for the full involvement of the youth in the political, economic and cultural life of the country as well as facilitate education of the growing generation in the spirit of national moral ideals, patriotism and diligence, was signed.

Guided by tasks outlined in the Dovlet Maslakhaty, preparation of bills aimed at modernization of the national legislation basis in the light of priorities of the state policy and legal reforms realized on the initiative of the head of the state continues.

With a view of development of interparliamentary links, study of international experience in legislation, the Mejlis held 24 meetings. Deputies participated in over hundred seminars, organized by related ministries, jointly with international organizations on issues of improvement of legislation and 54 of them were held online. Representatives of the Mejlis made workings trips to foreign countries.

Ashgabat hosted the Inter-Parliamentary Forum and Dialogue of Women of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation. On the margins of the dialogue, 9 international events were held.

Jointly with members of the Khalk Maslakhaty, political parties and public organizations deputies of the Mejlis hold public political and educational events explaining to the population a historical significance of decisions made at the Dovlet Maslakhaty held on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan.

Having heard the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined importance of the proper work aimed at further development of our sovereign country and compliance of legislation of the country with realities of the time. This work is called to become the next step on the path of improvement of the political system of the fatherland and strengthening of its economy.

Further, addressing participants of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the head of Turkmenistan stated that results of fulfilled work visually demonstrate successful development of our independent fatherland in spite of difficulty in the world economy.

As was marked, GDP grew by 6,2 percent, foreign trade turnover as compared with the same period of the past year increased by 40 percent. At the expense of all sources of financing, over 20 billion manats of capital investment were made and as compared with the same period of 2021, it is 13 percent higher.

Having made an emphasis on promising tasks, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that it is necessary to work honestly for completion of the current year with positive indices, to take measures for achievement of good results in all sectors, and ensure the regular growth of GDP. It was also instructed to hold a meeting on issues of the state budget for the upcoming year and consider all its articles.

Further, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out that today Day of workers of health and medical industry is widely marked. The activity of medical workers, especially at present, serves the deeper respect, the head of the state said and sincerely congratulated all workers of the health and medical industry with their professional holiday and wished them sound health, long life and successes in their responsible and noble work to protect the public health.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also signed the Decree on awarding distinguished workers of healthcare state awards.

On the eve of this holiday, Hero Arkadag completed his work on the 14th volume of the fundamental work «Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan», the head of the state underlined noting that the book will be presented to members of the Cabinet of Ministers after completion of the meeting of the Government.

Other important issues of state life were also considered and relevant decisions were made in the meeting.

Having concluded the meeting of the Cabinet, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants great successes in their work for further prosperity of our sovereign fatherland.

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