President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of a new high-tech project
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of a new high-tech project
Published 20.07.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the solemn opening ceremony of the Power Equipment Repair and Service Centre built in Buzmeyin district of the capital.

The participants of the ceremony with great inspiration welcome President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who has arrived in the newly built facility.

The prevailing festive atmosphere there augmented with the inspiring vocal and choreographic composition performed by masters of art.

To the applause of the gathered, the President of Turkmenistan cuts the traditional ribbon and opens the new project.

Entering the administration building of the Centre, the head of the state proceeded to the conference hall where a solemn meeting took place.

Addressing participants of the ceremony and workers of the sector, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that an important project - Power Equipment Repair and Service Centre, is commissioned into operation in Buzmeyin district of Ashgabat city.

In our country, the head of the state said, great attention is attached to development of the power energy sector and strengthening of its material and technical basis. In recent years, in all regions of our country, a number of new modern power stations have been built. At present, a number of large-scale projects are also under realization in the given sector. The construction of the inland power grid system of the country and power transmission line of Turkmenistan–Afghanistan –Pakistan continues.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov further underlined, a large-scale work carried out in our country enables to develop reliable energy capacities. It creates favourable conditions for export of surplus power energy and diversification of routes of its delivery.

The Centre being opened today, has a great significance for the sector. It is designated for repair of main equipment of powerful energy projects built in all regions of our country that enable to shorten time and save expenditures on the given services as well as will facilitate the training of highly qualified specialists for the relevant sector, the head of the state marked.

The construction of the Centre was carried out by «Çalik Enerji» company. Here optimal conditions are provided for work. In this connection, the head of Turkmenistan made a special emphasis that arrangement of repair and reconstruction work fully meets ecological requirements. The Centre is equipped with advanced technologies of General Electric American Company. With its commissioning into operation here over 120 workplaces have been created. Before starting to work, specialists have undergone refresher courses in foreign countries.

Further, the floor was given to Chairman of the Board of Directors of the group of companies «Çalik Holding» Ahmet Chalyk, who underlined that the high-tech Centre which is put into exploitation today, was built at the initiative of Hero Arkadag as well as thanks to the efforts and support of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

It was pointed out that in the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State under the leadership of the head of Turkmenistan the power energy sector of the country dynamically develops. Efficient measures are taken to create new energy systems, great achievements were made to solve goals in this sphere. In addition to full supply of local customers with power energy, purpose oriented steps are made to diversify the export of power energy. At present, the given sector of the economy of Turkmenistan relying on innovative technologies, displays high paces of growth.

Further, Deputy Head of General Electric Gas Power Europe (USA) Brice Raisin spoke. Addressing the President of Turkmenistan, the guest noted that it is a great honour for him to participate in the opening ceremony of the new Power Equipment Repair and Service Center.

As was underlined, «General Electric» is proud that it is an active partner of our country for over 25 years in the power energy sector. It was pointed out that in recent years, «General Electric» has become a witness of significant achievements and progress in Turkmenistan.

Further, in the solemn atmosphere the Deputy-Head of «General Electric Gas Power Europe» handed the new production complex the Certificate of permission for application of technologies of «General Electric» (USA) in the Power Equipment Repair and Service Centre.

Further, the floor was given to representative of «The London Energy Club» (Great Britain) in USA Hubert Wilson Watson. Having expressed his acknowledgment to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the given opportunity to take part in the ceremony of commissioning of the Power Equipment Repair and Service Centre into operation, the guest handed the Centre the Certificate of «The London Energy Club» as single service Centre of this profile in Central Asia as well as an advanced project and engineering complex.

The next to speak was Professor of the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (FRG) Harald Apel, who also expressed his gratitude to the head of the state for the invitation to participate in the opening of the Power Equipment Repair and Service Centre, meeting the world standards. To the applause of the present, on behalf of the Institute the guest handed the Centre the Certificate granted for introduction of sustainable and advanced technologies.

Further, the floor was given to Head of Energy at the branch of TUV (Germany) in the Republic of Austria Anton Lepikson. Having expressed his acknowledgment to the President of Turkmenistan for the given opportunity to participate in today’s solemnity, the guest informed on the decision of «TUV AUSTRIA» to grant the Centre built in Buzmeyin district of Ashgabat city the Certificate of confirmation of high quality. To the applause of the gathered, Mr Anton Lepikson handed the Centre the Certificate.

Further, Professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Federal Republic of Germany) Bernd Reinhold Rosin spoke. Having expressed his acknowledgment to the head of the state for the invitation to take part in the solemn ceremony, the guest informed on the decision of the above mentioned university – one of the largest ones in Germany – to hand the Centre being opened in Ashgabat the Certificate as ecologically clean project, which does not make any harm to the environment and handed it to the applause of the present.

Upon completion of the presentation of the Certificates, a video film was shown to the attention of the President of Turkmenistan and the participants of the ceremony, which allows them to get a visual representation of the activities of the Centre, the purpose and main characteristics of its technical equipment.

The construction of the project located on the area of 3 hectares, according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan signed in 2019, was carried out by «Çalik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.» Turkish company. In its building, both local and foreign specialists were involved. The Centre provides all necessary conditions for efficient work and houses 55 units of specialized equipment. The infrastructure of the complex includes profile shops, a laboratory, an administration building, a conference hall, archives, and a warehouse, technical, auxiliary and other necessary premises. It also has a medical Centre, a kitchen and a canteen for workers.

The Centre built in Buzmeyin district of Ashgabat city is a unique enterprise in Central Asia designated for repair and service of gas turbines of «General Electric» on the basis of advanced technologies. All the work here will be of high quality and under a strict control over ecological standards.

Upon the completion of video film screening, the head of the state headed towards the repair shop. Here a specialist by hologram familiarized President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with details of the given work.

So, a large image in the format of 5D on the sample of one of the modifications of gas turbines of «General Electric» enables to trace visually the technological sequence of process which includes a number of different operations. It includes: preliminary cleaning and diagnostics of equipment, correction of mechanical defects, welding, application of heat and cold resistant coatings, tempering of parts in the vacuum furnace and others. Upon completion of repair of the equipment, it is tested.

On behalf of the workers of the Centre, the specialist expressed to the head of Turkmenistan his sincere gratitude for the efforts made with a view of development of power energy sector strengthening of economic power of the fatherland and ensuring of happy life of people.

Further, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov walked around the shop and was interested in its equipment and technologies. Here specialists informed the head of the state in detail on specification of work and types of work carried out there.

The Centre is equipped with advanced profile technologies, including ones designated for testing, control, and cleaning of parts of gas turbines with various methods. It has also a welding booth with an air vent and filters which eliminate gaseous and smoke emission during welding. The booth for mechanical treatment of parts is equipped with the aspiration system of metal chips. All this ensures safety of workers.

At the disposal of workers of the Centre are modern types of such machine tools as turning lathe, drilling machine, electroerosion machine, electroerosion metal cutting machine, tape and polishing machines which enable to perform relevant operations with high accuracy.

Plate-measuring machine and three position machine for machining function on the basis of digital technologies.

With the help of borescope one can examine and diagnose parts of gas turbines inside without disassembling through 4 millimetre video camera.

The stand for test for tension operated by the software is used for determination of physical characters of metals.

There are also systems for detection of invisible defects of repaired equipment v with application of the method of spraying of special indicator substance - fluorescent material or red penetrant.

For relevant types of work is designated the industrial robot by «FANUC Robotics Europe S.A.» – one of the leading world companies in the field of automation of production.

The Centre has a vacuum furnace designated for tempering of parts of repowered equipment of gas turbines by heat treatment before and after welding as well as for recovery of crystal lattice. Another specialized furnace is designed for heat treatment of cutting blades of gas turbines. There are also other profile tools, equipment and apparatus.

Upon arrival of power equipment in the Centre, first it is tested, types of necessary work is determined and then, it is sent to relevant shops.

Having expressed his acknowledgment to the President of Turkmenistan for the modern Centre, specialists wished Arkadagly Serdar sound health, long life and great successes in his large-scale work for the benefit of our fatherland and people.

Upon completion of his familiarization with the Centre, by the traditionally established noble custom, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a memorable note in the book of honoured guests.

The President of the country presented the Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan with the keys to new official vehicles intended for a new production facility.

After warmly saying goodbye to the participants of the celebration and wishing success in their work to the employees of the Power Equipment Repair and Service Centre, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left the place.

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