On-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
On-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 12.08.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on a leave on the Caspian coast, held an on-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which the results of work done in the country over the past seven months of this year were summed up, and some issues were considered.

Having announced the agenda, the head of state first gave the floor for the report to Cabinet Deputy Chairman H. Geldimyradov, who reported on macroeconomic indicators for January-July 2022.

According to the performance results for seven months, due to successfully carried out comprehensive measures, a sustainable GDP growth rate was maintained. During the period under review, the overall volume of manufactured products increased by 11.5 percent compared to the same period last year. Positive indicators have been achieved in all sectors of the economy.

The retail trade turnover in January-July was 10.4 percent more than in the relevant period of 2021. Thanks to the implementation of the foreign economic strategy based on the principles of mutually beneficial international cooperation, the foreign trade turnover had grown by 39 percent, as compared to the same period last year, due to an increase in exports and imports.

The execution of the State Budget revenue over the past seven months amounted to 103.6 percent, while that of the expenditure totaled 97.4 percent. 81.5 percent of the State Budget funds were allocated to finance the social sector.

As for large and medium-sized enterprises, the average monthly salary increased by 10.4 percent compared to the same period last year. Wages, pensions, state benefits and student scholarships have been fully funded.

The amount of assimilated investments from all sources of funding totaled 13.4 billion manats.

Since the beginning of the year, as part of the implementation of the National Rural Program, the construction of social facilities, housing, water treatment facilities, as well as engineering systems has been carried out in the country.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specified that the economic, financial and banking complexes are among the leading sectors of the economy. In this context, emphasis was placed on the necessity to step up the process of introducing digital technologies and innovations into these areas.

Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov delivered a report on the results of work done by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in January-July this year.

During the indicated period, the target-focused activities were carried out to consistently implement the foreign policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan, address the objectives set by the head of state, and fulfill the relevant instructions.

Special importance is attached to visits, negotiations and high-level meetings in the development of constructive cooperation on regional and international scales. As was reported in this regard, the President of the Republic of India paid a state visit to Turkmenistan, and a working visit of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation took place in April. During the period under review, the President of Turkmenistan paid official visits to the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as a state visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

An important event was the Sixth Caspian Summit held in the Turkmen capital city on June 29 under the chairmanship of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

During the period under report, the President of Turkmenistan had telephone conversations with the leaders of a number of countries.

As was reported, on June 7, Turkmenistan was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which shows the high prestige of our Homeland in the world arena.

Bilateral consultations between foreign ministries have had a systematic character.

During the period under review, meetings and negotiations were held on the development of mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation with foreign partners, including within the joint Intergovernmental Commissions and other relevant agencies.

The Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs also reported on the preparations for the upcoming International Conference at the level of Ministers of Transport of landlocked developing countries to take place in the Avaza National Tourist Zone on August 15-16.

In this regard, the Vice-Premier, Foreign Minister reported on the programme of the Forum, convened on the initiative of Turkmenistan under the UN auspices. As was reported, delegations from 39 countries and 34 international organizations are currently expected to attend the Conference.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of carrying out further systematic work to implement the Foreign Policy Course Concept of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022-2028. In this context, the head of state gave the Vice-Premier, Foreign Minister a number of specific instructions.

Then, Cabinet Deputy Chairman Sh. Abdrahmanov reported on the results of work carried out in the areas under his supervision in January-July this year.

Information was provided as part of the report that the plan for the extraction of oil and gas condensate, including by the State Concern “Türkmennebit”, was fulfilled 100.7 percent. The targets met totaled 111.2 percent for providing oil and gas condensate, 110.2 percent for oil refining, and 117.4 percent, 112.2 percent, 125.6 percent, 115.2 percent and 115 percent for production of gasoline, diesel fuel, polypropylene, lubricating oils and liquefied gas, respectively.

During the period under report, the implementation of the plans amounted to 113.6 percent for the extraction of natural and associated gas, and 123.6 percent for the gas exports.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the priority objectives facing the oil and gas complex to further improve the performance of the fuel and energy complex.

Focusing on the need to actively introduce innovative technologies and a digital system into the activities in the fuel and energy complex, which is one of the leading segments of the national economy, the head of state gave the Vice-Premier specific instructions to provide the coordinated work of specialized agencies in this area.

Cabinet Deputy Chairman Ch. Purchekov reported on the results of work carried out over seven months since the beginning of this year by the construction, industrial and electric power complexes, the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa”, the State Agency for Management of the Construction of Motorways and the Ashgabat City Hyakimlik.

Thus, for the period under review, the production and work plan in the construction and industrial sector was completed 152.5 percent.

The Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled the work plan 114.7 percent in January-July this year.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production fulfilled the production and work plan 167.7 percent.

Since the beginning of the year, the target for the work carried out and services rendered by the Ministry of Energy has been met at the rate of 128.4 percent.

The growth rate of electricity production amounted to 112.8 percent, and its exports totaled 141.3 percent.

During the period under report, the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” fulfilled the plan for the production of goods and services rendered 181.1 percent.

The State Agency for Management of the Construction of Motorways completed the work and services plan 100.9 percent.

As for the Ashgabat City Khyakimlik, the targets for the work performed and services provided over seven months of this year was met at the rate of 120.3 percent.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of keeping control over the issues related to the consistent modernization of activities and increasing the production capabilities of the supervised sectors, having given the Vice-Premier relevant instructions.

Then Cabinet Deputy Chairman A. Yazmyradov reported on the results of activities carried out in the supervised sectors over the past seven months of the current year, and the progress of agricultural work in the country.

The production growth in the agro-industrial complex totaled 108.1 percent, as compared to the same period last year. These figures amounted to 108.5 percent for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Preservation, 104.1 percent for the State Committee for Water Resources, and 103.3 percent for the “Türkmenatlary” State Association.

The execution of a plan for the assimilation of investments by all sectoral agencies totaled 161.4 percent.

Currently, seasonal agricultural work is in progress in the velayats. Comprehensive preparations are under way for the winter grains sowing, as well as the upcoming cotton harvest campaign. Appropriate steps are taken to supply agricultural land with irrigation water.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov charged the Deputy Prime Minister with continuing work to make the maximum use of the production potential of agricultural enterprises and increase the efficiency of their performance.

Highlighting the importance of thorough preparation for the upcoming agricultural campaigns, which is the key to gathering plentiful harvests, the President of Turkmenistan also focused on taking appropriate steps to widely introduce advanced technologies and water-saving methods in the agro-industrial complex.

Cabinet Deputy Chairman B. Atdaev reported on the results of work done over seven months in the supervised trade and textile industries, and the business sector.

As for the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the increase in trade over the period under report amounted to 103.5 percent, and the production growth rate totaled 107.9 percent, as compared to the same period last year.

The growth rates in terms of the products manufactured by the enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, 134.3 and 129.8 percent for cotton yarn and fabrics, respectively, 114.7 percent for garments and knitwear, and 107.7 percent for leather products.

The production plan for the State Association “Türkmenhaly” was fulfilled 119.9 percent.

The State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange held 172 trading sessions and registered 21 thousand 92 contracts in January-July. As for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the growth rate of work performed amounted to 113.6 percent. During the period under review, 11 exhibitions and 33 conferences were organized.

As for the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the production growth rates over the past seven months totaled 167.9 percent for agricultural and food products, and 109.2 percent for industrial goods.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out the need to establish new industries in the relevant sectors, enhance their capacities and encourage private business, having given specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister.

Further, Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyev reported on the results of activities in supervised institutions over 7 months of the year, as well as on the preparations for the International Conference at the level of ministers of transport of developing landlocked countries.

The growth rate for this complex in the period under report was 112.7 percent for the work performed and services rendered.

The plan in the field of freight traffic by road, rail, air, sea and river transport was fulfilled 111.2 percent, with a 109.2 percent execution in terms of cargo turnover.

The growth rates for the provision of services in January-July totaled as follows for the agencies:

“Türkmendemirýollary” - 111.2 percent;

“Türkmenawtoulaglary” - 133.5 percent;

“Türkmenhowaýollary” - 120 percent;

“Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” - 113.7 percent; and

“Türkmenaragatnaşyk” - 107.5 percent.

Reporting on the preparations for the Conference, the Agency head informed that the units of the UN, the State Customs Service, the transport and communications complex, the Postal Service Company “Türkmenpoçta”, the “Türkmen halkara awtoulagly daşaýjylarynyň assosiasiýasy” EC, the “Türkmenistanyň Ulag-logistika merkezi” OJSC, the “Deňiz söwda floty” CJSC and other organizations will make presentations in the passenger ferry terminal of the Turkmenbashy International Seaport on their achievements, infrastructural capacities of the transport sector, international partnership, and the introduction of a digital system.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the importance of properly organizing the activities in all areas of the complex and consistently increasing the transport and transit potential of our country.

The head of state gave instructions to organize high-level exhibitions timed to coincide with the forum at the Turkmenbashy seaport, airport and at the venue for the Conference.

Cabinet Deputy Chairman N. Amannepesov reported on the work carried out over seven months of this year in the fields of education, science, healthcare and sports.

It was reported that in the period under review, students and young people, having successfully performed at international subject and Internet contests, won medals.

Since the beginning of the ongoing year, the country’s universities hosted international Internet contests, and competitions such as “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”, “Ýylyň terbiýeçisi-2022”, “Ýylyň mugallymy-2022” and “Talyp gözeli-2022”.

The educators had been improving their professional skills. Opportunities were provided for 15 thousand 70 children to have rest in three shifts in the summer season.

Entrance exams to higher educational institutions and secondary vocational schools, conducted in accordance with the Decree of the head of state, are under way.

The International Scientific Conference “Science, Technology and Innovations in the Period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State” and a ceremony to award the winners of the competition of scientific works among the youth of Turkmenistan were held.

Work in various fields of medicine was continued in the diseases treatment and prevention institutions of the country. In accordance with the Decree issued by the head of state, the construction project of an enterprise for processing licorice root had been launched.

The ceremonies of opening a multi-type hospital in the city of Turkmenbashy, a multi-type and oncological hospital in the city of Dashoguz were held.

During the period under report, athletes took part in various international competitions, where they won 87 medals.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the importance of the work ongoing in the areas supervised by the Deputy Prime Minister, giving specific instructions on its organization to meet the present-day requirements.

Cabinet Deputy Chairwoman M. Mammedova reported on the results of work carried out in the supervised areas over the past seven months of the current year.

Various cultural events were held to celebrate the motto of the year, as well as national holidays and festivities on the occasion of the opening of social facilities. Several creative competitions were announced.

During the period under report, the “State Program on the Careful Preservation of Facilities of the National Historical and Cultural Heritage, their Protection and Study, and Attracting Tourists to them for 2022-2028” was approved, as well as the Decree on granting the legal status of “National” or “Academic” to the theaters and “National” to the museums of the country.

In order to ensure the high organizational level of events on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, an organizing committee was set up, which held two meetings.

During the period under review, the Ministry of Culture prepared the books “Türkmen keşdeçilik sungaty” and “Türkmenistanyň gadymyýeti: ylmy barlaglar we ýadygärlikleriň rejelenilişi”, published in Turkmen, Russian and English.

Work was continued to inscribe the versatile national presentations on the relevant UNESCO lists.

The theater festival in Ashgabat and the Week of Culture in the Mary Velayat were successfully held. Large-scale celebrations were held on the occasion of the Day of Culture and Art Workers, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to further improve the performance of cultural institutions, giving a number of specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister in this regard.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G. Mammedova informed about the work carried out since the beginning of the year to improve national legislation.

The Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh expressed, on behalf of the younger generation and the population of Esenguly etrap, gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the recently opened modern children’s entertainment center “Arkadagyň nesilleri”, which was another illustration of Turkmenistan’s reputation as a country of happy childhood.

In addition, activities are carried out to explain the meaning of the adopted legislative documents and the domestic and foreign policy of the state, and popularize national traditions, historical and cultural values of our people, as well as to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh K. Babayev informed about the work being carried out to further improve the legal system in the country.

Since the beginning of the year, three sessions of the first convocation of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan have been held, during which a number of laws have been discussed and approved.

Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, being in the velayats of the country on working trips, and meeting with workers in various industries, farmers and youth, learns about the social and living conditions of the population, including opportunities for work, study and harmonious development, and identifies new problems requiring amendments to legislation.

International events held include the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the exceptional importance of further work to strengthen the legal and regulatory framework, which is improved taking into account the priority objectives of socio-economic development of the state in the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State.

Addressing then the meeting participants, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated everyone on the Day of the Caspian Sea, saying that the events on this significant occasion strengthen the status of the Caspian Sea as a sea of peace and friendship. In this regard, the head of state emphasized the importance of strengthening international cooperation in the Caspian Sea, giving the relevant leaders specific instructions.

The international conference of transport ministers of landlocked developing countries to take place on the Caspian Sea coast on August 15-16 is a reflection of the harmonious development of international partnership and relations of our state, the enhancing of the role of Turkmenistan as a center for holding international forums, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, stressing the importance of a responsible and integrated approach to its organization.

Speaking about development of the country’s economy, the President of Turkmenistan specified with satisfaction that the GDP growth rate according to the performance results over the past seven months of this year had been maintained at the level of 6.1 percent.

The head of state focused on the relevance of the issues related to carrying out work in the production sectors of the economy in accordance with the requirements of the present time, and increasing their capacities. It is necessary to attach great importance to the issues of increasing the pace of work in the production branches of the domestic industrial complex, agriculture, the energy sector, the fuel and energy complex, and the processing industry, while developing the export potential and private entrepreneurship in the country, the President of Turkmenistan said, giving the relevant leaders a number of instructions on the matter.

Focusing on the activities ongoing in the fields of science, education, healthcare, sports and youth policy, as well as in public organizations, the head of state underscored the necessity to make every effort to successfully implement the fundamental reforms launched in these sectors. In addition, the importance of ensuring a high organizational level of the 7th Congress of the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly to be held on September 1, was emphasized.

Dwelling upon the topic, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of timely and proper preparation of the cultural program of events to be organized to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the glorious independence of the Homeland. Saying that mass cultural events on the occasion of the state holiday must be filled with joyful and unforgettable moments, the President of Turkmenistan gave a number of specific instructions to the relevant leaders.

Reminding that September is rich in significant events of great historical importance in the life of the country, the head of state stressed that preparations for them, especially for a session of the State Council of Turkmenistan to take place on September 23, must begin now. Important issues of further development of our sovereign state will be considered at the forum, and therefore it is necessary to take all measures to hold it at a high level, the President of the country said.

A number of other issues of state life were considered at the on-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of work done in the country over the past seven months of this year, on which appropriate decisions were made.

Concluding the on-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished all participants sound health, family wellbeing and great success in their work for the further prosperity of the sovereign Homeland.

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