The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 19.05.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which drafts of documents and a number of issues were considered.

Turning to the agenda of the meeting, the head of the state gave the floor to Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova, who informed on the activities carried out at present.

In accordance with the plan scheduled for May of the current year, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and institution of the State Flag of the country jointly with the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, public organizations and state institutions the scientific practical conference was held.

The work on modernization of the legal basis taking into account priorities of social and economic development of our country, continues.

At present, in accordance with instructions of the President of the country, proposals received from the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Textile of the country on improvement of the Tax Code of Turkmenistan, Customs Code of Turkmenistan, and the Law of Turkmenistan "On foreign investments” are considered.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh K.Babaev delivered the information on the planned work on improvement of national legislation.

It was informed that working groups analyse and develop legislative acts aimed at promotion of socio-economic, democratic reforms, improvement of social and living standards of people, enhancement of economic power and international authority of our country.

In particular, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty, deputies of the Mejlis jointly with specialists of the Ministry of Finance and Economy and its Tax Department are engaged in preparation of bills on amendments and additions to the Tax Code of Turkmenistan and the Laws “On investment activity in Turkmenistan” “On enterprises” ,”On joint-stock associations” ,”On leasing” and “On entrepreneurship activity”.

On May 12-13, the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation and the Dialogue of Women of the States of Central Asia and the Russian Federation were held at high level in Ashgabat.

Members of the Khalk Maslakhaty take an active part in agitation and policy-promotion campaigns, regularly perform in mass media explaining the goals and significance of transformations carried out by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, international initiatives of our country as well as adopted legislative documents.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet M.Muhammedov reported on realization of investments, practical measures taken for timely commissioning of industrial enterprises into operation and creation of new workplaces in the country.

This year, it is planned to commission into operation 52 large industrial and social projects. For January and April months, 59 percent of allotted capital investment was aimed at construction of social projects and 41 percent –industrial projects. At present, complex measures are implemented to increase efficiency of work in the given area.

In addition to it, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported on fulfilment of the instruction on conformation of the tax system with realities of time, amendments and additions to the Tax Code of Turkmenistan given by the President of Turkmenistan at the meeting of the Cabinet on May 13. In this connection, the information on the analytical work carried out by the Ministry of Finance and Economy jointly with profile ministries and sectoral departments, by the results of which a number of proposals were prepared, was also delivered.

Having heard the report, the head of the state noted that efficiency of national tax policy in many respects outlines stability of development of economy of the state creating additional opportunities for further improvement of living standards of Turkmen nationals. In the given context, improvement of profile legislation and modernization of the tax system stand out among priority tasks, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, having his speech, and instructered the Deputy-Chairman to analyse once again articles of the Tax Code, to conform amendments and additions with relevant structures and to submit them for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers after their complete preparation.

Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Government reported on the measures taken with a view of efficient use of state financial funds.

In accordance with the Program “Revival of the New Era of the powerful state: the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052”, it is planned to prepare drafts of the State Budget, Main directions of socio-economic development and Investment program for 2023.

In the given context, preparation of the draft of the relevant Resolution, which will clearly outline the procedure and terms of reports and information to be submitted by ministries, sectoral departments and khyakimliks, is carried out. All the envisaged means and financial and economic indices will be endorsed by relevant Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet and will be analysed in the Ministry of Finance and Economy and considered by the State Statistics Committee.

Having made an emphasis on the importance of all-round approach to preparation of the financial plan of the country for 2023, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the submitted proposal and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions to this end.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported on the activities for the creation of new enterprises and workplaces in the oil and gas complex.

The information on the number of enterprises, buildings of the sector and commissioning of new enterprises into operation as well as established posts and creation of additional workplaces in the fuel and energy complex was delivered.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiyev reported on creation of new enterprises and workplaces as well as the draft of the Decision on payment of expenditures from the special account of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

In the new modern administration centre of Akhal region to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the international high school for horse breeding and scientific and production centre for horse breeding are built. In the given context, it is planned to crate workplaces by commissioning of these two projects into operation in 2022.

In connection with delivery of modem multifunctional tractors, second and third batches of seeding machines and cultivators it is expected to create relevant number of positions for operation of this machinery.

It was reported that the proper care of cotton and other agricultural crops is taken as well as preparation for harvest of grain crops continues.

At present, relevant ministries and sectoral departments of the country have analysed documents on compensation of allowances for services and goods provided to producers of agricultural produce from the special account of the Ministry.

In this connection, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers submitted for consideration the draft of the Decision on payment of expenditures from the special account of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

Having signed the relevant document, the head of the state commissioned him to ensure a constant control over its fulfilment.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on commissioning of industrial enterprises into operation and activities carried out for creation of additional workplaces.

 The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers presented the head of the state the detailed information on the number of enterprises and institutions running in the structure of the ministries and sectoral departments supervised by him as well as established positions.

In particular, the growth of number of new work places as compared to the similar period of the past year was pointed out.

Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers delivered a report on preparation for commissioning of the Centre for repair and service of energy equipment into operation built in Buzmeyin district of Ashgabat city.

At present, here construction and assembly work has come to its final phase. The administration and industrial buildings have been constructed and main equipment has been installed in shops. All the work carried out here is under a strict control.

Specialists of the Centre have undergone training in foreign countries with a view of mastering proper repair and service of advanced technological equipment.

The commissioning of the Centre for repair and service of energy equipment into operation will facilitate repair of equipment operated in power stations of the country and saving of time and preparation of highly qualified local specialists.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Gylyjov reported on commissioning of new industrial enterprises into operation and creation of workplaces.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported that with the commissioning of large high tech textile facilities in Kaka and Babadaykhan districts of Akhal region into operation the new workplaces have been created.

Measures for establishment of lines for production of wool yarns at the Bayramaly textile complex as well as a shop for production of wooden and insulating materials at the Dashoguz cotton-spinning factory are taken.

It was informed that at present, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country have commissioned into operation a number of new industrial enterprises where additional workplaces were also created.

Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported on the ongoing preparation for the holiday of the Turkmen carpet and exhibition of the trade complex.

The draft of the work program in accordance with which it is planned to hold the exhibition devoted to development of carpet, textile and trade sectors, the conference of the World Turkmen Handmade Carpet Connoisseurs Association, awarding ceremony of carpet makers as well as cultural popular events on May 29 was prepared.

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammedova reported on the state of affairs in the sphere of culture including realization of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025 and the State program for development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025. The Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers also reported on creation of new enterprises and workplaces as well as preparation for organization of the festival “Turkmen theatre art”.

Within the framework of improvement of activities of institutions of the sphere of culture, the work on modernization of their material and technical basis and creation of new workplaces is carried out.

Further, the Deputy-Chairwoman reported on organization of the festival “Turkmen theatre art” on May 21-25, having informed that within its framework capital theatres would host shows of different plays, working meetings with participation of heads of theatre collectives and creative workers. In the course of opening of the online festival, it is expected to show speeches of heads and creative collectives of foreign theatres. For consideration of the head of the state, the relevant Plan for the festival was submitted.

Touching upon the theme of organization of the theatre festival, the head of the state approved the submitted Plan and instructed her to hold the creative forum at high level displaying diversity of achievement of national theatre art in full colours.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S.Toylyev reported on the work carried out to open new enterprises, institutions, and creation of additional work places.

In 2022 new institutions of education, health, sports, physical, health and other social projects will be commissioned into operation and it will enable to create thousands of new workplaces all over the country.

Further, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported on preparation for solemnities on the occasion of completion of the academic year 2021-2022, Day of Ashgabat city and ceremony “Last bell” in comprehensive secondary schools with participation of school leavers.

Festive events will start with a flower-laying ceremony at the Monument to Independence and monument to Berdimuhamet Annayev established at secondary school №27 in the village of Yzgant of Gokdepe district of Akhal region.

On this day, all secondary schools will host festive events under the motto “The epoch of people with Arkadag”.

The popular solemn event is expected to hold at the square in front of the State Circus.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the program of upcoming events noting the importance of their organization at high level so that young Turkmen nationals, who will be ushering in adulthood, will have the best pleasant memories of the “Last bell”.

Further, the floor was given to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, minister of foreign affairs R.Meredov who making the report, underlined that President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for many years as diplomat makes a weighty contribution to realization of the foreign policy of our neutral fatherland, development of constructive cooperation with foreign partners including with authoritative international organizations. As co-chairman of bilateral Inter-governmental commissions, the head of the state held a purpose-oriented work for development of fruitful inter-state trade and economic, cultural, and humanitarian cooperation.

In this connection, by the Decree of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for his great contribution to the strengthening the strategic partnership between Russia and Turkmenistan, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was awarded with the Order of Friendship.

Having congratulated the head of the state sincerely with this high award, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, head of the Foreign Ministry wished him sound health, and new great successes in his large-scale activities for the benefit of our fatherland and people.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, minister of foreign affairs R.Meredov reported on the measures taken for intensification of cooperation of our country with foreign partners in the field of intellectual property.

In this connection, it was marked that in solution of the tasks proceeding from the Programme of Development of the Intellectual Property System of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 adopted in December 2020, an important role is given to expansion of cooperation with specialized international organizations, in particular, with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).

For discussion of ways of implementation of above-mentioned proposals, it is suggested to hold in the current month the regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Intellectual Property Security established by the Resolution of the head of the state signed on May 21, 2021.

Having approved the mentioned proposals, the head of the state instructered the Deputy-Chairman, the Foreign Minister to continue a systematic complex work in this area, underlining the importance of exploration of best world practice in this field, harmonization of profile legislative and legal basis of cooperation, its further improvement in compliance with international standards.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency at the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the work carried out for creation of new enterprises and workplaces.

It was informed that at present, there are a number of economic and joint stock associations under the Agency where new workplaces have been created.

It is expected that with purchase of freight diesel locomotives by “Türkmendemirýollary” Agency, cars and mini buses by “Türkmenawtoulaglary” Agency and construction of passenger’s bus terminals and grounds for motor racing as well as training and service centres of “КАМАЗ” in regions, new workplaces will be created.

In addition, “Türkmenhowaýollary” and “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agencies are planning to purchase new airplanes and construct ships, which will create additional workplaces as well.

“Türkmenaragatnaşyk” Agency with expansion of network lines and digital automatic telephone points, introduction of new kinds of postal services, construction of residential houses for workers of the sector and modern administrative building in Akhal region it is also planned to create workplaces.

Having summed up the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that in January-April of 2022, the total volume of capital investment realized by the country at the expense of all sources of financing, made up 7,8 billion manats.

The work on increase in production capacities of sectors and sustainable development of regions, improvement of social and living standards of population is successfully carried out. The state allocates an enormous amount of funds for it.

In the given period, 492 new business entities were registered, 1 thousand 662 new workplaces were provided in regions.

– In spite of the fact that heads of sectors carry out a lot of work, there is still much to do in sectors and regions, to take urgent measures, so, we have a number of tasks ahead, the head of the state underlined.

As it was noted, along with complex transformations aimed at ensuring wellbeing of the fatherland and happiness of people of our country, it is necessary to increase the level of industrialization of sectors of national economy, to intensify institutional reforms, to digitalize economy and introduce digital technologies.

Based upon world practice, natural resources should be used efficiently, competitiveness of national economy should be up significantly, small and medium business should expand more and favourable business conditions should be created. It is necessary to make all efforts out for enhancement of investment activity of sectors, carry out fruitful work for wide attraction of national and international investment, the President of the country continued his speech.

The Turkmen proverb reads “Labour – a source of abundance”. Therefore, our main task is effective use of investments in sectors to create new industrial facilities, additional workplaces in cities and villages and the most remote parts of the country. It is necessary to create all conditions so that people can work honestly and with enthusiasm. We should further take care of rise of wellbeing of our people, the head of the state said in conclusion.

During the session of the Government, other issues were also considered and a number of documents and necessary decisions aimed at development of sectors were adopted.

Having concluded the online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants a good health, family wellbeing and great successes in their work for the benefit of further development and progress of our sovereign fatherland.

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