Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 11.06.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, having considered draft documents and a number of issues.

Opening the meeting, the head of state congratulated the members of the Government and all the people on the Day of Science, which is widely celebrated in our country.

In our independent Motherland, cardinal reforms have been implemented in a short period of time by historical standards, aimed at consistently strengthening the base of the field of science and bringing it to the world level, as well as improving human capital, the President of the country emphasized.

The institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the Center for Technology, higher schools, experimental scientific and research and production institutes under ministries and industry departments, scientific centers have created the most favorable conditions for scientific research, the widespread introduction of innovative technologies, advanced methods and experience into production, training profile workers and specialists.

As noted, fruitful cooperation has been established with authoritative international organizations and foreign states in the field of science, education and innovative technologies, which also contributed to strengthening the place of our country in the international scientific and educational space.

Large-scale activities to protect the ancient material and spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people, its scientific study and popularization in the world, the great traditions of humanism transmitted from generation to generation, the harmonious development of society based on cultural and spiritual values - all this contributed to the triumph of our scientific and cultural diplomacy in the world level, the head of state continued.

Once again, heartily congratulating the members of the Government and, in their person, all scientists, representatives of the scientific community on the Day of Science, widely celebrated in the Year of the “Era of the People with Arkadag”, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone good health, longevity, happiness and prosperity, and the workers of the scientific new successes in scientific and creative activity.

Turning to the agenda, the head of state gave the first floor to the chairwoman of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh G. Mammedova, who informed about the ongoing activities to further improve the domestic legislative and legal framework in accordance with the priority areas of the state policy of Turkmenistan.

Inter-parliamentary cooperation and interaction with international organizations are being strengthened. In this regard, it was reported that meetings were held in the Mejlis with the First Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, the Chair of the UN Sustainable Development Group, Ms. Amina Mohammed, as well as with the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan.

In order to successfully solve the problems of implementing the domestic and foreign policy of Turkmenistan, patriotic education of youth, preserving the ancestral traditions and family values of the nation, forming the legal and environmental culture of the society, approving the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the deputies of the Mejlis carry out active explanatory and propaganda work, including through Mass Media.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh K. Babayev informed about the comprehensive steps taken to modernize national legislation in the context of providing the legal basis for progressive reforms being implemented in our country in a new historical era.

In this direction, members of the Halk Maslakhaty, together with deputies of the Mejlis, as well as representatives of ministries and sectoral departments, carry out coordinated activities to develop, analyze and improve draft laws relating to various spheres of the life of the state and society.

Then the Chairman of the Mejlis and Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh cordially congratulated the head of Turkmenistan on the good news - the publication of the Ashgabat Declaration of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation, adopted in the Turkmen capital on May 12, 2022, as an official document of the 76th session of the General Assembly of the Organization United Nations.

Thanking for the congratulations and emphasizing that this fact is clear evidence of the fruitful nature of our country's cooperation with the Community of Nations, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction that the traditional partnership with the UN is annually filled with new concrete content. Neutral Turkmenistan, the head of state said, will continue to take an active and proactive position in the development of constructive cooperation with the United Nations, including through the inter-parliamentary line.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mukhammedov reported on the results of the working visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to Dushanbe on the instructions of the head of state on June 7th this year to participate in the Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” on the topic “Stimulation of action and partnership in the field of water resources at the local, national, regional and global levels”.

The Deputy Prime Minister conveyed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov warm greetings and best wishes sent by President Emomali Rahmon.

At the opening of this significant forum, the comprehensive measures taken under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan to develop regional and international cooperation in the water sector, as well as the ongoing targeted work on the efficient and rational use of water resources, were noted.

During the conference, an overview of the implementation of the SDGs in this important area was given, as well as issues related to the introduction of innovative technologies in water resources management, the coordination of ongoing joint measures in the field of water supply and the improvement of the quality of information in relevant areas.

A number of bilateral meetings took place during the visit. The subjects of discussion were the assessment of the current state of relations, as well as the possibility of further development of mutually beneficial and equal bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the participation of the delegation of Turkmenistan in such a significant forum dedicated to one of the pressing issues on the global agenda. Our country, steadily following the primordial principles, will continue large-scale work in this direction, the head of state said, having addressed the vice-premier with a number of relevant instructions.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrakhmanov reported on the practical steps taken to provide the oil and gas complex with material and technical means.

One of the important tasks in the production of Turkmen natural gas, supplying it to consumers and increasing its exports, is bringing natural gas produced at the Galkynyş field to a commercial level. In this context, a draft Resolution “On the purchase of chemicals, catalysts and ceramic balls by the State Concern Türkmengaz” has been prepared, according to which it is envisaged to conclude an appropriate agreement.

After listening to the report, the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the implementation of projects related to gas chemical complexes for the production of products that are in high demand on the world market. In this context, it was emphasized that one of the priorities is to increase the capacity of this sector through the use of best practices and innovative technologies.

Having signed the Decree and sent it via digital system, the President of the country addressed the Vice-premier with relevant instructions.

Then the Deputy Head of the Government reported on the ongoing measures to modernize the material and technical base of the fuel and energy complex, to regularly provide production facilities with the necessary funds. In this regard, a draft Decree on the purchase of various sizes of pipe products has been prepared. It is planned to use tubular products in the construction of new oil wells.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that accelerated development of oil and gas fields and drilling of new wells are being carried out in our country. For this, favorable conditions are being created, primarily related to equipping this complex with modern equipment and technical installations.

Having signed the presented Decree, the head of Turkmenistan sent it to the vice-premier via digital system, instructing him to keep the implementation of the provisions of this document under strict control.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers A. Yazmyradov reported on the progress of seasonal field work in the country's velayats. The wheat harvest continues, the cotton fields are fertilized with mineral fertilizers and vegetative irrigation is carried out.

A draft resolution “On the organization of sugar beet production in Turkmenistan in 2022” was submitted for consideration by the head of state. According to the document, in total this year it is planned to sow 17 thousand 900 hectares of land and get 224 thousand tons of sugar beets, including in the Balkan velayat - from 3 thousand hectares - 24 thousand tons, and in the Mary region - from 14 thousand 900 hectares - 200 thousand tons of this agricultural crop.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that providing the population with a variety of agricultural products of their own production is one of the key tasks of the agro-industrial complex. The head of state addressed the vice-premier with a number of instructions to ensure strict observance of the norms of agricultural technology in agricultural work, primarily during the harvest season, as well as high-quality and timely care for cotton.

Having signed the relevant Decree, the head of state sent it to the Vice-premier via the digital system, instructing the hyakims of the velayats to control the fulfillment of the obligations specified in this document.

In continuation of the report, the Deputy Prime Minister said that, in accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan regarding the efficiency and rationality of the use of water resources, increasing water reserves, analyzing the Amudarya and Karakum rivers and improving their water flow, as well as supplying the population with clean drinking water through the construction of desalination plants, It is planned to create a Government Commission for the country's water supply.

In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted to the head of state a draft resolution “On the establishment of the Government Commission for Water Supply of Turkmenistan”.

Summing up the report, Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave a number of instructions regarding ensuring the quality level of the work performed, in accordance with agrotechnical requirements in the field of agriculture, rational use of water resources, and efficient operation of equipment.

Having signed and sent the presented document to the Vice-premier via the digital system, the President of Turkmenistan instructed to carry out the relevant organizational work.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the work carried out by the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” to increase the production capacity of factories.

As a result of the ongoing industrialization, powerful factories using innovative technologies were regularly put into operation in the country, thousands of new jobs were created.

In accordance with the instructions of the head of state, the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa” is constantly working to increase the production capacity of factories, as well as direct purchases of the necessary equipment directly from foreign manufacturers.

Reliable, uninterrupted operation of technological equipment installed at the production facilities of the concern has a direct impact on production capacity, so its repair must be carried out on time in accordance with the technical regulations provided by the manufacturer.

In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted proposals for the consideration of the head of state on the purchase of equipment necessary for enterprises in the chemical industry directly from manufacturing companies.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the uninterrupted functioning of domestic chemical complexes, whose products are in high demand, both in the domestic and foreign markets. In general, approving the submitted proposals, the head of state addressed the vice-premier with specific instructions related to carrying out relevant work in this direction in the future.

The Deputy Prime Minister was also instructed to exercise strict control over the activities of the industries he supervises and, in particular, over the full raw materials and technical equipment of the enterprises of the domestic chemical industry, which is one of the basic sectors of the national economy.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdaev reported on the use of the objects of the National Pavilion of Turkmenistan, built at the World Exhibition “EXPO-2020” in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

The Vice Prime Minister said that on March 31st, 2022, the international review completed its work and, therefore, the organizing committee in Dubai proposes to exhibit the National Pavilion of Turkmenistan for five years. It is expected that its work will become a platform for the promotion and sale of domestic products, business meetings and forums.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that with the improvement of the situation in the world related to the coronovirus, it is necessary to continue organizing international exhibitions in our country on various topics, requesting the Deputy Prime Minister to ensure instructions on this matter.

It is also necessary to return to the issue of opening shopping centers in foreign countries and cities, which will increase the volume of exports of goods and create new jobs, the head of state emphasized, instructing to report on the work done in this direction.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the preparations for the upcoming Week of Culture.

The program of the creative action, which, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, will be held on June 22-27 in the Mary velayat, includes various events, including a conference, concerts of masters of art, premiere screenings of feature films and creative meetings with representatives of national cinematography, excursions to historical and cultural monuments of the region, methodical classes, etc.

As part of the week of culture, it is planned to hold field seminars and an international scientific and methodological meeting on the digital system.

Various meaningful events are organized on the occasion of the Day of workers of culture and art, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi.

Magtymguly opera will be shown at the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater. It is planned to lay flowers at the monument to Magtymguly Fragi in the capital and in all regions of the country.

In this context, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted relevant plans for consideration by the head of state.

Summing up the report, the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of the upcoming Week of Culture and festive events in the Mary velayat for improving the core area, widely popularizing the national heritage, stimulating creative activity among the Turkmen youth, giving appropriate instructions on this matter.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toylyev reported on the results of the competition of scientific works among young scientists of Turkmenistan, presenting a draft of the relevant Resolution for consideration by the head of state.

The competition of scientific papers among young people, annually held by the Academy of Sciences and the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization on the occasion of the Day of Science, a holiday solemnly celebrated at a high level, is aimed at supporting and stimulating young scientists.

In the year passing under the motto “The era of the people with Arkadag”, the intellectual competition was held in 6 priority areas of science and technology. Among them - nanotechnology, chemical technology, the study of new materials and energy; Biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics; Information and communication systems, computer technologies; Technologies of modern medicine and production of medicines; Innovative economy; Humanitarian sciences.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of state support for a new generation of Turkmen scientists, expanding areas and improving the efficiency of scientific research conducted in all sectors of the economy, wide use of the potential of research institutes and universities of the country.

Having approved and signed the submitted Decree, the Head of the State sent it through the digital system, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to continue active work on professional training and stimulation of young scientists and highly qualified specialists who meet the increased requirements of the time.

The President of the country instructed to explain to the population through the media - newspapers and television - when and where it is necessary to wear a medical mask, and in what places it can be removed.

Then the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov, who, introducing the report, cordially congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the Day of Science solemnly celebrated in our country.

As noted, this significant date of the national calendar is intended to contribute to raising the level of the domestic sphere of science and education. Today, at the state level, great importance is attached to improving the activities of research and production institutions, research centers and institutes. In this context, among the urgent tasks are the optimization of scientific research, the stimulation of scientific discoveries and the scaling up of the process of introducing modern practical achievements in this area into production.

Noting that the initiatives promoted by Turkmenistan in the field of science and education are gaining wide support from international organizations, especially UNESCO, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister R. Meredov, on behalf of the members of the Government and personally, once again congratulated the President of the country on the Day of Science.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Head of the Foreign Ministry R. Meredov also congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the success of his first official visit to the Russian Federation, during which a Declaration was signed on deepening the strategic partnership between the two fraternal countries, as well as on being awarded the high state award of the Russian Federation - the Order Friendship.

During the visit, members of the Government and heads of ministries and sectoral departments of Turkmenistan met with representatives of the relevant structures of Russia, during which a package of documents was signed to intensify bilateral and multilateral cooperation. This will bring bilateral cooperation to a new qualitative level.

In addition, it was noted that good news came from the UN about the publication of the Ashgabat Declaration of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation, held on the initiative of the Hero Arkadag in Ashgabat on May 12th, 2022, as an official document of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly. Warmly congratulating the head of Turkmenistan on this significant event, the Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wished Arkadaglu Serdar good health, longevity and great success in his large-scale activities for the benefit of the Motherland and people.

Along with this, R. Meredov announced the good news - by unanimous decision, our country was elected Vice-Chairman of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, and congratulated the President of the country on this significant event, which is another confirmation of the high assessment of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan, conducted under the leadership of the head of state, and the results of extensive large-scale reforms.

As you know, our Fatherland consistently promotes undertakings in the interests of achieving common goals. The United Nations adopted 18 resolutions initiated by Turkmenistan, the members of the Community of Nations fully support our proposals, which testifies to the growing authority of the Turkmen state in the international arena.

Congratulating the head of state on this gratifying event, the Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wished President Serdar Berdimuhamedov good health, longevity and success in his state activities.

Accepting with satisfaction the information about the good news that came to our country from the United Nations Headquarters, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov cordially congratulated everyone on a significant event - the unanimous election of Turkmenistan as Vice-Chairman of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.

As the head of state emphasized, we regard this as eloquent evidence that the foreign policy of the Motherland, based on the principles of positive neutrality, is widely supported by the world community. The policy of permanent neutrality pursued by our country has opened up new areas of cooperation with the United Nations. Implementing large-scale reforms in all areas, Turkmenistan puts forward innovative initiatives, making a significant contribution to the development of effective international partnership.

The UN assists in the implementation of the initiatives of our country related to ensuring peace and security, strengthening economic stability in the regional and global dimensions, guaranteeing the reliability of energy transportation to world markets, protecting the environment and other issues on the international agenda.

This clearly demonstrates the great interest and full support of the foreign policy and current initiatives of the Motherland on the part of all states of the planet and authoritative international organizations, primarily the UN, the President said.

Once again, congratulating the compatriots on the unanimous election of Turkmenistan as Vice-Chairman of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, the head of state wished everyone good health, prosperity and great success in their work for the sake of the prosperity of the neutral Motherland.

Further, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister R. Meredov noted that today, under the far-sighted leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, great importance is attached to the development of cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

As emphasized, the People's Republic of China is one of the active and reliable partners of Turkmenistan in Asia.

R. Meredov also reported on the results of the working trip (business trip) of the delegation of our country to Nur-Sultan, which took place on behalf of the head of state, within the framework of which they took part in the meeting of the next, third meeting of foreign ministers "Central Asia - China".

As reported, within the framework of the working trip, the Turkmen delegation held talks with representatives of the foreign ministries of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, during which key vectors for the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation were discussed.

As part of the format of cooperation “Central Asia – China”, tasks were outlined for further development of interaction in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the issues of ensuring interregional and international security, maintaining sustainable development. In a number of topical tasks, information security is defined.

In this context, international cooperation plays a key role. At the meeting, the Turkmen side also announced regionally significant initiatives regarding the use of the potential of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, holding meetings of representatives of developing and landlocked countries, and enhancing cooperation between Turkmenistan and the states of Central Asia. At the same time, the important role of the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline in building up interregional cooperation was emphasized.

Positive decisions were made in the field of youth policy and scientific and educational cooperation. As a result of the meeting, four documents were adopted, which testifies to its constructive nature.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized Turkmenistan's commitment to international partnerships, as well as its desire to promote initiatives in the interests of all mankind, which is a factor not only in increasing the international authority of the Fatherland, but also in the progressive development of cooperation built on the principles of mutual understanding and respect.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan would continue to contribute in every possible way to the development of constructive interstate, regional and interregional cooperation, including in the “Central Asia – China” format.

Touching upon the topic of Turkmen-Russian relations, the head of state emphasized their traditionally friendly, strategic nature, which is clearly evidenced by the results of the high-level talks held on June 10 in Moscow. Noting the existence of a solid potential for bilateral cooperation, the practical implementation of which is also intended to be facilitated by a large package of documents signed in the Russian capital, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave relevant instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in this regard.

Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiev reported on the permission to prepare a draft Resolution on the approval of the List of security levels in the transport sector and the procedure for declaring security levels.

It was reported that, in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On transport security”, relevant work is being carried out in this direction together with state institutions.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to continue to further improve work in this important area of the transport industry.

The head of state noted that with the improvement of the situation in the world related to the coronovirus, many countries are opening spaces for international transportation.

In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan instructed the head of the Agency to carry out relevant work to restore international transportation in the near future and report on their results.

At the meeting of the Government, other issues were also considered, a number of documents and necessary decisions aimed at the development of industries were adopted.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the further prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.

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